Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Produções / Capítulos de livros publicados

Livros Didáticos
  MARTÍNEZ, José Mário; PILOTTA, Elvio A.; "Inexact restoration methods for non-linear programming: advances and perspectives.", "Advances and perspectives. In: L. Q. Qi. (Org.). Optimization and Control with Applications.", 10/2005, ed. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 22, pp.271-292, 2005
  ROJAS-MEDAR, Marko A.; OLIVEIRA, Valeriano A. de; "Necessary and sufficient conditions for global optimality and weak duality in the continuous-time context.", "Proceedings VI Brazilian workshop on continuous optimization", 10/2005, ed. 1, ., Vol. 1, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2005
  ROJAS-MEDAR, Marko A.; ROMÁN-FLORES, Heriberto; CHALCO CANO, Yurilev; "Dinámica de poblaciones con ruido fuzzy.", "Proccedings del Congreso Latinoamericano de Biomatemática, 2005.", 10/2005, ed. 1, ., Vol. 1, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2005
  SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; CARVALHO,, Valéria de; MIGUEL JR, A.; "Mathematics education and power relations.", "Proceedings of the Fourth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference - MES4", 07/2005, ed. 1, Brisbane: Griffith University, Vol. 1, pp. 12, pp.132-143, 2005
  FERREIRA JR., Wilson Castro; ASSIS, Raul Abreu de; "" Swarm intelligence: The choice of foraging
direction in a colony of ants"",
"Proccedings of the International
Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology", 06/2005, ed. 1, ., Vol. 1, pp. 5, pp.1-5, 2005

  SUSSNER, P.; MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; "A Brief Account of the Relations between Gray-Scale Mathematical Morphologies.", "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005", 05/2005, ed. 1, IEEE Press, pp. 8, pp.79-86, 2005
  SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; "Explorações da linguagem escrita nas aulas de matemática.", "Escritas e Leituras na Educação Matemática.", 04/2005, ed. 1, Autêntica, Vol. 1, pp. 15, pp.127-141, 2005
  ROJAS-MEDAR, Marko A.; ROMÁN-FLORES, Heriberto; CHALCO CANO, Yurilev; "On the levels of fuzzy mappings and applications to optimization.", "Procceding of Fourth Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2005", 04/2005, ed. 1, ., pp. 6, pp.1076-1081, 2005
  SUSSNER, P.; "New Results on Binary Auto- and Heteroassociative Morphological Memories.", "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.", 02/2005, ed. 1, IEEE Press, pp. 6, pp.1199-1204, 2005