Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação
Departamento de Microonda e Óptica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
GALLEP, C. M. (Autor); CONFORTI, Evandro (Autor); 11th International Conference on Telecommunications - ICT'2004, (01/08/2004 a 06/08/2004), Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, Oral:"Wavelength conversion with 2R-regeneration by UL-SOA induced chirp filtering (CD-ROM)".
VIVACQUA, R. P. D. (Autor); GALLEP, C. M. (Autor); CONFORTI, Evandro (Autor); 11th International Conference on Telecommunications - ICT'2004, (01/08/2004 a 06/08/2004), Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, Oral:"An algorithm for the parameters extraction of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier - (CD-ROM)".
GALLEP, C.M. (Autor); CONFORTI, Evandro (Autor); MOMAG'2004 - 11o. SBMO - Simpósio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletrônnica e 6o. CBMag - Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromagnetismo, (16/08/2004 a 19/08/2004), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Ultra-weak delayed luminescence in coffee seeds (Coffea arabica and C. canephora) and their germination potential: some indications for a photonic approach in seed viability - (CD-ROM)".
SILVA, A. M. P. A. (Autor); KRETLY, Luiz Carlos (Autor); ISAP'2004 - International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, (17/08/2004 a 21/08/2004), Sendai, Japão, Oral:"Improvements on a Planar Inverted-F Antenna Using Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structures".
ESQUERRE, Vitaly Felix R. (Autor); KOSHIBA, M. (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); OSA/Integrated Photonics Research Symposium - IPR'2004, (27/06/2004 a 30/06/2004), San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Novel Endlessly Finite Element Time Domain Analysis of 2D Photonic Crystal Resonant Cavities (CD-ROM)".
MOBILON, E. (Autor); XAVIER DE BARROS, Miram Regina (Autor); BORDONALLI, Aldário Chrestani (Autor); 11th International Conference on Telecommunications - ICT'2004, (01/08/2004 a 06/08/2004), Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, Oral:"Experimental Analysis of Forward Error Correction Improvements in the Presence of FWM and Dispersion (CD-ROOM)".
SILVA, José Patrocínio (Autor); BRANDAO, M.L. (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"Vectorial Finite-Element BPM Analysis Applied to Optical Fiber Couplers".
RACHED, MICHEL ZAMBONI (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); RECAMI, E. (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"Chirped Optical X-Type Pulses in material Media".
RACHED, MICHEL ZAMBONI (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); RECAMI, E. (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"Space-Time Focusing of X-Shaped Pulses".
CLAUDIO, K. (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"assessment of Linear System Iterative-Solvers Applied to Photonics Device Simulations".
RECAMI, E. (Autor); RACHED, MICHEL ZAMBONI (Autor); HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"An Introductionm to the Localized Superluminal Solution of the X-Shaped Type (CD-ROM)".
HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique (Autor); PIERS 2004 - Progress in electromagnetic Research Symposium, (28/03/2004 a 31/03/2004), Pisa, Itália, Oral:"Numerical Modeling Challenges for Large Scale Photonics Device Simulations CD-ROM)".