Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Clínica Médica
Produções / Resumos Publicados
Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
BONON, SHA; ROSSI, Claudio Lucio; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; COSTA, Sandra C. Botelho; "CMV infection surveillance with Nested-PCR and antigenemia assays in patients who received or not ganciclovir universal prophylaxis in HLA identical sibling hematopoietic stem cell transplants", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.845-845, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
LIMA, CARMEN SILVIA PASSOS; ORTEGA, MANOELA MARQUES; MELO, MB; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "P53 gene deletion as a prognostic factor in multiple myeloma", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.379-379, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
LADETTO, M; ANAISSIE, EJ; ISMAEL, SJ; FALCÃO, RP; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Multicentre prospective randomized GITMO trial comparing high dose sequential chemotherapy with autografting and CHOP both supplemented with rituximab as frontline therapy for high-risk follicular lymphoma (FL) patients: an interim analysis", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.307-307, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
FALCÃO, RP; ANAISSIE, EJ; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; ISMAEL, SJ; ZAGO, MA; "The expression of PRAME in chronic lymphoproliferative disorders", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.356-356, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
NUCCI, Márcio; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Fusarium infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.440-440, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
NUCCI, Márcio; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Infectious complications in patients randomized to receive allogeneic bone marrow or peripheral blood transplantation", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.440-440, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
DELAMAIN, Márcia Torresan; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "High dose sequential followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation is effective and safe salvage treatment in advanced Hodgkin´s disease", 12/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.476-476, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; FATTORI, André; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Hydroxyurea Reverses Increased Levels of Soluble ICAM-1 in the Plasma of Sickle Cell Patients.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.450-450, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
CASTRO, Vagner; ALBERTO, Fernando Lopes; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; ARRUDA, Valder R. Arruda; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "HPA-5 Platelet Polymorphism: A risk factor for Vascular Complications in Sickle Cell Anemia.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.450-450, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; FATTORI, André; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Sickle red Blood Cells possess Elevated Levels of cGMP-A Possible Mechanism for Fetal Hemoglobin Production?", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.665-665, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Apoptotic Switch for gene Therapy Switch: Application to the Erythropoietin Transgene Expression.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.869-869, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
LIMA, CARMEN SILVIA PASSOS; UETI, Osvaldo Massayoshi; UETI, Adriana de Almeida; SANTOS, AO; ROCHA, Eduardo M; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Long-Term Enalapril Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease Patients.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.27-27, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; ANDRADE, TG; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; SONATI, Maria de Fatima; "A Simple Fluorescent PCR Method for Detectionof large Deletions inthe Beta Globin Gene Cluster.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.32-32, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002 *
CASTILHO, Lilian; RIOS, M.; RODRIGUES, ARTEMIS SOCORRO DO N; PELEGRINO JR., Jordão; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "Occurence of Partial d in Polytransfused Patients: Implications for transfusion Practice.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.136-137, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
CASTILHO, Lilian; RIOS, M.; PELEGRINO JR., Jordão; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "The Use of DNA-Typing for Detection of an Alloantibody Anti--Do in a Polytransfused patient with Beta-Thalassemia.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.137-137, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
FAVARO, P. M. B.; MARTINS, CA; MEDINA, S. S.; BASSERES, Daniela Sanches; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; "Identification of a New Human Gene That Codes for a Formin-Like Protein Involved in Cell Apoptosis.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.178-178, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
ALBERTO, Fernando Lopes; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; VERJOVSKI-ALMEIDA, Sérgio; "Differential Gene Expression Is Acute Leukemia Using cDNA Microarrays.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.203-203, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "Activating Mutations of N an K-ras in Multiple Myeloma Show Clinical and Morphological Associations.", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.372-372, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
GARCIA, SONIA S M; BOTTINI, PV; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; RIBEIRO ALVES, Maria Almerinda V.F.; "Albuminuria and Alpha1 microglobulinuria in patients with multiple myeloma.", 11/2002, Congress American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Vol. --, pp.45-45, Filadelfia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
HOMSI, Eduardo; OLIVEIRA DIAS, Eliana Pires de; RIBEIRO ALVES, Maria Almerinda V.F.; JANINO, P; "Role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of glycerol-induced acute renal failure in rats.", 11/2002, Congress American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Vol. --, pp.382-382, Filadelfia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
PASSOS LIMA, Carmen Silvia; ORTEGA, MANOELA MARQUES; QUEIROZ-TELLES, F; GONÇALVES, MBC; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "P53 Gene Deletion as a Prognostic Factor in Multiple Myeloma", 11/2002, 44th Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Society of Hematology, Vol. 100, pp.379-379, Philadelphia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
TAUBE, Maria Beatriz Puzzi; AUADA, Mariam P; CAVALCANTI, Denise Pontes; VIANA, DANILO VILELA; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; "Connective tissue nevus and turner's syndrome: two case reports.", 11/2002, IV Symposium International "Collagene Et Peau De La Recherche Fondamentale A La Clinique" - IV International Symposium "Collagen and Skin: From Basic Research to Clinic", Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Reims, FRANCA, 2002 *
LONGUI, Carlos Alberto; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; FIGUEIREDO, B; MENDONÇA, BB; CASTRO, Margaret de; LIBERATORE JUNIOR, Raphael; WATANABE, CLAUDIO; ROCHA, MN; MELO, MB; CALLIARI, LEP; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; MONTE, OL; LATRONICO, AC; MOREIRA, A; TARDELLI, AMD; NIGRI, A.; TAYMAS, S; KIRSHNER, L; STRATAKIS, CA; "Inhibition alpha-subunit gene mutations in pediatric adrenocortical.", 10/2002, XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., Vol. --, pp.53-53, Punta del Este, URUGUAI, 2002
MACHADO NETO, FA; GUERRA, Andrea Trevas Maciel; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; MARQUES DE FARIA, Antonia Paula; SILVA, R. B. P.; CESCHINI, Mariângela; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; "Sex ambiguity: interdisciplinary approach of 254 patients.", 10/2002, XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., Vol. --, pp.88-88, Punta del Este, URUGUAI, 2002
TADDEO MENDES DOS SANTOS, Carolina; RAVETTI, CVL; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; GUERRA, Andrea Trevas Maciel; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; "Prevalence of cardiovascular anomalies in patients with turner syndrome.", 10/2002, XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., Vol. --, pp.106-106, Punta del Este, URUGUAI, 2002
BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; "Central diabetes insipidus in children - A retrospective study.", 10/2002, XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., Vol. --, pp.147-147, Punta del Este, URUGUAI, 2002
FORNAZIM, MC; BALTHAZAR, A; MAMONI, RL; PEREIRA, FG; QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo; BLOTTA, Maria Heloisa S. L.; "Increased production of inflammatory cytokines and expression of B7-2, MHC class II and ICAM-1 molecules on alveolar macrophages in patients with pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis", 10/2002, XXVII Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology/V International Symposium on Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Vol. sn, pp.137-137, Salvador, BA, BRASIL, 2002 *
SAAD, IAB; ZAMBON, Lair; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo; CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo; "Evaluation of risks for postoperative pulmary complication using port scale in thoracic and upper abdominal surgery.", 09/2002, 12th ERS Annual Congress., Vol. 20, pp.350-350, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
ZAMBON, Lair; SAAD, IAB; REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de; BARBEIRO, AS; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; "Clinical variables of preoperative risk in thoracic surgery.", 09/2002, 12th ERS Annual Congress., Vol. 20, pp.350-350, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo; REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de; BALTHAZAR, Alipio Barbosa; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; ZAMBON, Lair; BARBEIRO, AS; "Clinical and evolutive aspects of paracoccidioidomycosis.", 09/2002, 12th ERS Annual Congress., Vol. 20, pp.352-352, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
ZAMBON, Lair; BARBEIRO, AS; PERROUD, MAURICIO W; REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de; QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo; "Prognostic factores in patients with resected pathologic stage I and II non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)", 09/2002, 12th ERS Annual Congress., Vol. 20, pp.269-269, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
PIAI, DAIR BICUDO; QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo; CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo; ETCHEBEHERE, ELBA; CAMARGO, Edwaldo Eduardo; "The use of perfusion SPECT imaging for preoperative evaluation of patients with lung cancer.", 09/2002, 12th ERS Annual Congress., Vol. 20, pp.38-38, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
SAAD, IAB; ZAMBON, Lair; CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo; "Incidência de complicação pulmonar pós-operatória nas cirurgias torácicas.", 08/2002, XI SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE FISIOTERAPIA RESPIRATÓRIA, Vol. --, pp.26-26, SÃO PEDRO, SP, BRASIL, 2002
MESSAGGI DIAS, M; GRANJA, F.; SANTAROSA, PL; BARROS, JNC; SOUZA, AL; MUSCELLI, Elza; WARD, Laura Sterian; "Estudo da mutação PRO115GLN DO PPARy2 e do polimorfismo G972R do gene IRS1 em brasileiros obesos.", 08/2002, 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, Vol. 1, pp.73-73, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2002
MESSAGGI DIAS, M; LAZARIN, MACT; SOUZA, ICP; MUSCELLI, Elza; "Energy expenditure: predictive equations compared to indirect calorimetry in Brazilian patients.", 08/2002, 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, Vol. 1, pp.74-74, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2002
MARIN, DANIELA MIGUEL; ALEGRE, Sarah Monte; DE FARIA, Eliana Cotta; SILVA, CA; MUSCELLI, Elza; "Body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and lipid profile in lean female adolescents", 08/2002, 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, Vol. 1, pp.108-108, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2002 *
MUSCELLI, Elza; LAZARIN, MACT; INNOCENCIO, Regina Maria; SOUZA, ICP; ASTIARRAGA, BD; PEREIRA, JA; "Comparison of insulin sensitivity measured by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and OGTT derived indiceds in lean and obese patients.", 08/2002, 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, Vol. 1, pp.109-109, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2002
LAZARIN, MACT; GOMES, AF; BENNINI, JR; PEREIRA, CLC; ASTIARRAGA, BD; MUSCELLI, Elza; "Insulin sensibility, secretion, energy expenditure and glucose induced thermogenesis in lean sons offspring of obese patients.", 08/2002, 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, Vol. 1, pp.110-110, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2002
ARANHA, Francisco José P; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; EID, Kátia; ZULLI, Roberto; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; "The influence of the graft monocytes in the outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantion", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
DELAMAIN, Márcia Torresan; JUNIOR, JFCMJ; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; METZE, Konradin; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; "Predictive parameters for mobilization of peripheral blood CD34+ progenitor cell in patients with hematological malignancies", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002 *
NUCCI, Márcio; TRABASSO, Plínio; QUEIROZ-TELLES, F; MARTINS, CA; SIMÕES, Belinda P; OLIVEIRA, JSR; MOREIRA, VA; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; ANAISSIE, EJ; MAIOLINO, Angelo; TABAK, Daniel G; VOLTARELLI, Júlio C; PASQUINI, Ricardo; "Infecção sistêmica por Fusarim spp. Em receptores de Transplante Alogênico de Células Progenitoras (TACP)", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
PELEGRINO JR., Jordão; M FILIPINI, Neide; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Gestão de Custos: Um modelo de apuração no transplante de medula óssea alogênico", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
EID, Kátia; MIRANDA, Eliana Cristina M Miranda; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; ARANHA, Francisco José P; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Critical analysis concerning the availability of full match sibling donors and feasibility of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Brazil", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
TRABASSO, Plínio; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; BRANCHINI, MLM; "Attibutable mortality due to invasive fungal infection among haematologic stem cell transplant recipients in a Brasilian University Hospital", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
TRABASSO, Plínio; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; BRANCHINI, MLM; "Invasive fungal infection in haematologic stem cell transplant recipients at a Brazilian University Hospital", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; CARDOSO, R. B.; SIMÕES, Belinda P; MAIOLINO, Angelo; FALCÃO, RP; RUIZ, Milton Artur; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; ARANHA, Francisco José P; MIRANDA, Eliana Cristina M Miranda; NUCCI, Márcio; "Unselected high-risk IPI NHL presented a high early mortality in a prospective randomized study comparing conventional chemotherapy and high-dose escalation followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
ANDRADE, F; NUCCI, Márcio; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; TRABASSO, Plínio; ARANHA, Francisco José P; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Complicações infecciosas em pacientes randomizados que receberam transplante alogênico (alo TMO) com célula progenitora periférica (CPP) ou medula óssea (MO)", 08/2002, VI Congresso da SBTMO - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
APPENZELLER, S; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; BÉRTOLO, Manoel Barros; SAMARA, Adil Muhib; "Survival and predictor variables for mortality in systemic Lupus Eritematosus.", 07/2002, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Vol. 61, pp.96-96, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
SAMPAIO-BARROS, PD; CONDE, RA; DONALDI, EA; KRAEMER, Maria Helena S.; PERSOLI, L; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; SAMARA, Adil Muhib; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; BÉRTOLO, Manoel Barros; "Importance of the HLA-B27 and its subtypes in the characterization and evolution of 80 patients with undifferentiated spondyloarthropathies.", 07/2002, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Vol. 61, pp.415-415, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002 *
APPENZELLER, S; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; "Neuropsychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus and its association with magnetic ressonance imaging.", 07/2002, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Vol. 61, pp.95-95, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
APPENZELLER, S; RAMOS, CD; UETI, Osvaldo Massayoshi; SANTOS, AO; ETCHEBEHERE, ECSC; LIMA, ML; CAMARGO, EE; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; "99 M TC-Ethhylcisteinate (ECD) brain spect in neuropsychiatric disorders of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A pilot study.", 07/2002, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Vol. 61, pp.100-100, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002 *
GUARIZE, J; APPENZELLER, S; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; "Disease duration and cumulative tissue damage (SLICC/ACR) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)", 07/2002, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Vol. 61, pp.101-101, Stockholm, SUECIA, 2002
SONATI, Maria de Fatima; WENNING, MRSC; HARTEVELD, CL; GIORDANO, PC; KIMURA, EM; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; "Hemoglobin H disease resulting from the associateion of the Alpha 3.7 rightward deletion with the (Alpha Alpha) MM deletion in a Brazilian patient.", 06/2002, 7º Annual Meeting of the European hematology Association, Vol. 1, pp.74-74, Florence, ITALIA, 2002 *
LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; RIBEIRO, ELISANGELA; LIMA, CARMEN SILVIA PASSOS; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; METZE, Konradin; "The influence of amifostine on stem cell apoptosis in myelodysplastic syndromes", 06/2002, 7th Meeting of the European Hematology Association, Vol. 1, pp.399-399, Florence, ITALIA, 2002 *
BARINI, Ricardo; COUTO, E.; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; PASSINI JUNIOR, Renato; PEREIRA, BG; GAMA DA SILVA, José Carlos; PINTO E SILVA, João Luiz; NEGRO, PA; OLIVEIRA, GN; "Association of anticardiolipin antibody and C677T MTHFR mutation in recurrent spontaneous aborting women: A new path in thombophilia ?"", 06/2002, 22nd Annual Meeting American Society for Reproductive Immunology, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Chicago, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
MADUREIRA, PR; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; VIEIRA, Ronan Jose; MOMOYO ATA SAKUMA, ALICE; TOLEDO, AS; MELLO, SM; "CLINICAL LEAD INTOXICATION DUE TO CONTACT OF GUNSHOT BULLET WITH CEREBRAL SPINAL FLUID.", 05/2002, XXIII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologrits., Vol. 1, pp.100-100, Lisboa, PORTUGAL, 2002
SILVA, Giovanni; COELHO, Kunie; NISHIMURA, N.F.; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; "Grading and staging of chronic hepatitis C and its relation to genotypes and epidemiological factors in brazilian blood donors.", 04/2002, Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Liver. 37 th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver., Vol. 36, pp.246-246, Madrid, ESPANHA, 2002
CARVALHO, PVB; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; BRANCHINI, MLM; "Attributable mortality due to invasive fungal infection among haematologic stem cell transplant recipient in a Brazilian University Hospital", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.247-247, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
ARANHA, Francisco José P; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; EID, Kátia; ZULLI, Roberto; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; "The influence of graft monocytes on the outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.181-181, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
TRABASSO, Plínio; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; BRANCHINI, MLM; "Invasive fungal infection in haematologic stem cell transplant recipients at a Brazilian University Hospital", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.242-242, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
DULLEY, FL; ARANHA, Francisco José P; RUIZ, Milton Artur; SABOYA, R; MACEDO, MCMM; DA SILVA, RL; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "The role of low dose Busulfan (4mg/kg) with Cyclophosphamide as a conditioning regimen for severe aplastic anaemia", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.225-225, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
NUCCI, Márcio; TRABASSO, Plínio; QUEIROZ-TELLES, F; PERSOLI, LBL; SIMÕES, Belinda P; OLIVEIRA, JSR; MOREIRA, VA; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; ANAISSIE, EJ; MAIOLINO, Angelo; VOLTARELLI, Júlio C; PASQUINI, Ricardo; "Systemic Fusarium infection in Bone Marrow Transplant recipients", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.37-37, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; VISENTAINER, J. E. L.; LIEBER, Sofia Rocha; FAVARELLI, MHC; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; ARANHA, Francisco José P; EID, Kátia; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; MIRANDA, Eliana Cristina M Miranda; "Serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels as predictive parameter of acute graft-versus-host disease", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.198-198, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
EID, Kátia; MIRANDA, Eliana Cristina M Miranda; VIGORITO, Afonso Celso; ARANHA, Francisco José P; OLIVEIRA, Gislaine Borba; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; "Critical analysis concerning the availability of full match sibling donors and feasibility of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Brazil", 03/2002, EBMT - Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Vol. 29, pp.238-238, Montreux, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos