Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin"
Departamento de Física da Materia Condensada
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso
Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos
PIROTA, K. R.; First order Reversal Curves and its Application in Magnetic Nanostructures., 11/2009, "Solidos 2009",Vol. ., pp.1-3, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009
DE LIMA, O. F.; Nano-Nb Precipitates in Cu matrix: Synthesis and Characterization., 09/2009, 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials ICAM 2009 - VIII Encontro da SBPMat,Vol. ., pp.1-3, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2009
IIKAWA, F.; "Single-photon sources on GaAs(311) A based on acoustic transport"., 08/2009, International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors(ISCS-2009),Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Santa Bbarbara, Estados Unidos da América, 2009
GAZOTO, A. L.; BALANTA, M. Á. G.; IIKAWA, F.; BRASIL, M. J. S. P.; RIBEIRO, E; DANILOV, Yu A.; DOROKHIN, M. V.; VIKHROVA, O. V.; ZVONKOV, B.N.; DROZDOV, Yu. N.; SAPOZHNIKOV, M. V.; Effect of Mn Ions on the Spin-Relaxation Time of Electrons., 07/2009, International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology.,Vol. 1, pp.185-187, Krakón, Polônia, 2009
GALETI, Helder V. A.; BRASIL, M. J. S. P.; GOBATO, Y. G.; HENINI, Mohamed; HILL, G. i; Spin-Polarization Dynamics of Tunneling Electrons., 07/2009, International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology.,Vol. 1, pp.283-285, Krakón, Polônia, 2009
DOS SANTOS, L.F.; GOBATO, Y. G.; BRASIL, M. J. S. P.; RICHARD, V. Lopez-; MARQUES, G.E.; HENINI, M.; AIREY, R. J.; Light Controlled Spin-Polarization in Asymmetric n-type GaAs/GaAlAsResonant Tunneling Diodes., 07/2009, International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology.,Vol. 1, pp.284-286, Krakón, Polônia, 2009
SIQUEIRA, E. C.; CABRERA, G. G.; Asymmetric negative diffrential conductance in a ferromagnetic - double quantum dot - superconductor system., 07/2009, International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology.,Vol. 1, pp.232-234, Krakón, Polônia, 2009
COUTO JUNIOR, O. D. D.; LAZIE, S.; IIKAWA, F.; STOTZ, J.; REY, R.; SANTOS, P. V.; Evidence for photon anti-bunching in acoustically pumped dots., 07/2009, International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures.,Vol. ., pp.1-3, Kobe, Japão, 2009
MENEZES, J. W.; DA SILVA BRAGA, Edmundo; CESCATO, L.; Photonic crystals and plasmonic structures recorded by multi-exposure of holographic patterns, 04/2009, SPIE Europe Optics + Optoelectronics,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Prague, República Tcheca, 2009 *
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