Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MERCURI, Francesco; PIU, P; MONTALDO, S; A WEIERSTRASS REPRESENTATON FORMULA FOR MINIMAL SURFACES IN H_3 AND H^2\TIMES \R, 11/2005, Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol. 30, pp.13-27, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
Circulação Internacional
  LOPES FILHO, Milton da Costa; LOPES, Helena Judith N.; MAZZUCATO, Anna; Weak solutions, renormalized solutions and enstrophy defects in 2D turbulence, 03/2005, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,Vol. 179, Fac. 3, pp.353-387, New Jersey, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  MARTINS DOS SANTOS, Marcelo; AMMAR-KHODJA, F.; The Leray problem for 2D inhomogeneous fluids. Regularity and other aspects of the Navier-Stokes equations, Banach Center Publications,, v. 70, 2005., 05/2005, Banach Center Publications,Vol. 70, pp.12-25, Warsaw, Polônia, 2005
  ORIHUELA, F. E. T.; ABDON, M.; On $F_{q^2}$-maximal curves of genus $(q-3)q/6$, 01/2005, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie,Vol. 46, Fac. 1, pp.241-260, Berlin, Alemanha, 2005
  FIRER, M.; Loterias Esportivas e Códigos., 03/2005, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática,Vol. 1, pp.15-20, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Finite presentability of some metabelian Hopf algebras., 08/2005, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,Vol. 72, Fac. 1, pp.109-127, Canberra, Austrália, 2005
  JARDIM, M. B.; Instanton sheaves on complex projective spaces., 10/2005, Collectanea Mathematica,Vol. 57, Fac. 1, pp.69-91, Barcelona, Espanha, 2005
  PAVA, J. A.; Existence and stability de periodic travelling wave for the Benjamin equation., 04/2005, Communication on pure and applied analysis,Vol. 4, Fac. 2, pp.369-390, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; FIDELIS, M.; SARDINHA DE AZEVEDO, Sergio; Graded identities and PI equivalence of algebras in positive characteristic., 04/2005, Communications in Algebra,Vol. 33, Fac. 4, pp.1011-1022, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; SRIKANTH, P.N.; SANTRA, Sanjiban; Non-radially Symmetric Solutions for a Superlinear Ambrosetti-Prodi type problem in a ball, 12/2005, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics,Vol. 7, Fac. 6, pp.849-866, Singapore, Cingapura, 2005
  ORIHUELA, F. E. T.; CARVALHO, C.; On Goppa codes and Weierstrass gaps at several points., 02/2005, Designs, Codes and Cryptography: An International Journal,Vol. 35, Fac. 2, pp.211-225, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; MANOEL, M.; MANCINI, S.; Divergent diagrams of folds and simultaneous conjugacy of involutions., 03/2005, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,Vol. 12, Fac. 4, pp.657-674, USA, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  SCIALOM, Márcia Assumpção G.; LINARES, F; On the generalized Benjamin-type equations., 02/2005, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,Vol. 12, Fac. 01, pp.161-174, USA, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  BOLDRINI, José Luiz; PLANAS, Gabriela Del Valle; tridimensional phase-field model with convection for phase change of an alloy., 04/2005, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,Vol. 13, Fac. 2, pp.429-450, USA, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; CATUOGNO, P. J.; Geometry of stochastic delay differential equations., 04/2005, Electronic Communications in Probability,Vol. 10, pp.20-33, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  CATUOGNO, P. J.; RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; Horizontal lift of stochastic delay differential equations., 05/2005, Electronic Communications in Probability,Vol. 10, pp.190-195, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  FIRER, M.; TALPO, Luis; Trees and Reflection Groups., 05/2005, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,Vol. 12, Fac. 15, pp.15-27, Clemson, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  BERTOLIM, M.A.; MELLO, Margarida Pinheiro; REZENDE, Ketty A. de; Poincaré-Hopf and Morse inequalities for Lyapunov graphs, 10/2005, Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems,Vol. 25, Fac. 1, pp.1-39, New York, N.Y., Estados Unidos da América, 2005 *
  BERTOLIM, M. A.; MELLO, Margarida Pinheiro; REZENDE, Ketty A. de; Poincaré-Hopf and Morse inequalities for Lyapunov graphs, 10/2005, Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems,Vol. 25, Fac. 1, pp.1-39, New York, N.Y., Estados Unidos da América, 2005 *
  FERNANDEZ, C. E. D.; MATALORENZO, Luiz; RECHT, Lazaro; Metric geometry in homogeneous spaces of the unitary group of a $C*$-algebra. Part II. Geodesics joining fixed endpoints., 02/2005, Integral Equations and Operator Theory,Vol. 53, Fac. 1, pp.33-50, Basel, Suiça, 2005
  BARROS, Laécio Carvalho; GOMIDE, Fernando Antonio Campos; JAFELICE, Rosana Sueli Motta; BASSANEZI, R. C.; Methodology to dertermine the evolution of asymptomatic HIV population using fuzzy set theory., 04/2005, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,Vol. 13, pp.39-58, New Jersey, Estados Unidos da América, 2005 *
  MOURA, A. A.; CHARI, Vyajayanthi; Characters and Blocks for Finite-Dimensional Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras., 01/2005, International Mathematical Research Notes,Vol. 5, pp.257-298, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; COLOMBO, Jones; Identities with involution for the matrix algebra of order two over an infinite field in characteristic p., 05/2005, Israel Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 146, pp.337-356, Jerusalem, Israel, 2005
  MOURA, A. A.; JAKELIC, Dijana; CHARI, Vyajayanthi; Branched Crystals and Category O, 04/2005, Journal of Algebra,Vol. 294, Fac. 1, pp.51-72, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; COLONIUS, Fritz; KIZIL, E.; Covering space for monotonic homotopy of trajectories of control systems., 04/2005, Journal of Differential Equations,Vol. 216, pp.324-353, Orlando, FL, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; LAMB, Jeroen S.W.; WEBSTER, Kevin N.; Heteroclinic bifurcations near Hopf-zero bifurcation in reversible vectorfields in R^3, 09/2005, Journal of Differential Equations,Vol. 1, pp.1-27, Orlando, FL, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; DO Ó, J.M.B.; RUF, B; An Orlicz Approach to Superlinear Elliptic Systems, 10/2005, Journal of Functional Analysis,Vol. 224, pp.471-496, San Diego - CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; Modules of type FP_2 over the group algebra of metabelian group, 09/2005, Journal of Group Theory,Vol. 8, Fac. 5, pp.645-682, Berlim, Alemanha, 2005
  BOLDRINI, José Luiz; PLANAS, Gabriela Del Valle; A bidimensional phase-field model with convection for change phase of an alloy., 03/2005, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Vol. 303, Fac. 2, pp.669-687, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  BATISTA, V. R.; The singly periodic Costa surfaces, 10/2005, Journal of the London Mathematical Society,Vol. 72, Fac. 2, pp.478-496, Londres, Inglaterra, 2005
  PAVA, J. A.; Stability of cnoidal waves for the Hirota-Satsuma system., 05/2005, Matemática Contemporânea,Vol. 27, pp.30-41, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Free-by-Demushkin pro-p groups, 11/2005, Matheematische Zeitschrift,Vol. 249, Fac. 4, pp.731-739, Berlin, Alemanha, 2005
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; SIRAKOV, B.; Liouville type theorems, monotonicity results and a priori bounds for positive solutions of elliptic systems, 12/2005, Mathematische Annalen,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Berlin, Alemanha, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Homological invariantes for pro-p groups and some finitely presented pro-c groups, 09/2005, Monatshefte fur Mathematik,Vol. 144, pp.285-296, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Invariants for pro-p groups and normal subgroups with cyclic quotients in some finitely presented pro-C groups, 10/2005, Monatshefte fur Mathematik,Vol. 144, pp.285-296, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  SCIALOM, Márcia Assumpção G.; CARVAJAL, Xaveir; On the well-posedness for the generalized Ostrovsky, Stepanyams and Tsimring equation., 07/2005, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal,Vol. 62, Fac. 7, pp.1277-1287, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2005
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; JACQUEMARD, A.; Invariant Varieties of Discontinuous Vector Fields, 01/2005, Nonlinearity,Vol. 18, Fac. 1, pp.21-45, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2005
  LOPES, Orlando Francisco; NEVES, Aloísio José Freiria; Stability of solitary waves of some coupled systems., 10/2005, Nonlinearity,Vol. 19, Fac. 1, pp.95-113, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2005
  TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; BUZZI, C.; SILVA, P.R.; Singular perturbation problems for time-reversible systems., 02/2005, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,Vol. 133, Fac. 11, pp.3323-3331, Providence, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  DE FIGUEIREDO, Djairo Guedes; MIYAGAKI, O. H.; Multiplicity of non-radial solutions of critical elliptic problems in an annulus., 05/2005, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A,Vol. 135A, pp.25-37, Karlshure, Alemanha, 2005
  SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; ROCCIO, O.G.; Reversibility for semigroup actions., 10/2005, Proyecciones: Revista de Matematica,Vol. 24, Fac. 1, pp.21-35, Antofagasta, Chile, 2005
  LOPES FILHO, Milton da Costa; LOPES, Helena Judith N.; On the inviscid limit for 2D incompressible flow with Navier boundary conditions, 03/2005, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,Vol. 36, Fac. 4, pp.1130-1141, Philadelphia, PA, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  COHEN, N.; PAREDES, M.; PINZON, S.; SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; NEGREIROS, Caio José Colletti; f-structures on the classical flag manifold which admit (1,2)-symplectic metrics, 05/2005, Tôhoku Mathematical Journal,Vol. 57, Fac. 2, pp.261-271, Sendai, Japão, 2005 *
  MONTENEGRO, Marcelo da Silva; DAVILA, J; Existence and asymptotic behavior for a singular parabolic parabolic equation., 02/2005, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,Vol. 357, pp.1801-1828, Providence, RI, Estados Unidos da América, 2005
  REZENDE, Ketty A. de; MELLO, Margarida Pinheiro; BERTOLIM, M. A.; Poincare-Hopf Inequalities, 03/2005, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,Vol. 357, pp.4091-4129, Providence, RI, Estados Unidos da América, 2005 *
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