Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Teoria da Computação
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
SOUZA, Cid Carvalho de; LIMA, André Marques Morais de; BALESDENT MOREANO, Nahri; ARAÚJO, Guido Costa Souza de; The Datapath Merging Problem in Reconfigurable Systems: Lower Bounds and Heuristic Evaluation, 02/2006, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics,Vol. 10, Fac. 2.2, pp.1-16, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006 *
PAIVA, Afonso; FIGUEIREDO, Luiz H. de; STOLFI, Jorge; Robust Visualization of Strange Attractors using Affine Arithmetic, 10/2006, Computers & Graphics,Vol. 30, pp.1020-1026, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2006
SOUZA, Cid Carvalho de; RIBEIRO, C.C; COLL, Pablo; Multiprocessor Scheduling under Precedence Constraints, 01/2006, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 154, Fac. 0, pp.770-801, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
LIVERANI, Marco; MELLO, Célia Picinin de; MORGANA, Maria Aurora; The clique operator on graphs with few $P_4$'s, 01/2006, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 154, pp.485-492, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
CARVALHO, Marcelo H. de; LUCCHESI, Cláudio Leonardo; MURTY, Uppaluri S. R.; How to Build a Brick, 10/2006, Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 306, pp.2383-2410, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
SOUZA, Cid Carvalho de; MOURA, Arnaldo Vieira; RODRIGUES, Maikol M.; Vehicle and Crew Scheduling for Urban Bus Lines, 05/2006, European Journal of Operational Research,Vol. 170, Fac. 3, pp.844-862, Holanda, 2006
QUITZAU, José Augusto Amgarten; MEIDANIS, João; A fully resolved consensus between fully resolved phylogenetic trees, 10/2006, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 5, Fac. 1, pp.269-283, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2006
BAUDET, Christian; DIAS, Zanoni; Analysis of slipped sequences in ESTs Projects, 01/2006, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 5, Fac. 1, pp.169-181, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2006
GALVES, Miguel; QUITZAU, José Augusto Amgarten; DIAS, Zanoni; New strategy to detect SNPs, 01/2006, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 5, Fac. 1, pp.143-153, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2006
DAHAB, Ricardo; HANKERSON, Darrel; HU, Fei; LONG, Men; HERNÁNDEZ, Julio César Lopez; MENEZES, Alfred J.; Software Multiplication using Gaussian Normal Bases, 12/2006, IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol. 55, pp.1-15, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
SOUZA, Cid Carvalho de; MACAMBIRA, Elder Magalhães; MACULAN FILHO, Nelson; A note on characterizing canonical cuts using geometry, 04/2006, International Transactions in Operational Research,Vol. 12, pp.581-593, Kidlington, Reino Unido, 2006
FUJITA, S.; KAWARABYASHI, K.; LUCCHESI, Cláudio Leonardo; OTA, K.; PLUMMER, M. D.; SAITO, A.; A Pair of Forbidden Subgraphs and Perfect Matchings, 10/2006, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B,Vol. 96, pp.315-324, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
CARDOSO, Cláudio Guido Silva; CUNHA, Maria Cristina; GOMIDE, Anamaria; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; STOLFI, Jorge; Finite Elements on Dyadic Grids for Oil Reservoir Simulation, 10/2006, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,Vol. 73, pp.87-104, Amstedam, Holanda, 2006 *
CURRAN, Sean; YU, Xingxing; LEE, Orlando; Find four independent trees, 01/2006, SIAM Journal on Computing,Vol. 35, pp.1023-1058, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
XAVIER, E. C.; MIYAZAWA, Flávio Keidi; Approximation Schemes for Knapsack Problems with Shelf Divisions, 01/2006, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 352, pp.71-84, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
DE SIMONE, Caterina; MELLO, Célia Picinin de; Edge-colouring of join graphs, 03/2006, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 1, Fac. 355, pp.364-370, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
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