Faculdade de Engenharia Civil
Departamento de Arquitetura e Construcao
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos (internacional)
  KOWALTOWSKI, Doris C. C. K.; BARROS, L.; "Avaliação de Projeto Padrão de Creche em Conjuntos Habitacionais de Interessse Social: O Aspecto da Implantação", 10/2002, NUTAU 2002 - Seminpario Internacional: Sustentabilidade, Arquitetura e Desenho Urbano, Vol. 1, pp.242-252, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2002
  CHEBEL LABAKI, Lucila; CASTRO, A. P. A. S.; CARAM, Rosana Maria; BASSO, Admir; "Solar reflectance of colours for external paints obtained by spectrophotometric analysis", 10/2002, International Symposium Buildong Research and the sustainability of the built environment in the tropics, Vol. 1, pp.412-418, Jacarta, INDONESIA, 2002
  ILHA, Marina Sangoi de Oliveira; NUNES, Solange da Silva; PEDROSO, Luciana; ARAUJO, L. S. M.; OLIVEIRA JR, Osvaldo; "Water conservation program at the State University of Campinas", 09/2002, CIB W62 2002 - 28th International Symposium - Water supply and drainage fo buildings, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Iasi, ROMENIA, 2002
  CHEBEL LABAKI, Lucila; SCARAZZATO, Paulo Sergio; CARAM, Rosana Maria; "Iluminação Natural em Estabelecimentos Comerciais e de Serviços - Mitos e Verdades", 09/2002, NUTAU 2002 - Seminpario Internacional: Sustentabilidade, Arquitetura e Desenho Urbano, Vol. 1, pp.716-720, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2002
  SILVA, Vanessa Gomes da; SILVA, Maristela Gomes da; "Brazilian experience in recycling of steel slags in civil construction: discussion and methodology proposal.", 09/2002, Sustainable Building 2002 / Green Building Challenge, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Oslo, NORUEGA, 2002
  SILVA, Vanessa Gomes da; SILVA, Maristela Gomes da; JOHN, Vanderley M.; AGOPYAN, Vahan; "Environmental assessment of buildings: towards an appropriate approach to Brazilian envinromental Agnda", 09/2002, Sustainable Building 2002 / Green Building Challenge, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Oslo, NORUEGA, 2002
  SILVA, Vanessa Gomes da; "Green Building Challenge 2002: Report of the Brazilian Team", 09/2002, Sustainable Building 2002 / Green Building Challenge, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Oslo, NORUEGA, 2002
  CHEBEL LABAKI, Lucila; GRANJA, A. D.; "Periodic heat flow: thermal inertia as a bioclimatic strategy for thermal comfort and energy efficiency in buildings of Brazil.", 07/2002, PLEA 2002, Design With the Environment., Vol. 1, pp.159-162, Toulouse, FRANCA, 2002
  CHEBEL LABAKI, Lucila; BUENO, Carolina Lotufo; "Environmental parameters and thermal comfort provided by different tree species.", 07/2002, PLEA 2002, Design With the Environment., Vol. 1, pp.341-344, Toulouse, FRANCA, 2002
  KOWALTOWSKI, Doris C. C. K.; CHEBEL LABAKI, Lucila; FILHO, Francisco Borges; GONÇALVES PINA, Silvia A. Mikami; BERNARDI, Núbia; "A basic teaching instrument for awareness of environmental comfort.", 07/2002, IAPS 2002 - 17th Conference of the International Association People-Environment Studies - 17th Conference of the International Association People Environment Studies., Vol. 1, pp.149-150, La Coruña, ESPANHA, 2002
  KOWALTOWSKI, Doris C. C. K.; BERNARDI, Núbia; "Environmental Comfort in School Buildings: Awareness and Participation of Users", 07/2002, 17 th Conference of the International Association for People Environment Studies, IAPS 2002, Vol. 1, pp.365-368, La Coruña, ESPANHA, 2002
  KOWALTOWSKI, Doris C. C. K.; BERNARDI, Núbia; "Participation of Users in School Buildings to attain Environmental Comfort", 07/2002, 19 th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture - PLEA 2002, Vol. 1, pp.787-792, Tolouse, FRANCA, 2002
  SILVA, Vanessa Gomes da; SATTLER, Miguel; ILHA, Marina Sangoi de Oliveira; JOHN, Vanderley M.; LAMBERTS, Roberto; SILVA, Maristela Gomes da; AGOPYAN, Vahan; "Sustainable Building in Brazil: Initiatves, challenges and successes", 04/2002, Conferência Internacional Certificazione Energetico Ambientale Degli Edifici e Politiche per la Promozione Dell´Edilizia Sostenible, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Torini, ITALIA, 2002
  MARIOTONI, Carlos Alberto; "A relação entre a água e energia no semi-árido brasileiro - um diagnóstico para a bacia hidrográfica do Piancó.", 03/2002, II Seminário Internacional Cyted, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Salvador, BA, BRASIL, 2002