Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa em Reabilitação
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
  CARVALHO, Silvia Helena R.; GOVONI, Regina Cezarino; M. DE CARVALHO, Keila Miriam; "Acessibilidade à Informática: Estratégias e recursos para a pessoa com visão subnormal", 08/2002, III congresso Ibero Americano de Informática na Educação Especial, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Fortaleza, CE, BRASIL, 2002
  GOVONI, Regina Cezarino; CARVALHO, Silvia Helena R.; "Sistemas de Comunicação com síntese de voz: Fator de Independência para a pessoa com cegueira adquirida", 08/2002, III congresso Ibero Americano de Informática na Educação Especial, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Fortaleza, CE, BRASIL, 2002
  GASPARETTO, Maria Elisabete R.F.; "Inclusive education of the low vision students: teacher's pedagogical conduct", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.195-195, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  GASPARETTO, Maria Elisabete R.F.; "A head teacher's perceptions regarding the needs of techers to work in inclusive education with low vision students", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.205-205, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  GASPARETTO, Maria Elisabete R.F.; "Characteristics of elderly low vision population in university hospital", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.122-122, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  GASPARETTO, Maria Elisabete R.F.; "Educational inclusion of low vision student: informations requested by teachers of regular school", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.181-181, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  GASPARETTO, Maria Elisabete R.F.; "The impotance of the use of visual residue for low vision people who use braille", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.183-183, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; NASTARI, Edmea Rita Temporini; MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto; KARA JOSÉ, Newton; "Identification of visually impaired children: perception and mother's behaviour", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.189-189, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto; NASTARI, Edmea Rita Temporini; NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; KARA JOSÉ, Newton; "Inclusion of visualyy imparired students: characteristics of school students", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.194-195, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto; NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; "Acquired visual deficiency and rehabilitation process: contribution of the occupational therapy", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.154-154, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; NASTARI, Edmea Rita Temporini; MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto; KARA JOSÉ, Newton; "The visual handicap of scholars - the observations of their mothers", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.175-175, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto; NASTARI, Edmea Rita Temporini; NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; KARA JOSÉ, Newton; "Visual Impairment: characteristics and perceptions of students on the schooling process in the regular school", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.182-182, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  BATISTA, Cecilia Guarnieri; SILVEIRA NUNES, Sylvia; HORINO, Letícia Enya; "Assisted assessment of cognitive abilities in children with organic problems: problems and possible solutions", 07/2002, Vth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Vol. 1, pp.458-458, Amsterdam, HOLANDA, 2002
  REGINA, Maria Cristina de O.; M. DE CARVALHO, Keila Miriam; "The effects of verbal agression among children and adolescents (Strabismus Patient)", 07/2002, XV World Meeting - International society for Research on Agression, Vol. 1, pp.50-50, Montreal, CANADA, 2002
  ARRUDA, Sônia Maria C.Paula; "Disclosing the action: a study of the daily living activities (DLA) and the blind child.", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.185-186, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  ARRUDA, Sônia Maria C.Paula; "Home and School: facilitating the inclusion for children with visual impairment", 07/2002, 11th ICEVI World Conference, Vol. 1, pp.208-208, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2002
  ARRUDA, Sônia Maria C.Paula; KARA JOSÉ, Newton; "Quality of life and visual impairment: important aspects of daily routine", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.135-135, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  ARRUDA, Sônia Maria C.Paula; "The daily life activities and the visual impairment children", 07/2002, Vision 2002 - 7th International Conference on Low Vision, Vol. 1, pp.173-173, Goteborg, SUECIA, 2002
  FRISZMAN DE LAPLANE, Adriana Lia; "Social constituition and identity: an analysis of the discourse of students with special needs", 06/2002, Vth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Vol. 1, pp.66-66, Amsterdam, HOLANDA, 2002
  FRISZMAN DE LAPLANE, Adriana Lia; "Cultural diversity and social processes in developing coutries", 06/2002, Vth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Vol. 1, pp.194-194, Amsterdam, HOLANDA, 2002
  FRANÇOZO, Maria de Fátima de C; FERNANDES DO PRADO, Fabiana; "Engaging Families in a Hearing Screening Program", 05/2002, 2nd International Conference on newborn hearing Screening Diagnosis and Intervention, Vol. 1, pp.129-130, Villa Erba (Como), ITALIA, 2002
  NAKAMURA, Helenice; LIMA, Maria Cecília M.P.; "Auro-Palpebral Reflex Research in infants developmental evalution: An integrated work with audiologists and pediatricians", 05/2002, 2nd International Conference on newborn hearing Screening Diagnosis and Intervention, Vol. 1, pp.131-131, Villa Erba (Como), ITALIA, 2002
  LIMA, Maria Cecília M.P.; NAKAMURA, Helenice; C.R.S. ARAUJO, Francisca; ARAUJO, Antonio M. de Lima; SERVILHA, B. B.; "Behavioural Audiological evalution at 6 months using the sonar system", 05/2002, 2nd International Conference on newborn hearing Screening Diagnosis and Intervention, Vol. 1, pp.131-132, Villa Erba (Como), ITALIA, 2002
  VENTURA AMORIM SILVA, Priscila Mara; "Desenvolvimento da Linguagem Infantil: Uma Intervenção Fonoaudiológica", 05/2002, II Encontro Latino-Americano para Estudos da Criança, Vol. 1, pp.200-200, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2002
  SANTOS, M. F. C.; "Teste de Reconhecimento de Fala com e sem Ruido", 03/2002, XVII Encontro Internacional de Audiologia, Vol. 1, pp.54-54, Bauru, SP, BRASIL, 2002
  SANTOS, M. F. C.; "TESTE DICÓTICO DE DÍGITOS EM CRIANÇAS E ADULTOS NORMAIS", 03/2002, XVII Encontro Internacional de Audiologia, Vol. 1, pp.31-31, Bauru, SP, BRASIL, 2002