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Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento Odonto-Restauradora
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  GUIRALDO, R. D.; CONSANI, Simonides; BERGER, S. B.; MENDES, W. B.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; CONSANI, R. L. X.; Comparison of silorane and methacrylate-based composites on the curing ligth transmission, 01/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 6, Fac. 21, pp.538-542, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Dual resin cement knoop hardness after different activation modes through dental ceramics, 10/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 21, pp.104-110, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  DALLI'MAGRO, E.; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; COSTA, Ana Rosa; CORRER, Gisele Maria; CONSANI, R. L. X.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Effect of differente photoactivation techniques on the bond strength of a dental composite, 01/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 21, pp.220-224, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  SPAZZIN, A. O.; HENRIQUES, G.E.P.; NÓBILO, M.A.A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; MESQUITA, M.F.; Effect of retorque on loosening torque of prosthetic screws under two levels of fit of implant-supported dentures., 01/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 21, Fac. 1, pp.12-17, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  PAULA, A. B.; TANGO, R. N.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; Effect of thichness of indirect restoration and distance from the light-curing unit tip on the hardness of a dual-cured resin cement, 10/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 21, pp.117-122, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SOARES, Carlos José; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Inorganic particle analysis of dental impression elastomers, 10/2010, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 21, pp.520-527, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Shear bond strength test using different loading conditions a finite analysis, 09/2010, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Impresso),Vol. 9, pp.439-442, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2010
  BRANDT, W. C.; SCHNEIDER, L. F. J.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Effect different photoinitiators and light curing units on degree of conversion of composites, 10/2010, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 24, pp.263-270, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  VALVERDE, G. B.; FERREIRA, C. M.; RACHED, G. P. C. A.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; MESQUITA, M.F.; Seal capability of interim post and core crown with temporary cements, 06/2010, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 24, Fac. 2, pp.238-244, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  LIMA, A. F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; CARLINI JUNIOR, Bruno; Influence of ferrule preparation with or without glass fiber post on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth, 10/2010, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso),Vol. 18, pp.360-363, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2010
  BORGES FONSÊCA, Rodrigo; BRANCO, Carolina Assaf; QUAGLIATTO, Paulo Sérgio; GONÇALVES, L. S.; SOARES, Carlos José; CARLO, Hugo Lemes; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Influence of powder/liquid ratio on the radiodensity and diametral tensile strength of glass ionomer cements, 11/2010, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso),Vol. 18, Fac. 6, pp.577-584, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2010
  GUARDA, G. B.; GONÇALVES, L. S.; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; MORAES, R. R.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Luting glass ceramic restorations using self-adhesive resin cement under different dentin conditions, 10/2010, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso),Vol. 18, pp.244-248, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2010
  CAVALCANTI, A. A. N.; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; Statiscal results on restorative dentistry experiments: effect of the interaction between main variables (ARTIGO COMPLETO PUBLICADO), 06/2010, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso),Vol. 18, Fac. 3, pp.255-258, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  FRANCESCANTONIO, M.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; OLIVEIRA, M. T.; Bond strength of resin cements to Co-Cr and Ni-Cr metal alloys using adhesive primers, 10/2010, Journal of Prosthodontics (Print),Vol. 19, pp.125-129, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  VERMELHO, Paulo Moreira; PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Microabrasão do esmalte dental - Tratamento estético conservador, 10/2010, Revista ABO Nacional,Vol. 17, pp.372-375, Niterói, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  MONTAGNER, F.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; A utilização de posicionadores radiográficos na etapa trans-operatória em endodontia: proposição de técnica, 10/2010, Revista da EAP/APCD,Vol. 34, pp.139-143, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; VITTI, Rafael Pino; CONSANI, R. L. X.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Estudo da precisão dimensional de modelos de gesso confeccionados com diferentes técnicas e materiais de moldagem elastoméricos, 10/2010, Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia. Universidade de Passo Fundo,Vol. 15, pp.139-144, Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil, 2010
  SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; VITTI, Rafael Pino; CONSANI, R. L. X.; Study of dimensional accuracy of sotne models made with different techniques and elastomeric impression materials, 10/2010, Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia. Universidade de Passo Fundo,Vol. 24, pp.263-270, Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil, 2010
  AGUIAR, T. R.; LIMA, A. F.; VOLTARELLI, F. R.; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; Associação de técnicas no tratamento restaurador em dentes posteriores: onlay cerâmico x resina composta, 02/2010, Revista Dental Press de Estética (Maringá),Vol. 7, pp.82-93, Maringá, PR, Brasil, 2010
  PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; Resolução estética em dentes com amelogênese imperfeita, 10/2010, Revista Dental Press de Estética (Maringá),Vol. 7, pp.114-121, Maringá, PR, Brasil, 2010
  SOUZA JÚNIOR, E. J. C.; BORGES, B. C. D.; BERTOLDO, C. E. S.; LOVADINO, José Roberto; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; Restauração estética direta de dente anterior fraturado: relato de caso clínico, 10/2010, Revista Dental Press de Estética (Maringá),Vol. 7, pp.46-55, Maringá, PR, Brasil, 2010
  CATELAN, A.; SOARES, G. P.; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Longevidade clínica de restaurações classe II em resina composta: influência de materiais e técnicas, 08/2010, Revista Odontológica de Araçatuba,Vol. 31, pp.60-65, Araçatuba, SP, Brasil, 2010
  BRANDT, W. C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Avaliação da dureza knoop e da densidade de ligações cruzadas de compósitos odontológicos comerciais e experimentais, 10/2010, UNOPAR Científica. Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde,Vol. 12, pp.5-11, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2010
  BRANDT, W. C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Evaluation of knoop hardness and cross-lonk density commercial and experimental dental composites, 10/2010, UNOPAR Científica. Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde,Vol. 12, pp.5-11, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2010
Circulação Internacional
  NAVES, L. Z.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; CONSANI, S.; Bond strength os a self-adhesive resinous cement to root dentin irradiated with 980-nm diode laser, 10/2010, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica (Trykt utg.),Vol. 68, pp.171-179, Oslo, Noruega, 2010
  LIMA, A. F.; CAVALCANTI, A. A. N.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Effect of the diffusion of bleaching agents through enamel on the dentin bonding at different depths, 10/2010, American Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 23, pp.113-115, San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LIMA, A. F.; CAVALCANTI, A. A. N.; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Effects of 3% sodium ascorbyl prosphate on the hardness and bond strength of human enamel bleached with 10% carbamide peroxide, 04/2010, American Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 23, Fac. 2, pp.113-115, San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Effect of resin coat technique on bond strength of indirect restorations after thermal and load cycling, 11/2010, Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College,Vol. 51, pp.111-118, Tokyo, Japão, 2010
  ARAÚJO, C. T. P.; PRIETO, Lúcia Trazzi; PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; SOUZA JÚNIOR, E. J. C.; Uso de princípios de ilusão óptica no contorno cosmético: previsibilidade e excelência estética, 10/2010, Clínica (São José),Vol. 6, pp.336-340, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, 2010
  ALONSO, R. C. B.; CORRER, Gisele Maria; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Reattachment of anterior fractured teeth: effect of materials and techniques on impact strength, 10/2010, Dental Traumatology (Print),Vol. 26, pp.315-322, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2010
  LIMA, A. F.; CAVALCANTI, A. A. N.; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Occlusal interferenes: how can this concept influence the clinical practice?, 10/2010, European Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 4, Fac. 4, pp.487-491, Turquia, 2010
  LIMA, A. F.; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Protective effect of sodium ascorbate on MDPC-23 Odontoblast-Like Cells Exposed to a Bleaching agent, 07/2010, European Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 4, Fac. 3, pp.238-244, Turquia, 2010
  BERGER, S. B.; CAVALLI, Vanessa; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Changes in surface morphology and mineralization level of human enamel following in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide and ligth-irradiation (ARTIGO COMPLETO PUBLICADO), 09/2010, General Dentistry,Vol. 58, pp.74-79, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  LIRA, A. F.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; HENRIQUES, G.E.P.; Effect of flask closure method and post-pressing time on the upper denture base adaptation, 08/2010, Gerodontology,Vol. 27, pp.224-229, Copenhagen, Alemanha, 2010 *
  LIRA, A. F.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; HENRIQUES, G.E.P.; Effect of flask closure method and post-pressing time on the upper denture base adaptation., 09/2010, Gerodontology,Vol. 27, Fac. 3, pp.224-229, Copenhagen, Alemanha, 2010 *
  CONSANI, R. L. X.; CARMIGNANI, M. R.; MESQUITA, M.F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; GUIRALDO, R. D.; Effect of microwave treatment on the shear bond strength of different types of commercial teeth to acrylic resin., 08/2010, Gerodontology,Vol. 27, pp.236-242, Copenhagen, Alemanha, 2010 *
  SANTOS, J. N.; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; GOES, Mario Fernando de; CARRILHO, M. R. O.; Long-tem sealing ability of resin-based root canal fillings, 10/2010, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 43, pp.455-460, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2010
  SEREJO SAUÁIA, Tetis; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; TAVARES PINHEIRO, Ericka; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; SOUZA FILHO, Francisco José de; VALDRIGHI, L.; Thickness of dentine in mesial roots of mandibular molars with different lengths, 10/2010, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 43, pp.555-559, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2010
  CRUZ, Adriana Dibo da; GONÇALVES, L. S.; RASTELLI, A.N.S.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador; BÓSCOLO, Frab Norberto; Bond strength of dental adhesive systems irradiated with ionizing radiation., 02/2010, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,Vol. 12, Fac. 2, pp.123-129, Carol Stream, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CAVALCANTI, A. A. N.; HIROYUKI OGATA MITSUI, Fabio; LIMA, A. F.; RABELO DE MORAES, Paula Mathias; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Evaluation of dentin hardness and bond strength at different walls of class II preparations, 06/2010, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,Vol. 12, Fac. 3, pp.183-188, Carol Stream, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Effect of metallic flask closure and investment materials on the stability of the denture base resin, 01/2010, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print),Vol. 116, pp.1467-1474, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MORAES, R. R.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Preparation and evaluation of dental resin luting agents with increasing content of Bisphenol-A Ethoxylated Dimethacrylate (Bis-EMA), 10/2010, Journal of Biomaterials Applications,Vol. 24, pp.453-473, Thousand Oaks, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; GOES, Mario Fernando de; Bond strength to high-cristalline content zirconia after different surface treatments, 10/2010, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials,Vol. 93, pp.318-323, New Jersei, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  FRANCESCANTONIO, M.; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Effect of curing mode on bond strengh of self-adhesive resin luting cements to dentin (ARTIGO COMPLETO), 01/2010, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials,Vol. 93B, pp.122-127, New Jersei, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  GIANNINI, Marcelo; Microhardness of dentin underneath fluoride releasing adhesive systems subjected to cariogenic challenge and fluoride therapy, 10/2010, Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 38, pp.460-468, Inglaterra, Inglaterra, 2010
  MARTINHO, F. C.; CHIESA, W. M. M.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Antigenic activity bacterial endodontic contents from primary root canal infection with periapical lesions against macrophage in the release of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, 10/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, pp.1467-1474, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MARTINHO, F. C.; CHIESA, W. M. M.; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; SOUZA FILHO, Francisco José de; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Clinical investigation of the efficacy of chemomrchanical preparation with rotary nitifiles in the removal of endodotoxin from primarily infected root canals, 07/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, pp.1766-1769, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MACÊDO, V. C.; SILVA, André Luis Faria e Silva; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; Effect of cement type, relining procedure, and length of cementation on pull-out bond strength of fiber posts, 09/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, Fac. 9, pp.1543-1546, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MONTAGNER, F.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Management of densinvaginatus type I and open apex: report of three cases, 10/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, pp.1079-1085, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MONTAGNER, F.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Molecular fingerprinting reveals the presence of unique communities associated with paired samples of root canal and acute apical abscesses, 10/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, pp.1475-1479, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MONTAGNER, F.; JACINTO, R. C.; CORREA SIGNORETTI, Fernanda Graziela; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Treponema species detected in infected root canals and acute abscess exudates, 10/2010, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 36, pp.1796-1799, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  BORGES, B. C. D.; SOUZA JÚNIOR, E. J. C.; CATELAN, A.; LOVADINO, José Roberto; SANTOS, Paulo Henrique dos; PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Influence of extended light exposure time on the degree of conversion and plasticization of materials used as pit and fissure sealants, 10/2010, Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry,Vol. 1, pp.151-155, Malden, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SATO, Fábio Ricardo Loureiro; ASPRINO, L.; CONSANI, Simonides; MORAES, Marcio de; Comparative Biomechanical and Photoelastic Evaluation of Different Fixation Techniques of Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy in Mandibular Advancement, 01/2010, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Vol. 68, Fac. 1, pp.160-166, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  SANTOS, Paulo Henrique dos; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; CONSANI, S.; Effect of fluid resins on the surface roughness and topography of resin composite restorations analyzed by atomic force microscope, 11/2010, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,Vol. 4, pp.433-439, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  GONÇALVES, L. S.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SOARES, Carlos José; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Analysis of filler particle levels and sizes in dental alginates, 10/2010, Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso),Vol. 13, pp.261-264, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2010
  CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Effect of monomer content in the monomer-polymer proportion on the adaptation of complete denture resin, 10/2010, Minerva Stomatologica (Testo stampato),Vol. 59, pp.341-347, Turin, Itália, 2010 *
  PAULA, A. B.; TANGO, R. N.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Effect of light energy density on conversion degree and hardness of dual-cured resin cement, 10/2010, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 35, pp.120-124, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  FRANCO PINTO, Cristiane; LEME, Adriana Franco Paes; GIANNINI, Marcelo; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; In vitro secondary caries inhibition by adhesive systems in enamel around composite restorations (ARTIGO COMPLETO PUBLICADO), 09/2010, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 35, pp.345-352, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  AGUIAR, T. R.; FRANCESCANTONIO, M.; GALVÃO ARRAIS, Cesar Augusto; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; DAVANZO, C.U.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Influence of curing mode and time on degree of conversion of one conventional and two self-adhesive resin cements, 05/2010, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 35, Fac. 3, pp.295-299, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  NAVES, L. Z.; SOARES, Carlos José; MORAES, R. R.; GONÇALVES, L. S.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Surface/interface morphology and bond strength to glass ceramic etched for different periods, 10/2010, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 35, pp.420-427, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LIMA, A. F.; LESSA, Fernanda Campos Rosetti; HEBLING, Josimeri; SOUZA COSTA, Carlos Alberto de; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; Transdentinal protective role of sodium ascorbate agaisnt the cytopathic effects of H2O2 released from bleaching agents, 04/2010, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics,Vol. 109, Fac. 4, pp.70-76, Saint Louis, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  BERGER, S. B.; CAVALLI, Vanessa; MARTIN, A.A.; SOARES, Luis Eduardo Silva; ARRUDA, M.A.Z.; BRANCALION, M. L.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Effects of Combined Use of Light Irradiation and 35% Hydrogen Peroxide for Dental Bleaching on Human Enamel Mineral Content, 08/2010, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery,Vol. 28, Fac. 4, pp.533-538, New Rochelle, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CAVALLI, Vanessa; RODRIGUES, L. K. A.; LEME, Adriana Franco Paes; BRANCALION, M. L.; ARRUDA, M.A.Z.; BERGER, S. B.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Effects of bleaching agents containing fluoride and calcium on human enamel, 09/2010, Quintessence International,Vol. 41, Fac. 8, pp.157-165, Hanover Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  CASARIN, RENATO CORRÊA VIANA; RIBEIRO, F.V.; SOUSA, S. B.; SALLUM, E.A.; CASATI, M.Z.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; Influence of immediate attachment loss during instrumentation employing thin ultrasonic tips on clinical response to non-surgical periodontal therapy., 03/2010, Quintessence International,Vol. 41, pp.249-256, Hanover Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  VALDRIGHI, Heloisa Cristina; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; Evaluation of bonded orthodontics brackets using different adhesive systems after a cariogenic challenge, 01/2010, The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice,Vol. 11, Fac. Issue-I, pp.41-48, Cincinnati, OH, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  COELHO GOIATO, Marcelo; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Color stability of polymers for facial prosthesis, 10/2010, The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (Print),Vol. 21, pp.54-58, Boston, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
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