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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Farmacologia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MARTINS, T. D.; LOYOLA, Y. C. S.; BRAGA, Angélica de Fátima de Assunção; Influência da Procainamida sobre o Bloqueio Neuromuscular Produzido pelo Rocurônio e Investigação sobre o Mecanismo de Ação da Procainamida na Junção Neuromuscular., 02/2007, Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia,Vol. 57, Fac. (1), pp.74-82, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2007 *
  FERNANDES, S. C. A.; BRAGA, Angélica de Fátima de Assunção; BRAGA, Franklin Sarmento da Silva; LOYOLA, Y. C. S.; RODRIGUES DE SOUSA, Simara; BARCELOS, Caroline Coutinho de; Influência do Lítio no Bloqueio Neuromuscular Produzido pelo Atracúrio e pelo Cisatracúrio. Estudo em Preparação Nervo Frênico-Diafragma de Rato., 06/2007, Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia,Vol. 57, Fac. (3), pp.289-300, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2007 *
Circulação Internacional
  A. SOUZA, Walneia; TOLEDO, J.C.Y.; MENDES, G.B.; SABHA, M.; MORENO-JR., H.; Effect of pharmaceutical care on blood pressure control and health-related quality of life in patients with resistant hypertension., 01/2007, American Journal of Public Health,Vol. 64, pp.1955-1961, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  MELLO, S. M.; BUCARETCHI, Fábio; HYSLOP, S.; VIEIRA, Ronan Jose; Bothrops snakebite on the head: case report and review of the literature, 12/2007, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology,Vol. 101, Fac. 8, pp.733-743, Liverpool, Inglaterra, 2007 *
  DOS SANTOS FILHO, H O; ILHA, Jaime de Oliveira; SILVA, L C; BORGES, A.; MENDES, G. D.; DE NUCCI, G.; Comparative bioavailability study with two amiodarone tablet formulations administered with and without food in healthy subjects, 01/2007, Arzneimittel-Forschung,Vol. 57, Fac. 9, pp.582-590, Aulendorf, Alemanha, 2007
  SILVA, M A; DUARTE MENDES,, F.; OLIVEIRA, R A; PATNI, A. K.; MENDES, G. D.; REYAR, S.; MONIF, T.; DE NUCCI, G.; Comparative bioavailability study with two chlorpropamide tablet formulations in healthy volunteers., 01/2007, Arzneimittel-Forschung,Vol. 57, Fac. 9, pp.591-598, Aulendorf, Alemanha, 2007
  BENTO, A. C.; MARANGONI, S.; NOVELLO, J.C.; ANTUNES, E.; GIGLIO, J.R.; OLIVEIRA, B.; DE NUCCI, G.; Identification of a new vascular smooth muscle contracting polypeptide in Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom, 10/2007, Biochemical Pharmacology,Vol. 1, pp.1092-1095, New York, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  MORENO-JR., H.; Genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of eNOS in breast cancer., 01/2007, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment,Vol. Jun 26, pp.1-3, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  BAILEY, Lakiea; KUROYANAGI, Yuichi; PENTEADO, C.F.F.; CONRAN, Nicola; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; AUSENDA, Sabrina; CAPPELLINI, Maria; IKUTA, Tohru; Expression of the gamma-globin gene is sustained by the cAMP-dependent pathway in beta-thalassaemia, 08/2007, British Journal of Haematology,Vol. 138, Fac. 3, pp.382-395, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  BADIN, C.A.; PAFFARO JUNIOR, VALDEMAR ANTONIO; JR., Pauli; SILVA, G.; SAAD, Mário J.A.; SALGADO, I.; CRUZ-HOFLING, Maria Alice; HYSLOP, S.; Hepatic morphological alterations, glycogen content and cytochrome P450 activities in rats treated chronically with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)., 07/2007, Cell and Tissue Research,Vol. 329, Fac. 1, pp.45-58, Berlin, Alemanha, 2007
  BADIN, C.A.; PAFFARO JUNIOR, VALDEMAR ANTONIO; PAULI, J. R.; SILVA, G. H.; SAAD, Mario J.A.; SALGADO, I.; CRUZHÖFLING, M A; HYSLOP, S.; Hepatic morphological alterations, glycogen content and cytochrome P450 activities in rats treated chronically with Nw-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME)., 01/2007, Cell and Tissue Research,Vol. 329, pp.45-58, Berlin, Alemanha, 2007
  FREITAS, C.F.; MORGANTI, R. P.; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; DE NUCCI, G.; ANTUNES, E.; Effect of bay 41-2272 in the pulmonary hypertension induced by heparin-protamine complex in anaesthetized dogs, 01/2007, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology,Vol. 34, Fac. 1-2, pp.10-14, Victoria, Austrália, 2007 *
  OKUYAMA, Cristina E.; MENDES, G. D.; FARO, Renato; REZENDE, V. Marcondes; LAGOS, M.; BARRIENTOS-ASTIGARRAGA, R E; ANTUNES, E.; DE NUCCI, G.; Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a nitric oxide-releasing derivative of enalapril in male beagles., 04/2007, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology,Vol. 34, Fac. 4, pp.290-295, Victoria, Austrália, 2007
  GIRIBELA, C. R.; RUBIRA, M. C.; DE MELO,, N.R.; PLENTZ, R.; ANGELIS, Kátia; COLOMBO-CONSOLIN, F.; MORENO-JR., H.; Effect of a low-dose oral contraceptive on venous endothelial function in healthy young women: preliminary results., 01/2007, Clinics (USP),Vol. 62, pp.151-158, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2007
  LEONARDO, S. D.; HYSLOP, S.; ZAMUNER, S. R.; RIBEIRO, W.; CUNHA, T.; PUORTO, G.; COGO, J. C.; Feeding intervals and serum parameters in Crotalus durissus terrificus, 10/2007, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology,Vol. 148, pp.107-109, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  DELBIN, M.A.; MORAES, C.; CAMARGO, E. A.; MUSSI, R.K.; ANTUNES, E.; DE NUCCI, G.; ZANESCO, A.; Influence of physical preconditioning on the responsiveness of rat pulmonary artery after pulmonary ischemia/reperfusion., 07/2007, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology,Vol. 147, Fac. 3, pp.793-798, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ABREU, V. A.; DAL BELO, C.A.; OLIVEIRA, SARAGUACY; BORJA, C.R.; HYSLOP, S.; FURTADO, Maria de Fátima D.; RODRIGUES-SIMIONI, L.; Neuromuscular and phospholipase activities of venoms from three subspecies of Bothrops neuwiedi (B. n. goyazensis, B. n. paranaensis and B. n. diporus)., 09/2007, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology,Vol. 148, Fac. 1, pp.142-149, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  MORAES, C.; CAMARGO, E. A.; DE NUCCI, G.; ZANESCO, A.; ANTUNES, E.; Reactivity of mesenteric and aortic rings from trained rats fed with high caloric diet, 07/2007, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology,Vol. 147, Fac. 3, pp.788-792, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ABREU, V. A.; DALBELO, C A; HERNANDESOLIVEIRA, S; BORJAOLIVEIRA, C R; FURTADO, Maria de Fátima D.; RODRIGUESSIMIONI, L; HYSLOP, S.; The neuromuscular and phopholipase activities of venoms from three subspecies of Bothrops neuwiedi (B. n. goyazensis, B. n. paranaensis and B. n. diporus)., 01/2007, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology,Vol. 148, pp.142-149, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ABREU, V. A.; DAL BELO, C.A.; OLIVEIRA, SARAGUACY; BORJA, C.R.; HYSLOP, S.; FURTADO, Maria de Fátima D.; RODRIGUES-SIMIONI, L.; Neuromuscular and phospholipase activities of venoms from three subspecies of Bothrops neuwiedi (B-n. goyazensis, B-n. paranaensis and B-n. diporus), 10/2007, COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY,Vol. 148, Fac. 1, pp.142-149, NEW YORK, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ZECCHIN, HENRIQUE GOTTARDELLO; PRIVIERO, F. B. M.; SOUZA, C. T.; ZECCHIN, Karina Gottardello; PRADA, P. O.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; ANTUNES, E.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; Defective insulin and acetylcholine induction of endothelial cell-nitric oxide synthase through insulin receptor substrate/akt signaling pathway in aorta of obese rats., 04/2007, Diabetes (New York),Vol. 56, Fac. 4, pp.1014-1024, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  COSTA, G; SILVA, Reginaldo M.; PENTEADO, C.F.F.; H A FERREIRA, H; ANTUNES, E.; Interactions between eotaxin and interleukin-5 in the chemotaxis of primed and non-primed human eosinophils, 07/2007, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,Vol. 1, Fac. 3, pp.200-205, Berlim, Alemanha, 2007
  MORENO-JR., H.; Analysis of genetic polymorphisms in preeclampsia: Relevance of haplotypes., 01/2007, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology,Vol. Sep, pp.7-9, Shannon, Co. Clare, Irlanda (Eire), 2007
  DE NUCCI, G.; Anti-inflammatory activities of Ph CL28A in rats in vivo, 12/2007, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 580, Fac. 1, pp.237-242, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007
  GIRALDELO, Cleria Maria Moreno; ZAPPELLINI, A.; MUSCARA, Marcelo Nicolas; DE LUCA, I. M. S.; HYSLOP, S.; CIRINO, G.; ZATZ, R; ANTUNES, E.; Effect of arginine analogues on rat hind paw oedema and mast cell activation in vitro, 11/2007, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 1, pp.87-93, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007 *
  PRIVIERO, Fernanda B. M.; TEIXEIRA, Cleber E.; CLAUDINO, M.A.; DE NUCCI, G.; ZANESCO, A.; ANTUNES, E.; Vascular effects of long-term propranolol administration after chronic nitric oxide blockade., 10/2007, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 571, Fac. 2-3, pp.189-196, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007
  LILLA, Sérgio; MAJCZAK, G.; MARKOVIC, J.; MEDRANO, F. J.; DE NUCCI, G.; BELIZÁRIO, J. E.; Prediction and biochemical characterization of intrinsic disorder in the structure of proteolysis-inducing factor/dermcidin, 11/2007, Genetics and Molecular Research (Online),Vol. 6, Fac. 4, pp.1000-1011, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2007
  M. OLIVEIRA, R.; PEDRAZZOLI JR., José; GAMBERO, A; ANTUNES, E.; The inhibitory effects of H(+)K (+)ATPase inhibitors on human neutrophils in vitro: Restoration by a K(+) iono, 01/2007, Inflammation Research,Vol. 56, pp.105-111, Basel, Suiça, 2007
  COPPI, Luciane; THOMAZZI, S. M.; AYRIZONO, M. L. S.; COY, Cláudio Saddy R.; FAGUNDES, João José; GOES, Juvenal R. Navarro; FRANCHI JUNIOR, G. C.; NOWILL, A. E.; MONTES, Ciro Garcia; FERRAZ, José Geraldo Paraíso; ANTUNES, E.; Comparative study of eosinophil chemotaxis, adhesion and degranulation in vitro in ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease, 02/2007, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,Vol. 13, Fac. 2, pp.211-218, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  MENDES, G. D.; D. MOREIRA, L.; PEREIRA, A. S.; YUI, F.; BORGES, A.; DUARTE MENDES,, F.; DE NUCCI, G.; A bioequivalence study of gliclazide based on quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry., 07/2007, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics,Vol. 45, pp.175-185, Deisenhafen, Alemanha, 2007
  CLAUDINO, M. A.; PRIVIERO, Fernanda B. M.; TEIXEIRA, Cleber E.; DE NUCCI, G.; ANTUNES, E.; Protective effect of prior physical conditioning on relaxing response of corpus cavernosum from rats made hypertensive by nitric oxide inhibition, 06/2007, International Journal of Impotence Research,Vol. 19, pp.189-195, London, Reino Unido, 2007
  DE NUCCI, G.; Anastrozole quantification in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to photospray tandem mass spectrometry applied to pharmacokinetic studies., 05/2007, Journal of Chromatography. B,Vol. 850, pp.553-559, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007
  LORENZETTI, R.; LILLA, Sérgio; DONATO, J. L.; DE NUCCI, G.; Simultaneous quantification of GMP, AMP, cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry., 11/2007, Journal of Chromatography. B,Vol. 859, Fac. 1, pp.37-41, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007
  CARVALHO, P. C.; DE CARVALHO, M.G.; DEGRAVE, W.; DE NUCCI, G.; FONSECA, R L Fonseca; MUSACCHIO, J.; DOMONT, G.B.; Differential protein expression patterns obtained by mass spectrometry can aid in the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease., 05/2007, Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncology,Vol. 6, pp.137-145, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  CAVEDAL, L. E.; DUARTE MENDES,, F.; DOMINGUES, C. C.; PATNI, A. K.; MONIF, T.; REYAR, S.; PEREIRA, S. Ados; MENDES, G. D.; DE NUCCI, G.; Clonazepam quantification in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry in a bioequivalence study., 01/2007, Journal of Mass Spectrometry,Vol. 42, Fac. 1, pp.81-88, Estados Unidos, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  SIGNORI, L U; VARGAS, A.; MÉA PLENTZ, R Della; GELONEZE, B; KLEIN, A.; IRIGOYEN, Maria C.; SCHAAN, B D'AGORD; MORENO-JR., H.; Reduced venous endothelial responsiveness after oral lipid overload in healthy volunteers., 01/2007, Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental,Vol. 57, pp.103-109, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  TOLEDO, J.C.Y.; MELO, S.E.S.F.C.; COLOMBO-CONSOLIN, F.; IRIGOYEN, Maria C.; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; MORENO-JR., H.; Cyclic guanosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor promotes an endothelium NO-dependent-like vasodilation in patients with refractory hypertension, 01/2007, Nitric Oxide. Biology and Chemistry,Vol. 16, pp.315-321, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  DE NUCCI, G.; HYSLOP, S.; Vasoactive mediators released by endothelins
Abstract + Refs, 12/2007, Pharmacological Research,Vol. 1, pp.223-242, Kent, Estados Unidos da América, 2007

  ANTUNES, E.; ZANESCO, A.; Effects of exercise training on the cardiovascular system: Pharmacological approaches, 06/2007, Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Oxford),Vol. 114, Fac. 3, pp.307-317, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  MORENO-JR., H.; Analysis of heritable components of primary nocturnal enuresis: relevance of haplotypes instead of genotypes, 04/2007, Renal Failure,Vol. 29, pp.931-933, New York, Reino Unido, 2007
  BEGHINI, D. G.; DAMICO, D. C. S.; CRUZ-HOFLING, Maria Alice; RODRIGUES-SIMIONI, L.; DELATORRE, Maria Carolina; HYSLOP, S.; MARANGONI, S.; Ability of rabbit antiserum against crotapotin to neutralize the neurotoxic, myotoxic and phospholipase A(2) activities of crotoxin from Crotalus durissus cascavella snake venom., 02/2007, Toxicology in Vitro,Vol. 22, Fac. 1, pp.240-248, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2007
  LANDUCCI, E.C.T.; CONDINO NETO, Antonio; PEREZ, A.C.; HYSLOP, S.; CORRADO, A. C.; NOVELLO, J.C.; MARANGONI, S.; OLIVEIRA, B.; ANTUNES, E.; NUCCI,, G.; Crotoxin induces aggregation of human washed platelets, 09/2007, Toxicon,Vol. ., pp.217-226, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  ANTUNES, E.; MARANGONI, R. A.; BRAIN, S. D.; DE NUCCI, G.; Phoneutria nigriventer (armed spider) venom induces increased vascular permeability in rat and rabbit skin in vivo, 12/2007, Toxicon,Vol. 1, pp.1011-1016, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007
  LOZO, Angela C. Malheiros; DUARTE, ADRIANA DA SILVA S; SALLES, Tereza Sueko Ide; QUEIROZ, M.L.S.; LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Early proliferation of umbilical cord blood cells from premature neonates, 05/2007, Vox Sanguinis (Basel),Vol. 93, Fac. 02, pp.145-153, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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