Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento de Processos Químicos
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Martini, R. F.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; McGreavy, C.; "Visualisation as a Tool to Help to Help Multicomponent Non-Ideal System Caracterisation and Application to Comple Distillation Process", 12/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Moraes, E.B.; Batistella, C.B.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Optimization of Molecular Distillators (Falling Film and Centrifugal): Design and Operating Conditions", 12/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Vasconcelos, C.G.J.; Xavier, P.F.; Broglio, M.I.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Optimization and Control of Heterogeneous Azeotropic Bacth Distillation", 12/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Soares, C.; Barros, A.A.C.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Simulation of a Sieve Plate Column with Ethanol/Water System Using the Nonequilibrium Stage Model", 12/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Resende, E.D.; Tvrzská de Gouvêa, M.; Vasco de Toledo, E.C.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "An Optimizing Procedure of the Heat Load for Heat Transfer with Phase Transition", 12/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Assis, Adilson José; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Identificação de Processos Químicos Não Lineares", 11/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXII CILAMCE, Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2001
  Aznar, Martin; "Predicition of the solubility of solids in supercritical CO2 with a new quadratic generalized mixing rule for cubic equations of state", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5º Congreso Interamericano de Computación Aplicada a la Industria de Processos, Vol. I, pp.318-321, Campos de Jordão, SP, BRASIL, 2001
  Aznar, Martin; Mori, Milton; "Simulación de uma planta de extraccón supercrítica usando el simulador de procesos CHEMCAD", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5º Congreso Interamericano de Computación Aplicada a la Industria de Processos, Vol. 1, pp.436-439, Campos de Jordão, SP, BRASIL, 2001
  Maciel Filho, Rubens; Eduardo, Toledo; Favinha Martini, Rogério; "Influence of Non-Condensable Gases on the Dynamic Behaviour of an Autorefrigerated CSTR Polymerization Reactor", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, pp.14-17, Canadá, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Valenca, Gustavo Paim; Miranda, Everson Alves; Haber Perez, Victor; "Gas-Phase Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate on Supported Lypases", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXIII Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Colorado, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Valenca, Gustavo Paim; Pires, E.L.; Miranda, Everson Alves; "Gas-Phase Enzymatic Esterification on Immobilized Lypases in MCM-41 Molecular Sieves", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXIII Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Colorado, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Martini, R. F.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Development of a Reverse Osmosis Simulator and Process Analysis", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Canadá, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Xavier, P.F.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Simulation and Optimization of Azeotropic Batch Distillation", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Canadá, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Moraes, E.B.; Vasconcelos, C.J.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Simulation of the Supercritical Extraction Process applied to Azeotropic Mixture using different Supercritical Solvents", 10/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Canadá, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001
  Aznar, Martin; "Parameters for the attractive coefficient of the patelteja-Valderrama equation of state", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1-10, pp.966-966, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Aznar, Martin; "A general quadratic mixing rule and its application to mixtures which contain a supercritical fluid", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 964, pp.1-8, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Aznar, Martin; "Application of a mixing rule based on the excess free at infinite presure to the natural products extraction with supercritical CO2", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3º Congreso de Ingeniería de Procesos del Mercosur, ENPROMER'2001, Vol. 1, pp.541-546, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, 2001
  Batistella, Cesar Benedito; Maciel Filho, Rubens; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Obtaining Lanolin Alcohols by Molecular Distillation", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Batistella, Cesar Benedito; Maciel Filho, Rubens; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Evaluation of the Molecular Distillator Behaviour for Different Lay-Outs of the Evaporator", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Santos, Marcela Motta; Boss, Edinara; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Development of Computer Aided Tool for Design and Optimization of Supercritical Extraction Process", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Stremel, Dile; Eduardo, Toledo; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Modelling, Simulation and Advanced Feedback-Feedforward Control of a Tubular Reactor for a High Productivity Ethanol Process", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Eduardo, Toledo; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Dynamics Analysis and Control of Three-Phase Slurry Catalytic Reactor", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First Mercosul Congress on Chemical Engineering - EMPROMER'2001, Vol. II, pp.757-762, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, 2001
  Ender, Laercio; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "An Innovative Nonlinear Adaptive Control Algorithm: Application a Fermentation Process", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First Mercosul Congress on Chemical Engineering - EMPROMER'2001, Vol. 1, pp.283-288, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, 2001
  Assis, Adilson José; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Control Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Bioprocessing and Chemical Engineering: A Review", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First Mercosul Congress on Chemical Engineering - EMPROMER'2001, Vol. I, pp.361-366, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, 2001
  PISSINATTO, LUCILENE BEATRIZ; Guirardello, Reginaldo; "Optimization of the Placement of the Components in the Layout of Chemical Plants", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-7, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  SANTOS JUNIOR, IRAI; Guirardello, Reginaldo; "Wall Effect Influence in the Velocity Profiles in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6th Word Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, 2001
  Soares, C.; Barros, A.A.C.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Evaluation of Efficiency in a Sieve Plate Column Through Experimental Data", 09/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First Mercosul Congress on Chemical Engineering - EMPROMER'2001, Vol. 3, pp.1399-1404, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, 2001
  Maciel Filho, Rubens; JESUS, SERGIO SANTOS DE; Franco, Telma; "Experimental Design Applied to -Amylase Drying by Spray Dryer", 07/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 10th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, madrid, ESPANHA, 2001
  FLORIDO, CAMILE; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Computer Aided Modelling and Control of a Reactor Separator System for Dextran Production", 06/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  PAPES FILHO, ANTONIO CARLOS; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Concurrent Engineering Reactor Design", 06/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Eduardo, Toledo; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Development of a Detailed Model for Multiphase Reactors", 06/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Nuremberg, ALEMANHA, 2001
  Ender, Laércio; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Development of Soft Sensor Coupled to a Generic Advanced Control Algorithm Based on Neural Networks", 06/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF PROCESS SYSTEM - DYSCOPS'6, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, jejudo Island, COREIA DO SUL, 2001
  Ender, Laércio; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "A Predictive Control Strategy with Constrains and Soft Sensor for Concentration of a Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  GOUVEIA, VERA LUCIA REIS DE; Maciel Filho, Rubens; "Dynamic Modelling of a Fermentation Process for Production of Ethanol by Hybrid Model", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  Maciel Filho, Rubens; Eduardo, Toledo; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "A Versatile Equilibrium Approach Applied to Adsorption Process", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  Lins de Albuquerque, Édler; Guirardello, Reginaldo; "Difficulties in Modelling an Air Stripping Plant to remove Chlorinated VOC from Waste Water", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.579-584, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  PISSINATTO, LUCILENE BEATRIZ; Guirardello, Reginaldo; "Optimization of the Placement of theComponents in the Layout of a Petrochemical Unit", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.471-476, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  BACCAGLINI, VALERIA REGINA; Guirardello, Reginaldo; Nunhez, Jose Roberto; "Fitting Data When no Physical Model is Available", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First International Congress on Tracers and Tracing Methods, Vol. 15, pp.245-251, Nancy, FRANCA, 2001
  Eduardo, Toledo; Maciel Filho, Rubens; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "A Versatile Equilibrium Approach Applied to Adsorption Process", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 2, pp.721-726, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  de Moraes, Elenise; Vasconcelos, Claudia; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Simulation of the Supercritical Extraction Process to Water/Ethanol System Using the Comercial Process Simulator HYSIS", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process
Engineering - ICHEAP-5, Vol. 1, pp.20-23, Florence, ITALIA, 2001

  Martini, R. F.; Maciel, Maria Regina Wolf; "Characterization and Simulation of the Pervaporation Process for Separating Azeotropic Mixtures", 05/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 11, Vol. 1, pp.567-572, Kolding, DINAMARCA, 2001