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Instituto de Biologia
Departamento Biologia Animal
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SAZIMA, Ivan; Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) pick organic debris from the hair of a domestic dog in southeastern Brazil, 03/2010, Ararajuba (Rio de Janeiro),Vol. 18, pp.45-48, Belém, PA, Brasil, 2010
  SAZIMA, Ivan; Five instances of bird mimicry suggested for Neotropical birds: a brief reappraisal, 02/2010, Ararajuba (Rio de Janeiro),Vol. 18, pp.328-335, Belém, PA, Brasil, 2010
  DUARTE, Marcelo; ROBBINS, Robert Kanner; FREITAS, A. V. L.; BROWN JÚNIOR, Keith Spalding; MONTEIRO, Ricardo F; CASAGRANDE, Mirna Martins; MIELKE, Olaf Herman Hendrik; NASCIMENTO, Milena de Sousa; ALVES, T. G.; Borboletas da Mata Atlântica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera), 01/2010, Arquivos do Museu Nacional,Vol. 67, pp.291-302, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  LIMA, Luiz Gustavo Ferraz; PERRI, Silvia Helena V; PRADO, A. P.; EGG HATCH PERCENTAGE OF Haematobia irritans (L.) (DIPTERA: MUSCIDAE) IN LABORATORY, 05/2010, Bioscience Journal (UFU. Impresso),Vol. 26, Fac. 3, pp.478-483, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, 2010
  AMARAL, A. C. Z.; MIGOTTO, Alvaro E.; TURRA, Alexander; NOVELLY, Yara Schaeffer; Araçá: biodiversidade, impactos e ameaças, 02/2010, Biota Neopropica (Edição em Português. Online),Vol. 10, pp.1-47, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SAZIMA, Cristina; SAZIMA, Ivan; Cleaner birds in Brazil: update and brief reappraisal, 03/2010, Biota Neopropica (Edição em Português. Online),Vol. 10, pp.327-331, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  FREITAS, A. V. L.; Impactos potenciais das mudanças propostas no Código Florestal Brasileiro sobre as borboletas, 01/2010, Biota Neopropica (Edição em Português. Online),Vol. 10, pp.1-5, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  CANTOR, M.; FERREIRA, L A; SILVA, Wesley Rodrigues; SETZ, Eleonore Z. Freire; Potential seed dispersal by Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) in highly disturbed environment, 06/2010, Biota Neopropica (Edição em Português. Online),Vol. 10, pp.2-6, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SAZIMA, Ivan; What coatis and mongooses have in common?, 09/2010, Biota Neopropica (Edição em Português. Online),Vol. 10, pp.457-461, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SAZIMA, Cristina; KRAJEWSKI, J. P.; BONALDO, R. M.; SAZIMA, Ivan; Associações alimentares do tipo nuclear-seguidor entre peixes e outros animais em Fernando de Noronha, 09/2010, Boletim - Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia - (Impresso),Vol. 100, pp.45-48, SBI, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  YOKOYAMA, LQ; AMARAL, A. C. Z.; Arm regeneration in two populations of Ophionereis reticulata (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea), 06/2010, Iheringia. Série Zoologia (Impresso),Vol. 100, Fac. 2, pp.123-127, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2010
  PARDO, Erica Veronica; LAURA LAUAND SAMPAIO, Teixeira; AMARAL, A. C. Z.; Morphometric analysis of Capitella capitata (Polychaeta, Capitellidae), 03/2010, Iheringia. Série Zoologia (Impresso),Vol. 100, Fac. 1, pp.13-18, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2010
  LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; The ABECO and the Brasilian Forest Code, 07/2010, Natureza & Conservação,Vol. 8, Fac. 1, pp.100-101, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2010
  EMERY, Eduardo Oliveira; MIELKE, Olaf Herman Hendrik; FREITAS, A. V. L.; A new species of Moneuptychia Forster (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae: Euptychiina) from Central Brazil, 01/2010, Neotropical Entomology (Impresso),Vol. 39, pp.83-90, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2010
  FERREIRA, Soraia de Aguiar; PRADO, Paulo Inácio Prado; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; Species Richness in Natural and Disturbed Habitats: Asteraceae and Flower-head Insects (Tephritidae: Diptera), 04/2010, Neotropical Entomology (Impresso),Vol. 39, pp.163-171, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2010
  LUIZ-JR, O. J.; SAZIMA, Ivan; WAIB, LF; FERREIRA, C. E. L.; A honeymoon in Brazil: the spawning behavior of an exotic reef fish in the western south Atlantic, 04/2010, Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso),Vol. 8, Fac. 2, pp.369-371, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SAZIMA, Cristina; GROSSMAN, A.; SAZIMA, Ivan; Turtle cleaners: reef fishes foraging on epibionts of sea turtles in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic, with a summary of this association type, 01/2010, Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso),Vol. 8, Fac. 1, pp.187-192, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  DUNDER, R. J.; QUAGLIO, A.E.V.; MACIEL, Rubens P.; FERREIRA, A. L.; ALMEIDA, A. C. A.; TAKAYAMA, Christiane; FARIA, F. M.; BRITO, A. R. M. S.; Anti-inflammatory and analgesic potential of hydrolyzed extract of Agave sisalana Perrine ex Engelm., Asparagaceae, 06/2010, Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso),Vol. 20, Fac. 3, pp.376-381, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  BUENO, V. de S.; ANDRADE, C. F. S.; Avaliação Preliminar de Óleos Essenciais de Plantas Como Repelentes de Mosquitos Usando-se Aedes albopictus (Diptera; Culicidae)., 01/2010, Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais (Impresso),Vol. 12, pp.215-219, Botucatu, SP, Brasil, 2010
  RAPOSO, H. F.; Effects of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids on the expression of genes involved in the lipid metabolism and risk of atherosclerosis, 09/2010, Revista de Nutrição (Impresso),Vol. 23, Fac. 5, pp.871-879, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2010
  LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; Biodiversidade oculta - Um patrimônio (quase) descohecido, 01/2010, Scientific American Brasil,Vol. ., pp.42-47, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; Um patrimônio (quase) descohecido, 01/2010, Scientific American Brasil,Vol. 1, pp.42-47, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  BARBOSA, P. S. F.; MARTINS, A. M. C.; TOYAMA, M.H.; JOAZEIRO, Paulo Pinto; BERIAM, L.O.S.; FONTELES, M. C.; MONTEIRO, H.S.A.; Purification and biological effects of a C-type lectin isolated from Bothrops moojeni, 01/2010, The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases (Online),Vol. 16, Fac. 3, pp.493-504, Botucatu, SP, Brasil, 2010
Circulação Internacional
  CABRINI, I.; ANDRADE, C. F. S.; Electronic Mosquito Repellers Inducing Increased Bite Rates in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)., 03/2010, Journal of Vector Ecology,Vol. 35, pp.75-78, Corona, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  VIDAL, Benedicto de Campos; MELLO, Maria Luiza Silveira; Optical anisotropy of collagen fibers of rat calcaneal tendons: An approach to spatially resolved supramolecular organization, 01/2010, Acta Histochemica (Print),Vol. 112, Fac. 1, pp.53-61, Jena, Alemanha, 2010
  PEREIRA, K. S.; SCHMIDT, F.L.; BARBOSA-LABELLO, R.; GUARALDO, A. M. A.; FRANCO, Regina Maura Bueno; DIAS, V. L.; PASSOS, L.A.C.; Transmission of Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) by foods, 05/2010, Advances in Food and Nutrition Research,Vol. 59, pp.63-85, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PEREIRA, K. S.; FRANCO, Regina Maura Bueno; LEAL, D. A. G.; Transmission of toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) by foods, 03/2010, Advances in Food and Nutrition Research,Vol. 60, pp.1-20, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  BRITO, Pedro; ZAMA, Uyra dos Santos; DOLDER, H; LINO-NETO, J; New characteristics of the male reproductive system in the Meliponini bee, Friesella schrottkyi (Hymenoptera: Apidae): histological and physiological development during sexual maturation, 03/2010, Apidologie (Celle),Vol. 41, Fac. 2, pp.203-215, Les Ulis, França, 2010
  BOSSETO, M. C.; PALMA, P. V. B.; COVAS, DT; GIORGIO, Selma; Hypoxia modulates phenotype, inflammatory response, and leishmanial infection of human dendritic cells, 02/2010, APMIS. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica.,Vol. 118, Fac. 2, pp.108-114, Kobenhavn, Reino Unido, 2010
  GONÇALVES-SOUZA, T.; ALMEIDA, M.; ROMERO, G. Q.; Bromeliad architectural complexity and vertical distribution predict spider abundance and richness, 01/2010, Austral Ecology (Print),Vol. OnLine, pp.1-3, Adelaide, Austrália, 2010
  OMENA, P. M.; ROMERO, G. Q.; Using visual cues of microhabitat traits to find home: the case study of a bromeliad jumping spider, 01/2010, Behavioral Ecology,Vol. 21, pp.690-695, Cary, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  INTROINI, G. O.; MAESTERI, F. M.; LEITE, Fosca Pedini Pereira; RECCO-PIMENTEL, Shirlei Maria; Sperm ultrastructure of Mytella (Bivalvia) populations from distinct habitats along the northern coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, 12/2010, Biocell (Mendoza),Vol. 34, Fac. 3, pp.103-111, Argentina, Argentina, 2010 *
  FAN, A. C. Y.; GAVA, L. M.; RAMOS, C. H. I.; YOUNG, J. C.; Human mitochondrial import receptor Tom70 functions as a monomer, 08/2010, Biochemical Journal (London. 1984),Vol. 429, pp.553-563, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  COSTA, D. B. V.; CASTRO, I. B. D.; RUIZ, A. L. T. G.; MARQUISSOLO, C.; PILLI, R.A.; CARVALHO, João Ernesto de; Effect of goniothalamin on the development of Ehrlich solid tumor in mice, 09/2010, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Print),Vol. 18, Fac. 18, pp.6742-6747, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  RIBEIRO, D. B.; PRADO, P. I.; BROWN JÚNIOR, Keith Spalding; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Temporal Diversity Patterns and Phenology in Fruit-feeding Butterflies in the Atlantic Forest, 11/2010, Biotropica (Lawrence, KS),Vol. 42, Fac. 6, pp.710-716, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  OLIVEIRA, N. F. P.; DOLDER, Mary Anne Heide; GENARI, S.C.; Light Microscope Observation of Circulating Human Lymphocytes Cultured in Vitro, 09/2010, Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso),Vol. 53, Fac. 5, pp.1097-1100, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2010
  SBRAGIA NETO, Lourenco; SCHMIDT, A. F. S.; MORAES, S; G. BITTENCOURT, D.; GONÇALVES, F. L. L.; DIAS PEREIRA, Luis Antonio Violin; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Inflammatory response in a rat model of gastroschisis is associated with an increase of NF-kappaB, 02/2010, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 43, Fac. 2, pp.160-165, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  BASCOMPTE, J.; AIZEN, M.; FORTUNA, M. A.; JORDANO, P.; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; MEMMOTT, J.; OLESEN, J.M.; PETANIDOU, T.; RICO-GRAY, V.; THOMPSON, J.N.; Mutualistic Networks, 07/2010, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (Cessou em 2002. Cont. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (Online)),Vol. 91, pp.367-370, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MORAES,, A.; MONDIN, M.; BELETTI, Marcelo Emilio; AGUIAR-PERECIN, M. L.; GUARALDO, A. M. A.; MELLO, Maria Luiza Silveira; Age-related association of rDNA and telomeres with the nuclear matrix in mouse hepatocytes, 09/2010, Cell Biology International (Print),Vol. 34, pp.925-931, London, Inglaterra, 2010 *
  BROMBERG, N.; DREYFUSS, Juliana Luporini; REGATIERI, CV; PALLADINO, MV; CABALLERO, Nelson Eduardo Durán; NADER, HB; SENATORE, M. A. D. H.; JUSTO, G. Z.; Growth inhibition and pro-apoptotic activity of violacein in Ehrlich ascites tumor, 06/2010, Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print),Vol. 186, Fac. 1, pp.43-52, Limerick, Irlanda (Eire), 2010 *
  BERTAZZO, S.; ZAMBUZZI, W. F.; PALOMBINO, D. D.; FERREIRA, C. V.; BERTRAN, C.A.; A simple method for enhancing cell adhesion to hydroxyapatite surface, 12/2010, Clinical Oral Implants Research,Vol. 21, Fac. 12, pp.1411-1413, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2010 *
  GOMES, Laurecir; BIANCALANA, A.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; Obesity affects collagen fibril diameter and mechanical properties of tendons in zucker rats., 06/2010, Connective Tissue Research (Print),Vol. 51, Fac. 3, pp.171-178, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  NAKAGAKI, W. R.; PIMENTEL, Edson Rosa; BENEVIDES, GUSTAVO PEREIRA; GOMES, Laurecir; The effect of age and spontaneous exercise on the biomechanical and biochemical properties of chicken superficial digital flexor tendon, 08/2010, Connective Tissue Research (Print),Vol. 51, Fac. 4, pp.265-273, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  HADDAD, Célio Fernando Baptista; ALVES, A.C.R.; CLEMENTE-CARVALHO, R.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; A new species of Brachycephalus from the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil (Amphibia: Anura: Brachycephalidae), 04/2010, Copeia,Vol. 2010, pp.410-420, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  QUIMBAYO, J.P.; ZAPATA, F. A.; FLOETER, S. R.; BESSUDO, S.; SAZIMA, Ivan; First record of cleaning by a triplefin blenny in the Tropical Pacific, 06/2010, Coral Reefs (Print),Vol. 29, pp.909-909, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010
  BRUNNSCHWEILLER, Jürg; SAZIMA, Ivan; Swift swimming reef fish as hosts of small juvenile sharksuckers, 06/2010, Coral Reefs (Print),Vol. 29, pp.843-843, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010
  ESCOBEDO, A.A; ALMIRALL, P.; ROBERTSON, L.J.; HANEVIK, K.; MORCH, K.; CIMERMAN, S.; FRANCO, Regina Maura Bueno; Giardiasis: the ever-present of a neglected disease., 02/2010, Current Drug Targets. Inflammation & Allergy,Vol. 10, pp.329-348, Hilversum, Holanda, 2010
  FELICIANO, N. D.; GONZAGA, H. T.; GONÇALVES PIRES, Maria do Rosario de Fatima; GONÇALVES, Ana Lucia Ribeiro; RODRIGUES, Rosangela Maria; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; COSTA-CRUZ, JM; Hydrophobic fractions from Strongyloides venezuelensis for use in the human immunodiagnosis of strongyloidiasis, 06/2010, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease,Vol. 67, Fac. 2, pp.153-161, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  JESUS, Marcelo Bispo de; PINTO, LUCIANA DE MATOS A; LEONARDO FERNANDES, Fraceto; MAGALHÃES, Luiz Augusto; ZANOTTI-MAGALHAES, Eliana Maria; PAULA, E. de; Improvement of the oral praziquantel anthelmintic effect by cyclodextrin complexation, 01/2010, Drug Delivery and Translational Research,Vol. 18, pp.21-26, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010 *
  MORAIS-FILHO, J. C.; ROMERO, G. Q.; Plant glandular trichomes mediate protective mutualism in a spider-plant system, 01/2010, Ecological Entomology (Print),Vol. 35, pp.485-494, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  RODRIGUES, D.; MAIA, Pedro Henrique Souza; TRIGO, José Roberto; Sabotaging behaviour and minimal latex of Asclepias curassavica incur no cost for larvae of the southern monarch butterfly Danaus erippus, 08/2010, Ecological Entomology (Print),Vol. 35, Fac. 4, pp.504-513, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SILVA, D.P.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo S.; Field Biology of Edessa rufomarginata (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): Phenology, Behavior, and Patterns of Host Plant Use, 12/2010, Environmental Entomology,Vol. 39, Fac. 6, pp.1903-1910, College Park, Md, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SILVA, D. P.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; Field Biology of Edessa rufomarginata (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): Phenology, Behavior, and Patterns of Host Plant Use, 01/2010, Environmental Entomology,Vol. 39, pp.1903-1910, College Park, Md, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PAULA, F. M. M.; BARBOSA, H. C. L.; CARNEIRO, EVERARDO MAGALHAES; PERSAUD, Shanta J.; GAGLIARDINO, Juan Jose; BOSCHERO, A. C.; SOUZA, K. L. A.; Requirement of NF-kappaB signalling pathway for modulation of the cholinergic muscarinic M-3 receptor expression by INGAP-PP in insulin-producing cells, 09/2010, European Journal of Pharmacology,Vol. 642, Fac. 1-3, pp.37-46, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  ARAÚJO, A P; FREZZA, Tarsila Ferraz; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; GIORGIO, Selma; Hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor in a murine model of Schistosoma mansoni infection, 12/2010, Experimental and Molecular Pathology (Print),Vol. 89, Fac. 3, pp.327-333, Maryland Heights, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GONÇALVES, Ana Lucia Ribeiro; SILVA, C. V.; COSTA CRUZ, Julia Maria.; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; A new faecal antigen detection system for Strongyloides venezuelensis dignosis in immunosupressed rats., 08/2010, Experimental Parasitology,Vol. 125, pp.338-341, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MACHADO, Eleuza Rodrigues; CARLOS, D; LOURENÇO, Elaine V; DE SOUZA, Glória Emilia Petto; SORGI, C. A.; SILVA, EV; RAMOS, S. G.; ARONOFF, DM; FACCIOLI, Lucia Helena; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; Cyclooxygenase derived mediators regulate the immunological control of Strongyloides venezuelensis infection., 06/2010, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology (Print),Vol. 59, pp.18-32, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  MACHADO, ER; CARLOS, D; LOURENÇO, Elaine V; DE SOUZA, Glória Emilia Petto; SORGI, CA; SILVA, EV; UETA, MT; G. RAMOS, Simone; ARONOFF, DM; FACCIOLI, LH; Cyclooxygenase-derived mediators regulate the immunological control of Strongyloides venezuelensis infection, 06/2010, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology (Print),Vol. 59, Fac. 1, pp.18-32, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  TSUHAKO, M. H.; AUGUSTO, O.; LINARES, E.; CHADI,, G.; GIORGIO, Selma; PEREIRA, CA; Tempol ameliorates murine viral encephalomyelitis by preserving the blood-brain barrier, reducing viral load, and lessening inflammation, 03/2010, Free Radical Biology & Medicine,Vol. 48, Fac. 5, pp.704-712, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  OLIVEIRA, A. L. D.; DA SILVA, D.; MANZANO, B. C.; ABDEL-HAMID, AZ; MARCELINO, M. Y.; ZANOTTI-MAGALHAES, E. M.; L. A. MAGALHAES, L. A. MAGALHAES; RIBEIRO-PAES, J. T.; Genetic differences between strains of Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae) that are susceptible and unsusceptible to schistosomiasis, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 9, Fac. 3, pp.1450-1459, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  OLIVEIRA, A. L. D.; DA SILVA, D.; MANZANO, B. C.; ABDEL-HAMID, AZ; MARCELINO, M. Y.; ZANOTTI-MAGALHAES, Eliana Maria; MAGALHÃES, Luiz Augusto; RIBEIRO-PAES, J. T.; Genetic differences between strains of Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae) that are susceptible and unsusceptible to schistosomiasis, 07/2010, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 9, pp.1450-1459, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  SOUZA, M.M.; URDAMPILLETA, JD; FORNI-MARTINS, ER; Improvements in cytological preparations for fluorescent in situ hybridization in Passiflora, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 9, Fac. 4, pp.2148-2155, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  RIBEIRO, V.F.B.; FELICIANO, N. D.; GONZAGA, H. T.; COSTA, I.. N.; GONÇALVESPIRES, M R F; COSTA CRUZ, Julia Maria.; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; Detergent fraction of heterologous antigen to detect IgA and IgG in strongyloidiasis using saliva and serum paired samples, 11/2010, Immunology Letters,Vol. 134, pp.69-74, London, Reino Unido, 2010
  GUERRA, Tadeu José de Abreu; & COSTA, J.C.; LOFEGO, A. C.; BENSON, Woodruff Whitmann; ROMERO, G. Q.; Phoretic dispersal on bumblebees by bromeliad flower mites (Mesostigmata, Melicharidae), 01/2010, Insectes Sociaux (Printed ed.),Vol. OnLine, pp.1-3, Basel, Suiça, 2010
  FAVARO, W. J.; CAGNON, Valéria H. A.; Effect of combined hormonal and insulin therapy on the steroid hormone receptors and growth factors signalling in diabetic mice prostate, 12/2010, International Journal of Experimental Pathology (Print),Vol. 91, Fac. 6, pp.537-545, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  FERRARI, C. C.; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, Sandra Maria; BOLINI CARDELLO, Helena Maria Andre; HUBINGER, Míriam Dupas; Structural Changes, Mechanical Properties and Sensory Preference of Osmodehydrated Melon Pieces with Sucrose and Calcium Lactate Solutions, 01/2010, International Journal of Food Properties,Vol. 13, Fac. 1, pp.112-130, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  SRIVASTAVA, Diane S; ROMERO, G. Q.; Food web composition affects cross-ecosystem interactions and subsidies, 01/2010, Journal of Animal Ecology (Print),Vol. 79, pp.1122-1131, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  CHRISTIANINI, A. V.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo S.; Birds and ants provide complementary seed dispersal in a neotropical savanna, 05/2010, Journal of Ecology (Print),Vol. 98, Fac. 3, pp.573-582, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  CHRISTIANINI, A. V.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; Birds and ants provide complementary seed dispersal in a neotropical savanna., 05/2010, Journal of Ecology (Print),Vol. 98, pp.573-582, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  SILVA, Mario Antonio Navarro da; DUQUÉ, J. E.L.; RAMIRES, Eduardo Novaes; MARQUES-DA-SILVA, E.; F. A. MARQUES, F. A. x; DELAY, C. E.; FONTANA, J.D.; SILVA, A.C.S.; FRAGUAS, G.M.; ANDRADE, C. F. S.; Chemical control of Loxosceles intermedia (Araneae: Sicariidae) with pyrethroids: field and laboratory evaluation, 02/2010, Journal of Economic Entomology,Vol. 103, pp.166-171, Lanham, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DE MOURA, Leiliany Negrão; VIELLIARD, Jacques Marie Edme; DA SILVA, Maria Luisa; SEASONAL FLUCTUATION OF THE ORANGE-WINGED AMAZON AT A ROOSTING SITE IN AMAZONIA, 03/2010, Journal of Field Ornithology,Vol. 122, Fac. 1, pp.88-94, Malden, Inglaterra, 2010
  MARTINS, A. B.; VENTURA, I.M.; KLACZKO, LB; Spiroplasma infection in Drosophila melanogaster: What is the advantage of killing males?, 10/2010, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Print),Vol. 105, Fac. 2, pp.145-150, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LEINER, N. O.; DICKMAN, C. R.; SILVA, Wesley Rodrigues; Multiscale habitat selection by slender opossums (Marmosops spp.) in the Atlantic forest of Brazil, 06/2010, Journal of Mammalogy (Print),Vol. 91, Fac. 3, pp.561-565, Lawrence, Kansas, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  TOLEDO, Luis Felipe; SAZIMA, Ivan; HADDAD, Célio Fernando Baptista; Is it all death feigning? Case in anurans, 01/2010, Journal of Natural History,Vol. 44, Fac. 31-32, pp.1979-1988, London, Inglaterra, 2010
  VILAÇA COSTA, Costa, E V; PINHEIRO, Maria Lucia B; BARISON, A. Barison; CAMPOS, Francinete R.; SALVADOR, Marcos J.; MAIA, Beatriz H.L.N.S.; CRESPIM, Elaine; EBERLIN, M.N.; Alkaloids from the Bark of Guatteria hispida and Their Evaluation as Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents, 06/2010, Journal of Natural Products (Print),Vol. 73, Fac. 6, pp.1180-1183, Cincinnati, Ohio, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  VERDAN, M. H.; BARISON, A. Barison; DE SA, E. L.; SALVADOR, Marcos J.; POLIQUESI, C. B.; EBERLIN, M.N.; STEFANELLO, MEA; Lactones and Quinones from the Tubers of Sinningia aggregata, 08/2010, Journal of Natural Products (Print),Vol. 73, Fac. 8, pp.1434-1437, Cincinnati, Ohio, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  GRILLO, Renato; DE MELO, Nathalie F. S.; DE LIMA, Renata; LOURENÇO, R. W.; ROSA, Andre Henrique; LEONARDO FERNANDES, Fraceto; Characterization of Atrazine-Loaded Biodegradable Poly(Hydroxybutyrate-Co-Hydroxyvalerate) Microspheres, 03/2010, Journal of Polymers and the Environment,Vol. 18, Fac. 1, pp.26-32, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CABRINI, I.; ANDRADE, C. F. S.; Comparative studies on Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) adult females trespassing commercial nets., 03/2010, Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association,Vol. 26, pp.112-115, Eatontown, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  YOKOYAMA, L. Q.; AMARAL, A. C. Z.; Allometric growth of a common Nassariidae (Gastropoda) in south-east Brazil, 11/2010, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print),Vol. OnLine, pp.1-11, Cambridge, Inglaterra, 2010
  GARRAFFONI, ARS; YOKOYAMA, LQ; AMARAL, A. C. Z.; Allometry and population structure of Nicolea uspiana (Polychaeta: Terebellidae), 08/2010, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print),Vol. 90, Fac. 5, pp.877-883, Cambridge, Inglaterra, 2010
  JACOBUCCI, GIULIANO BUZA; GUTH, A. Z.; TURRA, Alexander; LEITE, Fosca Pedini Pereira; Influence of a narrow depth gradient and season on the morphology, phenology, and epibiosis of the brown alga Sargassum cymosum., 09/2010, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print),Vol. 00, pp.1-10, Cambridge, Inglaterra, 2010
  GUERRA, Tadeu José de Abreu; ROMERO, Gustavo Quevedo; BENSON, Woodruff Whitmann; Flower mites decrease nectar availability in the rain-forest bromeliad Neoregelia johannis, 07/2010, Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print),Vol. 26, Fac., pp.373-379, Aberdan, Reino Unido, 2010
  GUERRA, Tadeu José de Abreu; BENSON, Woodruff Whitmann; ROMERO, G. Q.; Flower mites decrease nectar availability in the rain-forest bromeliad Neoregelia johannis, 01/2010, Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print),Vol. 26, pp.373-379, Aberdan, Reino Unido, 2010
  FERNANDES, FR; CRUZ, LD; MARTINS, E. G.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Growth and home range size of the gracile mouse opossum Gracilinanus microtarsus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in Brazilian cerrado, 03/2010, Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print),Vol. 26, Fac. 02, pp.185-192, Aberdan, Reino Unido, 2010
  ANDRÉ, M.R.; ADANIA, Cristina H; MACHADO, R.Z.; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; FELIPPE, P. A. N.; SILVA, Ketty F.; NAKAGHI, A.C.H.; Molecular and Serologic detection of Ehrlichia spp. in Endangered Brazilian wild captive felids, 01/2010, Journal of Wildlife Diseases,Vol. 46, Fac. 3, pp.1017-1023, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PIRES, M.; MARTINS, E. G.; SILVA, Maria Nazareth F. da; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Gracilinanus microtarsus, 01/2010, Mammalian Species (Print) (Cessou em 2005. Cont. ISSN 1545-1410 Mammalian Species (Online)),Vol. 42, pp.33-40, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GROSSMAN, A.; SAZIMA, Cristina; SAZIMA, Ivan; Deep cleaning: a wrasse and a goby clean reef fish below 60 m depth in the tropical south-western Atlantic, 01/2010, Marine Biodiversity Records - Eletronic,Vol. 3, pp.1-3, Inglaterra, 2010
  REISSER, Júlia; PROIETTI, Maíra; SAZIMA, Ivan; First record of the silver porgy ( Diplodus argenteus) cleaning green turtles ( Chelonia mydas) in the south-west Atlantic, 05/2010, Marine Biodiversity Records - Eletronic,Vol. 3, pp.75-76, Inglaterra, 2010
  KRAJEWSKI, J. P.; SAZIMA, Ivan; Fish feed on faeces and vomits of New Zealand fur seals: marine mammals bring nutrients from open to inshore waters, 08/2010, Marine Biodiversity Records - Eletronic,Vol. OnLine, pp.1-3, Inglaterra, 2010
  PIRES, M.; MARTINS, E. G.; CRUZ, L.D.; FERNANDES, F. R.; CLEMENTE-CARVALHO, R.; DA SILVA, M. N. F.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; Young didelphid consumption by Micoureus paraguayanus (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) in Southeastern Brazil, 06/2010, Mastozoología Neotropical - Print,Vol. 17, pp.183-187, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, 2010
  HORENSTEIN, Moira Battán; LINHARES, A. X.; DE FERRADAS, B. R.; GARCIA, D.; Decomposition and dipteran succession in pig carrion in central Argentina: ecological aspects and their importance in forensic science, 03/2010, Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Print),Vol. 24, Fac. 1, pp.16-25, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  COLLA-JACQUES, F. E.; CASANOVA, Claudio; PRADO, A. P.; Study of sand fly fauna in an endemic area of American cutaneous leishmaniasis and canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of Esporito Santo do Pinhal, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 03/2010, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso),Vol. 105, Fac. 2, pp.208-215, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  ZANON, R.G.; CARTAROZZI, L. P.; VICTORIO, S. C. S.; MORAES, J. C.; MORARI, J.; VELLOSO, Licio Augusto; OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; Interferon (IFN) beta treatment induces major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression in the spinal cord and enhances axonal growth and motor function recovery following sciatic nerve crush in mice, 10/2010, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (Print),Vol. 36, Fac. 6, pp.515-534, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  FORTUNA-PEREZ, A. P.; TOZZI, A. M. G. A.; A New Species of Zornia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from Northeastern Brazil, 03/2010, Novon (Saint Louis, Mo.),Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.35-37, Saint Louis, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  NOMURA, F.; GONÇALVES, A. Z.; DIAS, N. Y. N.; MERCIER, Helenice; CONFORTO, E.; ROSSA-FERES, D.C.; ROMERO, G. Q.; Nitrogen fluxes from treefrogs to tank epiphytic bromeliads: an isotopic and physiological approach, 01/2010, Oecologia,Vol. 162, pp.941-949, Berlim, Alemanha, 2010
  RODRIGUES, D.; KAMINSKI, LA; FREITAS, A. V. L.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo S.; Trade-offs underlying polyphagy in a facultative ant-tended florivorous butterfly: the role of host plant quality and enemy-free space, 07/2010, Oecologia,Vol. 163, Fac. 3, pp.719-728, Berlim, Alemanha, 2010
  RODRIGUES, D.; KAMINSKI, LA; FREITAS, A. V. L.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; Trade-offs underlying polyphagy in a facultative ant-tended florivorous butterfly: the role of host plant quality and enemy-free space, 01/2010, Oecologia,Vol. 163, pp.719-728, Berlim, Alemanha, 2010
  SILVA ARAÚJO, Márcio; MARTINS, E. G.; CRUZ, LD; FERNANDES, FR; LINHARES, A. X.; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; GUIMARÃES JR., Paulo Roberto; Nested diets: a novel pattern of individual-level resource use, 01/2010, Oikos (Kobenhavn),Vol. 119, Fac. 1, pp.81-88, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  SAZIMA, Cristina; GUIMARÃES JR., Paulo Roberto; REIS, Sérgio Furtado dos; SAZIMA, Ivan; What makes a species central in a cleaning mutualism network?, 08/2010, Oikos (Kobenhavn),Vol. 119, Fac. 8, pp.1319-1325, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  ARAUJO, A. I. L.; CORSO, Gilberto; ALMEIDA, A. M.; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; An analytic approach to the measurement of nestedness in bipartite networks, 04/2010, Physica. A (Print),Vol. 389, Fac. 7, pp.1405-1411, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  ALMEIDA NETO, M.; PRADO, P.I.; KUBOTA, U.; BARIANI, Joice M.; AGUIRRE, G. H.; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; Invasive grasses and native Asteraceae in the Brazilian Cerrado, 01/2010, Plant Ecology (Dordrecht),Vol. 209, Fac. 1, pp.109-122, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2010
  GONÇALVES, D. C.; GAVA, L. M.; RAMOS, C. H. I.; Human Hsp70/Hsp90 Organizing Protein (Hop) D456G Is a Mixture of Monomeric and Dimeric Species, 04/2010, Protein and Peptide Letters,Vol. 17, Fac. 4, pp.492-498, Hilversum, Holanda, 2010 *
  HADDAD-JR., Vidal Haddad-Jr.; SAZIMA, Ivan; Piranha attacks in dammed streams used for human recreation in the State of São Paulo state, Brazil, 10/2010, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Impresso),Vol. 43, pp.596-598, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  METZGER, Jean Paul; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; JOLY, CA; VERDADE, L.M.; ANTONIO MARTINELLI, Luiz; RODRIGUES, Ricardo R.; Brazilian Law: Full Speed in Reverse?, 07/2010, Science (New York, N.Y.),Vol. 329, pp.276-277, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CRUZ, A.R.; SOUTO, P.C.S.; FERRARI, C.K.B.; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; ARRAIS-SILVA, W. W.; Endoscopic imaging of the first clinical case of Anisakidosis in Brazil., 06/2010, Scientia Parasitologica,Vol. 11, pp.97-100, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  MAZZAFERA, Paulo; SILVAROLLA, M.B.; Caffeine content variation in single green Arabica coffee seeds, 09/2010, Seed Science Research,Vol. 20, Fac. 3, pp.163-167, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2010
  ARAB, Alberto; CABRINI, I.; ANDRADE, C. F. S.; Diversity of Polistinae Wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in Fragments of Atlantic Rain Forest With Different Levels of Regeneration in Southeastern Brazil, 01/2010, Sociobiology,Vol. 56, Fac. 2, pp.515-525, Chico, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  BRASILEIRO, C. A.; MARTINS, Marcio; SAZIMA, Ivan; Feeding ecology of Thoropa taophora (Anura: Cycloramphidae) on a rocky seashore in Southeastern Brazil, 12/2010, South American Journal of Herpetology (Impresso),Vol. 5, pp.181-188, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2010
  ANDRADE, D.V.; MARQUES, Otavio Augusto Vuolo; GAVIRA, R. S.B.; BARBO, F. E.; ZACARIOTTI, R. L.; SAZIMA, Ivan; Tail luring by the golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis), an island endemic from Southeastern Brazil, 12/2010, South American Journal of Herpetology (Impresso),Vol. 5, pp.175-180, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2010
  KAMINSKI, L. A.; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Natural history and morphology of immature stages of the butterfly Allosmaitia strophius (Godart) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) on flower buds of Malpighiaceae, 01/2010, Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environments.,Vol. 45, pp.11-19, Holanda, 2010
  HOFSTATTER, P.G.; GUARALDO, A. M. A.; Eimeria abmitu n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the razor-billed curassow Mitu tuberosum Spix (Galliformes: Cracidae), 08/2010, Systematic Parasitology - On Line,Vol. 78, Fac. 1, pp.69-71, Inglaterra, 2010
  SAWAYA, A. C. H. F.; ABDELNUR, P. V.; EBERLIN, M.N.; KUMAZAWA, S.; AHN, M.; BANG, K.; NAGARAJA, N.; BANKOVA, V. S.; AFROUZAN, H.; Fingerprinting of propolis by easy ambient sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry, 04/2010, Talanta (Oxford),Vol. 81, Fac. 1-2, pp.100-108, Amsterdam, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  SCHOEREDER, J.H.; VIEIRA, E.; SOBRINHO, T.G; MADUREIRA, M.S.; RIBAS, C.R.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; The arboreal ant community visiting extrafloral nectaries in the Neotropical cerrado savanna, 01/2010, Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews,Vol. 3, pp.3-27, Washington, DC, USA, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SILVEIRA, Henrique Cesar Pelicci; TRIGO, José Roberto; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; Attracting Predators without Falling Prey: Chemical Camouflage Protects Honeydew-Producing Treehoppers from Ant Predation, 03/2010, The American Naturalist,Vol. 175, pp.261-268, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  KAMINSKI, LA; FREITAS, A. V. L.; OLIVEIRA, Paulo Sérgio Moreira; Interaction between Mutualisms: Ant-Tended Butterflies Exploit Enemy-Free Space Provided by Ant-Treehopper Associations, 09/2010, The American Naturalist,Vol. 176, Fac. 3, pp.322-334, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GUIDO, Anderson Neri; CAMPOS, Gerson Eduardo Rocha; SANTO NETO, Humberto; MARQUES, Maria Júlia; MINATEL, E.; Fiber Type Composition of the Sternomastoid and Diaphragm Muscles of Dystrophin-Deficient mdx Mice, 10/2010, The Anatomical Record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007),Vol. 293, Fac. 10, pp.1722-1728, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PETERS, H.; AUGUSTO, T. M.; BRUNI-CARDOSO, Alexandre; CARVALHO, Hernandes F. de; RECK Expression in the Rat Ventral Prostate: Response to Castration Involves a Balance Between Epithelial and Stromal Expression, 06/2010, The Anatomical Record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007),Vol. 293, Fac. 6, pp.993-997, Hoboken, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GONÇALVES-SOUZA, T.; BRESCOVIT, Antonio Domingos; ROSSA-FERES, D.C.; ROMERO, G. Q.; Bromeliads as Biodiversity Amplifiers and Habitat Segregation of Spider Communities in a Neotropical Rainforest, 01/2010, The Journal of Arachnology,Vol. 38, pp.270-279, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  ANDRÉ, M.R.; ADANIA, Cristina H; TEIXEIRA, R.H.F.; SILVA, Ketty F.; JUSI, M.M.G.; MACHADO, S.T.Z.; BORTOLLI, C.P.; FALCADE, M.; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; SOUSA, L.; FELIPPE, P. A. N.; MACHADO, R.Z.; Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in captive neotropical and exotic wild canids and felids, 10/2010, The Journal of Parasitology,Vol. 96, pp.1007-1009, Wiston-Salem, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  FRANCINI, Ronaldo Bastos; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Aggregated oviposition in Actinote pellenea pellenea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), 01/2010, The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera (Cessou em 19??),Vol. 42, pp.74-78, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  RIBEIRO, D. B.; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Differences in thermal responses in a fragmented landscape: Temperature affects the sampling of diurnal, but not nocturnal fruit-feeding Lepidoptera, 01/2010, The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera (Cessou em 19??),Vol. 42, pp.1-4, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  SOTO, L. A. P.; MARTINS-DE-SOUZA, D.; MARANGONI, S.; Neurotoxic, Myotoxic and Cytolytic Activities of the New Basic PLA(2) Isoforms BmjeTX-I and BmjeTX-II Isolated from the Bothrops marajoensis (Maraj Lancehead) Snake Venom, 02/2010, The Protein Journal,Vol. 29, Fac. 2, pp.103-113, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  HUACO, Frank D Torres; SOTO, L. A. P.; SOUZA, D. M.; MARANGONI, S.; Purification and Characterization of a New Weak Hemorrhagic Metalloproteinase BmHF-1 from Bothrops marajoensis Snake Venom, 08/2010, The Protein Journal,Vol. 29, Fac. 6, pp.407-416, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  MONTICO, F.; FAVARO, W. J.; CÂNDIDO, Eduardo Marcelo; MARTINEZ, Marcelo; PINHEIRO, Patricia Fernanda Felipe; MARTINEZ, Francisco Eduardo; CAGNON, Valeria Helena Alves; Alcoholism and coagulating gland: Androgen and insulin like growth factor-1 receptor features, 08/2010, Tissue & Cell,Vol. 42, Fac. 4, pp.203-210, Edinburgh, Inglaterra, 2010
  SOTO, L. A. P.; SOUZA, D. M.; MARANGONI, S.; Structural and pharmacological characterization of the crotamine isoforms III-4 (MYX4_CROCu) and III-7 (MYX7_CROCu) isolated from the Crotalus durissus cumanensis venom, 07/2010, Toxicon (Oxford),Vol. 55, Fac. 8, pp.1443-1452, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  ANDRÉ, M.R.; ADANIA, Cristina H; TEIXEIRA, R.H.F.; VARGAS, G.H.; FALCADE, M.; SOUSA, L.; SALLES, A.R.; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; FELIPPE, P. A. N.; MACHADO, R.Z.; Molecular detection of Hepatozoon spp. in Brazilian and exotic wild carnivores, 10/2010, Veterinary Parasitology (Print),Vol. 173, pp.134-138, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  PEÑA, Carlos; NYLIN, Sören; WAHLBERG, Niklas; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Biogeographic history of the butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), 01/2010, Zoologica Scripta,Vol. 39, pp.243-258, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  TOLEDO, Luis Felipe; A new species of Elachistocleis (Anura; Microhylidae) from the Brazilian Amazon, 06/2010, Zootaxa (Auckland. Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 2496, pp.63-68, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2010
  TOLEDO, Luis Felipe; SIQUEIRA, Sergio; DUARTE, Thiago C.; VEIGA-MENONCELLO, A. C. P.; RECCO-PIMENTEL, S. M.; HADDAD, Célio Fernando Baptista; Description of a new species of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 from the state of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil (Anura, Leiuperidae), 06/2010, Zootaxa (Auckland. Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 2496, pp.38-48, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2010
  TOLEDO, Luis Felipe; Description of a new species of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 from the state of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil (Anura, Leiuperidae), 11/2010, Zootaxa (Auckland. Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 2681, pp.47-56, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2010
  PINHEIRO, H. T.; GASPARINI, João Luis; SAZIMA, Ivan; Sparisoma rocha, a new species of parrotfish (Actinopterygii: Labridae) from the Trindade Island, Southwestern Atlantic, 06/2010, Zootaxa (Auckland. Print),Vol. 2493, pp.59-65, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2010
  PINHEIRO, H. T.; GASPARINI, João Luis; SAZIMA, Ivan; Sparisoma rocha, a new species of parrotfish (Actinopterygii: Labridae) from Trindade Island, South-western Atlantic, 06/2010, Zootaxa (Auckland. Print),Vol. 1, Fac. 2493, pp.59-65, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2010
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