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Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Departamento de Geotecnia e Transportes
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
  BISCA, Percival (Docente); RODRIGUES, J. L. F. (Autor); GALVES, M. L. (Docente); European Transport Conference 2007, (17/10/2007 a ), Noordwijkerhout, Holanda, Oral:"A multicriteria approach for the analysis of the Northwest busway project in Campinas Metropolitan Region".
  PEIXOTO, A. (Autor); FONTES LIMA, Orlando (Autor); TACLA, Douglas (Autor); Congress Urban Transport 2007, (03/09/2007 a 05/09/2007), Coimbra, Portugal, Oral:"Evaluating urban transportation quality: measuring transportation activity. ".
  TACLA, Douglas (Autor); FONTES LIMA, Orlando (Autor); Congress Urban Transport 2007, (03/09/2007 a 05/09/2007), Coimbra, Portugal, Oral:"A model to reduce traffic, pollution and costs in urban distribution Moreira".
  TACLA, Douglas (Autor); CARLOS BOTTER, Rui (Autor); FONTES LIMA, Orlando (Autor); SUYAMA, S. (Autor); Congress Urban Transport 2007, (03/09/2007 a 05/09/2007), Coimbra, Portugal, Oral:"Planning a Good Logistic Net Working Can Save Money and Environmental for Urban Cargo Deliveries".
  FIORAVANTI, R. D. (Autor); AMANCIO, M. A. (Autor); GALVES, M. L. (Docente); Urban Transport 2007, (03/09/2007 a ), Coimbra, Portugal, Oral:"Alternatives to reduce congestion and improve the road system using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis: a case study in the city of Campinas, Brazil".
  PAIVA, Cássio Eduardo Lima de (Autor); RODRIGUES FILHO, S. (Autor); The Fifth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, (08/08/2007 a 10/08/2007), Park City, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Economics Anaalysis Between Rigid and Flexible Pavement".
  MERCADANTE, Luciano Allegretti (Docente); MENEZES, R. P. (Autor); TRABANCO, Jorge Luiz Alves (Docente); BARROS, Ricardo Machado Leite de (Docente); XXV International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, (23/08/2007 a 27/08/2007), Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil, Oral:"3D Kinematical Analysis of the Hammer throw in Competitions".
  AMANCIO, M. A. (Autor); GUIMARÃES, Carlos A. Bandeira (Autor); X International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), (11/07/2007 a ), Foz do Iguaçu, SC, Brasil, Oral:"Exploring Transcad Software Tools to Analyze Urban Form Characteristics in the Vicinity of Shopping Centers".
  ALBUQUERQUE, P. J. R. (Autor); BORJAILLE ALLEDI, Carla Therezinha Dalvi (Autor); POLIDO, Uberescilas Fernandes (Autor); 13th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (16/07/2007 a 20/07/2007), Island of Margarita, Venezuela, Oral:"Behavior of Instrumented Continuous Flight Auger Piles in Sedimentary and Residual Soils".
  PAIVA, Cássio Eduardo Lima de (Autor); PEIXOTO, Creso de Franco (Autor); Advanced Characterization of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials, (20/06/2007 a 22/06/2007), Atenas, Grécia, Oral:"Main Types and Features of Brazilian Pavements over Bridges and Viaduts".
  PAIVA, Cássio Eduardo Lima de (Autor); AGUIAR, P. R. (Autor); SILVA, F. C. M. (Autor); The International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA), (11/06/2007 a 13/06/2007), Virginia Beach, Suécia, Oral:"Evaluation of Track/Ballast Behavior under incresed axle load: measuring Deflections on Track".
  MENEZES, R. P. (Autor); MERCADANTE, Luciano Allegretti (Autor); MARTINI, T. P. (Autor); BARROS, Ricardo Machado Leite de (Autor); TRABANCO, Jorge Luiz Alves (Autor); XII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE BIOMECÂNICA, (30/05/2007 a 02/06/2007), São Pedro, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Análise Cinemática Tridimensional do Lançamento do Martelo".
  PEIXOTO, Creso de Franco (Autor); AGUIAR, P. R. (Autor); PAIVA, Cássio Eduardo Lima de (Autor); XXI Congreso Panmericano de Ferrocarriles, (30/08/2007 a 04/09/2007), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"Railways track structure deflections metropolitan trains".

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Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP