Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados de circulação (internacional)
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; BARROS E SILVA, Elves Alves; "Global asymptotic stability on Euclidean spaces.", 11/2002, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal, Vol. 50, Fac. 1, pp.91-114, Oxford, REINO UNIDO, 2002
  BOLDRINI, José Luiz; PLANAS, Gabriela Del Valle; "Weak solutions of a phase-field model for phase change of an alloy with thermal properties", 11/2002, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 25, pp.1177-1193, Chichester, INGLATERRA, 2002
  BRUMATTI, Paulo Roberto; LEVCOVITZ, Daniel; LEQUAIN, Ives; SIMIS, Aron; "A note on the Nakai conjecture.", 10/2002, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 130, pp.15-21, Providence, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  TOZONI, Sergio Antonio; BORDIN, Benjamin; FERNANDES, IARA ANDRÉA ALVARES; "Weighted Norm Inequality for the Poisson Integral on the Sphere", 10/2002, Portugaliae Mathematica, Vol. 59, Fac. 3, pp.249-266, Lisboa, PORTUGAL, 2002
  NEGREIROS, Caio José Colletti; COHEN, Nir; SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; "(1,2)-Symplectic metrics, flag manifolds and tournaments.", 10/2002, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 34, Fac. 6, pp.641-649, London, INGLATERRA, 2002
  COHEN, Nir; NEGREIROS, Caio José Colletti; SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; "A rank-three condition for invariant (1,2)-symplectic almost Hermitian structures on flag manifolds.", 10/2002, Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série, Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.49-73, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RS, BRASIL, 2002
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; "Nonvariational Elliptic Systems.", 10/2002, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8, Fac. 2, pp.289-302, USA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; "Solutions of a nonlinear Schrodinger equation.", 10/2002, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8, Fac. 3, pp.563-584, USA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  MERCURI, Francesco; "Stability of the conjugate index, degenerate conjugate points and the maslov index in semi riemannian geometry.", 10/2002, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 206, Fac. 1-2, pp.375-400, Los Angeles, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  PAVA, J. A.; BONA, J.; SCIALOM, Márcia Assumpção G.; LINARES, F; "Scaling, stability and singularities for nonlinear, dispersive wave equations: the critical case.", 10/2002, Nonlinearity, Vol. 15, pp.759-786, Bristol, REINO UNIDO, 2002
  SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; "Homotopy type of Lie semigroups in semi-simple Lie groups.", 10/2002, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Vol. 136, Fac. 2, pp.151-173, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  MONTENEGRO, Marcelo da Silva; "Positive solutions to higher order quasilinear elliptic equations.", 10/2002, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 7, Fac. 8, pp.423-452, Tampa, Fla., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  LOPES FILHO, Milton da Costa; LOPES, Helena Judith N.; "Existence of weak solutions to the semigeostrophic equations with integrable initial data.", 10/2002, Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, Vol. 132, Fac. 2, pp.329-339, Edinburgh, IRLANDA (EIRE), 2002
  LOPES, Orlando Francisco; "A linearized instability result.", 10/2002, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8, pp.115-120, USA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  MERCURI, Francesco; ASPERTI, A.C.; "Pseudo Parallel submanifolds of a space form.", 10/2002, Advances in Geometry, Vol. 2, pp.57-71, Berlim, ALEMANHA, 2002
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; JACQUEMAD, Alain; "A note on rigid decompositions of reversible mappings.", 08/2002, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 31, pp.189-199, Providence, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; SARDINHA DE AZEVEDO, Sergio; "A basis for the graded identities of the matrix algebra of order two over a finite field of characteristic p different from 2.", 08/2002, Finite Fields and their Applications, Vol. 8, pp.597-609, San Diego, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; RUF, B; "On an inequality by Trudinger and Moser and related elliptic equation.", 08/2002, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 55, pp.135-152, New York, N.Y., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; BOCCARDO, Lucio; "Some Remarks on a system of quasilinear elliptic equations.", 08/2002, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 9, Fac. 3, pp.309-323, Basel, SUICA, 2002
  KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; SARDINHA DE AZEVEDO, Sergio; "Graded identities for T-prime algebras over fields of positive characteristic", 07/2002, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 128, pp.157-176, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 2002
  KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; BRUMATTI, Paulo Roberto; "Chinese Remainder Theorem, ancient and contemporary.", 07/2002, Cubo Matemática Educacional, Vol. 4, Fac. 1, pp.137-150, Temuco, CHILE, 2002
  SCIALOM, Márcia Assumpção G.; LINARES, F; BONA, J.L.; ANGULO PAVA, Jaime; "Scaling, stability and singularities for nonlinear, dispersive wave equations: the critical case.", 07/2002, Nonlinearity, Vol. 15, pp.1-28, Bristol, REINO UNIDO, 2002
  TORRES ORIHUELA, Fernando Eduardo; GIULIETTI,, A. M.; "On complete arcs arising from plane curves.", 07/2002, Designs, Codes and Cryptography: An International Journal, Vol. 25, Fac. 3, pp.237-246, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  TORRES ORIHUELA, Fernando Eduardo; GIULIETTI,, A. M.; "On large complete arcs: odd case.", 07/2002, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 255, pp.145-159, Amsterdam, HOLANDA, 2002
  TORRES ORIHUELA, Fernando Eduardo; KORCHMAROS, G.; "On the genus of a maximal curve.", 07/2002, Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 323, Fac. 3, pp.589-608, Berlin, ALEMANHA, 2002
  MERCURI, Francesco; "Ordinary differential equations of morse-sturm type.", 07/2002, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 31, pp.275-284, Providence, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  MONTENEGRO, Marcelo da Silva; "Boundary concentration phenomena for elliptic equations.", 07/2002, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 55, Fac. 12, pp.1507-1568, New York, N.Y., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  MERCURI, Francesco; BARBOSA, J.Lucas; FUKUOKA, Ryuichi; "Immersions of finite geometric type in eucledean spaces.", 07/2002, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.301-315, Dordrecht, ALEMANHA, 2002
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; JACQUEMARD, A.; "Effective algebraic geometry and normal forms of reversible mappings.", 06/2002, Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vol. 15, Fac. 1, pp.31-55, Madrid, ESPANHA, 2002
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; "On the finiteness homological properties of some modeles over metabelian Lie algebras", 06/2002, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 129, Fac. 1, pp.221-239, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 2002
  MERCURI, Francesco; "A note on Tensor Fields on Hilbert Spaces.", 06/2002, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Vol. 74, Fac. 2, pp.207-210, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2002
  MARTINS DOS SANTOS, Marcelo; LUKASZEWICZ, G.; ROJAS-MEDAR, Marko A.; "Stationary micropolar fluid flows with boundary data in L2.", 05/2002, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 271, pp.91-107, San Diego, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002 *
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; "Subgroups of constructible nilpotent-by-abelian groups and a generalization of a result of Bieri-Newman-Strebel", 05/2002, Journal of Group Theory, Vol. 5, Fac. 2, pp.219-231, Berlim, ALEMANHA, 2002
  RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; "Decomposition of stochastic flows and rotation matrix", 05/2002, Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol. 2, Fac. 1, pp.93-108, River Edge, NJ, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2002
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; "On divergent diagrams of finite codimension.", 01/2002, Portugaliae Mathematica, Vol. 59, Fac. 1, pp.181-194, Lisboa, PORTUGAL, 2002
  MARTINS DOS SANTOS, Marcelo; "Stationary solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in a 2d bounded domain for incompressible flow with discontinuous density", 01/2002, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 53, pp.1-15, Basel, ALEMANHA, 2002
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos