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Instituto de Física
Departamento de Eletrônica Quântica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
  SHARAKHOVSKI, Leonid Ivanovich; MAROTTA, Aruy; ESSIPTCHOUK, Alexei M.essiptchouk; Model of workpiece erosion for electrical discharge machining process, 11/2006, Applied Surface Science,Vol. 253, Fac. 2, pp.797-804, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  BETTEGA, Márcio H.F.; LOPES, A.R.; P. LIMA, Marco A.; FERREIRA, L. G.; Electron collisons with cyclobutane, 06/2006, Brazilian Journal of Physics,Vol. 36, Fac. 2B, pp.570-575, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2006
  FU, J. Fu; PRZHONSKA, O. V. Przhonska; PADILHA, lázaro aurélio; HAGAN, D. J. Hagan; VAN STRYLAND, E. W. Van Stryland; BELFIELD, K. D. Belfield; BONDAR, M. V. Bondar; SLOMINSKY, Y. L. Slominsky; KACHKOVSKI, A. D. Kachkovski; Two-photon anisotropy: Analytical description and molecular modeling for symmetrical and asymmetrical organic dyes, 02/2006, Chemical Physics,Vol. 321, Fac. 3, pp.257-268, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  LOPES, A.R.; BETTEGA, M.H.F.; VARELLA, Marcio Teixeira do Nascimento; P. LIMA, Marco A.; Cross-sections for rotational excitations of C3H4 isomers by electron impact, 03/2006, European Physical Journal D,Vol. 37, Fac. 3, pp.385-392, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2006
  LOPEZ-BARBERO, Lopez-Barbero, A. P.; PONTES, Pontes, M. J.; GIRALDI, Giraldi, M. T. M. Rocco; CANI, Cani, S. P. N.; CALMON, Calmon, L. C.; SEGATTO, Segatto, M. E. V.; MARTINEZ,, M.A.G.; RIEZNIK, Andres Anibal; Numerical routines for the optimization of pump power and wavelength in distributed Raman amplifiers, 10/2006, Fiber and Integrated Optics,Vol. 25, Fac. 5, pp.347-361, Bristol, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; BUFAICAL, L. Bufaical; MORENO, N. O.; URBANO, R. R.; KIMURA, T. Kimura; Electron spin resonance (ESR) and microwave absorption studies in TbMnO3 multiferroic compound, 10/2006, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,Vol. 42, Fac. 10, pp.3084-3086, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  IWAMOTO, W. Iwamoto; URBANO, R.R.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; SAMANTA, K. Samanta; BHATTACHARYA, P. Bhattacharya; KATIYAR, R.S.; SILVA, J.H.D.; PEREIRA, A.; AZEVEDO, G. de M. Azevedo; OSEROFF, S. B.; Local and global magnetic properties of Zn1-xCoxO and Mn-doped GaAs thin films, 10/2006, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,Vol. 42, Fac. 10, pp.2700-2702, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  MESQUITA, R. C. Mesquita; MANSANARES, A.M.; DA SILVA, E.C.; BARJA, P.R.; MIRANDA, L. C. M.; VARGAS, H; Open photoacoustic cell: Applications in plant photosynthesis studies, 03/2006, Instrumentation Science & Technology,Vol. 34, Fac. 1-2, pp.33-58, Monticello, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  VIDIELLA BARRANCO, A.; MOLLICA BORELLI, Luís Fernando; Continuous variable quantum key distribution using polarized coherent states, 05/2006, International Journal of Modern Physics B,Vol. 20, Fac. 11-13, pp.1287-1296, Cingapura, 2006
  COSTA, R.F.; P. LIMA, Marco A.; Excitation of the a(1)Pi(g) and B-3 Pi(g) electronic states of the nitrogen molecule by electron impact, 11/2006, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,Vol. 106, Fac. 13, pp.2664-2676, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PIRES, M.A.; FERREIRA, L.; DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; URBANO, R.R.; AGUERO, O.E.; TORRIANI, I. L.; RETTORI, Carlos; BITTAR, E. M.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; Crystal structure and physical properties of Gd3Co4Sn13 intermetallic antiferromagnet.
Art. 08J311, 04/2006, Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 99, Fac. 8, pp.1-2, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; GARCIA, J.A.D. Garcia; MIRANDA, E.; SILVA, E. G. M.; LORA-SERRANO, R. Lora-Serrano; GILES, C.; DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, Carlos; THOMPSON, J. D. Thompson; HUNDLEY, M.F.; SARRAO, J.L.; Evolution of the magnetic properties and magnetic structures along the RmMIn3m+2 (R = Ce, Nd, Gd, Tb; M = Rh, Ir; and m=1,2) series of intermetallic compounds. Art.08P703, 04/2006, Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 99, Fac. 8, pp.1-5, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PIRES, M.J.M.; DENARDIM, J.C. Denardim; DA SILVA, E.C.; KNOBEL, M.; Ferromagnetic resonance studies in granular Co-SiO2 thin films, 03/2006, Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 99, Fac. 6, pp.8-9, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  URBANO, R.R.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; FISK, Z.; OSEROFF, S. B.; Noncubic symmetry in Ca1-xEuxB6 (0.15 less than or similar to x <= 1.00): An electron-spin-resonance study. Art.08P701, 04/2006, Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 99, Fac. 8, pp.7-8, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  MAKOCHEKANWA, C. Makochekanwa; KATO, H.; HOSHINO, M. Hoshino; TANAKA, H.; KUBO, H. Kubo; BETTEGA, Márcio H.F.; LOPES, A.R.; P. LIMA, Marco A.; FERREIRA, L. G.; Experimental and theoretical elastic cross sections for electron collisions with the C3H6 isomers
Art. No.024323, 01/2006, Journal of Chemical Physics,Vol. 124, Fac. 2, pp.1-1, Melville, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  VARELLA, Marcio Teixeira do Nascimento; Y. ARASAKI, Y. Arasaki; USHIYAMA, H. Ushiyama; MCKOY, V.; K. TAKATSUKA, K.; Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of proton transfer in the ground state of chloromalonaldehyde: Wave-packet dynamics on effective potential surfaces of reduced dimensionality. Art.154302, 04/2006, Journal of Chemical Physics,Vol. 124, Fac. 15, pp.1-2, Melville, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  TENENBAUM, S.; POGGIOLINI, Poggiolini Pierluigi; On the impact of multipath interference noise in all-Raman dispersion-compensated links, 12/2006, Journal of Lightwave Technology,Vol. 24, Fac. 12, pp.4850-4860, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PIRES, M.J.M.; MANSANARES, A.M.; DA SILVA, E.C.; SCHMIDT, J.E.; MECKENTOCK, R. Meckentock; PELZL, J.; Ferromagnetic resonance studies in granular CoCu codeposited films, 05/2006, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,Vol. 300, Fac. 2, pp.382-391, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  ASTRATH, N.G.C Astrath; STEIMACHER, A. Steimacher; MEDINA NETO, A.; ROHLING, J.H. Rohling; PEREIRA, J.R.D.; BENTO, A.C.; BAESSO, M. L.; DA SILVA, L. M.; GANDRA, F.C.G.; Low temperature specific heat of doped and undoped glasses, 09/2006, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol. 352, Fac. 32-35, pp.3572-3576, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  RIVERA, V.A.G. Rivera; CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; CESAR, C.L.; BARBOSA, L.C.; Planar waveguides by ion exchange in Er3+-doped tellurite glass, 05/2006, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol. 352, Fac. 5, pp.363-367, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; CORDEIRO, B.; BARBOSA, L.C.; BRITO CRUZ, Carlos H.; Tellurite photonic crystal fiber made by a stack-and-draw technique, 09/2006, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol. 352, Fac. 32-35, pp.3423-3428, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  PILLA, V.F; CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; CATUNDA, T.; MANIN, E. Manin; CESAR, C.L.; BARBOSA, L.C.; Thermo-optical properties and nonradiative quantum efficiency of Er3+-doped and Er3+/Tm3+-co-doped tellurite glasses, 09/2006, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol. 352, Fac. 32-35, pp.3598-3602, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  FERREIRA, M.C.; BRITO, V. N. Brito; GAMEIRO, J.; COSTA, M. R. S. N. Costa; VASCONCELLOS, E.C.C.; CRUZ-HOFLING, Maria Alice; VERINAUD, Liana Maria Cardoso; Effects of HeNe laser irradiation on experimental paracoccidioidomycotic lesions, 08/2006, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology,Vol. 84, Fac. 2, pp.141-149, Lausanne, Suiça, 2006 *
  NEVES, A.A.R.; PADILHA, lázaro aurélio; FONTES, A.; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; BRITO CRUZ, Carlos H.; BARBOSA, L.C.; CESAR, C.L.; Analytical results for a Bessel function times Legendre polynomials class integrals, 05/2006, Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and General,Vol. 39, Fac. 18, pp.293-296, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2006
  MOVSHOVICH, R.; BIANCHI, A. Bianchi; CAPAN, C. Capan; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; SARRAO, J.L.; Possible fulde-ferrell-larkin-ovchinnikov inhomogeneous superconducting state in CeCoIn5, 12/2006, Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics,Vol. 66, Fac. 1, pp.227-237, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2006
  FERREIRA, F.F.; SILVA, E. G. M.; DE CARVALHO, W.; KYEIA, S. W. Kyeia; BRUNO, D. Bruno; DROPPA, R. Droppa; X-ray powder diffraction beamline at D10B of LNLS: application to the Ba2FeReO6 double perovskite, 01/2006, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,Vol. 13, Fac. 46, pp.46-53, Copenhague, Dinamarca, 2006
  BARBOSA, L.C.; CESAR, C.L.; MAZALI, I. O.; ALVES, O.L.; Spectroscopic and thermal properties of Ga2S3-Na2S-CsCl glasses, 03/2006, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,Vol. 89, Fac. 3, pp.1037-1041, Westerville, OH, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PADILHA, lázaro aurélio; Extended squaraine dyes with large two-photon absorption cross-sections, 08/2006, Journal of the American Chemical Society,Vol. 128, Fac. 45, pp.14444-14446, Washington, DC, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  MUNOZ, S. N. M.; OBRADOR, Obrador, M. P.; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; BIASOTTO, Biasotto, C.; DOI, Doi, I.; DINIZ, Diniz, J. A.; SWART, Swart, J. W.; Characterization and modeling of antireflective coatings of Si02, Si3N4, and Si0xNy deposited by electron cyclotron resonance enhanced plasma chemical vapor deposition, 04/2006, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B, Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures,Vol. 24, Fac. 2, pp.823-827, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  CRUZ, F.C.; STOWE, Matthew C. Stowe; YE, Jun Ye; Tapered semiconductor amplifiers for frequency combs in the near infrared, 01/2006, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Vol. 31, Fac. 9, pp.1337-1339, New Yord, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  DAINESE, P.; P.S.J. RUSSELL, P.S.J. Russell; JOLY, N.; KNIGHT, J.C.; WIEDERHECKER, G. S.; FRAGNITO, H.L.; LAUDE, V. Laude; KHELIF, A. Khelif; Stimulated Brillouin scattering from multi-GHz-guided acoustic phonons in nanostructured photonic crystal fibres, 06/2006, Nature Physics,Vol. 2, Fac. 6, pp.388-392, London, Reino Unido, 2006
  CUEVAS, R.F.; SEKIYA, Edson Haruhico; QUIROZ, A.G.; DA SILVA, E.C.; SUZUKI, Carlos Kenichi; Effect of processing parameters on control of defect centers associated with second-order harmonic generation and photosensitivity in SiO2 : GeO2 glass preforms, 06/2006, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,Vol. 247, Fac. 2, pp.285-289, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006 *
  ARRETCHE, F.; COSTA, R.F.; SANCHEZ, Sergio D.; HISI, A. N. S.; OLIVEIRA, E. M.; VARELLA, Marcio Teixeira do Nascimento; P. LIMA, Marco A.; Similarities and differences in e(+/-)-molecule scattering: Applications of the Schwinger multichannel method, 06/2006, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,Vol. 247, Fac. 1, pp.13-19, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; NEVES, A.A.R.; MOREIRA, W. L.; CESAR, C.L.; BARBOSA, L.C.; Er3+-Tm3+ co-doped tellurite fibers for broadband optical fiber amplifier around 1550 nm band, 04/2006, Optical Fiber Technology,Vol. 12, Fac. 2, pp.185-195, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  BOGGIO, J.M.C.; MARCONI, J. D.; FRAGNITO, H.L.; Crosstalk in double-pumped fiber optic parametric amplifiers for wavelength division multiplexing systems, 03/2006, Optics Communications,Vol. 259, Fac. 1, pp.94-103, Amsterdamn, Holanda, 2006
  RIEZNIK, Andres Anibal; FRAGNITO, H.L.; SILVA, M.B.C.E. Silva; VON DER WEID, Von der Weid J.P.; Study on optimum fiber length for maximum gain in C- and L-band EDFAs, 10/2006, Optics Communications,Vol. 266, Fac. 2, pp.546-551, Amsterdamn, Holanda, 2006
  MELLO GALLEP, Cristiano de; RIEZNIK, Andres Anibal; FRAGNITO, H.L.; FRATESCHI, N.C.; CONFORTI, Evandro; Black-box model for the complete characterization of the spectral gain and noise in semiconductor optical amplifiers., 02/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 4, pp.1626-1631, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006 *
  NEVES, A.A.R.; FONTES, A.; POZZO, L. Y.; THOMAZ, A. A.; CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; BARBOSA, L.C.; CESAR, C.L.; Electromegnetic forces for an arbitrary optical trapping of a spherical dielectric, 12/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 26, pp.13101-13106, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  CERQUEIRA JR., Arismar Cerqueira Jr.; LUAN, F., Luan, F.; CORDEIRO, B.; GEORGE, George, A. K.; KNIGHT, Knight, J. C.; Hybrid photonic crystal fiber, 01/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 2, pp.926-931, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  CORDEIRO, B.; DOS SANTOS, E.M. do Santos; BRITO CRUZ, Carlos H.; DE MATOS, C.J.S. de Matos; FERREIRA, D.S. Ferreira; Lateral access to the holes of photonic crystal fibers - selective filling and sensing applications, 09/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 18, pp.8403-8412, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  CRISTIANO, C. M. B. Cordeiro; FRANCO, M.A.R. Franco; CHESINI, G., Chesini, G.; BARRETO, E.C.S. Barreto; LWIN, Lwin, R.; BRITO CRUZ, Carlos H.; LARGE, Large, M.C.J.; Microstructured-core optical fibre for evanescent sensing aplications, 12/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 26, pp.13056-13066, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  DAINESE, P.; P.S.J. RUSSELL, P.S.J. Russell; WIEDERHRCKER, G. S. Wiederhrcker; JOLY, N.; FRAGNITO, H.L.; LAUDE, V. Laude; KHELIF, A. Khelif; Raman-like light scattering from acoustic phonons in photonic crystal fiber, 05/2006, Optics Express,Vol. 14, Fac. 9, pp.4141-4150, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  NOGUEIRA, G.T.; CRUZ, F.C.; Efficient 1 GHz Ti : sapphire laser with improved broadband continuum in the infrared, 07/2006, Optics Letters,Vol. 31, Fac. 13, pp.2069-2071, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  NEVES, A.A.R.; FONTES, A.; PADILHA, lázaro aurélio; GONZÁLEZ, Eugênio Rodríguez; BRITO CRUZ, Carlos H.; BARBOSA, L.C.; CESAR, C.L.; Exact partial wave expansion of optical beams with respect to an arbitrary origin, 08/2006, Optics Letters,Vol. 31, Fac. 16, pp.2477-2479, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  KHAKOO, M.A. Khakoo; P. LIMA, Marco A.; TENNYSON, J. Tennyson; Advances and challenges in electron-molecule scattering physics - A report of the 14th International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms, 07/2006, Physica Scripta,Vol. 74, Fac. 1, pp.7-14, Stockholm,, Suécia, 2006
  BROMLEY, M.W.J. Bromley; P. LIMA, Marco A.; LARICCHIA, G. Laricchia; On the XIIIth international workshop on low-energy e(+) and Ps physics, 09/2006, Physica Scripta,Vol. 74, Fac. 3, pp.37-45, Stockholm,, Suécia, 2006
  URBANO, R.R.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; FISK, Z.; CHAPLER, B. Chapler; OSEROFF, S. B.; Gd3+ and Eu2+ local environment in Ca1-xEuxB6 (0.0001 <= x <= 0.30) and Ca1-xGdxB6 (0.0001 <= x <= 0.01), 05/2006, Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research,Vol. 203, Fac. 7, pp.1550-1555, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2006
  FORTES, Fortes, S. S.; DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; MACEDO, Macedo, M. A.; Nanocrystals of BaFe12O19 obtained by the proteic sol-gel process, 10/2006, Physica. B, Condensed Matter,Vol. 384, Fac. 1-2, pp.88-90, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  CORNELIUS, A. L. CORNELIUS; CHRISTIANSON, A. D. Christianson; LAWRENCE, J. L. Lawrence; FRITSCH, V. Fritsch; BAUER, E.D.; SARRAO, J.L.; THOMPSON, J. D. Thompson; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; Observation of field-induced single impurity behavior in the heavy fermion compound Ce3CO4Sn13, 05/2006, Physica. B, Condensed Matter,Vol. 378, Fac. 80, pp.113-115, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  HERING, E.N.; BORGES, H. A.; RAMOS, S.M.; FONTES, M.B.; BAGGIO SAITOVITCH, E.; BITTAR, E. M.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; MORENO, N. O.; THOMPSON, J. D. Thompson; SARRAO, J.L.; Pressure-temperature-composition phase diagram of Ce2MIn8 (M = Rh, Ir), 05/2006, Physica. B, Condensed Matter,Vol. 378, Fac. 80, pp.423-425, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  BRITO,, Brito, P. C. A.; GOMES, Gomes, R. F.; DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; MACEDO, Macedo, M. A.; SrFe12019 prepared by the proteic sol-gel process, 10/2006, Physica. B, Condensed Matter,Vol. 384, Fac. 1-2, pp.91-93, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  LORA-SERRANO, R. Lora-Serrano; FERREIRA, L.; GARCIA, D.J. Garcia; MIRANDA, E.; GILES, C.; DUQUE, Jose Gerivaldo dos Santos; SILVA, E. G. M.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; Structurally tuned magnetic properties of TbmRhnIn3m+2n (m-1, 2; n=0, 1) intermetallic antiferromagnets, 10/2006, Physica. B, Condensed Matter,Vol. 384, Fac. 1-2, pp.326-328, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2006
  ARRETCHE, F.; P. LIMA, Marco A.; Electronic excitation of H-2 by positron impact. Art.042713, 10/2006, Physical Review A,Vol. 74, Fac. 4, pp.42-713, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  DE ARAUJO, LuisEduardo E.; Propagation of ultrashort pulses in multilevel systems under electromagnetically induced transparency - art.053821, 05/2006, Physical Review A,Vol. 73, Fac. 5, pp.1-6, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  DE ARAUJO, LuisEduardo E.; Suppression and coherent control of free-induction-decay emission in multilevel systems.
Artigo 043415, 10/2006, Physical Review A,Vol. 74, Fac. 4, pp.1-7, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  STOWE, Matthew C. Stowe; CRUZ, F.C.; MARIAN, Adela Marian; YE, Jun Ye; High resolution atomic coherent control via spectral phase manipulation of an optical frequency comb
Art. 153001, 12/2006, Physical Review Letters,Vol. 96, Fac. 15, pp.1-4, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  FORTEIR, T. M. Forteir,; LE COQ, Le Coq, Y.; STALNAKER, J. E. Stalnaker; ORTEGA, D. R.; DIDDAMS, S. A. Diddams; OATES, C. W. Oates; HOLLBERG, L. Hollberg; Kilohertz-resolution spectroscopy of cold atoms with an optical frequency comb.
Art. 163905, 10/2006, Physical Review Letters,Vol. 97, Fac. 16, pp.1-5, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  FLORES, A. F. G.; SILVA, E. G. M.; MARTINHO, HERCULANO DA SILVA; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, Carlos; GOLOVENCHITS, E. I. Golovenchits; SANINA, V. A. Sanina; OSEROFF, S. B.; PARK, S. Park; CHEONG, S.W.; Anomalous phonon shifts in the paramagnetic phase of multiferroic RMn2O5 (R=Bi, Eu, Dy): Possible manifestations of unconventional magnetic correlations., 03/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 10, pp.1-1, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PIRES, M.J.M.; MANSANARES, A.M.; DA SILVA, E.C.; CARVALHO, A. M. G.; CARVALHO, G.; GAMA, S.; COELHO, A.A.; Electron spin resonance g shift in Gd5Si4, Gd5Ge4, and Gd5.09Ge2.03Si1.88. Art.144404, 04/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 14, pp.1-2, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  URBANO, R.R.; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; MALACHIAS, A. Malachias; SILVA, E. G. M.; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; FISK, Z.; OSEROFF, S. B.; ESR study of the Eu2+ g-value in the metallic phase of cubic hexaboride Ca1-xEuxB6 (0.15 less than or similar to x <= 1.00). Art. No.115123, 03/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 11, pp.1-1, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  VON RANKE, Von Ranke, P. J.; DE OLIVEIRA, de Oliveira, N. A.; MELLO, Mello, C.; GARCIA, Garcia, D. C.; DE SOUZA, de Souza, V. A.; CARVALHO, A. M. G.; Influence of spin reorientation on magnetocaloric effect in NdA12: A microscopic model.
Art. 054425, 08/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 74, Fac. 5, pp.1-5, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  SILVA, E. G. M.; B., Uchoa,; MALACHIAS, A. Malachias; LORA-SERRANO, R. Lora-Serrano; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; WESTFATHL,, Westfathl, H. Jr.; Magnetic structure and critical behavior of GdRhIn5:Resonant x-ray diffraction and renormalization group analysis.
Art. 214428, 12/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 74, Fac. 21, pp.1-5, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

  SAMANTA, K. Samanta; BHATTACHARYA, P. Bhattacharya; KATIYAR, R.S.; IWAMOTO, W. Iwamoto; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; RETTORI, Carlos; Raman scattering studies in dilute magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xCoxO. Art.245213, 06/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 24, pp.1-2, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  PIRES, M.A.; ISRAEL, C. Israel; IWAMOTO, W. Iwamoto; URBANO, R. R.; AGUERO, O.E.; TORRIANI, I. L.; RETTORI, Carlos; PAGLIUSO, P. J. G.; WALMSLEY, LYGIA C.M.; LE, Zheng; COHN, Joshua; OSEROFF, S. B.; Role of oxygen vacancies in the magnetic and dielectric properties of the high-dielectric-constant system CaCu3Ti4O12: An electron-spin resonance study. Art.224404, 06/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 22, pp.1-2, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006
  RANKE, P. J. Von Ranke; GAMA, S.; COELHO, A.A.; CAMPOS, A.; CARVALHO, A. M. G.; GANDRA, F.C.G.; OLIVEIRA, N. A.; Theoretical description of the colossal entropic magnetocaloric effect: Application to MnAs.
Art.014415, 01/2006, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,Vol. 73, Fac. 1, pp.1-1, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2006

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