Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Clínica Médica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (poster)
HOMSI, Eduardo (autor); OLIVEIRA DIAS, Eliana Pires de (autor); RIBEIRO ALVES, Maria Almerinda V.F. (autor); JANINO, P (autor); Congress American Society of Nephrology (ASN), (01/11/2002 a 01/11/2002), Filadelfia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Poster:"Role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of glycerol induced acute renal failure in rats. ".
GARCIA, SONIA S M (autor); BOTTINI, PV (autor); LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H. (autor); RIBEIRO ALVES, Maria Almerinda V.F. (autor); Congress American Society of Nephrology (ASN), (01/11/2002 a 01/11/2002), Filadelfia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Poster:"Albuminuria and Alpha1 microglobulinuria in patients with multiple myeloma. ".
WHITACKER, Fátima (autor); TAKATA, RT (autor); LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente (autor); GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil (autor); LI, LFRS (autor); BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias (autor); XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., (27/10/2002 a 31/10/2002), Punta del Este, URUGUAI, Poster:"Central diabetes insipidus in children - A retrospective study. ".
TADDEO MENDES DOS SANTOS, Carolina (autor); RAVETTI, CVL (autor); GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil (autor); BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias (autor); GUERRA, Andrea Trevas Maciel (autor); XV Reunión Anual de La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (SLEP)., (27/10/2002 a 31/10/2002), Punta del Este, URUGUAI, Poster:"Prevalence of cardiovascular anomalies in patients with turner syndrome. ".
FORNAZIM, MC (participante); BALTHAZAR, A (participante); MAMONI, RL (participante); PEREIRA, FG (participante); QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (DOCENTE); BLOTTA, Maria Heloisa S. L. (DOCENTE); XXVII Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology/V International Symposium on Allergy and Clinical Immunology, (20/10/2002 a 23/10/2002), Salvador, BA, BRASIL, Poster:"Increased production of inflammatory cytokines and expression of B7-2, MHC class II and ICAM-1 molecules on alveolar macrophages in patients with pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis ". *
ALESSIO, A. C. M. (aluno); ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria (DOCENTE); SEIXAS, CA (participante); BYDLOWISK, PS (participante); VELLASCO, AP (participante); EBERLIN, M.N. (DOCENTE); HÖEHR, Nelci Fenalti (DOCENTE); 17th International Congress on Thrombosis, (26/10/2002 a 30/10/2002), Bologna, ITALIA, Poster:"Methylenetetrahydrofolate and methionine synthase reductase polymorphisms and homocysteine levels ". *
SAAD, IAB (autor); ZAMBON, Lair (autor); CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de (autor); QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (autor); CONTRERA TORO, Ivan Felizardo (autor); 12th ERS Annual Congress., (14/09/2002 a 18/09/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Evaluation of risks for postoperative pulmary complication using port scale in thoracic and upper abdominal surgery. ".
ZAMBON, Lair (autor); SAAD, IAB (autor); REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de (autor); BARBEIRO, AS (autor); CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de (autor); 12th ERS Annual Congress., (14/09/2002 a 18/09/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Clinical variables of preoperative risk in thoracic surgery. ".
QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (autor); REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de (autor); BALTHAZAR, Alipio Barbosa (autor); CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de (autor); ZAMBON, Lair (autor); BARBEIRO, AS (autor); 12th ERS Annual Congress., (14/09/2002 a 18/09/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Clinical and evolutive aspects of paracoccidioidomycosis. ".
ZAMBON, Lair (autor); BARBEIRO, AS (autor); PERROUD, MAURICIO W (autor); REZENDE, Silvio Moraes de (autor); QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (autor); 12th ERS Annual Congress., (14/09/2002 a 18/09/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Prognostic factores in patients with resected pathologic stage I and II non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ".
MARIN, DANIELA MIGUEL (participante); ALEGRE, Sarah Monte (DOCENTE); DE FARIA, Eliana Cotta (DOCENTE); SILVA, CA (participante); MUSCELLI, Elza (DOCENTE); 1st International Simposium on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Therapeutic Advances, (15/08/2002 a 17/08/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and lipid profile in lean female adolescents.". *
RAFFI, H (autor); NIETO, L (autor); HERNANDEZ-JACOME, M (autor); PEDRO, Rogério de Jesus (autor); GARGALIANOS, P (autor); FILICE, G (autor); LAZZARIN, A (autor); TANSLEY, R (autor); POPESCU, M (autor); XIV International AIDS Conference 2002., (07/07/2002 a 12/07/2002), Barcelona, ESPANHA, Poster:"Impact of low-dose ritonavir (RTV) on pharmacokinetics (PK) of nelfinavir (NFV) and its active metabolite M8 in HIV-infected patients (OPTIVIR Study). ".
OLIVEIRA, A M (participante); FREIRE, J B (participante); SCHNEIDER, M F (participante); SEGALL, Ana Maria (participante); AOKI, Francisco Hideo (apresentador); XIV International AIDS Conference 2002., (07/07/2002 a 12/07/2002), Barcelona, ESPANHA, Poster:"Implementation of a multidisciplinary program to manage occupational exposure to blood and body fluids at a secondary care Hospital in Brazil. ".
SONATI, Maria de Fatima (DOCENTE); WENNING, MRSC (participante); HARTEVELD, CL (participante); GIORDANO, PC (participante); KIMURA, EM (participante); SAAD, Sara T. Olalla (DOCENTE); COSTA, Fernando Ferreira (DOCENTE); 7th Meeting of the European Hematology Association, (06/06/2002 a 09/06/2002), Florence, ITALIA, Poster:"Hemoglobin H disease resulting from the association of the -alpha3.7 rightward deletion with the (alpha alpha) MM deletion in a brazilian patient ". *
SAMPAIO-BARROS, PD (autor); CONDE, RA (autor); DONALDI, EA (autor); KRAEMER, Maria Helena S. (autor); PERSOLI, L (autor); COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini (autor); SAMARA, Adil Muhib (autor); COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras (autor); BÉRTOLO, Manoel Barros (autor); Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, (12/06/2002 a 15/06/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Importance of the HLA-B27 and its subtypes in the characterization and evolution of 80 patients with undifferentiated spondyloarthropathies. ". *
APPENZELLER, S (autor); COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras (autor); BÉRTOLO, Manoel Barros (autor); SAMARA, Adil Muhib (autor); Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, (12/06/2002 a 15/06/2002), Stockholm, SUECIA, Poster:"Survival and predictor variables for mortality in systemic Lupus Eritematosus. ".
FORNAZIM, MC (participante); MAMONI, RL (participante); GARCIA, C (participante); PEREIRA, FG (participante); BALTHAZAR, A (participante); QUAGLIATO JR., Reynaldo (DOCENTE); BLOTTA, Maria Heloisa S. L. (DOCENTE); VIII International Meeting on Paracoccicidoidomycosis "Prof. Carlos da Silva Lacaz", (25/06/2002 a 28/06/2002), Pirenópolis, GO, BRASIL, Poster:"Enhanced production of macrophage inflammatory peptide1alfa(MIP-1alfa) by alveolar macrophages from patients with pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis ". *
SILVA, Giovanni (autor); COELHO, Kunie (autor); NISHIMURA, N.F. (autor); SOARES, Elza Cotrim (autor); Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Liver. 37 th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver., (15/04/2002 a 21/04/2002), Madrid, ESPANHA, Poster:"Grading and staging of chronic hepatitis C and its relation to genotypes and epidemiological factors in brazilian blood donors. ".
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos