Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Produções / Artigos, trabalhos e capítulos de livro aceitos para publicação / Artigos aceitos para publicação em periódicos
Artigos completos aceitos para publicação em periódicos arbitrados (internacional)
Birgin, Ernesto G.; Martínez, José Mário; Ronconi, Debora Pretti; "Minimization subproblems and heuristics for an applied clustering problem.", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, HOLANDA
Martínez, José Mário; "Minimization of discontinuous cost functions by smoothing.", Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Dordrecht, HOLANDA
Burdakov, O.; Martínez, José Mário; Pilotta, Elvio A.; "A limited memory multipoint secant method for bound constrained optimization.", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Birgin, Ernesto G.; Krejic, Natasa; Martínez, José Mário; "Solution of bounded nonlinear systems of equations using homotopies with inexact restoration.", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Birgin, Ernesto G.; Martínez, José Mário; "Large-scale active-set box constrained optimization method with spectral projected gradientes.", Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Norwell, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Censor, Y.; Kutscher, T.; Cohen, Nir; Shamir, J.; "Summed squared distance error reduction by simultaneous multiprojections and applications.", Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23, pp.1-1, Bruxelas, BELGICA
Cohen, Nir; Lewkowicz, Izchak; "A pair of matrices sharing common Lyapunov solutions - a closer view.", Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 20, pp.1-1, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Schleicher, Joerg Dietrich W.; Santos, Lúcio Tunes dos; Tygel, Martin; "Seismic migration by demodeling.", Journal of Seismic Exploration, Vol. 15, pp.1-1, Holanda, HOLANDA
Moretti, Antonio Carlos; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; Rojas-Medar, Maria Drina; "Reprodutive Weak Solutions for Generalized Boussineq Models in Exterior Domais.", Matemática Contemporânea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, BRASIL
Rocha Jr., Roldão; Capelas de Oliveira, Edmundo; "On the Gravitational Potentials and the Riccati like Equations.", Hadronic Journal, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Moretti, Antonio Carlos; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; Rojas-Medar, Maria Drina; "The equations of a viscous incompressible chemically active fluid: existence and uniqueness of strong solutions in unbounded domain.", Computers & Mathematics with Applications: An International Journal, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Oxford, REINO UNIDO
Lukaszewicz, G.; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; Martins dos Santos, Marcelo; "Stationary micropolar fluid flows with boundary data in L2.", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, San Diego, ESTADOS UNIDOS *
Meyer, João Frederico; CALDEIRA, ADEMIR DONIZETI; "Educação Matemática e Ambiental: uma proposta de formação continuada - e de mudanças.", Zetetiké, Vol. 10, pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, BRASIL
Diniz-Ehrhardt, Maria Aparecida; Gomes-Ruggiero, Márcia Aparecida; Martínez, José Mário; Santos, Sandra Augusta; "Augmented Lagrangian Algorithms Based on the Spectral Projected Gradient for Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems.", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 20, pp.1-1, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Birgin, E.G.; Martínez, José Mário; Raydan, M.; "SPG: Software for convex-constrained optimization.", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 5, pp.1-1, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Vendite, Laércio Luis; Manfredi, Ana Paula; "Modelagem matemática para o estudo da relação entre a dor orofacial e desordens temporamandibulares em pacientes con stress.", Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, São Paulo-SP, SP, BRASIL
Conca, Carlos; Gormaz, Raul; Ortega-Torres, Elva Eliana; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; "Existence and uniqueness of a strong solution for nonhomogeneous micropolar fluids.", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Chichester, INGLATERRA
Bassanezi, Rodney Carlos; Zotin, Renata; Yang, Hyun Mo; "A model for optimal chemical control of leaf area damaged by fungi populations - parameters dependence", Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, London, REINO UNIDO *
Motter, Adilson Enio; Letelier, Patricio Anibal; "Mixmaster Chaos", Physics Letters: A, Vol. ?, pp.1-1, Amsterdan, HOLANDA
Vendite, Laércio Luis; "A mathematical model for fungi growth and the effects of alternating and mixing fungicide", Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, London, REINO UNIDO
Letelier, Patricio Anibal; "Acceleration, Streamlines and Potential Flows in General Relativity: Analytical and Numerical Results", Classical Quantum Gravity, Vol. ?, pp.1-1, Bristol, REINO UNIDO
Tygel, Martin; Schleicher, Joerg Dietrich W.; Santos, Lúcio Tunes dos; Hubral, Peter; "The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral pair.", Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 9, Fac. 4, pp.1-1, River Edge, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Santos, José Plínio de O.; "On the combinatories of the polynomial generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan type identities.", Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 5, pp.1-1, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
Santos, José Plínio de O.; Ivkovic, Milos; "Fibonacci numbers and partitions.", Fibonacci Quarterly (The), Vol. 5, pp.1-1, Aurora, SD, ESTADOS UNIDOS
Santos, José Plínio de O.; Sills, A.V.; "q-Pell sequences and two identities of V.A. Lebesgue.", Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 5, pp.1-1, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
Raimundo, Silvia Martorano; Yang, Hyun Mo; Bassanezi, Rodney Carlos; Ferreira, Marizette A.C.; "The Attracting Basins and The Assessment of The Transmission Coefficients for HIV and M. tuberculosis Infections among Women Inmates.", Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. S/N, pp.1-1, London, REINO UNIDO
Yang, Hyun Mo; "A Mathematical Model for Malaria Transmission Considering Global Warming and Local Socio-economic Conditions - The Sensitivity Analysis.", Revista de Saúde Pública, Vol. s/n, pp.1-1, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos