Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
LOBO, A.E.C. (Autor); BRITO, Patrick Henrique da Silva (Autor); RUBIRA, Cecília Mary Fischer (Autor); WDBC 2006 - VI Worshop Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes, (04/12/2006 a 08/12/2006), Recife, PE, Brasil, Oral:"Managing Variabilities in Component-based Software Product Lines".
LIMA FILHO, Fernando José Castor de (Autor); CACHO, Nelio (Autor); FIGUEIREDO, E. C. (Autor); FERREIRA, R. de A. M. (Autor); GARCIA, Alessandro F. (Autor); RUBIRA, Cecília Mary Fischer (Autor); FSE 2006 - 14th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, (05/11/2006 a 11/11/2006), Portland, Oregon, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Exceptions and Aspects: The Devil is in the Details".
MEDEIROS, Claudia Mª. Bauzer (Docente); CoMoGIS 2006 - 3rd International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Geographic Information Systems, (06/11/2006 a 09/11/2006), Tcson-Arizona, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Access Control in Geographic Databases".
MEDEIROS, Claudia Mª. Bauzer (Docente); Microsoft eScience Workshop 2006, (13/10/2006 a 15/10/2006), Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Managing satellite image time series and sensor data streams for agro-environmental monitoring".
TORRES, R. S. (Docente); FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Docente); SIBGRAPI 2006 – 19º Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, (08/10/2006 a 11/10/2006), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:"Tutorial: "Content-Based Image Retrieval: Theory and Applications"".
MORAES, Regina Lúcia de Oliveira (Autor); BARBOSA, Ricardo (Autor); DURÃES, João (Autor); MENDES, Naaliel Vicente (Autor); MARTINS, Eliane (Autor); MADEIRA, Henrique (Autor); EDCC 2006 - 6th European Dependable Computing Conference, (18/10/2006 a 20/10/2006), Coimbra, Portugal, Oral:"Do injected component interface faults represent software bugs?".
CARVALHO, Ariadne Mª.B. Rizzoni (Autor); CHIOSSI, Thelma Cecília dos Santos (Autor); DRACH, Marcos David (Autor); TIL 2006 - Fourth Workshop in Information and Human Language Technology, (27/10/2006 a 28/10/2006), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, Oral:"A Web-Experiment on Dialogue Classification".
ROMAN, Norton Trevisan (Autor); CONSTANTINO, Everton Rufino (Autor); RIBEIRO, Helder (Autor); JAMBEIRO FILHO, Jorge (Autor); LANNA, Antonella Saraiva (Autor); GOLDENSTEIN, Siome Klein (Autor); WAINER, Jacques (Autor); ECML PKDD 2006 Workshop on
Practical Data Mining: Applications, Experiences and Challenges, (18/09/2006 a 22/09/2006), Berlim, Alemanha, Oral:"Carancho - A Decision Support System for Customs".
JAMBEIRO FILHO, Jorge (Autor); WAINER, Jacques (Autor); WCI 2006 - I Workshop on Computational Intelligence - Joint Conference IBERAMIA/SBIA/SBRN 2006, (23/10/2006 a 27/10/2006), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Analyzing Bayesian Networks with Local Structure and Cardinality Reduction over a Practical Case".
BRANDÃO, Bruno (Autor); GOLDENSTEIN, Siome Klein (Autor); WAINER, Jacques (Autor); SIBGRAPI 2006 – 19º Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, (08/10/2006 a 11/10/2006), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:"Subspace Hierarchical Particle Filter".
FERRARI DE GÓES, Fernando (Autor); BERGO, Felipe Paulo Guazzi (Autor); FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Autor); GOLDENSTEIN, Siome Klein (Autor); VELHO, Luiz (Autor); SIBGRAPI 2006 – 19º Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, (08/10/2006 a 11/10/2006), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:"Adapted Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces". *
MIRANDA, Paulo André Vechiatto de (Autor); BERGO, Felipe Paulo Guazzi (Autor); MARQUES ROCHA, Leonardo (Autor); FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Autor); SIBGRAPI 2006 – 19º Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, (08/10/2006 a 11/10/2006), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:" Tree-pruning: A new algorithm and its comparative analysis with the watershed transform for automatic image segmentation".
BERGO, Felipe Paulo Guazzi (Autor); FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Autor); ISBI’2006 – International Symposium in Biomedical Imaging, (31/03/2006 a ), VA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Fast and Automatic Curvilinear Reformatting of MR Images of the Brain for Diagnosis of Dysplastic Lesions".
LEITE, Neucimar Jerônimo (Autor); DORINI, L. E. B. (Autor); SIBGRAPI 2006 – 19º Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, (08/10/2006 a 11/10/2006), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:"A Scaled Morphological Toggle Operator for Image Transformations".
VEMURI, Srinivas (Autor); TORRES, R. S. (Autor); SHEN, Rao (Autor); GONÇALVES, Marcos André (Autor); FAN, Weiguo (Autor); FOX, Edward A. (Autor); ECDL 2006 - European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, (17/09/2006 a 22/09/2006), Alicante, Espanha, Oral:"A Content-Based Image Retrieval Service for Archaelogy Collections".
MURTHY, Uma (Autor); TORRES, R. S. (Autor); FOX, Edward A. (Autor); ECDL 2006 - European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, (17/09/2006 a 22/09/2006), Alicante, Espanha, Oral:"A Superimposed Application for Enhanced Image Description and Retrieval".
ELLIS, Clarence (Autor); REMBERT, Aubrey (Autor); KIM, Kwanghoon (Autor); WAINER, Jacques (Autor); BPM 2006 - Fourth International Conference on Business Process Management, (05/09/2006 a 07/09/2006), Viena, Austria, Oral:" Beyond Workflow Mining".
FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Autor); GOMES, J. F. (Autor); DIAS, Luiz C. de Souza (Autor); SHIMIZU, S. H. (Autor); 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria
2 Simposio Latino-Americano de Rickettsioses, (03/09/2006 a 06/09/2006), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Uso do Kit TF-Test para o Diagnóstico Parasitológico em Cães (Canis familiares)".
FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Docente); Acivs 2006 - Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, (18/09/2006 a 21/09/2006), Antwerp, Bélgica, Oral:"A linear-time approach for Image Segmentation Using Graph-Cut Measures".
CHIOSSI, Thelma Cecília dos Santos (Docente); CARVALHO, Ariadne Mª.B. Rizzoni (Docente); WER 2006 - XI Workshop on Requirements Engineering, (13/07/2006 a 14/07/2006), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Aplicabilidade de Métricas por Pontos de Função a Sistemas Baseados em Web".
GAYARD, Leonel Aguilar (Autor); GUERRA, Paulo Astério de Castro (Autor); LOBO, A.E.C. (Autor); RUBIRA, Cecília Mary Fischer (Autor); WCOP 2006 - 11th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming - ECOOP 2006, (03/07/2006 a 03/07/2006), Nantes, França, Oral:"Automated Deployment of Component Architectures with Versioned Components".
MARTINS, Eliane (Docente); MORAES, R. L. O. (Autor); DURÃES, João (Autor); MADEIRA, Henrique (Autor); WEEDS 2006 - Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Dependability and Security, em conjunto com “DSN 2006 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, (27/06/2006 a 28/06/2006), Philadelphia, PA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A field data study on the use of software metrics to define representative fault distribution".
ROCHA, Heloísa Vieira da (Autor); PSC'06 - The 2006 International Conference on Pervasive Systems & Computing, (26/06/2006 a 29/06/2006), Las Vegas, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Mobile Access to Web Systems Using a Multi-Device Interface Design Approach".
SHEN, Rao (Autor); FAN, Weiguo (Autor); TORRES, R. S. (Autor); FOX, Edward A. (Autor); JCDL 2006 - 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, (11/06/2006 a 15/06/2006), Chapel Hill, NC, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Exploring Digital Libraries: Integrating Browsing, Searching, and Visualization".
MORAES, R. L. O. (Autor); DURÃES, João (Autor); MARTINS, Eliane (Autor); MADEIRA, Henrique (Autor); WEEDS 2006 - Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Dependability and Security, em conjunto com “DSN 2006 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, (27/06/2006 a 28/06/2006), Philadelphia, PA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Field Data Study on the Use of Software Metrics to Define Representative Fault Distribution".
MAGALHÃES, Geovane Cayres (Autor); SILVA, Grace Kelly de Castro (Autor); GeoTec Event 2006 - The 21st Conference and Exhibition for Geospatial Technology Professionals, (18/06/2006 a 21/06/2006), Otawa, Ontario, Canadá, Oral:"Uniting Web Services, Open Source Systems and OGCs OpenLS Standards to Deploy Location-Based Services".
BUZATO, Luiz Eduardo (Autor); VIEIRA, Gustavo Maciel D. (Autor); 24º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores - SBRC2006, (29/05/2006 a 02/06/2006), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"Distributed Checkpointing: Analysis and Benchmarks".
BITTENCOURT, L.C. (Autor); MADEIRA, Edmundo Roberto M. (Autor); BUZATO, Luiz Eduardo (Autor); 24º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores - SBRC2006, (29/05/2006 a 02/06/2006), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"Uma Heurística de Agrupamento de Caminhos para Escalonamento de Tarefas em Grades Computacionais".
ZENTENO, Arturo Torres (Autor); MARTINS, Eliane (Autor); TORRES, R. S. (Autor); CUARESMA, Maria J. (Autor); IDEAS 2006 - IX Workshop Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes de Software, (24/04/2006 a 28/04/2006), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"Teste de Desempenho em Aplicações SIG Web".
FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Coordenador); ISBI’2006 – International Symposium in Biomedical Imaging, (31/03/2006 a ), VA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Fast and Automatic Curvilinear Reformatting of MR Images of the Brain for Diagnosis of Dysplastic lesions".
FERRARI DE GÓES, Fernando (Autor); BERGO, Felipe Paulo Guazzi (Autor); FALCÃO, Alexandre Xavier (Autor); GOLDENSTEIN, Siome Klein (Autor); VELHO, Luiz (Autor); ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 - The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics ans Interactive Techniques, (30/07/2006 a 03/08/2006), Boston, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos