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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Anatomia Patológica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  ANDRADE, Liliana A. Lucci de; Lesões induzidas pelo HPV no colo uterino: critérios histológicos e variantes., 12/2007, Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial,Vol. 43, pp.34-38, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2007
  SCANAVINI JUNIOR, R. C.; MARTINS, A S; TINCANI, Alfio José; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; Fatores Prognósticos do Carcinoma Espinocelular Cutâneo de Cabeça e Pescoço, 10/2007, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia da Cabeça e Pescoço,Vol. 36, Fac. 4, pp.226-229, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2007 *
  TACCHELLI, Daniela Prata; CHAGAS, José Francisco Salles; RODRIGUES, Adriana Novaes; AMSTALDEN, Eliane Maria Ingrid; MATTOS, A. C.; MATSUMOTO, Mariana Cruz; Fibroma condromixóide maxilar., 06/2007, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia da Cabeça e Pescoço,Vol. 36, Fac. 2, pp.121-123, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2007
Circulação Internacional
  TRAINA, F; JORGE, Stefano G.; YAMANAKA, Ademar; MEIRELLES, L. R.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Chronic liver abnormalities in sickle cell disease: A clinicopathological study in 70 living patients., 09/2007, Acta Haematologica,Vol. 118, Fac. 03, pp.129-135, Basel, Suiça, 2007 *
  CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; ALGRANTI, Eduardo; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; FERREIRA, R G; BALTHAZAR, ABB; CERQUEIRA, EMFP; OTA, Jaquelina Sanae; HANDAR, Aantonia M. Z.; Wood charcoal and actived carbon dust pneumoconiosis in there workers., 03/2007, American Journal of Industrial Medicine,Vol. 50, Fac. 3, pp.191-196, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  KAYSER, Klaus; KAYSER, Gian; METZE, Konradin; The concept of structural entropy in tissue-based diagnosis., 10/2007, Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology,Vol. 29, Fac. 5, pp.296-308, St. Louis, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  RAPOSO-AMARAL, Cassio Eduardo; GUIDI, Marcelo de Campos; WARREN, Stephen M; ALMEIDA, Ana Beatriz B S; AMSTALDEN, Eliane Maria Ingrid; TIZIANI, Valdenize; RAPOSO DO AMARAL, Cassio Menezes; Two-stage surgical treatment of severe cherubism., 06/2007, Annals of Plastic Surgery,Vol. 58, Fac. 6, pp.645-651, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  HERREROS, Fernanda O. Camargo; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; ADAM, Randall Luis; MORAES, Aparecida Machado de; METZE, Konradin; Remodeling of the human dermis after application of salicylate silanol., 04/2007, Archives of Dermatological Research,Vol. 299, Fac. 1, pp.41-45, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2007 *
  CHONE, C. T.; YONEHARA, E.; MARTINS, JOSE EDUARDO FARIA; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; CRESPO, Agricio Nubiato; Importance of anterior commissure in recurrence of early glottic cancer after laser endoscopic resection, 09/2007, Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,Vol. 133, Fac. 9, pp.882-887, Chicago, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  WARD, Laura Sterian; MORARI, ELAINE CRISTINA; LEITE, Janaína LAAP; BÚFALO, N. E.; GUILHEN, A. C. T.; ARAUJO, P. P. C.; TINCANI, Alfio José; ASSUMPÇÃO, Lígia V. Montali da; MATOS, Patrícia Sabino; Identifying a risk profile for thyroid cancer, 07/2007, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia,Vol. 51, Fac. 5, pp.713-722, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2007 *
  TSUKUMO, D. M. L.; . FILHO, M. A. C.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; PRADA, P. O.; HIRABARA, SM; ALMEIDA SCHENKA, André; ARAUJO, E. P.; VASSALLO, José; CURI, Rui; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; Loss-of-function mutation in TLR4 prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance., 08/2007, Diabetes (New York),Vol. 56, Fac. 8, pp.1986-1998, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  PRADA, P. O.; HIRABARA, SM; SOUZA, C.T.; ALMEIDA SCHENKA, André; ZECCHIN, HENRIQUE GOTTARDELLO; VASSALLO, José; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; CARNEIRO, E.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; CURI, R.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; L: -glutamine supplementation induces insulin resistance in adipose tissue and improves insulin signalling in liver and muscle of rats with diet-induced obesity, 09/2007, Diabetologia (Berlin),Vol. 50, Fac. 9, pp.1949-1959, Berlin, Alemanha, 2007 *
  AMARAL WESTIN, Maria Cristina; DERCHAIN, Sophie Françoise M.; RABELO DOS SANTOS, Silvia Helena; ANDRADE, Liliana A. Lucci de; SARIAN, L. O. Z.; DE OLIVEIRA, Eliane; ZEFERINO, Luiz Carlos; OLIVEIRA, Eliane R; Atypical glandular cells and adenocarcinoma in situ according to the Bethesda 2001 classification: Cytohistological correlation and clinical implications., 10/2007, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology,Vol. 12, pp.2-6, Shannon, Co. Clare, Irlanda (Eire), 2007 *
  NASCIMENTO, J. A. A.; SEPPALA, Markku; PERDIGAO, antero Marques; ARCE, X. C. E.; MUNUCE, M.J.; HAUTALA, Laura; KOISTINEN, Riitta; ANDRADE, Liliana A. Lucci de; BAHAMONDES, Luis Guillermo; In vivo assessment of the human sperm acrosome reaction and the expression of glycodelin-A endometrium after levonorgestrel-emergency contraceptive pill administration., 08/2007, Human Reproduction,Vol. 8, pp.2190-2195, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  BILLIS, Athanase; FREITAS, Leandro Luiz Lopes de; MAGNA, Luis Alberto; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; Inflammatory atrophy on prostate needle biopsies: is there topographic to cancer?, 06/2007, International Braz J Urol,Vol. 33, Fac. 3, pp.355-360, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2007 *
  TEIXEIRA, Fernanda; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; ARENAS, Roberto; CHARAKIDA, Aikaterini; DOMINGUEZ, Luciano; CHU, Anthony Christopher; Is there a role for myofibroblasts in hair regrowth in alopecia areata?, 12/2007, International Journal of Dermatology,Vol. 46, Fac. 12, pp.1305-1307, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007
  YOSHIDA, A; SARIAN, L. O. Z.; ANDRADE, Liliana A. Lucci de; LIMA, F. P.; PINTO, Glauce A.; DERCHAIN, Sophie Françoise M.; Cell proliferation activity unrelated to COX-2 expression in ovarian tumors., 05/2007, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,Vol. 17, Fac. 3, pp.607-614, Malden, MA, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  BRAGANÇA, J.F.; SARIAN, L. O. Z.; ROCHA PITTA, Denise; MAITO, A. B.; LIMA, F. P.; VASSALLO, José; ANDRADE, Liliana A. Lucci de; DERCHAIN, Sophie Françoise M.; Expression of p16(INK4a) and cervical infection with high-risk human papillomavirus are not related to p53 activity in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia., 11/2007, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,Vol. 16, pp.2-6, Malden, MA, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  BARRETO, I. S.; JULIANO, P. B.; CHAGAS, Cristiano Aparecido; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; Lymphoid polyps of the palatine tonsil., 04/2007, International Journal of Surgical Pathology,Vol. 15, Fac. 2, pp.155-159, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  BILLIS, Athanase; TEIXEIRA, D. A.; STELINI, R. F.; RIBEIRO, Maisa Momesso de Quintal; GUIMARÃES, M. S.; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; Seminal vesicle invasion in radical prostatectomies: which is the most common route of invasion?, 03/2007, International Urology and Nephrology,Vol. 39, Fac. 4, pp.1097-1102, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2007
  SILVA, Elcio; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; DIAS SILVA, Gustavo; B MARIANO, Mirandolino; NETTO JR, Nelson Rodrigues; BILLIS, Athanase; MAGNA, Luis Alberto; Surgical margins in radical prostatectomy: a comparison between retropubic and laparoscopic surgery, 03/2007, International Urology and Nephrology,Vol. 39, Fac. 3, pp.865-869, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2007 *
  MAGALHÃES, Renata Ferreira; VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; MORAES, Aparecida Machado de; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; BIRAL, A. C.; KRAEMER, Maria Helena S.; SOUZA, Elemir Macedo de; Linear psoriasis in Brazilian children and HLA haplotypes., 11/2007, JEADV. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology,Vol. 21, Fac. 10, pp.1439-1441, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  VASSALLO, José; BOUSQUET, M; QUELEN, C; AL SAATI, T; DELSOL, Georges; BROUSSET, Pierre; CD5-positive diffuse large B cell lymphoma arising from a CD5-positive follicular lymphoma., 05/2007, Journal of Clinical Pathology,Vol. 60, Fac. 5, pp.573-575, London, Reino Unido, 2007
  VASSALLO, José; HUGUET, F; BROUSSET, Pierre; In situ detection of human cytomegalovirus infection of bone marrow in a patient previously treated for B-prolymphocytic leukaemia., 07/2007, Journal of Clinical Pathology,Vol. 60, Fac. 7, pp.839-841, London, Reino Unido, 2007
  SOARES, Andresa Borges; PONCHIO, Leandro Augusto; JULIANO, P. B.; CAVALCANTI ARAÚJO, Vera; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; Lymphatic vascular density and lymphangiogenesis during tumor progression of carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma., 09/2007, Journal of Clinical Pathology,Vol. 60, Fac. 9, pp.995-1000, London, Reino Unido, 2007
  CAVALARO, Marcia Alessandra; MEIRELLES, L. R.; BUSTORFF-SILVA, Joaquim Murray; Changes intestinal motility and in the myenteric plexus in a rat model of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion, 05/2007, Journal of Pediatric Surgery,Vol. 42, Fac. 6, pp.1062-1065, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  METZE, Konradin; BEDIN, V.; ADAM, Randall Luis; SOUZA, Elemir Macedo de; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; 'Recurrent' basal cell carcinomas may represent new primary neoplasias: differences between aggressive and nonaggressive histologic subtypes., 04/2007, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,Vol. 60, Fac. 4, pp.451-453, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2007 *
  PATALAY, Rakesh; TEIXEIRA, Fernanda; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; CHU, Anthony Christopher; An annular rash., 11/2007, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology,Vol. 57, Fac. 5, pp.917-919, St Louis, MO, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  GREENBLATT, Danielle T.; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; TEIXEIRA, Fernanda; PATALAY, Rakesh; CHU, Anthony Christopher; SHETH, Nisith; Self-Assessment examination of the American Academy of Dermatology: Hyperpigmented plaques on a young man., 05/2007, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology,Vol. 56, Fac. 5, pp.896-898, St Louis, MO, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; RIBEIRO, ELISANGELA; LIMA, C. S. P.; BATISTA, L S; METZE, Konradin; Detection of hematopoietic maturation abnormalities by flow cytometry in myelodysplastic syndromes and its utility for the differential diagnosis with non-clonal disorders, 02/2007, Leukemia Research,Vol. 31, Fac. 2, pp.147-155, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  WATANABE, I. C.; BILLIS, Athanase; GUIMARÃES, M. S.; ALVARENGA, Marcelo; MATTOS, A. C.; CARDINALLI, Izilda Ap.; FILIPPI, Renee Z; CASTRO, Marilia G; SUZIGAN, Sueli; Renal medullary carcinoma: report of seven cases from Brazil., 09/2007, Modern Pathology,Vol. 20, Fac. 9, pp.914-920, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  CAVALCANTI ARAÚJO, Vera; FURUSE, Cristiane; CURY, Patricia Ramos; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; ARAUJO, Ney Soares de; STAT3 expression in salivary gland tumours., 09/2007, Oral Oncology,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007
  TINCANI, Alfio José; ARAUJO, P. P. C.; DEL NEGRO, A.; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; MARTINS, A S; Childhood maxillary myxoma: case report and review of management., 11/2007, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology,Vol. 104, Fac. 5, pp.5-8, Saint Louis, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  BILLIS, Athanase; DE MARZO, Angelo M; LÓPEZ-BELTRÁN, Antonio; HOQUE, Ashrafal; KNUDSEN, B S; MAGI-GALLUZZI, C; ERTOY-BAYDAR, D; PIKARSKY, E; PLATZ, EA; MIKUZ, G; PIZOV, G; THOMAS, G; VAN LEENDERS, GJ; SAMARATUNGA, H; SESTERHENN, I A; EPSTEIN, J I; SIMKO, J; ICZKOWSKI, K A; CHANG, L.; EGEVAD, Lars L; ITTMANN, M; LODA, M; ZHOU, M; DATTA, M.; RUBIN, MA; LUCIA, MS; TRONCOSO, P; SHAH, Rajal B; MONTIRONI, Rodolfo; FINE, S W; ALI, T; SEBO, T; CHAN, T Y; TSUZUKI, TT; FIGG, W D; FARRE, X; YANG, XJ; A working group classification of focal prostate atrophy lesions., 10/2007, The American Journal of Surgical Pathology,Vol. 30, Fac. 10, pp.1281-1291, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  DE MARZO, Angelo M; PLATZ, EA; EPSTEIN, J I; ALI, T; BILLIS, Athanase; CHAN, T Y; CHANG, L.; DATTA, M.; EGEVAD, Lars L; ERTOY-BAYDAR, D; FARRE, X; FINE, S W; ICZKOWSKI, K A; ITTMANN, M; KNUDSEN, B S; LODA, M; LÓPEZ-BELTRÁN, Antonio; MAGI-GALLUZZI, C; MIKUZ, G; MONTIRONI, Rodolfo; PIKARSKY, E; PIZOV, G; RUBIN, MA; SAMARATUNGA, H; SEBO, T; SESTERHENN, I A; SHAH, Rajal B; SIMKO, J; THOMAS, G; TRONCOSO, P; TSUZUKI, TT; VAN LEENDERS, GJ; YANG, XJ; ZHOU, M; FIGG, W D; HOQUE, Ashrafal; LUCIA, MS; A working group classification of focal prostate atrophy lesions. [Correction], 04/2007, The American Journal of Surgical Pathology,Vol. 31, Fac. 4, pp.652-654, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ARGANI, Pedram; OLGAC, Semra; TICKOO, Satish K.; GOLDFISCHER, Michael; MOCH, Holger; CHAN, David Y; EBLE, John N; BONSIB, Stephen M; JIMENO, Mireya; LLORETA, Josep; BILLIS, Athanase; HICKS, Jessica B A; DE MARZO, Angelo M; REUTER, Victor E; LADANYI, Marc; Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma in adults: expanded clinical, pathologic, and genetic spectrum., 08/2007, The American Journal of Surgical Pathology,Vol. 31, Fac. 8, pp.1149-1160, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  FOGAGNOLO, Letícia; SOUZA, Elemir Macedo de; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; Vasculonecrotic reactions in Leprosy, 06/2007, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases,Vol. 11, Fac. 3, pp.378-382, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2007 *
  BILLIS, Athanase; MEIRELLES, L. R.; MAGNA, Luis Alberto; BARACAT, Jamal; PRANDO, Adilson; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; Extent of prostatic atrophy in needle biopsies and serum PSA levels: is there and association?, 05/2007, Urology (Ridgewood),Vol. 69, Fac. 5, pp.927-930, Riverton, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  BILLIS, Athanase; MEIRELLES, L. R.; MAGNA, Luis Alberto; BARACAT, Jamal; PRANDO, Adilson; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; Extent of prostatic atrophy in needle biopsies and serum PSA levels: Is there an association?, 05/2007, Urology (Ridgewood),Vol. 69, Fac. 5, pp.927-930, Riverton, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
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