Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento de Prótese e Periodontia
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Cury, Altair A. Del Bel; RACHED, RODRIGO NUNES; "Denture repair technique using microwave acrylic resin and silicone molding.", 07/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 79th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR., Vol. 80, pp.745-745, Chiba, JAPAO, 2001
  Cury, Altair A. Del Bel; CURY, JAIME APARECIDO; "In situ evaluation of a dentrifice formulation with low fluoride concentration.", 07/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 79th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR., Vol. 80, pp.673-673, Chiba, JAPAO, 2001
  Cury, Altair A. Del Bel; CURY, JAIME APARECIDO; TABCHOURY, CÍNTHIA PEREIRA MACHADO; "Biochemical composition of dental plaque formed in the presence of different frequency of sucrose and use fluori dentrifice.", 07/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 79th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR., Vol. 80, pp.717-717, Chiba, JAPAO, 2001
  Lima, Antonio F.M. de; Palioto, Daniela Bazan; Duro Junior, Adhemar Mendes; "Periodontal treatment associated with doxycycline in type I Diabetes Mellitus patientes.", 06/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 79th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR., Vol. 1, pp.582-582, Chiba, JAPAO, 2001
  Cury, Altair A. Del Bel; Consani, Simonides; OLIVEIRA, VIVIANE MAIA B D; "The effect of the position and number of flasks on the some properties of microwave acrylic resin.", 03/2001, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 30th Annual Meeting of the AADR, Vol. 80, pp.114-114, Chicago, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2001