Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Clínica Médica
Produções / Artigos, trabalhos e capítulos de livro aceitos para publicação / Artigos aceitos para publicação em periódicos
Artigos completos aceitos para publicação em periódicos arbitrados (internacional)
PEREIRA, JA; CLARO, BM; PAREJA, José Carlos; CHAIN, EA; ASTIARRAGA, BD; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; MUSCELLI, Elza; "Restored insulin inhibition on insulin secretion in nondiabetic severely obese patients after weight loss induced by bariatric surgery.", International Journal of Obesity, Vol. --, pp.1-6, Basingstoke, INGLATERRA *
EID, Kátia; MIRANDA, Eliana Cristina M Miranda; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; ARANHA, Francisco José P; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "The availability of full match sibling donors and feasibility of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Brazil", Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Vol. 36, pp.1-1, Ribeirão Preto, SP, BRASIL
RODRIGUES, DALVA NERY; SIQUEIRA, Lucia Helena; GALLIZONI, Andréa Maria; ARRUDA, Valder R. Arruda; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; "Prevalence of factor VII deficiency and molecular characterization of the F7 gene in Brazilian patients", Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis, Vol. 0, pp.1-1, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS
SANTINI, Gino; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "A Third Generation VACOP-B With or Without adjutant Radiotherapy is effective and safe for aggressive Localised non-Hodking-s Lymphoma - Report from Non Hodgkin´s Lymphoma Co-operative Study Group (NHLCSG) - Italy", Annals of Oncology, Vol. 0, Fac. 0, pp.1-1, Dordrecht, HOLANDA
RIBEIRO, DM; FIGUEIREDO, MS; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SONATI, Maria de Fatima; "Haplotypes of the alpha-globin gene regulatory element in two brazilian native populations", American Journal of Physical Antropology, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, EUA, ESTADOS UNIDOS *
KIMURA, EM; GRIGNOLI, CRE; PINHEIRO, VRP; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SONATI, Maria de Fatima; "Thalassemia intermedia as a result of heterozygosis for beta-thalassemia and alphaalphaalpha-anti3.7/alphaalpha genotype in a brazilian patient", Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Ribeirão Preto, SP, BRASIL *
UTHIDA-TANAKA, Ana Maria; VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; MORAES, A.M; SAMPAIO, MCA; "Subcutaneous and cerebral cysticercosis.", Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, St Louis, MO, ESTADOS UNIDOS *
VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; UTHIDA-TANAKA, Ana Maria; MORAES, Angela Maria; MARIOTTO, A; "What do we (not) know about the human bartonelloses?", The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Salvador, BA, BRASIL *
ROCHA, José; "Electrocardiographic Stress Test Response and Estrogen Serum Levels in Men.", Clinical Cardiology, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Mahwah, N.J., ESTADOS UNIDOS
SOUZA, ICP; INNOCENCIO, Regina Maria; SILVA, CA; PINTO NETO, Aarão Mendes; PAIVA, LUCIA C; MUSCELLI, Elza; "Insulin resistance in postmenopausal overweight and obese women: Effect of HRT.", Menopause ; Journal of the North American Menopause Society, Vol. --, pp.1-1, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; MADUREIRA, PR; MOREIRA FILHO, Djalma de Carvalho; VIEIRA, Ronan Jose; SALGADO, PET; PECCININI, RG; MORISHITA, R; "Estudo comparativo de tratamento quelante de pacientes intoxicados por chumbo inorgânico utilizando-se EDTA CaNa2 por duas vias de administração.", São Paulo Medical Journal, Vol. --, pp.1-1, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
PAVIN, Elizabeth João; PINTO, GA; ZOLLNER, Ricardo de Lima; VASSALLO, José; "Immunohistochemical study of the pancreatic basement membrane in on obese diabetic mice (nod) with spontaneous autoimmune insulitis.", Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology, Vol. --, pp.1-10, Bolonha, ITALIA *
CASTRO, Maria de L R B d; BRANDAO,, M.M.; FONTES, A.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; CESAR, C.L.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Elastic properties of irradiated red blood cell units measured by optical tweezers", Transfusion, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Bethesda, ESTADOS UNIDOS
SOARES, Elza Cotrim; JUNQUEIRA, JOSÉ CARLOS DOS SANTOS; "Nutritional risk factors for postoperative complications in Brazilian elderly patients undergoing major elective surgery.", Journal of Nutrition, Vol. --, pp.1-1, Bethesda, ESTADOS UNIDOS
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Molecular Heterogeneity of G6PD deficiency in an Amazonian population and description of four nem variants.", Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases, Vol. 28, Fac. 3, pp.399-406, California, ESTADOS UNIDOS
GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; "Activation of focal adhesion kinase by pessure overload is dependent on the integrity of myiocardial( Im press)", American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 0, Fac. 0, pp.1-2, Bethesda, Maryland, ESTADOS UNIDOS
GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; "Load induced transcriptional sctivation of c-Jun in rat myiocardium. Regulation by myocyte enhancer facttor. (In press)", Circulation Research, Vol. 0, Fac. 0, pp.1-2, ESTADOS UNIDOS
LOPES, LF; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; NIERO-MELO, L; TONE, LG; VELLOSO, E; CAMPANARO, CM; LATORRE, MARIA DO ROSÁRIO D. DE O.; "The brazilian pediatric myelodysplastic cooperative group strategies: Are they relevant to improve educational approach and correct
diagnosis ?", Leukemia Research, Vol. --, pp.1-1, Oxford, REINO UNIDO
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