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Instituto de Biologia
Departamento de Parasitologia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SANTOS, M.V.S.; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; SETZ, Eleonore Z. Freire; MADI, R.R.; First Record of Kathlaniidae family Travassos, 1918 (Cosmocercoidea) nematodes, found in Neotropical primates Alouatta guariba clamitans (Atelidae), in the Ribeirão Cachoeira Forest fragment, District of Sousas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 01/2007, Bioikos (Campinas),Vol. 20, Fac. 2, pp.81-86, Campinas, SP, SP, Brasil, 2007 *
  SERRA, H.; GODOY, Wesley A. C.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; VON ZUBEN, Cláudio José; VON ZUBEN, Fernando José; Sex ratio and dynamic behavior in populations of the exotic blowfly Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera, Calliphoridae), 05/2007, Brazilian Journal of Biology,Vol. 67, Fac. 2, pp.347-353, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2007
  THOMAZ, A. A.; BARBOSA, L.C.; AYRES, D. C.; GIORGIO, Selma; CESAR, C.L.; Leishmania amazonensis chemotaxis under glucose gradient studied by the strength and directionality of forces measured with optical tweezers, 03/2007, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging,Vol. 6441, Fac. OnLine, pp.1-3, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
Circulação Internacional
  RODRIGUES, M. A.; GUARALDO, Ana Maria Aparecida; VIDAL, Benedicto de Campos; Fluorescence, birefringence and confocal microscopy of the abdominal aorta from nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, 03/2007, Acta Histochemica,Vol. 109, Fac. 3, pp.248-254, Jena, Alemanha, 2007 *
  GUIMARÃES JR., Paulo Roberto; SAZIMA, Cristina; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; SAZIMA, Ivan; The nested structure of marine cleaning symbiosis: is it like flowers and bees?, 02/2007, Biology Letters,Vol. 3, Fac. 1, pp.51-54, London, Reino Unido, 2007 *
  BAYELE, H. K.; PEYSSONNAUX, C.; GIATROMANOLAKI, A.; SILVA, W. W. A.; MOHAMED, H. S.; COLLINS, Heolísa; GIORGIO, Selma; KOUKOURAKIS, M.; JOHNSON, R. S.; BLACKWELL, J. M.; NIZET, V.; SRAI, S. K. S.; HIF-1 regulates heritable variation and allele expression phenotypes of the macrophage immune response gene SLC11A1 from a Z-DNA-forming microsatellite, 11/2007, Blood (Philadelphia. Online),Vol. 110, Fac. 8, pp.3039-3048, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  ARAÚJO, Márcio S.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; GIARETTA, Ariovaldo Antonio; MACHADO, G.; BOLNICK, Daniel I.; Intrapopulation diet variation in four frogs (Leptodactylidae) of the Brazilian Savannah, 12/2007, Copeia,Vol. 4, pp.855-865, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  GUIMARÃES, P. R.; RICO-GRAY, V.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; IZZO, T. J.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Interaction intimicy affects structure and coevolutionary dynamics in mutualistics networks, 11/2007, Current Biology,Vol. 5, pp.1-7, Cambridge, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  MELLO, Maria Luiza Silveira; MORAES, A. S.; GUARALDO, Ana Maria Aparecida; Chromatin supraorganization and extensibility in mouse hepatocytes with development and aging, 01/2007, Cytometry. Part A,Vol. 71A, Fac. 1, pp.28-37, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
  SERRA, H.; DA SILVA, Izabel Cristina Rodrigues; MANCERA, Paulo Fernando de Arruda; FARIA, Lucas Del Bianco; VON ZUBEN, Cláudio José; VON ZUBEN, Fernando José; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; GODOY, Wesley A. C.; Stochastic dynamics in exotic and native blowflies: An analysis combining laboratory experiments and a two-patch metapopulation model, 07/2007, Ecological Research,Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.686-695, Carlton South, Austrália, 2007
  DEGROSSOLI, A.; GIORGIO, Selma; Functional alterations in macrophages after hypoxia selection, 01/2007, Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood),Vol. 232, Fac. 1, pp.88-95, Maywood, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  BOSETTO, M. C.; GIORGIO, Selma; Leishmania amazonensis: Multiple receptor-ligand interactions are involved in amastigote infection of human dendritic cells, 07/2007, Experimental Parasitology,Vol. 116, Fac. 3, pp.306-310, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  DEGROSSOLI, A.; BOSETTO, M. C.; LIMA, C. B. C.; GIORGIO, Selma; Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1? in mononuclear phagocytes infected with Leishmania amazonensis, 12/2007, Immunology Letters,Vol. 114, Fac. 2, pp.119-125, London, Reino Unido, 2007
  AYRES, D. C.; MARCUCCI, M.C.; GIORGIO, Selma; Effects of Brazilian propolis on Leishmania amazonensis, 03/2007, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz,Vol. 102, Fac. 2, pp.215-220, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2007
  ARAÚJO, Márcio S.; BOLNICK, Daniel I.; MACHADO, G.; GIARETTA, Ariovaldo Antonio; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Using 13C stable isotopes to quantify individual-level diet variation, 07/2007, Oecologia,Vol. 152, Fac. 4, pp.643-654, Berlim, Alemanha, 2007
  MACHADO, Eleuza Rodrigues; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; LOURENÇO, E. V.; ANIBAL, F. F.; ROQUE-BARREIRA, M.C.; FACCIOLI, Lucia Helena; Comparison of immune responses in mice infected with different strains of Strongyloides venezuelensis, 11/2007, Parasite Immunology,Vol. 29, Fac. 11, pp.549-557, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2007
  MENEZES, Márcio Argollo de; BAIRD, Robin W.; LUSSEAU, David; GUIMARÃES, Paulo; GUIMARÃES, P. R.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Vulnerability of a killer whale social network to disease outbreaks, 10/2007, Physical Review E,Vol. 76, Fac. 4, pp.42901-42905, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2007
  UETA, Marlene Tiduko; AVANCINI, Rita Maria Pereira; Studies on the influence of age in the infection of caged chickens by Raillietina laticanalis and on the susceptibility to reinfection, 12/2007, Veterinary Parasitology,Vol. ., pp.157-162, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2007
  GUARALDO, Ana Maria Aparecida; VIDAL, Benedicto de Campos; RODRIGUES, M. A.; Optical anisotropies in corneal stroma collagen fibers from diabetic spontaneous mice, 09/2007, Vision Research,Vol. 47, Fac. 26, pp.3229-3237, Berkeley, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2007 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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