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Instituto de Biologia
Departamento de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  ALMEIDA, K.C.D.; TORRICELLI, A.K.; IZIDORO JR., M.S.; PEREIRA, Rafaella Fabiana Carneiro; BROCCHI, M.; LANCELLOTTI, M.; HOLLANDA, LUCIANA MARIA DE; Estudo de adesão e invasão in vitro de Salnomella typhimurium em carcinoma de pulmão, 01/2010, Diagnóstico & Tratamento,Vol. 15, pp.206-207, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  FRANCA, G. F.; GRIER, H. J.; GRASSIOTTO, Irani Quagio; A new vision of the origin and the oocyte development in the ostariophysi applied to Gymnotus sylvius (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes), 10/2010, Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso),Vol. 8, Fac. 4, pp.787-804, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010
  POLITTI, F.; AMORIM, Cesar F.; GUERRA, Flavia Daré; PIRES, Ivan Luis de Souza; OLIVEIRA, L.H.S.; PALOMARI, E.T.; Electromyographic analyses of the upper trapezius muscle during maximal clenching effort., 01/2010, Terapia Manual,Vol. 8, pp.21-26, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2010
Circulação Internacional
  ABREU, G. C. G.; PINHEIRO, Aluísio de Souza; DRUMMOND, R. D.; S R CAMARGO, S R Camargo; MENOSSI, Marcelo; Some Statistical Properties of Gene Expression Clustering for Array Data, 01/2010, Advances and Applications in Statistics,Vol. 14, pp.191-204, Allahabad, Índia, 2010
  CIDADE, F. W.; DE SOUZA-CHIES, T. T.; SOUZA E SILVA, F. H. B.; BATISTA, L.A.R.; DALAGNOL, M.; VALLS, J. F. M.; ZUCCHI, M. I.; SOUZA, A. P.; MICROSATELLITE LOCI FOR PASPALUM ATRATUM (POACEAE) AND CROSS-AMPLIFICATION IN OTHER SPECIES, 11/2010, American Journal of Botany,Vol. 97, Fac. 11, pp.107-110, Columbus, Estados Unidos da América, 2010 *
  AZEVEDO, R.A.; ARRUDA, Paulo; High-lysine maize: the key discoveries that have made it possible, 01/2010, Amino Acids (Wien. Print),Vol. 39, pp.979-989, Vienna, Austria, 2010
  SEABRA, A. B.; MARTINS JUNIOR, D.; SIMÕES, M. M. S. G.; SILVA, Regiane da; BROCCHI, M.; DE OLIVEIRA, M.G.; Antibacterial Nitric Oxide-Releasing Polyester for the Coating of Blood-Contacting Artificial Materials, 07/2010, Artificial Organs,Vol. 34, Fac. 7, pp.204-214, Malden, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  RAMOS, FLAVIO NUNES; DE LIMA, P. F.; ZUCCHI, Maria Imaculada; COLOMBO, C.A.; SOLFERINI, Vera Nisaka; Genetic Structure of Tree and Shrubby Species Among Anthropogenic Edges, Natural Edges, and Interior of an Atlantic Forest Fragment, 04/2010, Biochemical Genetics,Vol. 48, Fac. 3-4, pp.215-228, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CARDOSO, K. C.; DA SILVA, MJ; COSTA, Gustavo; TORRES, T. T.; BEM, L. E. V.; VIDAL, R. O.; MENOSSI, Marcelo; HYSLOP, S.; A transcriptomic analysis of gene expression in the venom gland of the snake Bothrops alternatus (urutu), 10/2010, BMC Genomics,Vol. 11, Fac., pp.1-22, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  CARVALHO, R. A.; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; TORRES, T. T.; Deep sequencing of New World screw-worm transcripts to discover genes involved in insecticide resistance, 12/2010, BMC Genomics,Vol. 11, Fac., pp.1-14, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  MENOSSI, Marcelo; Transcriptional profile of maize roots under acid soil growth, 09/2010, BMC Plant Biology (Online),Vol. 10, pp.1-14, Londres, Inglaterra, 2010
  SCHWARCZ, K. D.; PATACA, C.L.; ABREU, Aluana Gonçalves de; BARIANI, Joice M.; MACRINI, C. M. T.; SOLFERINI, Vera Nisaka; Genetic diversity in Atlantic Forest trees: fragmentation effects on Astronium graveolens (Anacardiaceae) and Metrodorea nigra (Rutaceae), species with distinct seed dispersal strategies, 11/2010, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Print),Vol. 164, Fac. 3, pp.326-336, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2010
  SIMIONI, P. U.; FERNANDES, L. G. R.; GABRIEL, Dirce Lima; TAMASHIRO, Wirla M. Silva Cunha; Effect of aging and oral tolerance on dendritic cell function, 01/2010, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 43, pp.68-76, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  ORSI, M.A; JUNIOR, L. Doretto; CAMILLO, Soraya Cecilia Albieri; REISCHAK, D.; RIBEIRO, Simone Alves Mendes; RAMAZZOTI, A; MENDONÇA, A. O.; SPILKI, F.R.; BUZINARO, M. G.; FERREIRA, H. L.; ARNS, C. W.; A survey for maintenance of virulent newcastle disease virus-free area in poultry production in Brazil, 01/2010, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Impresso),Vol. 41, pp.368-375, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  ORSI, M.A; JUNIOR, L. Doretto; CAMILLO, Soraya Cecilia Albieri; REISCHAK, D.; RIBEIRO, Simone Alves Mendes; RAMAZZOTI, A; MENDONÇA, A. O.; SPILKI, F.R.; BUZINARO, M. G.; FERREIRA, H. L.; ARNS, C. W.; Prevalence of newcastle disease virus in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus) in Brazil, 01/2010, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Impresso),Vol. 41, pp.349-357, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2010
  RIBEIRO, RA; VANZELA, EC; DE OLIVEIRA, C. A. M.; BONFLEUR, ML; BOSCHERO, A. C.; CARNEIRO, EVERARDO MAGALHAES; Taurine supplementation: involvement of cholinergic/phospholipase C and protein kinase A pathways in potentiation of insulin secretion and Ca2+ handling in mouse pancreatic islets, 10/2010, British Journal of Nutrition,Vol. 104, Fac. 8, pp.1148-1155, Cambridge, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  LEONARDO, F. C.; CUNHA, A.. F.; DA SILVA, M. J.; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; LEONARDO, A.M. C.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; PEREIRA, G.A.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Analysis of the workers head transcriptome of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi, 12/2010, Bulletin of Entomological Research,Vol. OnLine, pp.1-9, Wallingford, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  LYRA, M. L.; HATADANI, Luciane Mendes Hatadani; KLACZKO, Louis Bernard; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; Wing morphometry as a tool for correct identification of primary and secondary New World screwworm fly, 01/2010, Bulletin of Entomological Research,Vol. 100, pp.19-26, Wallingford, Reino Unido, 2010
  LOGAN, Darren W.; STOWERS, Lisa; PAPES, F.; The Vomeronasal Organ Mediates Interspecies Defensive Behaviors through Detection of Protein Pheromone Homologs, 01/2010, Cell (Cambridge),Vol. 141, pp.692-703, Emilie Marcus, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CAVASINI, Renato; CARVALHO, Klélia Aparecida; KLACZKO, Louis Bernard; Absence of Recombination in Males of Drosophila mediopunctata., 01/2010, Drosophila Information Service,Vol. 93, pp.122-124, Oklahoma, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DELGADO, G. T. C.; TAMASHIRO, Wirla M. Silva Cunha; PASTORE, Glaucia Maria; Immunomodulatory effects of fructans, 01/2010, Food Research International,Vol. 43, pp.1231-1236, Barking, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  ALBRECHT, Letusa; CASTINEIRAS, C.; CARVALHO, B. O.; ANDRADE, Simone Ladeia; SILVA, Natal Santos; HOFFMANN, Erika H.E.; MARTHA, Rosimeire C. Dalla; COSTA, F. T. M.; WUNDERLICH, Gerhard; The South American Plasmodium falciparum var gene repertoire is limited, highly shared and possibly lacks several antigenic types, 03/2010, Gene (Amsterdam),Vol. 453, Fac. 1-2, pp.37-44, Medison, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DECKMANN, A. C.; THEIZEN, TH; MEDRANO, Francisco Javier; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Immediate response of myocardium to pressure overload includes transient regulation of genes associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium availability, 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso),Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.12-19, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  FONSECA, José Pedro da; MENOSSI, Marcelo; NISSEN, Françoise Thibaud; TOWN, Christopher C.; Functional analysis of a TGA factor-binding site located in the promoter region controlling salicylic acid-induced NIMIN-1 expression in Arabidopsis., 01/2010, Genetics and Molecular Research,Vol. 9, pp.167-175, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2010
  GAMEIRO, J.; NAGIB, P. R. A.; ANDRADE, C. F.; VILLA-VERDE, D.M.S.; SAVINO, Wilson; SILVA-BARBOSA, S.; COSTA, F. T. M.; VERINAUD, Liana Maria Cardoso; Changes in cell migration-related molecules expressed by thymic microenvironment during experimental Plasmodium berghei infection: consequences on thymocyte development, 02/2010, Immunology Letters,Vol. 129, Fac. 8, pp.248-256, London, Reino Unido, 2010 *
  PACE, F.; NAKAZATO, G.; PACHECO, A.; PAIVA, J. B.; SPERANDIO, Vanessa; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; The Type VI Secretion System Plays a Role in Type 1 Fimbria Expression and Pathogenesis of an Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strain, 12/2010, Infection and Immunity (Print),Vol. 78, Fac. 12, pp.4990-4998, California - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  CHIMETTO, Luciane Alessandra; CLEENWERCK, I.; THOMPSON, C. C.; BROCCHI, M.; WILLEMS, A.; VOS, P. de; THOMPSON, F. L.; Photobacterium jeanii sp nov., isolated from corals and zoanthids, 12/2010, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Print),Vol. 60, Fac., pp.2843-2848, Reading, Inglaterra, 2010
  DE ALMEIDA, J. L. A. de Almeida; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Perspective: Indigenous sugarcane yeast strains as ideal biological platforms for the delivery of next generation biorefining technologies, 02/2010, International Sugar Journal,Vol. 112, Fac. 1334, pp.86-89, Bucks, Reino Unido, 2010
  YU, Jun; STEHLING, ELIANA GUEDES; ANGELINI, MICHELLE; LEITE, J. L. A. A. P.; PACE, F.; JADHAV, Sagar; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; Prevalence of integrons in Shigella sonnei from Brazil, 10/2010, Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo. 1968),Vol. 63, Fac. 10, pp.607-609, Tokio, Japão, 2010
  TIBURCIO, Ricardo Augusto; COSTA, G. G. L.; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; MONDEGO, J. M. C.; SCHUSTER, S. C.; CARLSON, J. E.; GUILTINAN, M. J.; BAILEY, BA; MIECZKOWSKI, P. A.; MEINHARDT, L.W.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Genes Acquired by Horizontal Transfer Are Potentially Involved in the Evolution of Phytopathogenicity in Moniliophthora perniciosa and Moniliophthora roreri, Two of the Major Pathogens of Cacao, 01/2010, Journal of Molecular Evolution,Vol. 70, Fac. 1, pp.85-97, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  DURAN, N; GASPARI, PDM; LOURENCO, R. M. C.; ALVES,, O.L.; COSTA, F. T. M.; BROCCHI, M.; Potential use of silver nanoparticles on pathogenic bacteria, their toxicity and possible mechanisms of action, 04/2010, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso),Vol. 21, Fac. 6, pp.949-959, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2010 *
  COSWIG, LIA TREPTOW; DOS SANTOS, MMAB; HAFEZ, H.M.; FERREIRA, H. L.; ARNS, C. W.; Propagation of avian metapneumovirus subtypes A and B using chicken embryo related and other cell systems, 01/2010, Journal of Virological Methods,Vol. ., pp.1-3, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2010
  COSWIG, LIA TREPTOW; SANTOS, M. B.; HAFEZ, H.M.; FERREIRA, H. L.; ARNS, C. W.; Propagation of avian metapneumovirus subtypes A and B using chicken embryo related and other cell systems, 07/2010, Journal of Virological Methods,Vol. 167, Fac. 1, pp.1-4, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2010
  BUTION, M. L.; BRESIL, C.; DESTEFANO, R.H.; TANGO, M.F. de A.; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; PAULINO, Luciana C.; CAETANO, F. H.; SOLFERINI, Vera Nisaka; Molecular and Ultrastructural profile of the symbionts in Cephalotes ants, 01/2010, Micron (Oxford. 1993),Vol. ., pp.30-31, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2010
  HOLTZ, R. D.; SOUZA FILHO, AG; BROCCHI, M.; MARTINS, D.; CABALLERO, Nelson Eduardo Durán; ALVES, O. L.; Development of nanostructured silver vanadates decorated with silver nanoparticles as a novel antibacterial agent, 05/2010, Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print),Vol. 21, Fac. 18, pp.1-8, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2010
  DE LA HOZ, CLR; CASTRO, F. R.; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; LANGONE, Francesco; Distribution of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in the Peripheral Nervous System of Lewis Rats during Ascending Paresis and Spontaneous Recovery from Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis, 01/2010, Neuroimmunomodulation (Basel),Vol. 17, Fac. 1, pp.56-66, Basel, Suiça, 2010 *
  SIGRIST, M.R.; JOSÉ BALDIN PINHEIRO, José Baldin Pinheiro; AZEVEDO FILHO, J.; COLOMBO, C. A.; BAJAY, M. M.; LIMA, P.F.; CAMILO, F. R.; SANDHU, S.S.; SOUZA, A. P.; ZUCCHI, M. I.; Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for turmeric (Curcuma longa), 10/2010, Plant Breeding,Vol. 129, Fac. 5, pp.570-573, OXFORD, Inglaterra, 2010
  GENTILE, A; CRUZ, Pedro; TAVARES, R. G.; BALDACIN, Maria Graziela Krug; MENOSSI, Marcelo; Molecular characterization of ScTFIIA gamma, encoding the putative TFIIA small subunit from sugarcane, 08/2010, Plant Cell Reports (Print),Vol. 29, Fac. 8, pp.857-864, Berlin, Alemanha, 2010
  VIDAL, R. O.; MONDEGO, J. M. C.; POT, David; AMBROSIO, A. B.; ANDRADE, Alan Carvalho; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; COLOMBO, C.A.; VIEIRA, Luiz Gonzaga Esteves; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; A High-Throughput Data Mining of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Coffea Species Expressed Sequence Tags Suggests Differential Homeologous Gene Expression in the Allotetraploid Coffea arabica, 11/2010, Plant Physiology (Bethesda),Vol. 154, Fac. 3, pp.1053-1066, Rockville, MD, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  PIROVANI, Carlos Priminho; SANTIAGO, André da Silva; DOS SANTOS, Livia Santana; MICHELI, Fabienne; MARGIS, Rogério; DA SILVA GESTEIRA, Abelmon; ALVIM, Fátima Cerqueira; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; CASCARDO, J.C.M.; Theobroma cacao cystatins impair Moniliophthora perniciosa mycelial growth and are involved in postponing cell death symptoms, 11/2010, Planta (Heidelberg,Vol. 232, Fac. 6, pp.1485-1497, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2010
  STEHLING, ELIANA GUEDES; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; Molecular typing and biological characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from cystic fibrosis patients in Brazil, 09/2010, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso),Vol. 14, Fac. 5, pp.462-467, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2010 *
  CARVALHO, B. O.; LOPES, S. C. P.; NOGUEIRA, Paulo Afonso; BARGIERI, Daniel Y.; BLANCO, Yara Carollo; MAMONI, R.; LEITE, J. A.; RODRIGUES, M.M.; SOARES, I.S.; OLIVEIRA, T.R.; WUNDERLICH, Gerhard; DEL PORTILLO, Hernando Obando; SNOUNOU, Georges; RENIA, Laurent; COSTA, F. T. M.; On cytoadhesion of Plasmodium vivax-infected erythrocytes, 03/2010, The Journal of Infectious Diseases,Vol. 202, pp.638-647, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  HOTTA, C.; LEMBKE, CG; DOMINGUES, Douglas S.; OCHOA, Edgar A.; CRUZ, Guilherme M. Q.; PASSARIN, Danila M. Melotto; MARCONI, T. G. Marconi; SANTOS, Melissa O; MOLLINARI, Marcelo; MARGARIDO, Gabriel R. A.; CRIVELLARI, Augusto César; SANTOS, Wanderley D.; SOUZA, A. P.; HOSHINO, A. A.; CARRER, H; SOUZA, A. P.; GARCIA, Antonio A.F.; BUCKERIDGE, MS; MENOSSI, Marcelo; VAN-SLUYS, M. A.; SOUZA, Glaucia M; The Biotechnology Roadmap for Sugarcane Improvement, 01/2010, Tropical Plant Biology (Print),Vol. 3, pp.75-87, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2010
  GENTIL, F.; BARGIERI, D. Y.; LEITE, J. A.; FRANÇOSO, K. S.; PATRÍCIO, M. B.M.; ESPÍNDOLA, N. M.; VAZ, A. J.; DE SOUSA, C. B. P.; RODRIGUES, M.M.; COSTA, F. T. M.; SOARES, I.S.; A recombinant vaccine based on domain II of Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane Antigen 1 induces high antibody titres in mice, 08/2010, Vaccine (Guildford),Vol. 28, pp.6183-6190, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  BARGIERI, Daniel Y.; LEITE, J. A.; LOPES, S. C. P.; SBROGIO-ALMEIDA, M. E.; BRAGA, C. J. M.; FERREIRA, L. C. S.; SOARES, Irene da Silva; COSTA, F. T. M.; RODRIGUES, Mauricio Martins; Immunogenic properties of a recombinant fusion protein containing the C-terminal 19 kDa of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-1 and the innate immunity agonist FliC flagellin of Salmonella Typhimurium, 04/2010, Vaccine (Guildford),Vol. 28, Fac. 16, pp.2818-2826, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
  CARVALHO, R. A.; LIMIA, Cintia Elizabeth Gomez; BASS, Chris; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; Changes in the frequency of the G137D and W251S mutations in the carboxylesterase E3 gene of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) populations from Uruguay, 01/2010, Veterinary Parasitology (Print),Vol. 170, pp.297-301, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
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