Instituto de Química
Departamento de Físico-Química
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
ATVARS, T.D.Z. (Autor); DOMINGUES, R. A. (Autor); X Encuentro Latinoamericano de Fotoquímica - X ELAFOT, (10/10/2010 a 14/10/2010), La Serena, Chile, Oral:"FOTOFÍSICA E TRANSIÇÕES DE FASE EM FILMES FINOS DE POLÍMEROS CONJUGADOS".
SILVA, R. A. N. (Autor); X Encuentro Latinoamericano de Fotoquímica - X ELAFOT, (10/10/2010 a 14/10/2010), La Serena, Chile, Oral:"ULTRAFAST SPECTROSCOPY APPLIED TO THE STUDY OF EXCITED STATE DYNAMICS IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS".
GUTIERREZ, M. C. (Autor); DE PAOLI, M -A (Autor); FELISBERTI, M.I. (Autor); 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, (07/06/2010 a 10/06/2010), Budapeste, Hungria, Oral:"Composites of cellulose acetate with
short fiber of curauá". *
MARTINS, T. D. (Autor); YOSHIDA, IVP (Autor); ATVARS, T.D.Z. (Autor); IX Brazilian MRS Meeting, (24/10/2010 a 28/10/2010), Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil, Poster:"FLUORESCENCE DETERMINED CHAIN MOTION
DOMINGUES, R. A. (Autor); ATVARS, T.D.Z. (Autor); X Encuentro Latinoamericano de Fotoquímica - X ELAFOT, (10/10/2010 a 14/10/2010), La Serena, Chile, Poster:"CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FOR INVESTIGATION OF POLYFLUORENE DERIVATIVES SORPTION ONTO REGENERATED CELLULOSE FIBERS".
SILVA, R. A. N. (Autor); PHILIP, A (Autor); PAPADONTAKIS, G (Autor); SCHERER, N (Autor); HOFF, W (Autor); X Encuentro Latinoamericano de Fotoquímica - X ELAFOT, (10/10/2010 a 14/10/2010), La Serena, Chile, Poster:"SPECTRAL TUNING IN PHOTOACTIVE YELLOW PROTEIN BY MODULATION OF THE SHAPE OF THE EXCITED STATE ENERGY SURFACE".
CALDERÓN, C (Autor); ABUÍN, E (Autor); LISSI, E. (Autor); LOH, W. (Autor); X Encuentro Latinoamericano de Fotoquímica - X ELAFOT, (10/10/2010 a 14/10/2010), La Serena, Chile, Poster:"ASOCIACIÓN DE CALCEÍNA A ALBÚMINA DE SUERO HUMANA. UNA COMPARACIÓN DE MÉTODOS ESPECTROSCÓPICOS, CALORIMÉTRICOS Y DE SEPARACIÓN FÍSICA.".
DOMINGUES, R. A. (Autor); ATVARS, T.D.Z. (Autor); IX Brazilian MRS Meeting, (24/10/2010 a 28/10/2010), Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil, Poster:"Epifluorescence and Confocal Microscopy for Investigation of Polyfluorene Based Polymers-Regenerated Cellulose Interaction: a Quantitative Study".
KHAN, A. (Autor); VIDAL, L. N. (Autor); VAZQUEZ, P.A.M. (Autor); Workshop in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy, (19/10/2010 a 22/10/2010), Punta de Tralca, Chile, Poster:"A new strategy for Computing Dynamic Polarizabilities and Raman Activities of Large Molecules containing heavy atoms".
GUTIERREZ, M. C. (Autor); DE PAOLI, M -A (Autor); FELISBERTI, M.I. (Autor); XII International Macromolecular Colloquium and the 7th International Symposium on Natural Polymers and Composites, (07/09/2010 a 10/09/2010), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Poster:"BIOCOMPOSITES OF CELLULOSE ACETATE AND SHORT CURAUÁ FIBERS: EFFECT OF THE PROCESSING CONDITIONS ON MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES". *
BACCHI, RV (Autor); DE PAOLI, M -A (Autor); SABADINI, E. (Autor); XII International Macromolecular Colloquium and the 7th International Symposium on Natural Polymers and Composites, (07/09/2010 a 10/09/2010), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Poster:"HIGH-SPEED CAMERA ANALYSYS OF THE RUPTURE OF POLYPROPYLENE IN TENSILE TESTS". *
LOH, W. (Autor); XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química (COBEQ 2010) e V Congresso Brasileiro de Termodinâmica Aplicada (V CBTermo), (19/09/2010 a 22/09/2010), Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, Poster:"Termodinâmica da auto-associação de surfatantes".
MAGALHAES, A (Autor); VAZQUEZ, P.A.M. (Autor); MAZALI, IO (Autor); STRAUSS, M. (Autor); XV BRAZILIAN MEETING ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (XV BMIC 2010), (16/08/2010 a 20/08/2010), Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil, Poster:"FAST DETECTION OF 0.08% ACTIVE 119Sn NMR IN SILICA SUPPORTED SnO2 NANOPARTICLES". *
LOPES, J. H. (Autor); BERTRAN, C.A. (Autor); MAZALI, IO (Autor); 6th Latin American Congress of Artificial Organs and Biomaterials - COLAOB 2010, (17/08/2010 a 20/08/2010), Gramado, RS, Brasil, Poster:""Surface Modification of bioglass 45S5 by pulsed heat treatment"".
GALEMBECK, F. (Autor); American Chemical Society Fall 2010 National Meeting & Exposition, (22/08/2010 a 26/08/2010), Boston, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Atmosphere is a reservoir of electric charge, mediated by water ion partition".
MAGALHAES, A (Autor); VAZQUEZ, P.A.M. (Autor); EUROMAR 2010 and 17th ISMAR Conference, (04/07/2010 a 09/07/2010), Florença, Itália, Poster:"De-noising Protocol using Random addittions". *
DOMINGUES, R. A. (Autor); MARTINS, T. D. (Autor); YOSHIDA, IVP (Autor); ATVARS, T.D.Z. (Autor); XXIII IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, (11/07/2010 a 16/07/2010), Ferrara, Itália, Poster:"Architecture of the silicon-based polymers controlling the photophysical properties of anthracenyl and carbazolyl groups". *
GURGEL, A. (Autor); LOH, W. (Autor); BAZITO, RC (Autor); II Iberoamerican Conference on Supercritical Fluids / PROSCIBA 2010, (05/04/2010 a 09/04/2010), Natal, RN, Brasil, Poster:"Solubility of Commercial Nonionic Silicone Surfactants in Supercritical CO2: a Phase Behavior Study".
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos