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Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
Departamento de Mecânica Computacional
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos
  ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; SOLLERO, Paulo; PAIVA, WILLIAM PORTILHO; The radial integration method applied to dynamic problems of anisotropic plates, 09/2006, 7th International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques - BETEQ 2006,Vol. 1, pp.109-120, Paris, França, 2006 *
  VIVERO, J. F. U.; SOLLERO, Paulo; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; Boundary element analysis of cracked sheets repaired with adhesively bonded anisotropic patches, 09/2006, 7th International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques - BETEQ 2006,Vol. 1, pp.109-120, Paris, França, 2006
  BATISTA, F. B.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; ARRUDA, José R. de França; DIAS JUNIOR, Milton; Elastic parameter identification using modal analysis and regressive discrete fourier series, 09/2006, Iberian Latin American Congress On Computational Methods In Engineering, XXVII CILAMCE,Vol. 1, pp.1-20, Belem, PA, Brasil, 2006 *
  DONADON, Lazaro Valentim; SIVIERO, D. A.; CAMINO, Juan Francisco; ARRUDA, José R. de França; Comparing a Filtered-X LMS and an H2 controller for the attenuation of the sound radiated by a panel, 09/2006, 31st International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering - ISMA 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Leuven, Bélgica, 2006
  PALERMO JÚNIOR, Leandro; SIMÕES, Rogério; MESQUITA NETO, Euclides de; Finite Displacement Analysis of Plates Subjected to Flexure and Compression Using the Boundary Element Metho, 09/2006, International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures,Vol. 1, pp.161-168, Lisboa, Portugal, 2006 *
  SILVA, Evandro Cardozo da; PAVANELLO, Renato; BUTTON, Sergio Tonini; Análise numérica do processo de conformação de chapas metálicas por jateamento des esferas, 09/2006, Iberian Latin American Congress On Computational Methods In Engineering, XXVII CILAMCE,Vol. 1, pp.1-15, Belem, PA, Brasil, 2006 *
  DEDINI, Katia L. Cavalca; MESQUITA NETO, Euclides de; RAMALHO, D. A.; THOMAZO, L. H.; On the influence of soil stratification profiles on rotor-foundation unbalance response, 09/2006, IFToMM - 7th International Conference on Rotor Dynamics,Vol. 1, pp.31-40, Viena, Austria, 2006 *
  MARCO, ADOLPH; MESQUITA NETO, Euclides de; CARVALHO, Edson Rodrigues; Numerically synthesized displacement and stress solutions for viscoelastic half-spaces subjected to a harmonic vertical concentrated load using the radon and fourier transforms, 07/2006, International Association for Boundary Element Methods - IABEM 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-4, Graz, Austria, 2006
  DOS SANTOS, José Maria Campos; MACE, B. R.; Modeling uncertainty in mechanical joint parameters using component modal and fuzzy approaches, 06/2006, III European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering - ECCM 2006,Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Lisboa, Portugal, 2006
  SOLLERO, Paulo; PAIVA, S. V. F.; LOURENCO, GERVATOSKI, Frederico A.; AGUIRRE, I.F.; VIVERO, J. F. U.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; BEM modeling of interface cracks and composite repair patches. In: Quatriemes Journees du GDR: Etude de la propagation ultrasonore en milieux non homogènes en vue du contrôle non destructif, 05/2006, Presqu île de Giens. Proc. Quatriemes Journees du GDR,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Presqu'île de Giens, França, 2006 *
  JACINTHO, A. E. P. G. A.; GOMEZ, Amaurí Ernesto; LINTZ, ROSA CRISTINA CECCHE; DOS SANTOS, José Maria Campos; PETITTO, Régia Maria; Estudo comparativo entre materiais alternativos para fabricação de elementos estruturais, 05/2006, XXXII Jornadas Sulamericanas de Engenharia Estrutural,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2006 *
  SANCHES, LUIZ CARLOS FACUNDO; MESQUITA NETO, Euclides de; PALERMO JÚNIOR, Leandro; On the stationary dynamical modeling of reinforced plates by the boundary element method, 05/2006, 5th DINCON - Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Their Applications,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Guaratingueta, SP, Brasil, 2006 *
  CLEMENTE, Talita Reazende; PAVANELLO, Renato; Análise de sensibilidade de restrições em tensão no problema de otimização topológica, 05/2006, XXXII Jornadas Sulamericanas de Engenharia Estrutural,Vol. 1, pp.299-309, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2006
  SARRACINI JUNIOR, F.; SERPA, A. L.; NÓBREGA, Eurípedes G.Oliveira; Design and test of an LMI-Based fixed order H-inf vibration controller, 04/2006, 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation - CAO'06,Vol. 1, pp.297-302, Paris, França, 2006
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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