Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento de Termofluidodinâmica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; LUCCAS, V.; Estudo Comparativo do Polimorfismo da Gordura de Cupuaçu e da Manteiga de Cacau por Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura (DSC), 03/2006, Brazilian Journal of Food Technology,Vol. 9, pp.63-68, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2006
Circulação Internacional
LISBOA, Antonio Carlos Luz; ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; PAULO FILHO, Mario; Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Polydis´persed Particles Coating in Spouted Bed, 06/2006, Chemical Engineering and Processing,Vol. 45, pp.965-972, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
PAULO FILHO, Mario; ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; LISBOA, Antonio Carlos Luz; Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Polydispersed Particles Coating in Spouted Bed, 04/2006, Chemical Engineering and Processing,Vol. 45, pp.965-972, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
CARTAXO, S.J.M.; ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; SANT'ANA, Hosiberto Batista de; Particle Size Distribution Modeling in the Object Oriented Simulation of Gas-Solid Flow, 09/2006, Chemical Engineering Journal,Vol. 122, Fac. 3, pp.141-147, Lausanne, Suiça, 2006
ABREU, C. R.; SILVA TELLES, Affonso; Boundary Layer Flows with Dufour and Soret Effects: I: Forced and Natural Convection, 07/2006, Chemical Engineering Science,Vol. 61, pp.4282-4289, New York, Reino Unido, 2006
VIEIRA, R. S.; BEPPU, M. M.; Interaction of Natural and Crosslinked Chitosan Membranes with Hg(II)ions, 06/2006, Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,Vol. 279, pp.196-207, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
MIRANDA, M. N. N.; SILVA, Maria Aparecida; Moisture Effective Diffusivity in Porous Media with Different Physical Properties. Diffusion and Defect Data. Solid State Data, 06/2006, Defect and Diffusion Forum,Vol. 258, pp.207-212, Stafa-Zurich, Suiça, 2006
ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; SILVA, OSVALDO SOARES DA; In Vitro Dissolution Studies of Sodium Diclofenac Granules Coated with Eudragit L-30-D-55 by Fluidized bed System, 07/2006, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy,Vol. 32, Fac. 6, pp.661-667, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
KATEKAWA, M. E.; SILVA, Maria Aparecida; A Review of Drying Models with Shrinkage, 06/2006, Drying Technology,Vol. 24, pp.5-20, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
LEÃO CARVALHO, Samira Maria; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; Infectious Healthcare Waste: Evaluation of the Performance of a Tray Dryer for Volume and Microbiological Load Reduction, 07/2006, Drying Technology,Vol. 24, Fac. 4, pp.517-522, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
ADEODATO, M. G.; ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; SILVA, Maria Aparecida; Shrinkage of Recycled Paper Sheet During Drying, 04/2006, Drying Technology,Vol. 24, Fac. 4, pp.465-474, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
SILVA, VIRGINIA APARECIDA D; ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; Vibrofluidized Bed Drying of Adipic Acid, 03/2006, Drying Technology,Vol. 24, Fac. 3, pp.303-313, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; CAVALCANTE, J. A.; PINHO, C. G.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; Analysis of the Influence of the Drying Conditions of Sargassum sp. Algae on the Bioasorption of Hexavalent Chromium, 09/2006, Environmental Technology,Vol. 27, Fac. 9, pp.500-508, Londres, Reino Unido, 2006
HOMEM, E.M.; GIMENES, M.L.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; Nickel, Leal and Zinc Removal by Adsorption Process in Fluidised Bed, 10/2006, Environmental Technology,Vol. 27, Fac. 10, pp.1101-1114, Londres, Reino Unido, 2006
ARNAO, JUAN HAROLD SOSA; GOMES CORRÊA, Jefferson Luiz; SILVA, Maria Aparecida; NEBRA, Silvia Azucena; Sugar Cane Bagasse, 06/2006, International Sugar Journal,Vol. 108, pp.381-386, Bucks, Reino Unido, 2006
ABREU, C. R.; A General Framework for Non-Boltzmann Monte Carlo Sampling, 02/2006, Journal of Chemical Physics,Vol. 124, Fac. 5, pp.1-10, Melville, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
ABREU, C. R.; On the Use of Transition Matrix Methods with Extended Ensembles, 03/2006, Journal of Chemical Physics,Vol. 124, Fac. 10, pp.1-10, Melville, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
ZACTITI, ERICA MAROSTICA; KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; Potassium Sorbate Permeability in Biodegradable Alginate Films: Effect of the Antimicrobial Agent Concentration and Crosslinking Degree, 12/2006, Journal of Food Engineering,Vol. 77, pp.462-467, Barking, Reino Unido, 2006
SOBRAL, PAULO JOSE DO AMARAL; SILVA, M.A.; KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; State Diagrams of Freeze-Dried Camu-Camu (Myrciaria Dubia (HBK) McVaugh) Pulp with and Without Maltodextrin Addition, 12/2006, Journal of Food Engineering,Vol. 77, pp.426-432, Barking, Reino Unido, 2006
SILVA, M.A.; SOBRAL, PAULO JOSE DO AMARAL; KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; Water Sorption and Glass Transition of Free-Dried Camu-Camu (Myrciaria Dubia (HBK) McVaugh) pulp, 05/2006, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol. 84, pp.435-439, Dordrecht, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
CAMPOS, Jose Roberto; BEPPU, M. M.; Influence of Alginate on Precipitation of Calcium Phosphates, 02/2006, Key Engineering Materials,Vol. 309, pp.195-198, Zurich, Suécia, 2006
AIMOLI, C. G.; TORRES, Marco; BEPPU, M. M.; Investigations Into the Early Stages of "in vitro" Calcification on Chitsan Films, 01/2006, Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems,Vol. 26, pp.78-86, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
SILVA, Maria Aparecida; Concentration-Dependent Diffusivity and Anomalous Diffusion. A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Water Ingress in Porous Zeolite, 06/2006, Physical Review E,Vol. 73, pp.11204-11207, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
VIEIRA, R. S.; BEPPU, M. M.; Dynamic and Static Adsorption and Deserption of Hg(II) Ions on Chitosan membranes and Spheres, 06/2006, Water Research,Vol. 40, pp.1726-1734, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006