Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento de Processos Químicos
Produções / Capítulos de livros publicados

Livros Didáticos
  MORI, Milton; PERES, A. P.; MEIER, Henry França; "Experimental Study and Advances in 3-D Simulation of Gas Flow in a Cyclone Using CFD", "ESCAPE-12 - Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering", 10/2002, ed. 12, Amsterdam, pp. 6, pp.943-948, 2002
  MEIRELLES, A.J.A.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; "Reactive Extraction Process for Concentration of Citric Acid Using an Eletrolyte Mixed Solvent", "Computer Aided Chemical Engineering", 09/2002, ed. 1, Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 6, pp.313-318, 2002
  SANTOS, MARCELA GENI MOTA D; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; "Analysis of Parametric Sensibility of the Process of Production of Cyclohexanol", "ESCAPE-12", 05/2002, ed. 1, ESCAPE-12, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2002
  TORRES PEREIRA PINTO, Renata; LINTOMEN, LUCIANA; MEIRELLES, A.J.A.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; "Reactive Extraction Process to Concentration of the Citric Acid Using an Eletrolyte Mixed Solvent", "ESCAPE-12", 05/2002, ed. 1, ESCAPE-12, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2002
  JESUS, SERGIO SANTOS DE; FRANCO, Telma Teixeira; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; "Enzyme Conformational Predictions by Molecular Modeling", "ESCAPE-12", 05/2002, ed. 1, ESCAPE-12, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2002
  EDUARDO, Toledo; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; "Development of Dynamic Models for Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors", "ESCAPE-12", 05/2002, ed. 1, ESCAPE-12, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2002