Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento de Morfologia
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
RIBEIRO, E. C. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (autor); 13o. Simpósio Internacional de Fisioterapia Respiratória, (06/09/2006 a 09/09/2006), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"Effect of postural and breathing exercises on the cervical muscles activity during nasal inspiration in children with mouth breathing syndrome (MBS).".
FERRAZ, M. J. P. C. (autor); ALBERGARIA BARBOSA, José Ricardo de (autor); RODRIGUES BERZIN, Maria da Graca (autor); SOUSA, M. A. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Electromyographic evaluation of carriers patients of temporomandibular disorder submitted to interdisciplinar treatment - Clinical cases.". *
FERRAZ, M. J. P. C. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); RODRIGUES BERZIN, Maria da Graca (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Radiographic study of the craniomandibular biomechanic quantified by the surface electromyhograpy of masticatory muscles - Report cases.".
RIES, L. G. K. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Electromyographic response of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders.".
BERZIN, Fausto (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Muscular assessment of the training techniques of the superior limbs in the pulmonary rehabilitation program: diagonal movement versus rowing.".
BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); CARIA, P. H. F. (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Relation between RDC/TMD and electromyography of women with and without temporomandibular dysfunction.".
RODRIGUES, Delaine (autor); PEDRONI, C. R. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Effect of the treatment using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, in temporomandibular dysfunction patients.".
BARBOSA, C. M. R. (autor); DUARTE, Claudia Lopes (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Comparative study of posture and electromyographic activity between temporomandibular dysfunction and healthy subjects.".
CASARIN, C. A. S. (autor); CARIA, P. H. F. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"The influence of high heel shoes on lumbar lordosis associated to the lumbar muscles and gastrocnemius.".
CORRÊA, João Carlos Ferrari (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Ground reaction forces in the gait in conditions of patellofemoral instability.".
CORRÊA, João Carlos Ferrari (autor); ARAUJO,, M.A. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Study of the motor behavior of healthful volunteers and after stoke during the gait.".
NAGAE, M. H. (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); RIBEIRO, E. C. (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Electromyography study about buccinator and masseter muscles in subjects angle class I and III.".
FARIA, Claudia Regina S d (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Electromyographic study in erector spinae, rectus abdominis, glutaeous maximus and rectus femuris muscles, in standing and static posture.".
SOUZA FONSECA SILVA, Amenara de (autor); SEMEGHINI, Tatiana Adamov (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Electromyography evaluation of occlusal splint influence on orbicularis oris in denture-wearing subjects with temporomandibular dysfunction.".
SAKAI, Eduardo (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); PEDRONI, C. R. (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"SEMG and functional maxillary orthopedics: muscle rest record before and after 8 minutes of appliance use.".
SAKAI, Eduardo (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); NAGAE, M. H. (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"SEMG and functional maxillary orthopedics: results for diagnosis.".
SAKAI, Eduardo (autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Coordenador); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"SEMG and functional maxillary orthopedics: the results after obtaining determined area (D.A.) dental contact.".
FARIA, Reinaldo José Antonio de (autor); CARIA, P. H. F. (Coordenador); FARIA, Claudia Regina S d (autor); NEGRAO FILHO, Ruben de Faria (autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Clinical and eletromyographic evaluation of the planas appliance in patients with temporo-mandibular dysfunction.".
BARBOSA, Célia M. Rizzatti (Autor); BERZIN, Fausto (Autor); XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, (28/06/2006 a 01/07/2006), Torino, Itália, Poster:"Comparative study of posture and electromyographic activity between temporomandibular dysfunction and healthy subjects.". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos