Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação
Departamento de Semicondutores, Instrumentos e Fotônica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
COIMBRA, R.P. (Autor); DOS REIS FILHO, Carlos Alberto (Autor); International Technical Symposium on Packaging, Assembling & Testing & Exhibition IMAPS-2005, (11/11/2005 a 13/11/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:""System Development for Remote Monitoring and Control of Sensor Networks"".
SALUSTIANO, R. E. (Autor); DOS REIS FILHO, Carlos Alberto (Autor); International Technical Symposium on Packaging, Assembling & Testing & Exhibition IMAPS-2005, (11/11/2005 a 13/11/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:""Implementation of signal-level sensor fusion algorithms in an environment monitoring system"".
FORTUNATO, A. L. (Autor); DOS REIS FILHO, Carlos Alberto (Autor); International Technical Symposium on Packaging, Assembling & Testing & Exhibition IMAPS-2005, (11/11/2005 a 13/11/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:""Frequency compensation in three-stage low-voltage operational amplifiers"".
CAJUEIRO, J.P.C. (Autor); DOS REIS FILHO, Carlos Alberto (Autor); International Technical Symposium on Packaging, Assembling & Testing & Exhibition IMAPS-2005, (11/11/2005 a 13/11/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:""MOS voltage reference source with floating gate transistors"".
OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, A. C. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"A Comparative Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Micro-Heaters for Thermal Transducers Applications". *
MESTANZA, S.N.M. (Autor); RODRIGUES, E. (Autor); JIMENEZ GRADOS, Hugo Ricardo (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Characterization and Performance Evaluation of an APS Pixel in a Standart 2 um CMOS Technology". *
DIAS, G. O. (Autor); MESTANZA, S.N.M. (Autor); QUEIROZ, J. E. C. (Autor); MARINS, E. S. V. P. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); RODRIGUES, E. (Autor); TEJERO, D.C.B. (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Growth and Characterization of Silicon Nanocrystals Obtained by Ion Implantation". *
C. TEIXEIRA, Ricardo (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); ZAKIA, M. B. P. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Morphological and Electrical Study of Poly-SiGe Alloy Deposited by Vertical LPCVD". *
DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); NELI, ROBERTO RIBEIRO (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Process Optimization for Microbolometers Fabrication". *
BIASOTTO, C. (Autor); BOSCOLI, F. A. (Autor); C. TEIXEIRA, Ricardo (Autor); RAMOS, A.C.S. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); DALTRINI, A.M. (Autor); MOSHKALYOV, S. A. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Silicon Oxide Sacrificial Layer dor MEMS Applications". *
SANTOS, R. E. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); HAYASHI, M.A. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); G. DOS SANTOS FILHO, Sebastião (Autor); 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005, (04/09/2005 a ), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Thermal Stability of Ni/Pt Silicide Films on BF Doped and Undoped (100)Si". *
NELI, ROBERTO RIBEIRO (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); Eurosensors XIX, (11/09/2005 a ), Barcelona, Espanha, Oral:"Process Development for Far Infrared Sensor Fabrication". *
NELI, ROBERTO RIBEIRO (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); Eurosensors XIX, (11/09/2005 a ), Barcelona, Espanha, Oral:"Process Development for Far Infrared Sensor Fabrication.". *
OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, A. C. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); Eurosensors XIX, (11/09/2005 a ), Barcelona, Espanha, Oral:"Thermo-Electrical Characterization of Polysilicon Hot-Wire Flow Microsensors". *
OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, A. C. (Autor); DOI, I. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); Eurosensors XIX, (11/09/2005 a ), Barcelona, Espanha, Oral:"Thermo-Electrical Characterization of Polysilicon Hot-Wire Flow Microsensors.". *
MOSCHIM, Edson (Autor); F. R., DURAND (Autor); IMOC'2005 - International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference, (08/09/2005 a 12/09/2005), Brasília-DF, DF, Brasil, Oral:"Performance Analysis of an Wavelenghth/Code-Routed Burst Switched Network".
F. R., DURAND (Autor); MOSCHIM, Edson (Autor); IEEE-SBMO 2005, International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, IMOC 2005, (25/07/2005 a 28/07/2005), Brasília, DF, Brasil, Oral:"Analysis of Hy brid WDM/OCD Networks with All-Optical Code Converters".
MOSCHIM, Edson (Autor); IEEE-SBMO 2005, International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, IMOC 2005, (25/07/2005 a 28/07/2005), Brasília, DF, Brasil, Oral:"Effects of PMD on Hybrid WDM/OCD Networks".
CASTALDO, F. C. (Autor); DOS REIS FILHO, Carlos Alberto (Autor); IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference - PESC 2005, (12/06/2005 a 16/06/2005), Recife, PE, Brasil, Oral:""Shunt-Zero Based on CMOS Split-Drain: A Novel Approach for Current Sensing"".
VERÍSSIMO, C. (Autor); S.A., MOSHKALYOV (Autor); RAMOS, A. C. M. (Autor); GONÇALVES, José Lino (Autor); ALVES, O.L. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); Technical Proceedings of the 2005 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, (08/05/2005 a 12/05/2005), Anaheim, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Effects of the Process Parameters on the Carbon Nanotubes Growth by Thermal CVD".
NUNES, A. M. (Autor); MOSHKALYOV, S. (Autor); TATSCH, Peter Jurgen (Autor); MOSHKALYOV, S.A. (Autor); Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano-Technology - SEMINATEC 2005, (04/03/2005 a 04/03/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:""Plasma etching of polysilicon and silicon nitride films for application in MEMS and CMOS devices"". *
FRUETT, Fabiano (Autor); CAMOLESI, A. (Autor); Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano-Technology - SEMINATEC 2005, (04/03/2005 a 04/03/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Bandgap reference: simulation, layout and fabrication process in CMOS-CCS".
FRUETT, Fabiano (Autor); GARCIA, V. (Autor); Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano-Technology - SEMINATEC 2005, (04/03/2005 a 04/03/2005), CAMPINAS, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Micro-electromechanical CMOS pressure sensor".
DOI, I. (Autor); C. TEIXEIRA, Ricardo (Autor); SANTOS, R. E. (Autor); DINIZ, J. A. (Autor); SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus (Autor); G. DOS SANTOS FILHO, Sebastião (Autor); The European Workshop Materials for Advanced Metallization - MAM 2005, (06/03/2005 a 09/03/2005), Dresden, Alemanha, Oral:"Thermal Stability of Ni/Pt Silicide Films Formed on Poly-Si". *
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