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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Neurologia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  LIMA, Nubia Freire Vieira; GUERRA, C C; TEIXEIRA, L C; SILVA, L. B. C.; SORDI, M. B.; MOURAO, L. F.; NUCCI, Anamarli; Tradução e validação da versão brasileira da escala de gravidade na esclerose lateral amiotrófica (Egela), 12/2009, Fisioterapia e Pesquisa,Vol. 16, Fac. 4, pp.316-322, FMUSP, SP, Brasil, 2009
  SALGADO, P. C. B.; CENDES, Fernando; Life adjustment after surgical treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy, 06/2009, Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology (Impresso),Vol. 15, Fac. 2, pp.71-76, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2009
  YASUDA, C. L.; SAÚDE, A. V.; VALISE, C. C.; PEREIRA, F. R. S.; COSTA, A. L. F.; MORITA, M. E.; BETTING, L. E. G. G.; TEDESCHI, H.; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; CASTELLANO, G.; CENDES, Fernando; Regeneração de atrofia de substância branca após a cirurgia de epilepsia: evidências estruturais através da morfometria baseada em voxel, 03/2009, Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology (Impresso),Vol. 15, Fac. 1, pp.7-11, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2009
  COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; YASUDA, C. L.; VALISE, C. C.; SAÚDE, A. V.; PEREIRA, F. R. S.; COSTA, A. L. F.; MORITA, Márcia Elizabete Morita; BETTING, L. E. G. G.; TEDESCHI, H.; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; CASTELANO, Gabriela Castelano; CENDES, Fernando; Regeneração de atrofia de substância branca após a cirurgia de epilesia: evidências estruturais através da morfometria baseada em voxel/ Recovery of white matter atrophy after epilepsy surgery: structural evidences through voxel-based morphometry, 03/2009, Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology (Impresso),Vol. 15, Fac. 1, pp.7-11, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2009 *
  BOAVENTURA, P. T. F.; NORONHA, A. L. A.; GIMENES TAVARES, Pablo; LI HUI LING, LI HUI LING; COAN, A C; MIN, L. L.; Relatório do VII Encontro Nacional de Associações e Grupos de Pacientes com Epilepsia, 06/2009, Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology (Impresso),Vol. 15, Fac. 2, pp.94-97, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2009
  MIN, L. L.; ACCHAR, W.; W L TORQUATO, W L Torquato; SOUZA, C.R.C.; Using ZrO2 or Al2O3 particles to enhance the mechanical properties of a LZSA glass-ceramic matrix, 04/2009, Matéria (UFRJ),Vol. 14, Fac. 1, pp.406-416, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2009
  ORSI, M.A; JUNIOR, L. Doretto; REISCHAK, D.; DA SILVA, L. H. A.; SPILKI, F. R.; BUZINARO, M. G.; ARNS, C. W.; Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine Strains: Immunogenicity is not Influenced by ICPI, 04/2009, Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola / Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science,Vol. 11, Fac. 2, pp.129-133, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  ZORZI, Jaime Luiz; CIASCA, Sylvia Maria; Análise de erros ortográficos em diferentes problemas de aprendizagem/ Analyzing typical orthographic mistakes related to different learning problems, 09/2009, Revista CEFAC (Impresso),Vol. 11, Fac. 3, pp.406-416, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2009
  ROSSINI, S. D. R.; MARTINS GOMES DE CASTRO, MARIA JOSE; CIASCA, Sylvia Maria; Relação entre indícios de disgrafia funcional e desempenho acadêmico/ Correlation between indication of disgraphy and scholarship performance, 06/2009, Revista CEFAC (Impresso),Vol. 11, Fac. 2, pp.221-227, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2009
Circulação Internacional
  D'ABREU, A. C. F.; FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; CONZ, L.; FRIEDMAN, Joseph H.; NUCCI, Anamarli; CENDES, Fernando; LOPES CENDES, I; Sleep symptoms and their clinical correlates in Machado-Joseph disease, 04/2009, Acta Neurologica Scandinavica,Vol. 119, Fac. 4, pp.277-280, Copenhagen, Alemanha, 2009 *
  SUSSULINI, A.; PRANDO, A.; MARETTO, D. A.; POPPI, R.J.; TASIC, L.; BANZATO, Cláudio E. M.; ARRUDA, M.A.Z.; Metabolic Profiling of Human Blood Serum from Treated Patients with Bipolar Disorder Employing H-1 NMR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics, 12/2009, Analytical Chemistry (Washington),Vol. 81, Fac. 23, pp.9755-9763, New York, Washington, DC, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; D'ABREU, A. C. F.; NUCCI, Anamarli; LOPES CENDES, I; Motor nerve hyperexcitability and muscle cramps in Machado-Joseph disease - Reply, 01/2009, Archives of Neurology (Chicago),Vol. 66, Fac. 1, pp.139-140, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  BOSCARIOL, M.; REHDER, Vera Lúcia Garcia; GUIMARAES, C. A.; MONTENEGRO, M. A. S.; CENDES, Fernando; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; Auditory processing disorders in twins with perisylcian polymicrogyria, 06/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67(2B), pp.499-501, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  JOAQUIM, A. F.; SILVA, E. G.; SANTOS, M. J.; HONORATO, Donizete Cesar; Giant cervico-thoracic extradural arachnoid cyst, 03/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 1, pp.117-118, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; Malformations of cortical development, 06/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67(2B), pp.570-574, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  ROMERO, F R; RAMOS, J G; CHADDAD NETO, F. E. A.; BETHENCOURT, J M A; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; Microsurgical anatomy and injuries of the abducens nerve, 03/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 1, pp.96-101, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  REIS, F.; FARIA, A. V.; DABUS, G. C.; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; CENDES, Fernando; MRI findings in the diagnosis and monitorin of Rasmussen's encephalithis, 09/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 3B, pp.3-4, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  QUAGLIATO, L B; VIANA, Maura Aparecida; QUAGLIATO, E. M. A. B.; SIMIS, S; Olfaction and essential tremor, 03/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 1, pp.21-24, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  LETRO, G. H.; VIANA, Maura Aparecida; QUAGLIATO, E. M. A. B.; Pain in Parkinson's disease, 09/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 3-A, pp.591-594, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  OLIVEIRA, F. F.; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; Short-term prognosis for speech and language in first stroke patients, 09/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 3B, pp.849-855, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  JOAQUIM, A. F.; SANTOS, M. J.; TEDESCHI, H.; Surgical management of intramedullary spinal ependynomas, 06/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. (2A), pp.284-289, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  RAMOS, A.; CHADDAD NETO, F. E. A.; JOAQUIM, A. F.; CAMPOS FILHO, J. M.; MATTOS, J P V; RIBAS, G. C.; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; The microsurgical anatomy of the gyrus rectus area and its neurogurgical implications, 03/2009, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 67, Fac. 1, pp.90-95, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2009
  APPENZELLER, S.; CENDES, Fernando; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; Cognitive impairment and employment status in systemic lupus erithematosus: A prospective longitudinal study, 04/2009, Arthritis and Rheumatism,Vol. 61, Fac. 5, pp.680-687, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  ORSI, Maria Angela; ZARONI, Margarida Maria H.; JUNIOR, Luciano Doretto; CAMILLO, Soraya Cecilia Albieri; RIBEIRO, Simone Alves Mendes; SPILKI, F. R.; BUZINARO, Maria da Gloria; ARNS, C. W.; Long-term stability studies on protection against Newcastle disease by commercial live vaccine used in Brazil, 08/2009, Biologicals (London. Print),Vol. 37, Fac. 4, pp.252-258, London, Reino Unido, 2009 *
  DURAN, M. H. C.; GUIMARAES, C. A.; MEDEIROS, L. L.; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; Landau-Kleffner syndrome: Long-term follow-up, 01/2009, Brain & Development (Tokyo. 1979),Vol. 31, Fac. 1, pp.58-63, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2009
  SERCHELI, M.S.; BILEVICIUS, Elizabeth; ALVES, ANDREA ALESSIO V; OZELO, H.F.B.; PEREIRA, F. R. S.; RONDINA, Jane Maryam; CENDES, Fernando; COVOLAN, R.J.M.; EEG spike source localization before and after surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy: a Bold EEG-fMRI and independent component analysis study, 06/2009, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 42, Fac. 6, pp.582-587, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  SERCHELI, M.S.; BILEVICIUS, Elizabeth; OZELO, H.F.B.; ALVES, ANDREA ALESSIO V; PEREIRA, F.; RONDINA, Jane Maryam; CENDES, Fernando; COVOLAN, R.J.M.; EEG-FMRI OF TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY: SOURCE LOCALIZATION USING BOLD AND ICA, 05/2009, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 50, Fac. 4, pp.219-220, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  MARQUES, K.B.; SCORISA, J. M.; ZANON, R.; FRERIA, C. M.; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; The immunomodulator glatiramer acetate influences spinal motoneuron plasticity during the course of multipla sclerosis in an animal model, 02/2009, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.179-188, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  MARQUES, K.B.; SCORISA, J. M.; ZANON, R.; FRERIA, CM; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; The immunomodulator glatiramer acetate influences spinal motoneuron plasticity during the course of multiple sclerosis in an animal model, 02/2009, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.179-188, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2009 *
  CENDES, Fernando; + 887, Collaborators; Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study of terutroban 30 mg/day versus aspirin 100 mg/day in stroke patients: the prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events of ischemic origin with terutroban in patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (PERFORM) study, 03/2009, Cerebrovascular Diseases (Basel),Vol. 27, Fac. 5, pp.509-518, Basel, Suiça, 2009
  PINHEIRO, G.F.M; BASSO, E. A.; FIORIN, B.C.; CENDES, Fernando; RITTNER, Roberto; HÖEHR, Nelci Fenalti; A fast (1) H NMR spectroscopy procedure for quantitative determination of N-acetylaspartate in urine samples, 06/2009, Clinica Chimica Acta (Print),Vol. 404, Fac. 2, pp.166-168, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2009 *
  DE ABREU, DCC; CLIQUET JUNIOR, A.; RONDINA, JM; CENDES, Fernando; Electrical Stimulation During Gait Promotes Increase of Muscle Cross-sectional Area in Quadriplegics: A Preliminary Study, 02/2009, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,Vol. 467, Fac. 2, pp.553-557, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; 71 COLABORADORES, Estudo Clínico; Adjunctive levetiracetam in infants and young children with refractory partial-onset seizures, 05/2009, Epilepsia (Copenhagen),Vol. 50(5), pp.1141-1149, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  BOAVENTURA, P. T. F.; BARROS, N. F.; MIN, L. L.; Stop saying epileptic, 05/2009, Epilepsia (Copenhagen),Vol. 50, Fac. 5, pp.1280-1283, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  RZEZAK, P; FUENTES, D; GUIMARAES, C. A.; THOMÉ-SOUZA, Sigride; KUCZYNSKI, E; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; VALENTE, K D R; Executive dysfunction in children and adolescents with temporal lobe epilepsy: Is wisconsin card sorting test enough?, 04/2009, Epilepsy & Behavior (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-11, San Diego, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  AKMAN, C I; MONTENEGRO, M. A. S.; JACOB, S; ECK, K; MCBRIAN, D; CHIRIBOGA, C A; PATTERSON, M C; Subclinical seizures in children diagnosed with localization - related epilepsy: clinical and EEG characteristics, 09/2009, Epilepsy & Behavior (Print),Vol. 16, Fac. 1, pp.86-98, San Diego, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  GALLAGHER, A; CHU-SHORE, C J; MONTENEGRO, M. A. S.; MAJOR, P; COSTELLO JR., D.J.; LYCZKOWSKI, D A; MUZYKEWICZ, D; DOHERTY, C; THIELE, E A; Associations between electroencephalographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings in tuberous sclerosis complex, 12/2009, Epilepsy Research,Vol. 87, Fac. 2-3, pp.197-202, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2009
  BALTHAZAR, M. L. F.; YASUDA, C. L.; PEREIRA, F. R. S.; PEDRO, T; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; CENDES, Fernando; Differences in grey and white matter atrophy in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease, 04/2009, European Journal of Neurology (Print),Vol. 16, Fac. 4, pp.468-474, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2009
  SOUZA, I. A.; CAMARGO, E. A.; MARIANO, N. S.; RESENDE, J. S.; DE MELLO, G. C.; COSTA, S. K. P.; DE NUCCI, G.; ANTUNES, E.; Role of sensory innervation in the rat pulmonary neutrophil recruitment induced by staphylococcal enterotoxins type A and B., 06/2009, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 613, Fac. 1-3, pp.128-134, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2009 *
  MIRANDOLA, SANDRA REGINA; HALLAL, D.E.M.; FARIAS, A.S.; OLIVEIRA, E.C.; BRANDÃO, C. O.; RUOCCO, HHR; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; Intereron-beta modifies the peripheral blood cell cytokine secretion in patients with multiple sclerosis, 03/2009, International Immunopharmacology (Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 1, pp.1-11, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2009
  MIRANDOLA, SANDRA REGINA; HALLAL, D.E.M.; FARIAS, A. S.; OLIVEIRA, E. C.; BRANDÃO, C. O.; RUOCCO, HHR; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; Interferon-beta modifies the peripheral blood cell cytokine secretion in patients with multiple sclerosis, 07/2009, International Immunopharmacology (Print),Vol. 9, Fac. 7-8, pp.824-830, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2009 *
  STELLA, Florindo; BANZATO, Cláudio E. M.; QUAGLIATO, E. M. A. B.; VIANA, Maura Aparecida; CHRISTOFOLETTI, G.; Psychopathological features in patients with Parkinson's disease and related caregivers' burden, 03/2009, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,Vol. 1, pp.1-11, West Sussex, Inglaterra, 2009 *
  K ZEN, K Zen; MIN, L. L.; D Q LIU, D Q Liu; C X CHEN, C X Chen; Y L GUO, Y L Guo; B HA, B Ha; X CHEN, X Chen; C Y ZHANG, C Y Zhang; LIU, Y.; The heparan sulfate proteoglycan form of epithelial CD44v3 serves as a CD11b/CD18 counter-receptor during polymorphonuclear leukocyte transepithelial migration., 02/2009, Journal Biol. Chem.,Vol. 284, Fac. 6, pp.3768-3776, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  TEIXEIRA, K. C. S.; CENDES, Fernando; GUERREIRO, Carlos A.M.; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; Focal Electrical Status (FES): A New Finding Associated With Polymicrogyria, 05/2009, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology,Vol. 26(3), pp.155-159, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  TEIXEIRA, K. C. S.; CENDES, Fernando; GUERREIRO, Carlos A.M.; GUERREIRO, Marilisa Mantovani; Focal Electrical Status (FES): A New Finding Associated With Polymicrogyria, 06/2009, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology,Vol. 26, Fac. 3, pp.155-159, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  PEDRO, Renato Nardi; NETTO JR, Nelson Rodrigues; Upper-Pole Access for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, 10/2009, Journal of Endourology,Vol. 23, Fac. 10, pp.1645-1647, Larchmont, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  CONTE, F.F.; RIBEIRO, P. A. O.; MARCHESINI, R. B.; PASCHOAL, V. D.; BUSTORFF-SILVA, Joaquim; OLIVEIRA, A. R.; GILLIOLI, R.; SBRAGIA NETO, Lourenco; BITTENCOURT, J.C.; LOPES CENDES, I; Expression profile and distribution of EFHC1 gene transcript during rodent brain development, 02/2009, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Totowa, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  D'ABREU, A. C. F.; FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; APPENZELLER, S.; LOPES CENDES, I; CENDES, Fernando; Axonal Dysfunction in the Deep White Matter in Machado-Joseph Disease., 01/2009, Journal of Neuroimaging,Vol. 19, Fac. 1, pp.9-12, Thousand Oaks, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; NUCCI, Anamarli; Brainstem Involvement in Sjögren's Syndrome-Related Sensory Neuronopathy, 06/2009, Journal of Neuroimaging,Vol. 1, pp.1-11, Thousand Oaks, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; D'ABREU, A. C. F.; YASUDA, C. L.; BONADIA, L. C.; SANTOS DA SILVA, M; NUCCI, Anamarli; LOPES CENDES, I; CENDES, Fernando; A combined voxel-based morphometry and (1) H-MRS study in patients with Friedreich's ataxia, 03/2009, Journal of Neurology (Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 1, pp.1-11, Darmstadt, Alemanha, 2009 *
  BRASILEIRO, Bernardo Ferreira; GREMPEL, Rafael Grotta; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; PASSERI, Luis Augusto; An in Vitro Evaluation of Rigid internal Fixation Techniques for Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomies: Advancement Surgery, 04/2009, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Vol. 67, Fac. 4, pp.809-817, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  JACINI, W. F. S.; CANNONIERI, G. C.; BOAVENTURA, P. T. F.; BONILHA, L. F. G.; CENDES, Fernando; MIN, L. L.; Can exercise shape your brain? Cortical differences associated with judo practice, 01/2009, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,Vol. 11, Fac. 11, pp.1-1, Peters, Austrália, 2009
  BOAVENTURA, P. T. F.; AVELAR, W. M.; MORY, S.B.; HANSEN, R; MIN, L. L.; Perception and attitude towards stroke by professionals of emergency medical service in an urban city in southeastern Brazil, 05/2009, Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases (Print),Vol. 18(3), pp.195-197, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  BALTHAZAR, M. L. F.; YASUDA, C. L.; CENDES, Fernando; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; Learning, retrieval, and recognition are compromised in aMCI and mild AD: Are distinct episodic memory processes mediated by the same anatomical structures?, 10/2009, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (Print),Vol. 19, pp.1-5, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  COSTA, A. L. F.; APPENZELLER, S.; YASUDA, C. L.; PEREIRA, F. R. S.; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; CENDES, Fernando; Artifacts in brain magnetic resonance imaging due to metalic dental objects, 03/2009, Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (Ed. impresa),Vol. 14, Fac. 6, pp.278-282, Valencia, Espanha, 2009 *
  FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; D'ABREU, A. C. F.; NUCCI, Anamarli; CENDES, Fernando; LOPES CENDES, I; Progression of ataxia in patients with Machado-Joseph disease., 05/2009, Movement disorders,Vol. 11, Fac. 1, pp.1-1, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; D'ABREU, A. C. F.; NUCCI, Anamarli; CENDES, Fernando; LOPES CENDES, I; Progression of Ataxia in Patients with Machado-Joseph Disease, 07/2009, Movement disorders,Vol. 24, Fac. 9, pp.1387-1390, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  DAMASCENO, A.; FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; QUEIROZ, Luciano de Souza; CENDES, Fernando; NUCCI, Anamarli; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; Adult onset chronic unihemispheric vasculitis resembling Rasmussen encephalitis., 09/2009, Neurologist,Vol. 15, Fac. 5, pp.285-288, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  WEN, H T; RHOTON JÚNIOR, A L; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; CASTRO, L H; FIGUEIREDO, EG; TEIXEIRA, M J; Microsurgical anatomy of the temporal lobe: part 2 - sylvian fissure region and its clinical application, 12/2009, Neurosurgery,Vol. 65, Fac. 6, pp.1-35, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
  D'ABREU, A. C. F.; FRANÇA JUNIOR, M. C.; PAULSON, Henry; LOPES CENDES, I; Caring for Machado-Joseph diasease: Current undesrstanding and how to help patients., 10/2009, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders,Vol. 5, pp.20-23, Londres, Inglaterra, 2009 *
  MELO-FILHO, Antônio Aldo; BARRETO, M. W. G.; NASSR, A. C. C.; ROGERIO, F.; LANGONE, Francesco; DIAS PEREIRA, Luis Antonio Violin; SBRAGIA NETO, Lourenco; Corticosteroids Reduce Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Expression in Response to Spinal Cord Injury in a Fetal Rat Model of Dysraphism, 01/2009, Pediatric Neurosurgery,Vol. 45, Fac. 3, pp.198-204, Basel, Suiça, 2009 *
  BOBBIO, T. G.; GABBARD, C.P.; GONÇALVES, Vanda Maria Gimenes; DE AZEVEDO BARROS FILHO, Antonio; MORCILLO, André Moreno; Relación entre la función motora y el rendimiento cognitivo, 09/2009, Revista de Neurología (Ed. Impresa),Vol. 49, Fac. 7, pp.388-389, Barcelona, Espanha, 2009 *
  BOBBIO, T. G.; GABBARD, C.P.; GONÇALVES, Vanda Maria Gimenes; DE AZEVEDO BARROS FILHO, Antonio; MORCILLO, André Moreno; Relationship between motor function and cognitive performance., 01/2009, Revista de Neurología (Ed. Impresa),Vol. 49, pp.388-389, Barcelona, Espanha, 2009 *
  AKMAN, C I; MONTENEGRO, M. A. S.; JACOB, S; ECK, K; CHIRIBOGA, C A; GILLIAM, F; Seizure frequency in children with wpilepsy: factors influencing accuracy and parebtal awareness, 09/2009, Seizure (London, England),Vol. 18, Fac. 7, pp.524-529, London, Reino Unido, 2009
  MILANSKI, M.; DEGASPERI, G. R.; SANTOS, A. C.; MORARI, J.; DENIS, R.; CINTRA, D. E. C.; TSUKUMO, D. M. L.; ANHE, G. F.; AMARAL, MARIA ESMERIA C D; HILTON K. TAKAHASHI, Hilton K. Takahashi; CURI, Rui; OLIVEIRA, Helena Coutinho F.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; BORDIN, Silvana; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Saturated Fatty Acids Produce an Inflammatory Response Predominantly through the Activation of TLR4 Signaling in Hypothalamus: Implications for the Pathogenesis of Obesity, 01/2009, The Journal of Neuroscience,Vol. 29, Fac. 2, pp.359-370, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2009 *
  REIS, Leonardo Oliveira; PEREIRA, T. C.; FAVARO, W. J.; CAGNON, Valeria Helena Alves; LOPES CENDES, I; FERREIRA, Ubirajara; Experimental animal model and RNA interference: a promising association for bladder cancer research, 01/2009, World Journal of Urology (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-9, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2009 *
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