Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Teoria da Computação
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
HERNÁNDEZ, J.C.L. (Docente); International Conference on Cryptology in India (Indocrypt), (10/12/2009 a 20/12/2009), Nova Deli, Índia, Oral:"Software Implementation of Pairing-Based Cryptography on Sensor Networks Using the MSP430 Microcontroller".
MINETTO, Rodrigo (Co-autor); IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (07/11/2009 a 10/11/2009), Cairo, Egito, Oral:"Afftrack: Robust Tracking of Features in Variable-Zoom Videos".
VIGNATTI, André Luís (Co-autor); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Convergence Time to Nash Equilibrium in Selfish Bin Packing".
MIRANDA, Alberto Alexandre Assis (Docente); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"On the Pfaffian Number of Graphs".
HOSHINO, Edna Ayako (Co-autor); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Approach for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem".
SOUZA, C.C. de (Docente); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"A branch and cut algorithm for the maximum common edge subgraph problem".
SOUZA, C.C. de (Docente); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"A branch-and-cut-and-price approach for the capacitated m-ring-star problem".
SOUZA, C.C. de (Docente); Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), (03/11/2009 a 07/11/2009), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Upper and lower bounding procedures for the minimum caterpillar spanning problem".
FEIJÃO, Pedro Cipriano (Docente); Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), (12/09/2009 a 13/09/2009), Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"SCJ: a variant of breakpoint distance for which sorting, genome median and genome halving problems are easy".
CIRÉ, André Augusto (Co-autor); Concurso Latinoamericano de Dissertações de Mestrado (CLTM), (22/09/2009 a 25/09/2009), Pelotas, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Modelos Computacionais para o Escalonamento de Tarefas em Dutos".
SARACCHINI, Rafael Felipe Veiga (Co-autor); Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI), (22/09/2009 a 25/09/2009), Pelotas, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Shape Reconstruction Using a Gauge-Based Photometric Stereo Method".
CIRÉ, André Augusto (Autor); MOURA, A.V. (Docente); XVI Concurso Latinoamericano de Dissertações de Mestrado (CLTM 2009) dentro da Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática (CLEI 2009), (22/09/2009 a ), Pelotas, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Modelos Computacionais para o Escalonamento de Tarefas em Dutos ".
HERNÁNDEZ, J.C.L. (Docente); Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, (24/08/2009 a 26/08/2009), Cangary, Canadá, Oral:"Fast Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Pairing Computation for Sensor Networks".
SOUZA, C.C. de (Docente); International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), (23/08/2009 a 28/08/2009), Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Branch-and-cut-and-price Algorithm for the Capacitated M-ring-star Problem".
SOUZA, C.C. de (Docente); International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), (23/08/2009 a 28/08/2009), Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Branch-and-price Approach for the Partition Coloring Problem".
MAGALHÃES, Karina Mochetti de (Autor); IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), (14/06/2009 a 18/06/2009), Dresden, Alemanha, Oral:"SB-RAWVec - A Semi-Blind Watermarking Method for Vector Maps".
PIVA, Fábio Rogério (Co-autor); IFIP International conference on network and service security (N2S), (24/06/2009 a 26/06/2009), Paris, França, Oral:"Regarding timeliness in the context of fair exchange".
MINETTO, Rodrigo (Co-autor); International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), (18/06/2009 a 20/06/2009), Chalkida, Grécia, Oral:"Fast and Robust Object Tracking using Image Foresting Transform".
VIGNATTI, André Luís (Aluno co-autor); IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), (25/05/2009 a 29/05/2009), Roma, Itália, Oral:"Distributed Selfish Bin Packing".
REBIHA, Rachid (Autor); International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), (13/04/2009 a 15/04/2009), San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Morphisms for Non-trivial Non-linear Invariant Generation for Algebraic Hybric Systems".
REBIHA, Rachid (Autor); International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV), (16/04/2009 a 16/04/2009), San Francisco CA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Morphisms for Analysis of Hybrid Systems.".
HERNÁNDEZ, J.C.L. (Docente); Conference on Hyperelliptic curves, Discrete Logarithms, Encryption, (15/03/2009 a 22/03/2009), Frutillar, Chile, Oral:"Efficient implementation of elliptic curves on sensor nodes".
HERNÁNDEZ, J.C.L. (Docente); Conference on Hyperelliptic curves, Discrete Logarithms, Encryption, (15/03/2009 a 22/03/2009), Frutillar, Chile, Oral:"Nano PBC: Implementing Cryptographic Pairings on an 8-bit Platform".
HERNÁNDEZ, J.C.L. (Docente); Conference on Hyperelliptic curves, Discrete Logarithms, Encryption, (15/03/2009 a 22/03/2009), Frutillar, Chile, Oral:"Efficient Implementation of Elliptic Curves over Binary Fields on ARM v5 Processors".