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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Clínica Médica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SOUZA, Elemir Macedo de; VALLARELLI, A. F. A.; SIMONE LEE HARRISON, SIMONE LEE HARRISON; Nevos melanocíticos numa comunidade de origem predominantemente holandesa no Brasil (1999-2007)/ Melanocytic nevi in a Brazilian community of predominantly Dutch descent (1999-2007), 07/2010, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (Impresso),Vol. 85, Fac. 4, pp.469-477, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; Prevalência de problemas dermatológicos durante uma clínica assistencial no interior do Brasil/ Prevalence of skin diseases at a healthcare clinic in a small Brazilian town, 12/2010, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (Impresso),Vol. 85, Fac. 6, pp.947-949, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; CARDOSO, R. B.; RICARDO BIGNI, Ricardo Bigni; HAALLACK NETO, Abrahão; DIAS, DF; SOUZA, Robenilson A.; CHIATTONE, CS; O transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas no tratamento dos linfomas não hodgkin, 05/2010, Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia (Impresso) (Cessou em 1998. Cont. ISSN 1516-8484 Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia (Impresso)),Vol. 32, pp.106-114, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  PEDROLLO SIVESTRE, Mirian; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; Aspectos da legislação brasileira e da vigilância epidemiológica das doenças ocupacionais respiratórias, 01/2010, Boletim Pneumologia Paulista,Vol. 24, pp.6-11, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; ALGRANTI, Eduardo; História ocupacional e ambiental em pneumologia, 01/2010, Boletim Pneumologia Paulista,Vol. 24, pp.15-20, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  P R TONIDANDEL, P R Tonidandel; M S LEME TOLEDO, M S Leme Toledo; M E P ZANOVELLO, M E P ZANOVELLO; PEREIRA, Mônica Corso; PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; Insuficiência respiratória crônica pós-transplante de medula óssea, 01/2010, Boletim Pneumologia Paulista,Vol. 24, pp.60-63, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; Uma proposta de classificação para a insuficiência respiratória crônica, 01/2010, Boletim Pneumologia Paulista,Vol. 24, pp.56-58, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  CASTRO, M. S.; ALEGRE, Sarah Monte; HOEHNE, Eduardo Luiz; BARROS, N. F.; O uso de terapia alternativa e complementar por pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, 04/2010, Brasília Médica,Vol. 47, Fac. 1, pp.17-25, Brasília, DF, Brasil, 2010 *
  OLIVEIRA, B. H. D.; YASSUDA, M. S.; CUPERTINO, A.P.; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; Relations between sleep patterns, perceived health and socioeconomic variables in a sample of community resident elders - PENSA Study [Relações entre padrão do sono, saúde percebida e variáveis socioeconômicas em uma amostra de idosos residentes na comunidade - Estudo PENSA], 05/2010, Ciência e Saúde Coletiva (Impresso),Vol. 15, Fac. 3, pp.851-860, Manguinhos, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  SPILKI, F. R.; ALMEIDA, RENATA SERVAN DE; ARNS, C. W.; Antibody responses in mice after immunization with inactivated bovine respiratory syncytial virus using different adjuvants, 11/2010, Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso),Vol. 40, Fac. 11, pp.2332-2337, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, 2010
  FURTADO, A. K.; SANTOS, A. O.; ZEITUNE, Jose Murilo Robilott; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; Osteodistrofia hepática, 01/2010, GED. Gastroenterologia e Endoscopia Digestiva,Vol. 29, pp.126-135, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  LIRA, R. P. C.; NASCIMENTO, Maurício A; ARIETA, Carlos Eduardo Leite; DUARTE, Luis; HIRATA, F. E.; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Incidence of preoperative high blood pressure in cataract surgery among hypertensive and normotensive patients, 11/2010, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics (Print),Vol. 58, Fac. 6, pp.493-495, Nova Deli, Índia, 2010 *
  COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; MENDES FILHO, S. F.; BAUMGRATZ DE PAULA, Rogério; AVEZUM, Alvaro; FRANCISCHETTI, E.A.; BATISTA, Marcelo; MARIA HELENA, Catelli de Carvalho; R. DE FREITAS, Gabriel; ZANELLA, Maria Tereza; MARÍLIA DE BRITO GOMES, Marília de Brito Gomes; MAURÍCIO WAJNGARTEN, Maurício Wajngarten; DE MELO, Nilson Roberto; M. DA ROCHA MEIRELLES, Ricardo; MIRANDA, Roberto; MILAGRES, Rosangela; Hipertensão e condições clínicas associadas, 09/2010, Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia (Impresso),Vol. 32, pp.60-64, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  MACHADO, L.; SAAD, IAB; HONMA, H. N.; MORCILLO, André Moreno; ZAMBON, Lair; Evolution of performance status, body mass index, and six-minute walk distance in advanced lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, 09/2010, Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Impresso),Vol. 36, Fac. 5, pp.588-594, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; ALGRANTI, Eduardo; J T BUSCHINELLI, J T Buschinelli; Occupational lung cancer., 12/2010, Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Impresso),Vol. 36, pp.784-794, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  PASCOAL, V. D. A. B.; MARCHESINI, R. B.; A H B, MATOS; CONTE, F. F.; PEREIRA, T. C.; GILIOLI, Rovilson; MALHEIROS, J M; POLLI, R S; BUZZÁ, H H; TANNÚS, A; COVOLAN, Luciene; CAVALHEIRO, E.A.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; CENDES, Fernando; LOPES CENDES, I; The il 1 &#946; have a protective action in the acute phase of the pilocarpine-induced epilepsy model | [A interleucina 1-beta mostra uma ação protetora na fase aguda do modelo de epilepsia induzido pela pilocarpina], 01/2010, Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology (Impresso),Vol. 16, Fac. 3, pp.97-99, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2010 *
  DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; A Transfusão de Sangue no Brasil é Insegura, 11/2010, NewsLab,Vol. 102, pp.40-41, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SANTOS, C. F.; GIGLIO, Jonas; COSTA, T. G.; RAMOS, C.D.; FORTI, V.A.M.; CHACON-MIKAHIL, M. P. T.; ROCHA, José; Avaliação da Composição Corporal por Dexa em Homens com idade superior a 60 anos submetidos a um Programa de Treinamento com Peso, 01/2010, RBM. Revista Brasileira de Medicina (Rio de Janeiro),Vol. 67, pp.141-146, São Paulos, SP, Brasil, 2010
  TORINA, A. G.; PETRUCCI, O; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO PAULO MARTINS DE; B. DE OLIVEIRA SEVERINO, Elaine Soraya; LAVAGNOLI, C. F. R.; BOLTTA, Maria Heloisa Sousa Lima; VIEIRA, Reinaldo Wilson; Efeitos da ultrailtração modificada na função pulmonar e necessidade de hemotransfusão em pacientes submetidos a revascularização do miocárdio, 03/2010, Revista Brasileira de Botânica (Impresso),Vol. 25, pp.59-65, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  OLIVEIRA, F.J.; VIEIRA, Reinaldo Wilson; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; PETRUCCI, O; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO PAULO MARTINS DE; ANTUNES, N.; PIRES F. DE OLIVEIRA, Ivone; ANTUNES, E.; Inflamação sistêmica causada pela periodontite crônica em pacientes vítimas de ataque cardíaco isquêmico agudo/Systemic inflammation caused by chronic periodontite in patients victims of acute ischemic heart attack, 03/2010, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (Impresso),Vol. 25, Fac. 1, pp.51-58, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  DOMINGUES, R. C. L.; AMARAL, Eliana; ZEFERINO, Angélica M. Bicudo; ANTONIO, Maria A.R. de Goes; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Competência clínica de alunos de Medicina em estágio clínico: comparação entre métodos de avaliação., 03/2010, Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica (Impresso),Vol. 34, Fac. 01, pp.124-131, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010 *
  SPOSITO, G.; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; ROSARIO DE SOUSA, Maria da Luz; CINTRA, Fernanda Aparecida; DIOGO, Maria Jose D Elboux; Relações entre o bem-estar subjetivo e a funcionalidade em idosos em seguimento ambulatorial, 02/2010, Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia (Impresso),Vol. 14, Fac. 1, pp.81-89, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  CALDEIRA, M. H. R.; NETTO, V. R.; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; COSTA, Sandra C. Botelho; Alterações neuroinflamatórias e imunológicas na fragilidade e infecção por citomegalovírus, 07/2010, Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (UnATI. Impresso),Vol. 4, Fac. 2, pp.107-112, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  TOMOMITSU, M. R. S. V.; PERRACINI, M.R.; Prevalência e fatores associados à fragilidade em cuidadores de idosos., 04/2010, Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (UnATI. Impresso),Vol. 4, pp.3-12, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  SAMARA, Adil Muhib; Ethical aspects of medical publications: clinical assays on biological agents., 06/2010, Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (Impresso),Vol. 50, Fac. 3, pp.217-220, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SOUZA, X. M.; KAMADA, M.; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; Avaliação de fatores de risco para fratura de quadirl em mulheres idosas., 11/2010, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Clínica Médica,Vol. 7, pp.379-384, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  COELHO-FILHO, OTAVIO RIZZI; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; Fibrinolíticos no infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnível do segmento ST, 01/2010, Revista da Sociedade de Cardiologia do Estado de Sao Paulo,Vol. 20, pp.356-363, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  YASSUDA, M. S.; NUCCI, F. R. C. F.; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; COIMBRA, ARLETE MARIA VALENTE; Lack of relationship between hypertension and cognitive performance in community dwelling older adults [Ausência de relação entre hipertensão arterial sistêmica e desempenho cognitivo em idosos de uma comunidade], 02/2010, Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica (São Paulo),Vol. 37, Fac. 2, pp.52-56, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  ROSSI, Claudio Lucio; NASCIMENTO, F. S.; BARROS-MAZON, Sílvia de; DIAS, DF; VIGORITO, A. C.; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; Serological monitoring of A Toxoplasma infection after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 07/2010, Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Impresso),Vol. 52, Fac. 4, pp.225-227, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  JARDIM, L. L.; DANTAS, Clarissa de R.; MIRANDA, F. Z.; BANZATO, Cláudio E. M.; God s eyes and the schizophrenic hands: listening to a psychiatric patient, 12/2010, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental (Impresso),Vol. 13, pp.577-584, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  CANNAVAN, FPS; FIGUEIREDO, M. J. O.; Abordagem da Fibrilação Atrial: O que mudou com as novas diretrizes européias?, 12/2010, RELAMPA. Revista Latino-Americana de Marcapasso e Arritmia,Vol. 23, pp.218-222, Acrelandia, AC, Brasil, 2010
  COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; RICCI, N. A.; COIMBRA, ARLETE MARIA VALENTE; Factors associated with the history of falls of elderly assisted by the family health program / Fatores associados ao histórico de quedas de idosos assistidos pelo programa de saúde da família, 10/2010, Saúde e Sociedade,Vol. 19, Fac. 4, pp.898-909, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
Circulação Internacional
  APRAHAMIAN, I.; MARTINELLI, J. E.; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; YASSUDA, M. S.; The accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test compared to that of standard screening tests for Alzheimer's disease: results from a study of Brazilian elderly with heterogeneous educational backgrounds., 02/2010, International Psychogeriatrics,Vol. 22, Fac. 1, pp.64-71, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2010
  YAMAGUTI, G. G.; LOURENCO, GJ; SILVEIRA, Vanessa da Silva; TONE, Luiz Gonzaga; LOPES, Luiz Fernando; LIMA, C. S. P.; Increased Risk for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children with Cytochrome P-450 A(1) (CYP1A1)- and NAD(P)H:Quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1)-Inherited Gene Variants, 01/2010, Acta Haematologica,Vol. 124, Fac. 3, pp.182-184, Basel, Suiça, 2010
  MATOS, ARLINDO DE; ROPELLE, E. R.; PAULI, J. R.; FREDERICO, M J S; PINHO, R A; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; SOUZA, C. T.; Acute exercise reverses TRB3 expression in the skeletal muscle and ameliorates whole body insulin sensitivity in diabetic mice, 01/2010, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica,Vol. 198, pp.61-69, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  NASCIMENTO, Iana Sousa; QUAIO, Caio Robledo D. A.; SINICATO, N. A.; APPENZELLER, Simone; Aspects of atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome in lupus erythematosus, 07/2010, Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa,Vol. 35, Fac. 3, pp.294-300, Lisboa, Portugal, 2010
  ZAPPAROLI, A.; GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; Intracerebroventricular Ethanol Injection: Water and Food Intake Alterations, 01/2010, Advanced Studies in Biology,Vol. 2, pp.149-158, Ruse, Bulgária, 2010
  OLIVEIRA, PC; MICHELOTTO, João Batista; ZAPPAROLI, A.; GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; Intracerebroventricular insulin injection on renal sodium handling: Role of centrally nitric oxide inhibition in rats, 01/2010, Advanced Studies in Biology,Vol. 2, pp.1-14, Ruse, Bulgária, 2010
  DA LUZ, Julio; KIMURA, EM; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SONATI, Maria de Fatima; M SANS, M Sans; Beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes in Afro-Uruguayans from two geographical regions (South and North), 01/2010, American Journal of Human Biology,Vol. 22, Fac. 1, pp.124-128, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  SALES, MARIA LILIAN; SCHREIBER, Roberto; FERREIRA, M. C. S.; FERNANDES, M. A. N.; PIVETA, C. S. C.; CIPOLLI, J. A. A.; CARDOSO, C. C.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Toll-like receptor 6 Ser249Pro polymorphism is associated with lower left ventricular wall thickenss and inflammatory response in hypertensive woman, 01/2010, American Journal of Hypertension,Vol. 23, Fac. 6, pp.649-654, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MORAES, S.G.; DIAS PEREIRA, Luis Antonio Violin; A multimedia approach for teaching human embryology: Development and evaluation of a methodology, 01/2010, Annals of Anatomy,Vol. 192, Fac. 6, pp.388-395, Jena, Alemanha, 2010
  REZENDE, T. C. B.; COIMBRA, ARLETE MARIA VALENTE; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; Factors of high impacts on the life of caregivers of disabled elderly, 07/2010, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics,Vol. 51, Fac. 1, pp.76-80, Shannon, Reino Unido, 2010
  COIMBRA, ARLETE MARIA VALENTE; RICCI, N. A.; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; Fallls in the elderly of the Family Health Program., 12/2010, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics,Vol. 19, Fac. 4, pp.898-909, Shannon, Reino Unido, 2010
  COIMBRA, ARLETE MARIA VALENTE; RICCI, N. A.; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; Falls in the elderly of the Family Health Program, 11/2010, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics,Vol. 51, Fac. 3, pp.317-322, Shannon, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  MÉLO, R.O.V de; TOLEDO, J.C.Y.; CARVALHO LOUREIRO, Afonso Augusto; CIPULLO, J.C.; MORENO-JR., H.; VILELA MARTIN, José Fernando; Absence of noctural dipping is associated with stroke and myocardium infarction, 01/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 94, Fac. 1, pp.79-85, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  MÉLO, R.O.V de; TOLEDO, J.C.Y.; CARVALHO LOUREIRO, Afonso Augusto; CIPULLO, J.C.; MORENO-JR., H.; MARTINS, José F. Vilela; Ausência de descenso noturno se associa a acidente vascular cerebral e infarto agudo do miocárdio, 01/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 94, pp.79-85, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010
  ANDREOLLO, Nelson Adami; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; Classificação dos Periódicos no Sistema QUALIS da CAPES - a Mudança dos Critérios é URGENTE!, 03/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 94, Fac. 3, pp.390-391, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  MARTINS, L. C.; SABHA, M.; PAGANELLI, M.O.; SÍLVIA ELAINE FERREIRA-MELO, Sílvia Elaine Ferreira-Melo; MELLO MOREIRA, Marcos; CARVALHO, A. C.; ARAÚJO, Sebastião; MORENO-JR., H.; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; Infusão intravenosa de vasopressina causa efeitos cardiovasculares adversos dose-dependentes em cães anestesiados, 01/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 94, pp.213-218, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010
  MOREIRA, M M; TERZI, Renato G. Giovanni; PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; MARTINS, LC; OLIVEIRA, EP; FALCAO, A. L. E.; Thrombolysis in massive pulmonary embolism based on the volumetric capnography., 10/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 95, Fac. 4, pp.97-99, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010
  PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; MELLO MOREIRA, Marcos; TERZI, Renato G. Giovanni; MARTINS, L. C.; OLIVEIRA, E. P. L.; FALCAO, A. L. E.; Trombólise na embolia pulmonar maciça com base na capnografia volumétrica, 10/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 95, Fac. 4, pp.97-100, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  MARTINS, L. C.; SABHA, M.; PAGANELLI, M.O.; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; SÍLVIA ELAINE FERREIRA-MELO, Sílvia Elaine Ferreira-Melo; MELLO MOREIRA, Marcos; CARVALHO, A. C.; ARAÚJO, Sebastião; MORENO-JR., H.; Vasopressin Intravenous Infusion Causes Dose Dependent Adverse Cardiovascular Effects in Anesthetized Dogs, 02/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso),Vol. 94, Fac. 2, pp.229-234, São Paulo-SP, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  WARD, Laura Sterian; AMORIM, Barbara J.; SANTOS, Allan O.; CELSO D., RAMOS; MATOS, Patrícia Sabino; ASSUMPÇÃO, Lígia V. Montali da; CAMARGO, Edwaldo E.; ETCHEBEHERE, E. C. S. C.; Cumulative doses of radioiodine in the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: knowing when to stop., 12/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso),Vol. 54, Fac. 9, pp.807-812, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  H C FABBRI, H C Fabbri; DE MELLO, Maricilda Palandi; SOARDI, F. C.; MANGUE ESQUIAVETO AUN, Adriana; DE OLIVEIRA, D.M.; DENARDI, Fernanda C; MOURA NETO, A; GARMES, Heraldo Mendes; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; MATOS, Patrícia Sabino; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; LI, L. F. R. S.; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; Long-term follow-up of an 8-year-old boy with insulinoma as the first manifestation of a familial form of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, 11/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso),Vol. 54, Fac. 8, pp.754-760, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  DE MELLO, Maricilda Palandi; COELI, F. B.; DE GODOY ASSUMPÇÃO, Juliana; M. CASTRO, T.; MACIEL-GUERRA, AT; MARQUES DE FARIA, A P; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; Novel DMRT1 3 UTR+11insT mutation associated to XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, 04/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso),Vol. 54, Fac. 8, pp.749-753, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  WARD, Laura Sterian; O paciente difícil: Interação entre drogas e influência de doenças concomitantes no tratamento do hipotiroidismo, 04/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso),Vol. 54, pp.435-442, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  BELGINI, D. R. B.; DE MELLO, Maricilda Palandi; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; OLIVEIRA, Daneil Minutti de; DENARDI, Fernanda C; GARMES, Heraldo Mendes; PINTO, C. L. B.; MARQUES DE FARIA, A P; MACIEL-GUERRA, AT; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; GRASSIOTTO, Oswaldo da Rocha; Six new cases confirm the clinical molecular profile of complete combined 17&#945;-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency in Brazil, 01/2010, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso),Vol. 54, Fac. 8, pp.711-716, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  ANDREOLLO, Nelson Adami; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; Classification of journals in the QUALIS System of CAPES URGENT need of changing the criteria!, 04/2010, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso),Vol. 68, Fac. 2, pp.327-329, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  SPOSITO, Andrei Carvalho; FARAH ALVARENGA, Bruno; S. ALEXANDRE, Alison; ANA LAURA R. ARAÚJO, Ana Laura R. Araújo; SANTOS, S. N.; JOALBO M. ANDRADE, Joalbo M. Andrade; RAMIRES, JA; JOSE C. QUINAGLIA E SILVA, Jose C. Quinaglia e Silva; COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; Most of the patients presenting myocardial infarction would not be eligible for intensive lipid-lowering based on clinical algorithms or plasma C-reactive protein., 01/2010, Atherosclerosis (Amsterdam),Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Shannon, Holanda, 2010
  COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; ANDRADE, TIAGO GOMES; MOREIRA, L. R.; DUARTE, Adriana; LANARO, C.; ALBUQUERQUE, D.M.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; result8 Expression of new red cell-related genes in erythroid differentiation, 02/2010, Biochemical Genetics,Vol. 48, pp.164-171, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  ANDRADE, Tiago; MOREIRA, Luciana; DUARTE, ADRIANA DA SILVA S; LANARO, C.; ALBUQUERQUE, D.M.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; Expression of new red cell-related genes in erythroid differentiation, 07/2010, Biochemical Genetics,Vol. 48, Fac. 2010, pp.164-171, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  RODRIGUES FERNANDES, Tania Aparecida; FUKAI, R; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; LORAND-METZE, Irene; MAGNA, L A; KRAEMER, Maria Helena S.; Molecular identification of the HLA-DRB1-DQB1 for diagnosis and follow-up of acute leukemias., 03/2010, Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases (Print),Vol. 44, Fac. 2, pp.69-73, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MELLO, T. B. T.; MONTALVÃO, SAL; OZELO, M. C.; PAULA, Erich; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; Long-Term Prospective Study Of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism In A Hispanic Population, 06/2010, Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis,Vol. 21, Fac. 07, pp.660-665, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; ALVES, Brunna Eulalio; MONTALVÃO, SAL; ARANHA, FJP; MACHADO, TFGS; LORAND-METZE, Irene; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; DE PAULA, EV; Imbalances in serum angiopoietin concentrations are early predictors of septic shock development in pacients with post chemoterapy febrile neutropenia, 05/2010, BMC Infectious Diseases (Online),Vol. 10, pp.1-10, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  GONÇALES JR., Fernando Lopes; MOMA, Camila A.; VIGANI, Aline G; ADRIANA F. C. F., Angerami; GONÇALES, E. S. L.; TOZZO, RAQUEL; PAVAN, Maria Helena Postal; GONÇALVES, Neiva Sellan Lopes; Retreatment of hepatitis C patients with pegylated interferon combined with ribavirin in non-responders to interferon plus ribavirin. Is it different in real life?, 07/2010, BMC Infectious Diseases (Online),Vol. 10, pp.1-7, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  VANESSA RACLOZ, Vanessa Racloz; SILVA, Luiz Jacintho da; The elusive meningococcal meningitis serogroup: a systematic review of serogroup B epidemiology, 06/2010, BMC Infectious Diseases (Online),Vol. 10, pp.175-175, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  COELI, FB; C. SOARDI, F.; BERNARDI, R. D.; ARAÚJO, Marcela; PAULINO, Luciana C.; LAU, Ivy Freitas; PETROLI, R. J.; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; DE MELLO, M.P.; Nobel deletion alleles carrying CYP21A1P/A2 chimeric genes in Brazilian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency, 06/2010, BMC Medical Genetics (Online),Vol. 11, pp.1-13, Londres, Inglaterra, 2010 *
  BARATTI, M. O.; MOREIRA, Yuri; TRAINA, F.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; VERJOVSKI DE ALMEIDA, Sérgio; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Identification of protein-coding and non-coding RNA expression profiles in CD34+ and in stromal cells in refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts, 07/2010, BMC Medical Genomics,Vol. 30, Fac. 15, pp.30-45, London, Inglaterra, 2010
  DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; BOER, C. C.; CORREA, Maria EP; MIRANDA, E. C. M.; Taste disorders and oral evaluation in patients undergoing allogenei hamatopoietic SCT, 04/2010, Bone Marrow Transplantation (Basingstoke),Vol. 45, pp.705-711, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  SBRAGIA NETO, Lourenco; SCHMIDT, A. F. S.; MORAES, S; G. BITTENCOURT, D.; GONÇALVES, F. L. L.; DIAS PEREIRA, Luis Antonio Violin; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Inflammatory response in a rat model of gastroschisis is associated with an increase of NF-kappaB, 02/2010, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 43, Fac. 2, pp.160-165, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; MESQUITA, F. F.; BOER, P. A.; Maternal undernutrition and the offspring kidney: From fetal to adult life, 11/2010, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 43, pp.1010-1018, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  FERREIRA, R. P.; TRAINA, F.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; ZORZETTO, N. A. C.; Increased adhesive properties of platelets in sickle cell disease: roles for alphaIIbbeta3-mediates ligand binding, diminished cAMP signalling and increased phosphodiesterase 3A activity., 04/2010, British Journal of Haematology (Print),Vol. 149, Fac. 02, pp.280-288, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  CALIXTO, M. C.; LINTOMEN, L.; SCHENKA, A. A.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; ZANESCO, A.; ANTUNES, E.; Obesity enhances eosinophilic inflammation in a murine model of allergic asthma, 02/2010, British Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 159, Fac. 3, pp.617-625, Basingstoke, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  LEONARDO, F. C.; CUNHA, A.. F.; DA SILVA, M. J.; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; LEONARDO, A.M. C.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; PEREIRA, G.A.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Analysis of the workers head transcriptome of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi, 12/2010, Bulletin of Entomological Research,Vol. OnLine, pp.1-9, Wallingford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  SAKUMA, AM; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; FIGUEIREDO, Bernardino Ribeiro; MAIO, Franca Durante de; PAOLIELLO, Mônica Maria Bastos; CUNHA, Fernanda Goncalves; DURAN, Maria Cristina; Arsenic expourse assessment of children living in a lead mining area in Southeastern Brazil., 02/2010, Cadernos de Saúde Pública (ENSP. Impresso),Vol. 26, Fac. 2, pp.391-398, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  SPADACIO, C.; PFEIFFER CASTELLANOS, MARCELO EDUARDO; BARROS, N. F.; ALEGRE, Sarah Monte; TOVEY, Philip; BROOM, Alex; Medicinas alternativas e complementares: uma metassíntese/ Complementary and alternative medicines: a meta-synthesis, 01/2010, Cadernos de Saúde Pública (ENSP. Impresso),Vol. 26, Fac. 1, pp.7-13, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010 *
  CORTES, JE; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; AYALA SANCHÉZ, Manuel; BENDIT, I; BEST AGUILERA, Carlos; ENRICO, Alicia; HAMERSCHLAK, Nelson; PAGNANO, K. B. B.; PASQUINI, Ricardo; GARCIA, LM; Current patient management of chronic myeloid leukemia in Latin America, 01/2010, Cancer (Print),Vol. 116, Fac. 21, pp.4991-5000, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  COSTA, A. P. D.; CLEMENTE, C. F. M. Z.; CARVALHO, Hernandes F. de; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; FAK mediates the activation of cardiac fibroblasts induced by mechanical stress through regulation of the mTOR complex, 06/2010, Cardiovascular Research,Vol. 86, Fac. 3, pp.421-431, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010 *
  CUNHA, A. F.; BRUGNEROTTO, A. F.; DUARTE, ADRIANA DA SILVA S; LANARO, Carolina; COSTA, G.G.L.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; Global gene expression reveals a set of new genes involved in the modification of cells during erythroid differentiation, 06/2010, Cell Proliferation (Print),Vol. 43, Fac. 03, pp.297-309, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2010
  LACCHINI, R.; FERREIRA, A. L. B. J.; LUIZON, Marcelo R.; COELI, F. B.; TATIANE C. IZIDORO-TOLEDO, Tatiane C. Izidoro-Toledo; GASPARINI BASTOS, Sandra Denise; FERREIRA, M. C. S.; SCHREIBER, Roberto; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; TANUS-SANTOS, José Eduardo; Matrix metalloproteinase 9 gene haplotypes affect left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients, 12/2010, Clinica Chimica Acta (Print),Vol. 411, Fac. 23-24, pp.1940-1944, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010 *
  SALES, MARIA LILIAN; SCHREIBER, Roberto; FERREIRA, M. C. S.; FERNANDES, M. A. N.; PIVETA, C. S. C.; CIPOLLI, J. A. A.; CALIXTO, A. R.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; The functional toll-like receptor 4 Asp299Gly polymorphism is associated with lower left ventricular mass in hypertensive women, 01/2010, Clinica Chimica Acta (Print),Vol. 411, Fac. 9-10, pp.744-748, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010 *
  GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; FALCIN, D. C.; BOER, P. A.; ALESSE RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, Alesse Ribeiro dos Santos; PIRES FERREIRA FILHO, Celso; AFIF RIETH NERY AGUIAR, Afif Rieth Nery Aguiar; Evaluation of arterial blood pressure and renal sodium handling in a model of female rats in persistent estrus, 10/2010, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (1993, Print),Vol. 32, Fac. 6, pp.385-389, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LEAL, R. F.; AYRIZONO, M. L. S.; MILANSKI, M.; COOPE, A.; FAGUNDES, João José; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; COY, Cláudio Saddy R.; Activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 (STAT-1) and differential expression of interferon - y and anti-inflammatory proteins in pelvic ileal pouches for ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis, 06/2010, Clinical and Experimental Immunology (Print),Vol. 160, Fac. 3, pp.380-385, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  JORGE, S. E. D. C.; FEIX DE ABREU, Cristina; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; SONATI, Maria de Fatima; Haptoglobin genotypes in Chagas' disease, 02/2010, Clinical biochemistry,Vol. 43, Fac. 3, pp.314-316, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  ALVARENGA, E. C.; MONTES, Ciro G; GUERRAZZI, Fábio; ZEITUNE, Jose Murilo Robilott; GROTTO, Helena Zerlotti Wolf; Helicobacter pylori infection and the severity of gastritis are not associated with iron deficiency in a group of Brazilian patients, 12/2010, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine,Vol. 48, Fac. 12, pp.1809-1812, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010 *
  ALVARENGA, E. C.; MONTES, Ciro Garcia; GUERRAZZI, Fábio; ZEITUNE, Jose Murilo Robilott; GROTTO, Helena Zerlotti Wolf; infection and the severity of gastritis are not associated with iron deficiency in a group of Brazilian patients, 10/2010, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine,Vol. 48, Fac. 12, pp.1809-1812, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010 *
  RAMOS, Celso Dario; C R OKI, Gláucia; WITTMANN, Denise E. Zantut; SANTOS, A. O.; AMORIM, B. J.; ETCHEBEHERE, E. C. S. C.; LIMA, M. C. L.; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; "99mTc-Sestamibi Thyroid Imaging in Patients on Chronic Amiodarone Treatment: a Comparison with 99mTc-Pertechnetate Imaging", 04/2010, Clinical Nuclear Medicine,Vol. 35, Fac. 4, pp.223-227, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  C R OKI, Gláucia; WITTMANN, Denise E. Zantut; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; Tc-99m Sestamibi Thyroid imaging in patients on chronic amiodarone treatment: A comparison with Tc-99m pertechnetate imaging, 01/2010, Clinical Nuclear Medicine,Vol. 35, pp.223-227, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GUSMÃO, C. V. B.; PAULI, J. R.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; ALVES, José Marcos; BELANGERO, William Dias; Low-intensity Ultrasound Increases FAK, ERK-1/2, and IRS-1 Expression of Intact Rat Bones in a Noncumulative Manner, 04/2010, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,Vol. 468, Fac. 4, pp.1149-1156, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  GUSMÃO, C. V. B.; JR., Pauli; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; ALVES, José Marcos; BELANGERO, William Dias; Low-intensity Ultrasound Increases FAK, ERK-1/2, and IRS-1 Expression of Intact Rat Bones in a Noncumulative Manner., 12/2010, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,Vol. 468, Fac. 4, pp.1149-1156, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  BUCARETCHI, Fábio; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; HYSLOP, S.; MELLO, S. M.; MADUREIRA, Paulo Roberto de; ZANARDI, Veronica de Araujo; FERREIRA, D. M.; MEIRELLES, Guilherme Vieira; FERNANDES, L. C. R.; Compartment syndrome after Bothrops jararaca snakebite: monitorin, treatment, and outcome., 01/2010, Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa. Print),Vol. 48, pp.57-60, Philadelphia, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; SUTTI, R.; ROCHA-E-SILVA, TAA; BERTANI, Rogério; HYSLOP, S.; BUCARETCHI, Fábio; Cutaneous loxoscelism caused by Loxosceles anomala, 08/2010, Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa. Print),Vol. 48, Fac. 7, pp.764-765, Philadelphia, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  GOMES, Laurecir; BIANCALANA, A.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Obesity affects collagen fibril diameter and mechanical properties of tendons in zucker rats., 06/2010, Connective Tissue Research (Print),Vol. 51, Fac. 3, pp.171-178, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  BIANCALANA, A.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; GOMES, Laurecir; Obesity Affects Collagen Fibril Diameter and Mechanical Properties of Tendons in Zucker Rats, 06/2010, Connective Tissue Research (Print),Vol. 51, Fac. 3, pp.171-178, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  SILVA, K. C.; ROSALES, M. A. B.; FARIA, José Butori Lopes de; J.M.L., Faria; Reduction of inducible nitric oxide synthase via angiotensin receptor blocker prevents the oxidative retinal damage in diabetic hypertensive rats, 06/2010, Current Eye Research (Print),Vol. 35, Fac. 6, pp.519-528, Lisse, Holanda, 2010
  MAZZALI, Marilda; M KANBAY, M Kanbay; SEGALA, M.; SHAFIUR RAHMAN, Mohamad; D JALAL, D Jalal; FEIG, D; JOHNSON, Richard J; Uric acid and Hypertension: cause or effect?, 01/2010, Current Rheumatology Reports,Vol. 12, pp.108-117, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GELONEZE NETO, Bruno; GELONEZE, S. D. R.; FELICI, Ana Claudia; HIRSCH, Fernanda F.; LAMBERT, Giselle; STABE, CFC; TEZOTO, Daniela; CHAIM, Elinton Adami; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; PAREJA, José Carlos; Grade I obesity and bariatric surgery in T2DM: effects on physiopathology metabolic control and global cardiovascular risk, 06/2010, Diabetes (New York, N.Y.),Vol. 59, pp.685-685, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  STABE, CFC; LIMA, Marcelo O.; VASQUES, Ana Carolina; GELONEZE, S. D. R.; PAREJA, José Carlos; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; GELONEZE NETO, Bruno; Neck circumference as a simple tool for assessing insulin resistance in a wide range of adiposity, 06/2010, Diabetes (New York, N.Y.),Vol. 59, pp.615-615, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; B. RACHID, B. Rachid; M. RABELO-SANTOS, M. Rabelo-Santos; MANSUR, E.; ZOLLNER, Ricardo de Lima; Type III hypersensitivity to insulin leading to leukocytoclastic vasculitis, 09/2010, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (Print),Vol. 89, pp.39-40, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  MATOS, A F G; BAHIA, L R; DOMINGUES, R.M.C.P.; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; GELONEZE, B.; AGUIAR, L G Kraemer; BOUSKELA, E; Rosiglitazone decreases intra- to extramyocellular fat ratio in obese non-diabetic adults with metabolic syndrome, 01/2010, Diabetic Medicine,Vol. 27, Fac. 1, pp.23-29, Chichester, Inglaterra, 2010
  ARAUJO, E.P.; NUNEZ, CEC; GELONEZE, B.; PAREJA, JC; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Massive body mass loss leads to reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and activation of autophagy in adipose tissue, 09/2010, Diabetologia (Berlin),Vol. 53, pp.778-779, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010
  CARVALHO, R. V. B.; LORENA, Sônia Letícia Silva; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; MESQUITA, Maria Aparecida; Food Intolerance, Diet Composition, and Eating Patterns in Functional Dyspepsia Patients, 01/2010, Digestive Diseases and Sciences,Vol. 55, Fac. 1, pp.60-65, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  VASCONCELLOS, V.R.; LACCHINI, R.; ANA JACOB-FERREIRA, Ana Jacob-Ferreira; SALES, MARIA LILIAN; SCHREIBER, Roberto; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; TANUS-SANTOS, José Eduardo; Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Haplotypes Associated with Hypertension Do Not Predispose to Cardiac Hypertrophy, 04/2010, DNA and Cell Biology,Vol. 29, Fac. 4, pp.171-176, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MORARI, ELAINE CRISTINA; SILVA, J. R.; GUILHEN, A. C. T.; CUNHA, L. L.; MARCELLO, M. A.; SOARES, F A; VASSALLO, José; WARD, Laura Sterian; Muc-1 Expression May Help Characterize Thyroid Nodules but Does Not Predict Patients' Outcome, 12/2010, Endocrine Pathology,Vol. 21, Fac. 4, pp.242-249, New Jersey, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  ARRUDA, A. P.; MILANSKI, M.; ROMANATTO, T.; CARINA SILVA SOLON, Carina Silva Solon; COOPE, A.; ALBERICI, L. C.; M. HIRABARA, Sandro; ROPELLE, E. R.; CURI, Rafael Lima; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; VERCESI, Aníbal Eugênio; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Hypothalamic Actions of Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha} Provide the Thermogenic Core for the Wastage Syndrome in Cachexia., 02/2010, Endocrinology (Philadelphia),Vol. 2, pp.683-694, Chevy Chase, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  PAZ-FILHO, G.; CÉSAR LUIZ BOGUSZEWSKI, César Luiz Boguszewski; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Neuroendocrine body weight regulation: Integration between fat tissue, gastrointestinal tract, and the brain, 03/2010, Endokrynologia Polska,Vol. 61, Fac. 2, pp.194-206, Gdansk, Polônia, 2010
  BRANCHINI, Maria Luiza Moretti; O. CARDOSO, Luis Gustavo; LEVY, Carlos Emílio; NOWAKONSKI, A. V.; BACHUR, LUÍS FELIPE; BRATFICH, O.; MIRTES L LEICHSENRING, Mirtes L Leichsenring; FAGNANI, Renata; DANTAS, SRPED; RESENDE, M. R.; TRABASSO, P.; Controlling a vancomycin-resistant enterococci outbreak in a Brazilian teaching hospital., 01/2010, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (Print),Vol. OCT 24, pp.2097-2108, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010 *
  SOUZA, J. R. M.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Isolated mitral valve prolapse is an independent predictor of aortic root size in a general population, 02/2010, European Journal of Echocardiography,Vol. 11, Fac. 3, pp.302-305, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  WARD, Laura Sterian; LEITE, J. L. A. A. P.; BÚFALO, N. E.; SANTOS, R. B.; ROMALDINI, João Hamiltom; Herpesvirus type 7 infection may play an important role in individuals with a genetic profile of susceptibility to Graves' disease., 02/2010, European Journal of Endocrinology,Vol. 162, Fac. 2, pp.315-321, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2010
  BENITES, B. D.; TRAINA, F.; DUARTE, ADRIANA DA SILVA S; LORAND-METZE, Irene; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Increased expression of APAF-1 in low-risk myelodysplastic syndrome: a possible role in the pathophysiology of myelodysplasia, 05/2010, European Journal of Haematology,Vol. 84, pp.525-530, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2010
  LIMA, M.C.; SANTOS, AO; AMORIM, B. J.; LIMA, M. C. L.; RAMOS, Celso Dario; FILHO, R. M. Filho; ASSUMPÇÃO, Lígia V. Montali da; MATOS, P. O. Matos; WARD, Laura Sterian; ETCHEBEHERE, E. C. S. C.; What is the clinical significance of "Thyroid Stunning"?, 10/2010, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Cessou em 2001. Cont. ISSN 1619-7070 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Print)),Vol. 37, pp.208-208, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010 *
  ZAPPAROLI, A.; CALEGARI, V. C.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; GUADAGNINI, D.; BOER, P. A.; GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; Hypothalamic SOCS-3 expression and the effect of intracerebroventricular angiotensin II injection on water intake and renal sodium handling in SHR, 11/2010, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol. 60, Fac. 6, pp.425-433, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  FERREIRA, A. L. B. J.; ANA C. T. PALEI, Ana C. T. Palei; CAU, SBA; MORENO-JR., H.; MARTINEZ, Marcio L L; TATIANE C. IZIDORO-TOLEDO, Tatiane C. Izidoro-Toledo; GERLACH, Raquel Fernanda; TANUS-SANTOS, José Eduardo; Evidence for the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases in the cardiovascular effects produced by nicotine, 02/2010, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 627, Fac. 1-3, pp.216-222, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010 *
  SOUTO, L. R. M.; SCHENKA, A. A.; VASSALLO, José; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; CHAIM, Elinton Adami; Subcutaneous angiogenesis in patients undergoing plastic surgery procedures after weight-reducing gastroplasty: a reason for increase bleeding during intra-and postoperative periods?, 03/2010, European Journal of Plastic Surgery,Vol. 33, Fac. 6, pp.341-348, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010 *
  THEODORE F TSAI, Theodore F Tsai; P PEDOTT, P Pedott; A HILBERT, A Hilbert; K LINDERT, K Lindert; M HOHENBOKEN, M Hohenboken; ASTRID BORKOWSKI, Astrid Borkowski; NICOLA GROTH, Nicola Groth; SILVA, Luiz Jacintho da; MOE KYAW, Moe Kyaw; Regional and age-specific patterns of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus seroprevalence inferred from vaccine clinical trials, August-October 2009, 01/2010, Eurosurveillance,Vol. 15, pp.1-1, Saint-Maurice, França, 2010
  SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Fermented papaya prepartion for beta-thalassemia?, 06/2010, Expert Review of Hematology,Vol. 3, Fac. 3, pp.265-268, London, Inglaterra, 2010
  FERTRIN, K. Y.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; Genomic polymorphisms in sickle cell disease: implications for clinical diversity and treatment, 10/2010, Expert Review of Hematology,Vol. 03, Fac. 04, pp.443-458, London, Inglaterra, 2010
  PICARDI, PATY KAROLL; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; CARICILLI, A. M.; ABREU, L. L. F.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Moduilation of hypothalamic PTP1B in the TNF-alpha-induced insulin and leptin resistance., 07/2010, FEBS Letters (Print),Vol. 584, pp.3179-3184, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  RIOBALDO M.R. CINTRA, Riobaldo M.R. Cintra; SPOSITO, Andrei Carvalho; POSCH trial 25-year follow-up results: latest news from an old kid on the block, 01/2010, Future Lipidology,Vol. 5, pp.651-653, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  DECKMANN, A. C.; THEIZEN, TH; MEDRANO, Francisco Javier; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Immediate response of myocardium to pressure overload includes transient regulation of genes associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium availability, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso),Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.12-19, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  DECKMANN, A. C.; THEIZEN, T. H.; MEDRANO, Francisco Javier; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; PEREIRA, G. A. G.; Immedite response of myocardium to pressure overload includes transient regulation of genes associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium avaiability, 02/2010, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso),Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.12-16, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  NERI, I. A.; LOURENÇO, G. J.; FARIA, ISABEL CRISTINA J D; RIBEIRO, José Dirceu; BERTUZZO, C S; LIMA, C. S. P.; Polymorphisms of Glutathione S-Transferase Mu1 (GSTM1) and Theta1 (GSTT1) and Atopic Asthma in Children from Southeastern Brazil, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso),Vol. 33, Fac. 3, pp.438-441, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  OLIVEIRA, A. L. D.; LEVADA, P. M.; ZANOTTI-MAGALHAES, E. M.; L. A. MAGALHAES, L. A. MAGALHAES; RIBEIRO-PAES, J. T.; Differences in the number of hemocytes in the snail host Biomphalaria tenagophila, resistant and susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni infection, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 9, Fac. 4, pp.2436-2445, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  ALMEIDA, C. B.; PENTEADO, C. F. F.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; CONRAN, Nicola; Sickle cell disease serum induces NADPH enzyme subunit expression and oxidant production in leukocytes, 04/2010, Hematology (Luxembourg. Print),Vol. 15, Fac. 06, pp.422-429, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  ALMEIDA, C. B.; PENTEADO, C.F.F.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; ZORZETTO, N. A. C.; Sickle cell disease serum induces NADPH enzyme subunit expression and oxidant production in leukocytes, 12/2010, Hematology (Luxembourg. Print),Vol. 15, Fac. 6, pp.422-429, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  BÔAS, M. B. V.; VIEIRA, K. P.; TREVIZAN, G.; ZOLLNER, Ricardo de Lima; NETTO, Flávia Maria; The effect of transglutaminase-induced polymerization in the presence of cysteine on beta-lactoglobulin antigenicity, 06/2010, International Dairy Journal,Vol. 20, Fac. 6, pp.386-392, Barking, Inglaterra, 2010 *
  QUEIROZ, M.L.S.; RAMOS, A. L.; TORELLO, C. O.; Chlorella vulgaris Modulates Immunomyelopoietic Activity and Enhances the Resistance of Tumor-Bearing Mice, 01/2010, International Journal of Cancer (Print),Vol. 62, Fac. 8, pp.1170-1180, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  SPOSITO, Andrei Carvalho; SANTOS FILHO, RD; DULCINEIA SAES PARRA ABDALLA, Dulcineia Saes parra Abdalla; AGNALUCE MOREIRA, Agnaluce Moreira; LIMA,, J.C.; PEREIRA, Alexandre; KRIEGER, J. E.; MARTINEZ, T R; JOSÉ ANTONIO, Franchini Ramires; ABEL PEREIRA, Abel Pereira; Plasma cholesterol is involved in the setting of resting blood pressure: A study in hypercholesterolemic young subjects and in monozygotic twins, 09/2010, International Journal of Cardiology (Print),Vol. 144, pp.88-89, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  CORDEIRO, R. C. T.; ZECCHIN, Karina Gottardello; MORAES, Aparecida Machado de; Expression of estrogen, androgen, and glucocorticoid receptors in recent striae distensae., 03/2010, International Journal of Dermatology,Vol. 49, Fac. 1, pp.30-32, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  BATISTA, A. M.; AGUIAR, C.; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; WANDERLEY, Jamiro da Silva; COSTA, Sandra C. Botelho; Evidence of Chagas disease in seronegative Brazilian patients with megaesophagus, 06/2010, International Journal of Infectious Diseases,Vol. 14, pp.974-977, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  F ROSSINI, F Rossini; FAGNANI, Renata; MIRTES L LEICHSENRING, Mirtes L Leichsenring; BRANCHINI, Maria Luiza Moretti; Success in stopping transmission of enterococci in a Brazilian public teaching hospital, 01/2010, International Journal of Infectious Diseases,Vol. 14, pp.265-265, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  SILVA, K. C.; ROSALES, M. A. B.; FARIA, José Butori Lopes de; J.M.L., Faria; Exogenous SOD Mimetic Tempol Ameliorates the Early Retinal Changes Reestablishing the redox status in diabetic hypertensive rats., 08/2010, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science,Vol. 51, Fac. 8, pp.4327-4336, Rockville, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CARVALHO, A. B.; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; MARQUES DE FARIA, A P; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; MACIEL-GUERRA, AT; Turner syndrome: a pediatric diagnosis frequently made by non-pediatricians., 03/2010, Jornal de Pediatria (Impresso),Vol. 86, Fac. 2, pp.121-125, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010 *
  PALHARES, Luciana C; GALLANI, Maria Cecilia B. J.; GEMIGNANI, T.; SOUZA, J. R. M.; GIRIOLI, Samira Ubaid; MORENO-JR., H.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; RODRIGUES, Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigue; Quality of life, dyspnea and ventricular function in patients with hypertension, 10/2010, Journal of Advanced Nursing (Print),Vol. 66, Fac. 10, pp.2287-2296, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  MONICI, Leonardo Trevizan; SANTOS, José; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; MESQUITA, Maria Aparecida; ZEITUNE, Jose Murilo Robilott; MONTES, Ciro Garcia; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; MAGNA, L A; YAMANAKA, Ademar; Microwave coagulation versus sclerotherapy after band ligation to prevent recurrence of high risk of bleeding esophageal varices in Child-Pugh s A and B patients, 01/2010, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology,Vol. 45, pp.204-210, Hagerstown, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MONICI, L T; SANTOS, José; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; MESQUITA, Maria Aparecida; ZEITUNE, Jose Murilo Robilott; MONTES, Ciro Garcia; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; YAMANAKA, Ademar; MAGNA, L A; Microwave coagulation versus sclerotherapy after band ligation to prevent recurrence of high risk of bleeding esophageal varices in Child-Pugh's A and B patients, 01/2010, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology,Vol. 45, pp.204-210, Hagerstown, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CORTES, JE; BACCARANI, M; GUILHOT, F; DRUKER, BJ; BRANFORD, S; KIM, DW; PASQUINI, Ricardo; GOLDBERG, SL; KALAYCIO, M; MOIRAGHI, B; ROWE, JM; TOTHOVA, E; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; RUDOLTZ, M; YU, R; KRAHNKE, T; KANTARJIAN, HM; RADICH, JP; HUGHES, TM; A phase III, randomized, open-label study of 400 mg versus 800 mg of imatinib mesylate with in patients newly disgnosed, previously untreated chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase using molecular endpoints – TOPS (Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Optimization and Selectivity) Study, 01/2010, Journal of Clinical Oncology,Vol. 28, pp.424-430, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CORTES, JE; BACCARANI, M; GUILHOT, F; DRUKER, BJ; BRANFORD, S; KIM, DW; PANE, F; PASQUINI, R.; GOLDBERG, SL; KALAYCIO, M; MOIRAGHI, B; ROWE, JM; TOTHOVA, E; DE SOUZA, C.; RUDOLTZ, M; YU, R; KRAHNKE, T; KANTARJIAN, HM; RADICH, JP; HUGHES, TM; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; Phase III, Randomized, Open-Label Study of Daily Imatinib Mesylate 400 mg Versus 800 mg in Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Previously Untreated Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase Using Molecular End Points: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Optimization and Selectivity Study, 01/2010, Journal of Clinical Oncology,Vol. 28, pp.424-430, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  FRANÇA, A. F. E. C.; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; Histopathology and immunohistochemistry of depigmented lesions in lupus erythematosus, 05/2010, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology,Vol. 37, Fac. 5, pp.559-564, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2010
  SOUZA, Elemir Macedo de; FRANÇA, A. F. E. C.; Histopathology and immunohistochemistry of depigmented lesions in lupus erythematosus., 05/2010, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology,Vol. 37, Fac. 5, pp.559-564, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2010
  BAGAROLLI, R. A.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; Toll-like receptor 4 and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms are associated with Type 2 diabetes, 04/2010, Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications,Vol. 24, pp.192-198, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MATOS, A F G; BAHIA, L R; DOMINGUES, R. C. L.; SICURO, F; TAMBASCIA, Marcos Antonio; GELONEZE NETO, Bruno; AGUIAR, L G Kraemer; BOUSKELA, E; Adiponectin is related to intramyocellular lipid content in non-diabetic adults., 06/2010, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (Testo stampato),Vol. 33, Fac. 6, pp.382-387, Turin, Itália, 2010
  MAGALHÃES, J. A. P.; M C FERREIRA-SAE, M C Ferreira-Sae; SOUZA, F. A. S.; GRESPAN MAGOSSI, Ana Maria; SCHREIBER, Roberto; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; GELONEZE NETO, B.; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Hip circumference is associated with high density lipoprotein cholesterol response following statin therapy in hypertensive subjects, 01/2010, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (Testo stampato),Vol. 33, pp.1-1, Turin, Itália, 2010
  MORENO-JR., H.; SILVA, A. M.; SCHAAN, BD; SIGNORI, LU; MEA PLENTZ, RD; BERTOLUCI, Antonio Carlos F.; IRIGOYEN, Maria C.; Microalbuminuria is associated with impaired arterial and venous endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with Type 2 diabetes, 11/2010, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (Testo stampato),Vol. 33, Fac. 10, pp.696-700, Turin, Itália, 2010 *
  NICOLETTI-CARVALHO, José Edgar; NOGUEIRA, Tatiane C. Araújo; GORJÃO, Renata; RODRIGUES BROMATI, Carla; YAMANAKA, Tatiana S.; BOSCHERO, Antonio C.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; CURI, Rui; ANHE, G. F.; BORDIN, Silvana; UPR-mediated TRIB3 expression correlates with reduced AKT phosphorylation and inability of interleukin 6 to overcome palmitate-induced apoptosis in RINm5F cells, 08/2010, Journal of Endocrinology,Vol. 206, Fac. 2, pp.183-193, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  SILVA, G. H.; RIBEIRO ALVES, Maria Almerinda V.F.; DUQUES, Pedro; SEVÁ-PEREIRA, Tiago; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; ESCANHOELA, Cecilia Amelia Fazzio; Acute hepatotoxicity caused by enalapril: a case report., 06/2010, Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases (Online),Vol. 19, Fac. 2, pp.187-190, Cluj-Napoca, Romênia, 2010 *
  MARTINS, L. C.; FIGUEIREDO, V. N.; THIAGO QUINAGLIA A. SANTOS, Thiago Quinaglia a. Santos; MARTINS, L. M. B.; TOLEDO, J.C.Y.; VILELA MARTIN, José Fernando; DEMACQ, C.; MOCELLIN BERNARDI, Eniara Pimenta; CALHOUN, D A; MORENO-JR., H.; Characteristics of resistant hypertension: ageing, body mass index, hyperaldosteronism, cardiac hypertrophy and vascular stiffness, 01/2010, Journal of Human Hypertension,Vol. 1, pp.1-10, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; NOVAES RAMOS, Alberto; CORREIA, Dalmo; SHIKANAI-YASUDA, Maria Aparecida; History, current issues and future of the Brazilian network for attending and studying Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV coinfection, 11/2010, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries,Vol. 4, pp.682-688, Sassari, Itália, 2010
  GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; The Central Portion of Factor H (Modules 10-15) Is Compact and Contains a Structurally Deviant CCP Module, 01/2010, Journal of Molecular Biology,Vol. 395, Fac. 1, pp.105-122, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; PIMENTEL, Vanessa Nascimento; MATOS, LS; BENETTI, Tania Cristina; ADAM, Randall Luis; METZE, Konradin; PIZZIGATTI CORREA, Maria Elvira; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; Perforin and granzyme B involvement in oral lesions of lichen planus and chronic GVHD, 06/2010, Journal of Oral Pathology e Medicina(on line),Vol. 39, pp.1-6, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  MEZZACAPPA, Maria A.M.dos Santos; FACCHINI, Fernando Perazzini; PINTO, A.C.; LOVATO CASSONE, Andréa Eliana; SOUZA, Denise S.; BEZERRA, M. A. C.; ALBUQUERQUE, D.M.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; Clinical and genetic risk factors for moderate hyperbilirubinemia in Brazilian newborn infants, 12/2010, Journal of Perinatology,Vol. 30, Fac. 12, pp.819-826, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  MEZZACAPPA, Maria A.M.dos Santos; FACCHINI, Fernando Perazzini; PINTO, A.C.; CASSONE, A.L.; SOUZA, Denise S.; BEZERRA, M. A. C.; ALBUQUERQUE, D.M.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; Clinical and genetic risk factors for moderate hyperbilirubinemia in Brazilian newborn infants., 12/2010, Journal of Perinatology,Vol. 30, Fac. 12, pp.819-826, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  SOUZA, C. T.; FREDERICO, M J S; LUZ, Gabrielle da; CINTRA, D. E. C.; ROPELLE, E. R.; PAULI, J. R.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Acute exercise reduces hepatic glucose production through inhibition of the Foxo1/HNF-4 alpha pathway in insulin resistant mice, 06/2010, Journal of Physiology (London. Print),Vol. 588, Fac. 12, pp.2239-2253, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  AVOUAC, J; THYNDALL, WU; KAHAN, A; MATUCCI-CEREMIC, M; MARQUES-NETO, João Francisco; Characteristics of joint involvement and relatioships with systemic inflammation in Systemic sclerosis: results from EULAR Scleroderma Trial and Research Group (EULAR) database., 02/2010, Journal of Rheumatology,Vol. 37, pp.1488-1490, Toronto, Canadá, 2010
  MARA, C. S.; DUARTE, Adriana S; SARTORI, A. R.; LUZO, Angela Cristina Malh; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; Regulation of chondrogenesis by transforming growth factor-ss3 and insulin-like growth factor-1 from human mesenchymal umbilical cord blood cells., 07/2010, Journal of Rheumatology,Vol. 37, Fac. 7, pp.1519-1526, Toronto, Canadá, 2010
  MARA, C. S.; DUARTE, ADRIANA DA SILVA S; SARTORI, A. R.; LUZO, Angela Cristina Malh; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; REGULATION OF CONDROGENESIS BY TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA-3 AND INSULIN-LIKE-1 FROM HUMAN MESENCHYMAL UMBELICAL CORD, 01/2010, Journal of Rheumatology,Vol. 37, pp.1519-1526, Toronto, Canadá, 2010
  DEGRAVA SAMPAIO BARRO, Percival; CONDE, Roseneide Aparecida; SAMARA, Adil Muhib; BERTOLO, Manoel Barros; A. B. BORTOLUZZO, A. B. BORTOLUZZO; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; Undifferentiated spondyloarthritis: a longterm followup., 06/2010, Journal of Rheumatology,Vol. 37, pp.1195-1199, Toronto, Canadá, 2010
  LIMA, J. P. S. N.; SANTOS, L. V.; SASSE, Emma Chen; LIMA, C. S. P.; SASSE, A. D.; Camptothecins Compared with Etoposide in Combination with Platinum Analog in Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, 12/2010, Journal of Thoracic Oncology,Vol. 5, Fac. 12, pp.1986-1993, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LEAL, R. F.; AYRIZONO, M. L. S.; MILANSKI, M.; FAGUNDES, João José; MORAES, Juliana C.; MEIRELLES, L. R.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; COY, Cláudio Saddy R.; Detection of epithelial apoptosis in pelvic ileal pouches for ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis, 01/2010, Journal of Translational Medicine (Online),Vol. 1, pp.1-3, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  LOURENCO, GJ; LORAND-METZE, Irene; DELAMAIN, M. T.; MIRANDA, E. C. M.; KAMEO, RE; METZE, Konradin; LIMA, C. S. P.; Polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase mu 1, theta 1, and pi 1 genes and prognosis in Hodgkin lymphoma, 11/2010, Leukemia & Lymphoma (Print),Vol. 51, Fac. 12, pp.2215-2221, London, Inglaterra, 2010 *
  COMPRI, Cecilia Melleti; FORNARI, Joao Victor; BARTCHEWSKY JR., W.; CINTRA, Dennys Eduardo; TREVISAN, M. A. S.; CARVALHO, Patrícia de Oliveira; RIBEIRO, MARCELO LIMA; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; JÚNIOR, José Pedrazzoli; GAMBERO, A.; DE FRAIA PINTO, Livia; The immunosuppressant drug, thalidomide, improves hepatic alterations induced by a high-fat diet in mice, 04/2010, Liver International (Print),Vol. 30, Fac. 4, pp.603-610, Copenhagen, Suiça, 2010 *
  VERONEZ, L.; MELO MOREIRA, Marcos; T. P. SOARES, S.; PEREIRA, M.C.; GONÇALVES DE O. RIBEIRO, Maria Ângela; RIBEIRO, José Dirceu; TERZI, Renato G. Giovanni; MARTINS, L.C.; PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; Volumetric Capnography for the Evaluation of Pulmonary Disease in Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Noncystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis, 06/2010, Lung (New York),Vol. 188, Fac. 3, pp.263-268, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  APPENZELLER, Simone; CLARK, A.; PINEAU, Christian A.; VASILEVSKY, Murray L.; BERNATSKY, Sasha; Isolated pyuria in systemic lupus erythematosus, 06/2010, Lupus (Basingstoke),Vol. 19, Fac. 7, pp.793-796, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  PAULI, J. R.; ROPELLE, E. R.; CINTRA, D. E. C.; SOUZA, C. T.; SILVA, Adelino S.R. da; MORAES, J. C.; PRADA, P. O.; LEME, José A C de Almeida; LUCIANO, Eliete; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; Acute exercise reverses aged-induced impairments in insulin signaling in rodent skeletal muscle, 01/2010, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (Print),Vol. 131, pp.323-329, Limerick, Irlanda (Eire), 2010 *
  PRADA, P. O.; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; MORAES, J. C.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; PAULI, J. R.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; ROPELLE, ER; CINTRA, D. E. C.; SOUZA, C. T.; SILVA, A. S. R.; LUCIANO, Eliete; LEME, José A C de Almeida; Acute exercise reverses aged-induced impairments in insulin signaling in rodentskeletal muscle., 05/2010, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (Print),Vol. 131, Fac. 5, pp.323-329, Shannon, Irlanda (Eire), 2010
  SILVA, Adelino S.R. da; PAULI, J. R.; ROPELLE, E. R.; OLIVEIRA, A. G.; CINTRA, D. E. C.; SOUZA, C. T.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; Exercise Intensity, Inflammatory Signaling, and Insulin Resistance in Obese Rats, 12/2010, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,Vol. 42, Fac. 12, pp.2180-2188, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  FREITAS, A. R. R.; OLIVEIRA, A.C.P.; SILVA, Luiz Jacintho da; Schistosomal myeloradiculopathy in a low-prevalence area: 27 cases (14 autochthonous) in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 07/2010, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso),Vol. 105, Fac. 4, pp.398-408, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  FERRARI, M. L.; DA SILVA TELLES, Maria Alice; FERRAZOLI, Lucilaine; LEVY, Carlos Emílio; VILLARES, Maria Cecilia B.; BRANCHINI, Maria Luiza Moretti; RESENDE, M. R.; Susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first-line antimycobacterial agents in a Brazilian hospital: assessing the utility of the tetrazolium (MTT) microplate assay, 01/2010, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso),Vol. 105, pp.661-664, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010 *
  FERRARI, MD; TELLES, MAD; FERRAZOLI, L; LEVY, Carlos Emílio; VILLARES, Maria Cecilia B.; BRANCHINI, Maria Luiza Moretti; RESENDE, M. R.; Susceptiility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first-line antimycobacterial agents in a Brazilian hospital assessing the utility of the tetrazolium (MTT) microplate assay, 08/2010, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso),Vol. 105, Fac. 5, pp.661-664, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010 *
  FILIPUTTI, E.; RAFACHO, A.; ARAUJO, E. P.; SILVEIRA, L.R.; TREVISAN, A.; BATISTA, Thiago M.; CURI, Rui; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; QUESADA, Ivan; BOSCHERO, Antonio C.; Augmentation of insulin secretion by leucine supplementation in malnourished rats: possible involvement of the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase/mammalian target protein of rapamycin pathway, 01/2010, Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental (Print),Vol. 59, pp.635-644, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  ANHE, G. F.; TORSONI, A. S.; ROMANI, Eliene Aparecida Ors; CINTRA, D. E. C.; WARD, Laura Sterian; BORDIN DA SILVA, Silvana A.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; The role of proliferator-activated receptor coactivator 1 in the fatty-acid dependent transcriptional control of interleukin-10 in hepatic cells of rodents, 01/2010, Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental (Print),Vol. 59, pp.215-223, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MELO, Cristiane Moutinho Lagos de; PAIM, B. A.; ZECCHIN, K. G.; MORARI, J.; CHIARATTI, M. R.; CORREIA, M. T.; COELHO, Luana Cassandra B. B.; PAIVA, Patricia Maria Guedes; Cramoll 1,4 lectin increases ROS production, calcium levels, and cytokine expression in treated spleen cells of rats, 09/2010, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,Vol. 342, Fac. 1-2, pp.163-169, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2010 *
  ROMAN, E. A. F. R.; REIS, D. G.; ROMANATTO, T.; MAIMONI, Denis; DE ABREU FERREIRA, Eduardo; SANTOS, GUSTAVO ADOLFO P D; TORSONI, A. S.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; TORSONI, Marcio Alberto; Central leptin action improves skeletal muscle AKT, AMPK, and PGC1? activation by hypothalamic PI3K-dependent mechanism, 01/2010, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (Print),Vol. 314, pp.62-69, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  ZHU, J.; YINGQIAN KANG, Yingqian Kang; UNO, J.; HIDEAKI TAGUSHI, Hideaki Tagushi; YING LIU, Ying Liu; MIHOKO OHATA, Mihoko Ohata; REIKO TANAKA, Reiko Tanaka; YUZURU MIKAMI, Yuzuru Mikami; BRANCHINI, Maria Luiza Moretti; Comparison of Genotypes Between Environmental and Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii Based on Microsatellite Paterns, 01/2010, Mycopathologia,Vol. 169, pp.47-55, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2010
  LORAND-METZE, Irene; REIS, S. C.; TRAINA, F.; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; METZE, Konradin; The impact of several phenotypic features at diagnosis on survival of patients with myelodysplasic syndromes, 06/2010, Neoplasma (Bratislava),Vol. 57, pp.530-536, Bratislava, Eslováquia, 2010
  BOER, P. A.; ROSSI, C.; MESQUITA, F. F.; GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; Early potential impairment of renal sensory nerves in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: role of neurokinin receptors, 01/2010, Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation (Print),Vol. 23, pp.1-10, Oxforf, Reino Unido, 2010
  MESQUITA, F. F.; GONTIJO, José Antonio Rocha; BOER, P. A.; Expression of renin-angiotensin system signalling compounds in maternal protein-restricted rats: effect on renal sodium excretion and blood pressure, 02/2010, Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation (Print),Vol. 25, Fac. 2, pp.380-388, Oxforf, Reino Unido, 2010
  ZANON, R.G.; CARTAROZZI, L. P.; VICTORIO, S. C. S.; MORAES, J. C.; MORARI, J.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; Interferon (IFN) beta treatment induces major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression in the spinal cord and enhances axonal growth and motor function recovery following sciatic nerve crush in mice, 10/2010, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (Print),Vol. 36, Fac. 6, pp.515-534, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  TORO, A. A. D. C.; ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida; NOLASCO DA SILVA, Marcos Tadeu; MORCILLO, André Moreno; VILELA, Maria M. dos Santos; Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Gene Expression in Interstitial Pneumonitis in Brazilian Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-Infected Children: Is EBV Associated or Not?, 05/2010, Pediatric and Developmental Pathology (Print),Vol. 13, Fac. 3, pp.184-191, Lawrence, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  ROZOV, Tatiana; OLIVEIRA, Viviane Ziebell de; SANTANA, Maria Angelica; VILLAC ADDE, Fabíola; MENDES, R.H.; PASCHOAL, Ilma Aparecida; REIS, F.J.C.; HIGA, Laurinda Yoko Shinzato; TOLEDO, Antonio Carlos de Castro; PAHL, Marcia; Dornase Alfa Improves the Health-Related Quality of Life Among Brazilian Patients With Cystic Fibrosis-A One-Year Prospective Study, 09/2010, Pediatric Pulmonology,Vol. 45, Fac. 9, pp.874-882, Hoboken, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  ROPELLE, E. R.; FLÔRES, M. B. S.; CINTRA, D. E. C.; ROCHA, G. Z.; PAULI, J. R.; MORARI, J.; SOUZA, C. T.; MORAES, J. C.; PRADA, P. O.; GUADAGNINI, D.; MARIN, R. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. G.; AUGUSTO, TM; CARVALHO, Hernandes F. de; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; IL-6 and IL-10 Anti-Inflammatory Activity Links Exercise to Hypothalamic Insulin and Leptin Sensitivity through IKK beta and ER Stress Inhibition, 08/2010, PLoS Computational Biology,Vol. 8, Fac. 8, pp.1-20, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  LIMA CALISTO, Kelly; CARVALHO, B. M.; ROPELLE, E. R.; MITTESTAINER, F. C.; PEREIRA, A. C. A. C.; GUADAGNINI, D.; CARVALHEIRA, José Barreto C; SAAD, Mário José Abdalla; Atorvastatin Improves Survival in Septic Rats: Effect on Tissue Inflammatory Pathway and on Insulin Signaling, 12/2010, PLoS ONE,Vol. 5, Fac. 11, pp.1-12, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SILVA, J. M. X.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; High frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency in a Brazilian population., 06/2010, Public Health Nutrition (Wallingford),Vol. 13, Fac. 08, pp.1191-1197, Cambridge, Inglaterra, 2010
  Y OZAKI, Y OZAKI; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; Quality of life and depressive symptoms in Chagas disease patients, 11/2010, Quality of Life Research,Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.133-138, Dordrecht, Reino Unido, 2010
  HOMSI, Eduardo; BRITO, S. M.; JANINO, P; Silymarin exacerbates p53-mediated tubular apoptosis in glycerol-induced acute kidney injury in rats, 01/2010, Renal Failure,Vol. 32, Fac. 5, pp.623-632, New York, Reino Unido, 2010
  MÉLLA, L. F. B.; BERTOLO, Manoel Barros; DALGALARRONDO, Paulo; Depressive symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis patients, 09/2010, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso),Vol. 32, Fac. 3, pp.257-263, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  CARVALHO, A. B.; GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil; BAPTISTA, Maria Tereza Matias; MARQUES DE FARIA, A P; LEMOS-MARINI, Sofia Helena Valente; MACIEL-GUERRA, AT; Cardiovascular and renal anomalies in Turner syndrome, 12/2010, Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (1992. Impresso),Vol. 56, Fac. 6, pp.655-659, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  BATISTONI, Samila Sathler Tavares; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; CUPERTINO, A.P.; Prospective measures of depressive symptoms in community-dwelling elderly individuals., 12/2010, Revista de Saúde Pública (Impresso),Vol. 44, pp.43-44, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  HADDAD, Ana Estela; MORITA, Maria Celeste; PIERANTONI, Celia Regina; BRENELLI, Sigisfredo Luís; PASSARELLA, Teresa; Undergraduate programs for health professionals in Brazil: an analysis from 1991 to 2008., 06/2010, Revista de Saúde Pública (Impresso),Vol. 44, Fac. 3, pp.385-393, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SILVA, C. A.; FATTORI, Andre; SOUZA, Aglécio L; BARROS-MAZON, Sílvia de; ALEGRE, Sarah Monte; ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; Determining the C-reactive protein level in patients with different clinical forms of Chagas disease | [Determinación de la concentración plasmática de proteína C reactiva en pacientes con diferentes formas clínicas de la enfermedad de Chagas], 09/2010, Revista Española de Cardiología (Internet),Vol. 63, pp.1096-1099, Barcelona, Espanha, 2010 *
  E HAZEL, E HAZEL; APPENZELLER, Simone; Pentoxifylline for the treatment of anterior uveitis in Behcet's disease: possible alternative for TNF blockers., 01/2010, Rheumatology International (Berlin. Print),Vol. xxx, pp.30-30, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010
  COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; SACHETTO, Z.; FERNANDES, Sandra R. Muchinechi; RIO, A. P. T.; BERTOLO, Manoel Barros; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; Systemic lupus erythematosus associated with vasculitic syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis), 11/2010, Rheumatology International (Berlin. Print),Vol. 30, pp.1669-1672, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010
  SACHETTO, Z.; FERNANADES, SANDRA REGINA M FERNANADES; RIO, ANA PAULA DEL; COIMBRA, Ibsen Bellini; BERTOLO, Manoel Barros; COSTALLAT, Lilian Tereza Lavras; SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS ASSOCIATED WITH VASCULITIC SYNDROME(TAKAYASU´S ARTERITIS, 01/2010, Rheumatology International (Berlin. Print),Vol. 30, pp.1669-1672, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010
  MAZZEO, DEC; LEVY, Carlos Emílio; DEJANIRA DE FRANCESCHI, de Ange; MANN-MORALES, MA; BTEX biodegradation by bacteria from effluents of petroleum refinery, 09/2010, Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 408, Fac. 20, pp.4334-4340, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010 *
  SOUZA, J. R. M.; PITHON, KR; OLIVEIRA, R. T. D.; TÉO, F. H.; BLOTTA, Maria Heloisa S. L.; CLIQUET JUNIOR, A.; NADRUZ JUNIOR, W.; Altered left ventricular diastolic function in subjects with spinal cord injury, 07/2010, Spinal Cord,Vol. sn, pp.1-5, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  REGO, P. B.; LOZO, Angela C. Malheiros; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; SAAD, Sara T. Olalla; ALBERTO, D. P. C.; Both IL3 and IL6 are necessary for better ex vivo expansion of CD133+ cells from umbilical cord blood, 03/2010, Stem Cells and Development,Vol. 19, Fac. 03, pp.413-421, New Rochelle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; ROVANI DRUMMOND, Marina; GILIOLI, Rovilson; Bartonellosis diagnosis requires careful evaluation, 06/2010, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso),Vol. 14, Fac. 3, pp.217-217, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2010
  VIGANI, Aline Gonzales; PAVAN, Maria Helena Postal; TOZZO, RAQUEL; GONÇALES, E. S. L.; MARIA S. K. LAZARINI, Maria S. K. Lazarini; OLIVEIRA, A. M.; GONÇALES JR., Fernando Lopes; Extended treatment with interferon and ribavirin in a hemodialysis patient with chronic hepatitis C, 04/2010, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso),Vol. 14, Fac. 2, pp.193-196, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2010
  PEREIRA, Claudio Maranhão; L.G.C., Melo; CORREA, M.M.; PIZZIGATTI CORREA, Maria Elvira; DE SOUZA, Carmino Antonio; Oral HPV infection in a bone marrow transplantation patient: a case report with atypical clinical presentation and unexpected outcome, 01/2010, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso),Vol. 14, pp.89-91, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2010
  ORSI, FLA; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; PAULA, E. V.; OZELO, M. C.; LANGLEY, Michael; WECK, K.; VKORC1 V66M mutation in African Brazilian patients resistant to oral anticoagulant theraphy, 07/2010, Thrombosis Research,Vol. 126, Fac. 3, pp.206-210, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  WARD, Laura Sterian; FABIAN A. PITOIA, Fabian A. Pitoia; Differences between Latin American and American associations' thyroid cancer guidelines, 04/2010, Thyroid,Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.361-362, Flórida, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DENEGRI, M. E. G.; ACOSTA, O. C.; HUANCAHUIRE-VEGA, Salomón; SOUZA, D. M.; MARANGONI, S.; MARUNAK, S. L.; TEIBLER, G. P.; LEIVA, L. E.; PONCE-SOTO, L. A.; Isolation and functional characterization of a new acidic PLA(2) Ba SpII RP4 of the Bothrops alternatus snake venom from Argentina, 08/2010, Toxicon (Oxford),Vol. 56, Fac. 1, pp.64-74, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  ALMEIDA, Eros Antonio de; LIMA, Josué Nazareno; SILVA, Eliane Lages; GUARIENTO, Maria Elena; AOKI, Francisco Hideo; PEDRO, Rogério de Jesus; MORALES, Ana Emília Torres; Chagas' disease and HIV co-infection in patients without effective antiretroviral therapy: prevalence, clinical presentation and natural history., 07/2010, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,Vol. 104, Fac. 7, pp.447-452, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  MAGALHÃES, R. F.; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; BARJAS-CASTRO, M.L.; BARBARO DEL NEGRO, Gilda Maria; OKAY, Thelma Suely; VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; Blood donor infected with Bartonella henselae., 08/2010, Transfusion Medicine (Print),Vol. 20, Fac. 4, pp.280-282, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2010 *
  OLIVEIRA, L. G.; N SASS, N Sass; TEDESCO, Hélio; PESTANA, J.O.A.; MORON, A.F.; MAZZALI, Marilda; V. GARCIA, V. Garcia; Pregnancy after renal transplantation-setting up a national registry in Brazil., 01/2010, Transplantation,Vol. 89, pp.1290-1290, Baltimore, Madagascar, 2010
  BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; STUCCHI, Raquel S. Bello; PEREIRA, Maria Isabel Warwar; SANTOS, G.R.; BONATO, T C M P; SILVA, R.C.M.A.; SILVA, R. F. da; Anxiety levels observed in candidates for liver transplantation., 03/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.513-516, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  STUCCHI, Raquel S. Bello; BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; ANGERAMI, R. N.; SINCKOC, V; SÁ, Flavio Cesar; SEVÁ-PEREIRA, Tiago; ESCANHOELA, Cecilia Amelia Fazzio; Correlations between A/H1N1 influenza and acute cellular rejection in liver transplantation patients., 12/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, Fac. 10, pp.4184-4186, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  RAMOS, Ana Paula; REIGADA, C. P. H.; ATAIDE, Elaine Cristina; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; CARDOSO, Adilson Roberto; CARUY, Cristina Aparecida Arrivabene; BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; STUCCHI, Raquel S. Bello; Portal Vein Thrombosis and Liver Transplantation: Long Term., 01/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, pp.498-501, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; C. CAPEL JR, C. Capel Jr; ATAIDE, Elaine Cristina; CARDOSO, Adilson Roberto; CARUY, Cristina Aparecida Arrivabene; STUCCHI, Raquel S. Bello; Pretransplant Hyponatremia Could Be Associated With a Poor Prognosis After Liver Transplantation, 01/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, pp.4119-4122, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; BOTEON, Y. L.; STUCCHI, Raquel S. Bello; PEREIRA, M. I. W.; PORTUGAL, Tereza C.M.B.; UDO, Elizabeth Y.; Serological profile of pretransplantation liver patients, 04/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.491-493, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CASTRO, R. S.; SANTI, D. B. D.; SEVÁ-PEREIRA, Tiago; ALMEIDA,, J. R. S.; BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; YAMANAKA, Ademar; Sobrevida antes e após o modelo da fase final introdução pontuação doença hepática no transplante de figado brasileira lista de espera, 01/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, pp.412-416, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CASTRO, R. S.; DANIEL DEI SANTI, Daniel Dei Santi; SEVÁ-PEREIRA, Tiago; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; YAMANAKA, Ademar; BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; Survival before and after model end-stage liver disease score introduction on the brazilian liver transplant waiting list, 03/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.412-416, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CASTRO, R. S.; SANTI, D. B. D.; SEVÁ-PEREIRA, Tiago; ALMEIDA, J. R. S.; YAMANAKA, Ademar; BOIN, Ilka de Fátima S.F.; SOARES, Elza Cotrim; Survival Before and After Model for End-stage Liver Disease Score Introduction on the Brazilian Liver Transplant Waiting List, 01/2010, Transplantation Proceedings,Vol. 42, pp.412-416, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  LOURENCO, GJ; SCHENKA, A. A.; CARDOSO-FILHO, C; PINTO, Glauce A.; COSTA-GURGEL, MS; VASSALLO, José; LIMA, C. S. P.; The GSTT1 polymorphism of the glutathione S-transferase system in the intratumoral microvessel density of breast cancer patients, 10/2010, Tumor Biology,Vol. 31, Fac. 5, pp.489-493, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2010 *
  PITASSI, L. H. U.; CINTRA, Maria Leticia; RUGGIERO MARTINS FERREIRA, Marilucia; MAGALHÃES, R. F.; VELHO, PAULO EDUARDO N. FERREIRA; Blood cell findings resembling Bartonella spp., 02/2010, Ultrastructural Pathology,Vol. 34, Fac. 1, pp.2-6, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  COELHO, Otávio Rizzi; MELLO MOREIRA, Marcos; TERZI, Renato G. Giovanni; FALCAO, A. L. E.; MORENO-JR., H.; MARTINS, L. C.; CORTELLAZZI, Laura; Volumetric capnography: in the diagnostic work-up of chronic thromboembolic disease., 05/2010, Vascular Health and Risk Management (Online),Vol. 6, pp.317-319, Albany, Nova Zelândia, 2010 *
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