Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Clínica Médica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (oralmente)
  PEREIRA, MC (autor); ISAYAMA, RNR (autor); SEABRA, JC (autor); PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida (autor); CAMPOS, Gerson Eduardo Rocha (autor); XVIII Congresso de Pneumologia de Portugal e II Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Pneumologia., (14/11/2002 a 16/11/2002), Santa Maria da Feira, PORTUGAL, Oral:"Avaliação da distribuição dos tipos das fibras musculares esqueléticas em pacientes com hipoxemia grave. ".
  PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida (autor); MELLO, M (autor); TERZI, Renato G. Giovanni (autor); PEREIRA, MC (autor); HERMINI,, A. (autor); BAIRD, G (autor); XVIII Congresso de Pneumologia de Portugal e II Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Pneumologia., (14/11/2002 a 16/11/2002), Santa Maria da Feira, PORTUGAL, Oral:"Capnografia volumétrica na bronquectasia: obtenção de informações anatômicas acinares de forma não invasiva. ".
  KANELLIS, John (autor); KANG, Duk-Hee (autor); NAKAGAWA, Takahiko (autor); WATANABE, Susumu (autor); LI, P (autor); MAZZALI, Marilda (autor); OHASHI, R. N. (autor); FENG, LILI (autor); JOHNSON, Richard J (autor); American Society of Nephrology - 2002 Renal Week, (30/10/2002 a 04/11/2002), Philadelplhia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"The regulation of inflammatory mediators by uric acid in vitro and in vivo, suggests a role for hyperuricemia in the pathogenesis of vascular disease. ".
  MAZZALI, Marilda (autor); JEFFERSON, JA (autor); VAZIRI, ND (autor); JOHNSON, Richard J (autor); American Society of Nephrology - 2002 Renal Week, (30/10/2002 a 04/11/2002), Philadelplhia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"Microvascular and tubulointestitial injury with chronic hypoxia induced hypertension. ".
  NAKAGAWA, Takahiko (autor); MAZZALI, Marilda (autor); KANG, Duk-Hee (autor); WATANABE, Susumu (autor); KANELLIS, John (autor); OHASHI, R. N. (autor); SACHES-LOZADA, LG (autor); RODRIGUEZ-ITURBE, B (autor); HERRERA-ACOSTA, Jaime (autor); JOHNSON, Richard J (autor); American Society of Nephrology - 2002 Renal Week, (30/10/2002 a 04/11/2002), Philadelplhia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"On the mechanism of glomerular hypertrophy induced by mild hyperuricemia. ".
  MACHADO NETO, FA (autor); GUERRA, Andrea Trevas Maciel (autor); BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias (autor); MARQUES DE FARIA, Antonia Paula (autor); SILVA, R. B. P. (autor); CESCHINI, Mariângela (autor); GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil (autor); XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., (27/10/2002 a 31/10/2002), Punta del Este, URUGUAI, Oral:"Sex ambiguity: interdisciplinary approach of 254 patients. ".
  LONGUI, Carlos Alberto (autor); LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente (autor); FIGUEIREDO, B (autor); MENDONÇA, BB (autor); CASTRO, Margaret de (autor); LIBERATORE JUNIOR, Raphael (autor); WATANABE, CLAUDIO (autor); ROCHA, MN (autor); MELO, MB (autor); CALLIARI, LEP (autor); GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil (autor); BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias (autor); MONTE, OL (autor); LATRONICO, AC (autor); MOREIRA, A (autor); TARDELLI, AMD (autor); NIGRI, A. (autor); TAYMAS, S (autor); KIRSHNER, L (autor); STRATAKIS, CA (autor); XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., (27/10/2002 a 31/10/2002), Punta del Este, URUGUAI, Oral:"Inhibin alpha-subunit gene mutations in pediatric adrenocortical. ".
  PIAI, DAIR BICUDO (autor); QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (autor); CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo (autor); ETCHEBEHERE, ELBA (autor); CAMARGO, Edwaldo Eduardo (autor); 12th ERS Annual Congress., (14/09/2002 a 18/09/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Oral:"The use of perfusion SPECT imaging for preoperative evaluation of patients with lung cancer. ".
  SAAD, IAB (autor); ZAMBON, Lair (autor); CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo (autor); XI SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE FISIOTERAPIA RESPIRATÓRIA, (28/08/2002 a 31/08/2002), SÃO PEDRO, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Incidência de complicação pós operatória nas crurgias torácicas. ".
  SAAD, IAB (autor); ZAMBON, Lair (COORDENADOR); CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo (autor); XI SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE FISIOTERAPIA RESPIRATÓRIA, (28/08/2002 a 31/08/2002), SÃO PEDRO, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Incidência de complicação pulmonar pós-operatória nas cirurgias torácicas. ".
  MUSCELLI, Elza (autor); LAZARIN, MACT (autor); INNOCENCIO, Regina Maria (autor); SOUZA, ICP (autor); ASTIARRAGA, BD (autor); PEREIRA, JA (autor); 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, (15/08/2002 a 17/08/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Comparison of insulin sensitivity measured by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and OGTT derived indices in lean and obese patients. ".
  LAZARIN, MACT (autor); GOMES, AF (autor); BENNINI, JR (autor); PEREIRA, CLC (autor); ASTIARRAGA, BD (autor); MUSCELLI, Elza (autor); 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, (15/08/2002 a 17/08/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Insulin sensitivity, secretion, energy expenditure and glucose induced thermogenesis in lean offspring of obesity patients. ".
  MESSAGGI DIAS, M (autor); GRANJA, F. (autor); SANTAROSA, PL (autor); BARROS, JNC (autor); SOUZA, AL (autor); MUSCELLI, Elza (autor); WARD, Laura Sterian (autor); 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, (15/08/2002 a 17/08/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Estudo da mutação PRO115GLN do PPARy2 e do polimorfismo G972R do gene IRS1 em brasileiros obesos. ".
  MUSCELLI, Elza (autor); LAZARIN, MACT (autor); SOUZA, ICP (autor); ASTIARRAGA, BD (autor); PEREIRA, JA (autor); 9th International Congress on Obesity, (24/08/2002 a 29/08/2002), São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, Oral:"Comparison of insulin sensitivity measured by euglycemic hiperinsulinemic clamp and indices obtained from oral glucose tolerance test in lean and obese patients. ".
  APPENZELLER, S (autor); COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras (autor); ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo (autor); Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, (12/06/2002 a 15/06/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Oral:"Neuropsychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus and its association with magnetic ressonance imaging. ".
  APPENZELLER, S (autor); RAMOS, CD (autor); UETI, Osvaldo Massayoshi (autor); SANTOS, AO (autor); ETCHEBEHERE, ECSC (autor); LIMA, ML (autor); CAMARGO, EE (autor); COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras (autor); Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, (12/06/2002 a 15/06/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Oral:"99 M TC-Ethhylcisteinate (ECD) brain spect in neuropsychiatric disorders of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A pilot study. ".
  GUARIZE, J (autor); APPENZELLER, S (autor); COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras (autor); Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, (12/06/2002 a 15/06/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Oral:"Disease duration and cumulative tissue damage (SLICC/ACR) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ".
  FARIA, José Butori Lopes de (autor); SILVEIRA, LA (autor); BACCHI, CE (autor); PINTO, GA (autor); European Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group (EDNSG) - An official Study Group of the EASD., (02/05/2002 a 04/05/2002), Barcelona, ESPANHA, Oral:"ElieThe genetics hypertension modifies the response in renal cell replication induced by experimental diabetes. ".
  COELHO, Otávio Rizzi (DOCENTE); 3rd Annual Conference on Arterosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology da American Heart Association., (06/04/2002 a 08/04/2002), Salt Lake City, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"Elevated serum interleukin-12 levels in unstable angina pectoris. ".
  GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber (COORDENADOR); Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure, (03/03/2002 a 07/03/2002), Utah, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"Myocardial TBK1 Expression and regulation induced by acute pressure overload. ".
  GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber (COORDENADOR); Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure, (03/03/2002 a 07/03/2002), Utah, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Oral:"FAK Overexpression induces hypertrophy in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. ".