Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos
Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (poster)
  MORETTI, Roberto Hermínio (COORDENADOR); CAMARGO, Gisele Anne (autora - aluna); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Comportamento da vitamina C e o lecopeno na concentra;áo osmótica de tomate. ".
  MORETTI, Roberto Hermínio (COORDENADOR); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Aceitabilidade de extratos hidrossolúveis de soja obtidos a partir de isolado protéico, farinha integral e grão de soja. ".
  MORETTI, Roberto Hermínio (COORDENADOR); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Obtenção de extrato de carvalho (Quercus spp.) com aguardente de cana - de - açucar. ".
  MORETTI, Roberto Hermínio (COORDENADOR); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Aceitação de aguardente de cana-de-açucar estabilizada com extrato de carvalho (Querus spp.) envasada em recipientes de poliester. ".
  GONÇALVES, Lireny Ap.G. (DOCENTE); GILABERT ESCRIVÁ, Maria Victoria (COORDENADOR); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Aplicação de gordura de cupuaçu (pura e desodorizada) em bolo tipo inglês. ".
  SERRA, Gil Eduardo (COORDENADOR); IV Brazilian Meeting on Chemistry of Food and Beverages, (02/12/2002 a 04/12/2002), Campinas, SP, BRASIL, Poster:"Etanol e compostos voláteis em frementação alcoólica de caldo de cana complementado com fonte de nitrogênio protéico.".
  GIGANTE, Mirna Lucia (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Characterization of Prato Cheese slurry. ".
  SPADOTI, L. M. (COORDENADOR); DORNELLAS, José R. Ferreira (COORDENADOR); CUNHA, C. R. da (COORDENADOR); ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Cooking effects on prato cheese manufacture with partially pre fermented milk retentate on: composition, pH, acidity, proteolysis, yield and milk constituents recovery. ".
  ZACARCHENCO, PATRICIA BLUMER (COORDENADOR); ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Differential enumeration of Bifidobacterium logum and Lactobacillus acidophilus in the presence of streptococcus thermophilus. ".
  VIOTTO, Walkíria Hanada (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Effect of cooking type on composition, proteolysis and acceptance of goat cheese made by ultrafiltration. ".
  GIGANTE, Mirna Lucia (COORDENADOR); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Effect of lactose content and type of culture on fermentation time yogurt. ".
  ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (COORDENADOR); DORNELLAS, José R. Ferreira (COORDENADOR); SPADOTI, L. M. (COORDENADOR); PETENATE, Ademir José (COORDENADOR); Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science., (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Quebec, CANADA, Poster:"Effect of pre fermentation of different portion of ultrafiltered concentrated milk (2.5:1) on Prato Cheese Composition, Proteolysis and sensorial evaluation.".
  ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (DOCENTE); SPADOTI, L. M. (COORDENADOR); DORNELLAS, José R. Ferreira (COORDENADOR); PETENATE, Ademir José (COORDENADOR); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Effect of pre fermentation of portions of ultrafiltered concentrated concentrated milk on prato cheese, proteolysis, yield, adjusted yield, composition and milk constituents recovery.".
  VIOTTO, Walkíria Hanada (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Influence of adjunct culture on the proteolysis and acceptability of low fat Prato cheese.".
  VIOTTO, Walkíria Hanada (DOCENTE); CUNHA, C. R. da (aluna); VIOTTO, Luiz Antonio (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Influence of adjunct culture on the viscoelastic behaviour of low fat prato cheese".
  VIOTTO, Walkíria Hanada (DOCENTE); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Influence of stretching Conditions on composition and proteolysis of directly acidified Mozzarella (DAM) Cheese made with acetic acid.".
  VIOTTO, Walkíria Hanada (COORDENADOR); Congrilait 2002 - 26th IDF World Congress, (24/09/2002 a 27/09/2002), Paris, FRANCA, Poster:"Influence of type of coagulant and curd cooking on bitter taste intensity of Brazilian Prato Cheese.".
  GIGANTE, Mirna Lucia (COORDENADOR); Congresso Anual da ADSA, (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Québec City, CANADA, Poster:""Reversability of pH-induced changes in the texture and serum phase of cultured cream cheese". ".
  ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (COORDENADOR); IFT - 2002 Annual Meeting, (15/06/2002 a 19/06/2002), Anahein, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Poster:"Brazilian commercial pasteurized fluid milks flavor judging by adsa score card methodology. ".
  GIGANTE, Mirna Lucia (COORDENADOR); Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science., (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Quebec, CANADA, Poster:"Effect of possuium sorbate addition on the viscosity of aqueous solutions of locust bean gum during storage at 4 and 20 C. ".
  GIGANTE, Mirna Lucia (COORDENADOR); Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science., (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Quebec, CANADA, Poster:"Effect of post-manufacture modulation of cheese pH the aging behavior of Mozzarella Cheese.".
  DORNELLAS, José R. Ferreira (autor); SPADOTI, L. M. (Autor); CUNHA, C. R. da (autor); ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (DOCENTE); Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science., (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Quebec, CANADA, Poster:"Effect of pre fermentation of different portions of milk retentate on prato cheese composition and melting capacity.".
  DORNELLAS, José R. Ferreira (Autor); SPADOTI, L. M. (autor); CUNHA, C. R. da (autor); ROIG, Salvador Massaguer (DOCENTE); Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science., (21/07/2002 a 25/07/2002), Quebec, CANADA, Poster:"Effect of pre fermentation of different portions of milk retentate on prato cheese composition and proteolysis.".
  CRISTIANINI, Marcelo (COORDENADOR); SERRA, Gil Eduardo (DOCENTE); IFT - 2002 Annual Meeting, (15/06/2002 a 19/06/2002), Anahein, ESTADOS UNIDOS, Poster:"Bioprotectant concentrations for control of contaminant bacteria in alcoholic fermentation of sugarcane fuice. ".
  GONÇALVES, Lireny Ap.G. (DOCENTE); LUCCAS, V. (COORDENADOR); KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter (COORDENADOR); RAMOS, Milena Yumi (aluna); 8ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos y 2º Encuentro sobre Cacao y Chocolate., (22/04/2002 a 26/04/2002), Havana, CUBA, Poster:"Fabricacion de chocolate com grasas de cupuasu substitutas de la manteca de cacao obtenidas por fraccionamiento termico en seco.".