Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação
Departamento de Comunicações
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso
Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos
VALENÇA, Gustavo Paim; BARRIENTOS, Ernesto M. M.; MORI, Milton; ARANTES, D. S.; Weblabs in Chemical Engineering: High-and Low-Pressure Chemical Processes, 11/2006, III Workshop TIDIA 2006 - Tecnologias da Informação no Desenvolvimento da Internet Avançada,Vol. 1, pp.210-213, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2006 *
GARCIA ARNAL BARBEDO, Jayme; LOPES, Amauri; Automatic Genre Classification of Musical Signals, 01/2006, 4o Congresso da AES Brasil e 10a Convenção Nacional da Sociedade de Engenharia de Áudio,Vol. 1, pp.119-124, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2006
SOUSA, L. M. C.; VIEIRA, F. H. T.; LUAN LING, Lee; Controle Fuzzy Adaptativo de Fluxos de Tráfego, 01/2006, XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática - CBA 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2006
SILVESTRE, Miriam Rodrigues; OIKAWA, Sérgio Minoru; LUAN LING, Lee; Um novo método para definir o número inicial de neurônios intermediários da rede neural MLP em problemas de classificação, 01/2006, 17º SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Caxambú, MG, Brasil, 2006
SARAIVA, C. P.; BERTAN, Hilton H.; MORAES, Modesto; IANO, Yuzo; Um Estudo sobre a Reprodutibilidade de Técnica Espectrométrica de Alta Resolução para Sistemas DWDM, 01/2006, Congresso e Feira da Qualidade em Metrologia - Enqualab-2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2006
BREDA, Gean Davis Breda; MENDES, Leonardo de Souza; Failures Detection in Voice Communication Systems, 12/2006, GLOBECOM 2006 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, San Francisco, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
CIFUENTES, G. F. O.; ALMEIDA, Celso; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; Analysis of Throughput of TCP Protocol in 3G-CDMA Systems, 11/2006, ANDESCON 2006 CONGRESO DE LA REGIÓN ANDINA DEL IEEE,Vol. 1, pp.1-4, Quito, Equador, 2006
BUDRI, A.K.; GONÇALVES, J. V.; PEDROSO MELONI, LUIS GERALDO; WIMAX SIMULATION MODELS FOR RETURN CHANNEL IN DIGITAL TELEVISION SYSTEMS, 09/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
COSTA FERNANDES, Marcelo Augusto; PANAZIO, Cristiano Magalhaes; FASOLO, Sandro Adriano; LUMERTZ GARCIA, F.; ARANTES, D. S.; Design, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of a Digital Television System: Synchronization Techniques, 09/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
CORRÊA A. OLIVEIRA, Fabrício; GUIMARAES, Dayani Adionel; GOMES, Geraldo Gil R.; CARDOSO, Fabbryccio A.C.M.; LISBOA GOMES, Fábio Adriano; COSTA FERNANDES, Marcelo Augusto; ARANTES, D. S.; Design, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of a Digital Television System: Performance Evaluation, 09/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
BREDA, Gean Davis Breda; MENDES, Leonardo de Souza; QoS Monitoring and Failure Detection, 09/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
BREDA, Gean Davis Breda; MENDES, Leonardo de Souza; QoS Monitoring and Fault Detection Using Call Detail Records. A different approach that has come to add value., 08/2006, Winsys 2006 International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems,Vol. 1, pp.95-100, Setúbal, Portugal, 2006
BARROS, J. S.; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; 5-Ary Turbo Codes with 4-5-PSK Modulation, 08/2006, ITS2006: International Telecomunications Symposium,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Fortaleza - Ceará, CE, Brasil, 2006
JUNIOR, Getulio A. de Deus; PORTUGHEIS, Jaime; Coding for FFH-CDMA Systems - Part I: Capacity and Cutoff Rate, 08/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.312-316, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
JUNIOR, Getulio A. de Deus; PORTUGHEIS, Jaime; Coding for FFH-CDMA Systems - Part II: System Design, 08/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.317-321, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
M. JUNQUEIRA, Cynthia Cristina; FRANÇA, F. O.; ATTUX, Romis R. de Faissol; PANAZIO, Cristiano Magalhaes; SILVA, Leandro Nunes de Castro; VON ZUBEN, Fernando José; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; Immune-Inspired Dynamic Optimization for Blind Spatial Equalization in Undermodeled Channels, 07/2006, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2006,Vol. 1, pp.9801-9808, Vancouver, Canadá, 2006 *
LIMA, CLODOALDO A D M; FERRARI, R.; KNIDEL, H.; M. JUNQUEIRA, Cynthia Cristina; ATTUX, Romis R. de Faissol; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; VON ZUBEN, Fernando José; Support Vector Clustering Applied to Digital Communications, 07/2006, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN 2006,Vol. CD-ROM, pp.2951-2957, Vancouver, Canadá, 2006 *
PAVANI, G.S.; WALDMAN, Helio; Evaluation of Ant-Based Architecture for All-Optical Networks, 05/2006, 10th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM),Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2006
SAVASINI, M. S.; WALDMAN, Helio; Resource Allocation in Circuit-Switching Networks with Service Differentiation, 05/2006, 10th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM),Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2006
DE MARTINO, José Mario; VIOLARO, Fábio; Cabeça Falante do Português do Brasil, 02/2006, IV Congresso Ibero-Americano sobre Tecnologia de Apoio a Portadores de Deficiência - IBERDISCAP 2006,Vol. 1, pp.325-328, Vitória, ES, Brasil, 2006 *
RODRIGUES, R. N.; YARED, G. F. G.; COSTA, C. R. N.; VIOLARO, Fábio; LUAN LING, Lee; YABU-UTI, J. B. T.; Biometric Access Control Through Numerical Keyboards Based on Keystroke Dynamics, 01/2006, International Conference on Biometrics 2006,Vol. 3832, pp.640-646, Hong Kong - China, China, 2006
MIGNACO, A. G.; CARDIERI, Paulo; Total Information Efficiency in Multihop Wireless Systems, 01/2006, 25th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Phoenix - Arizona, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
PADUA, M. S.; DECKMANN, Sigmar Maurer; MOREIRA, A.C; PINHABEL MARAFAO, Fernando; LOPES, Amauri; Algoritmo Recursivo da TDF para Identificação da Freqüência e da Fase da Tensão da Rede, 01/2006, VII INDUSCON - Conferência Internacional de Aplicações Industriais,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Recife, PE, Brasil, 2006 *
YARED, G. F. G.; SELMINI, A. M.; VIOLARO, Fábio; HMM Topology in Continuous Speech Recognition Systems, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.588-593, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
SANTOS FILHO, J. C. S.; YACOUB, M. D.; Crossing Rates and Fade Durations of Multibranch Diversity over Correlated Rayleigh Channels, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
FRAIDENRAICH, G.; MENDES, J. R.; SANTOS FILHO, J. C. S.; YACOUB, M. D.; Level Crossing Rates and Average Fade Durations for Diversity-Combining of Non-identical Correlated Hoyt Signals, 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
SOUZA, R. A. A.; FRAIDENRAICH, G.; YACOUB, M. D.; On The Multivariate alpha-mu Distribution with Arbitrary Correlation, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
DIAS, U. S.; SANTOS FILHO, J. C. S.; FRAIDENRAICH, G.; COSTA, D. B.; YACOUB, M. D.; On the Nakagami-m Autocorrelation and Power Spectrum: Field Trials and Validation, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
COSTA, D. B.; FRAIDENRAICH, G.; YACOUB, M. D.; Second-Order Statistics for the Envelope and Phase of the eta-mu Generalized Fading Channels, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
COSTA, D. B.; FRAIDENRAICH, G.; YACOUB, M. D.; Second-Order Statistics of Equal-Gain and Maximal-Ratio Combining for the alpha-mu (Generalized Gamma) Fading Distribution, 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
FRAIDENRAICH, G.; YACOUB, M. D.; The alpha-eta-mu and the alpha-kappa-mu Fading Distributions, 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
PAVANI, G.S.; WALDMAN, Helio; Grid Resource Management by means of Ant Colony Optimization, 01/2006, GridNets 2006 - Third International Workshop on Networks for Grid Applications,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, San Jose - California, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
PAVANI, G.S.; WALDMAN, Helio; Traffic engineering and restoration in optical packet switching networks by means of ant colony optimization, 01/2006, WOBS 2006 - International Workshop on Optical Burst/Packet Switching,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, San Jose - California, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
KRUMMENAUER, R.; DA SILVA, Francislei J.; LOPES, Amauri; Modified MODEX Method for Direction Finding With Improved Threshold Performance, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
SOUSA, L. M. C.; LUAN LING, Lee; A Fuzzy Approach for Adaptive Control of MPLS Network Traffic Flows, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
VIEIRA, F. H. T.; LUAN LING, Lee; Análise de Fila para Tráfego Multifractal utilizando Cálculo de Rede e Parâmetro de Escala Global, 01/2006, 24º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores - SBRC2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2006
VIEIRA, F. H. T.; LUAN LING, Lee; Multifractal Traffic Modeling using a Multiplicative Cascade with Generalized Multiplier Distributions, 01/2006, The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, iSTAMBUL, Turquia, 2006
VIEIRA, F. H. T.; LUAN LING, Lee; Queueing Analysis for Multifractal Traffic through Network Calculus and Global Scaling Parameter, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
CORRÊA A. OLIVEIRA, Fabrício; TERAOKA, K.; COSTA, Max Henrique Machado; A MPEG-2 Video Transcoder for the Brazilian System of Digital Television, 01/2006, ITS2006: International Telecomunications Symposium,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Fortaleza - Ceará, CE, Brasil, 2006
HAYAJNEH, Mohammad; ABDALLAH, C.; COSTA, Max Henrique Machado; Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in Scheduling MIMO Cellular Systems, 01/2006, The Second IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob2006),Vol. 1, pp.362-365, Quebec, Canadá, 2006
BRITO, Jose Marcos Camara; MENDES, L. L.; CARDOSO, Fabbryccio A.C.M.; ROCHA, Carlos Aurelio Faria; ARANTES, D. S.; Design, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of a Digital Television System: System Overview, 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
REGO, M. G. S.; RAMOS, R. P.; ALMEIDA, Celso; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; CDMA Ad Hoc Networks in Multipath Fading Channels, 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
RAMOS, R. P.; REGO, M. G. S.; LOPES, T. A.; ALMEIDA, Celso; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; Interference Evaluation in CDMA Ad Hoc Networks, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
MENDES, L. L.; FASOLO, Sandro Adriano; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; On Performance of STBC-OFDM and SFBC-OFDM in Selective Time-Variant Channels, 01/2006, Sixteenth Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Blacksburg-VA, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
CORRÊA LIMA, Gustavo; MENDES, L. L.; ROCHA, Carlos Aurelio Faria; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; Performance Analysis of Channel Estimation Algorithms for a MIMO OFDM System under Digital TV Channels, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
LOPES, T. A.; RAMOS, R. P.; REGO, M. G. S.; BALDINI FILHO, Renato; Quasi-Synchronous CDMA System using Spreading Sequences with Zero-Correlation Zone, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
FACCO PEGORARO, Tarciano; LISBOA GOMES, Fábio Adriano; LOPES, R. R.; GALLO, R.; GUISCAFRÉ PANARO, José Santo; PAIVA, M.C.; CORRÊA A. OLIVEIRA, Fabrício; LUMERTZ GARCIA, F.; ARANTES, D. S.; Design, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of a Digital Television System: LDPC channel coding (Invited Paper), 01/2006, The 9th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA2006,Vol. 1, pp.203-207, Manaus, AM, Brasil, 2006
ZANATTA FILHO, Danilo; LOPES, R. R.; FERRARI, R.; LOIOLA, M. B.; SUYAMA, R.; SIMÕES, G. C. C. P.; WADA, C.; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; DORTSCHY, Boris; RIUS-I-RIU, Jaumi; The Capacity of Binders for Mimo Digital Subscriber Lines, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.712-722, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
CRUZ FREITAS JÚNIOR, Walter; CAVALVANTI, Francisco R. P.; LOPES, R. R.; Hybrid MIMO Transceiver Scheme with Antenna Allocation and Partial CSI at Transmitter Side, 01/2006, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - PIMRC 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-4, Helsinki, Finlândia, 2006
AKAMINE, C.; ARTHUR, RANGEL; BEDICKS, Gunnar; CAETANO, D. G.; IANO, Yuzo; Improving DVB-T for Brazilian Environments, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.213-217, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
CAETANO, D. G.; ARTHUR, RANGEL; CARRARA, Eduardo; AKAMINE, C.; IANO, Yuzo; Performance Comparison of Convolutional and Turbo Convolutional Codes for ISDB-T in AWGN and Brazilian Channels., 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.949-954, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
KNIDEL, H.; FERRARI, R.; DUARTE, L. T.; SUYAMA, R.; ATTUX, Romis R. de Faissol; SILVA, Leandro N. de Castro; VON ZUBEN, Fernando José; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; A Hybrid Unsupervised Clustering Algorithm for Channel Equalization, 01/2006, IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing - MLSP'2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Maynooth, Irlanda (Eire), 2006 *
ULIANI NETO, M.; CAMPOS TEIXEIRA GOME, Leandro; BONNET, Madeleine; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; Adaptive Equalization Based On Watermarking, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
ZANATTA FILHO, Danilo; FETY, Luc; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; Adding Diversity to Multi-User Downlink Beamforming by using BER Constraints, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
MENEZES, A. S.; PANAZIO, Cristiano Magalhaes; ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso; Blind Channel Shortening for SIMO SPACE-TIME Channels Using Linear Prediction in OFDM Systems, 01/2006, International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2006
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