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Instituto de Biologia
Departamento de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MARTINS, Rodrigo Prado; NAKAZATO, Luciano; DUTRA, Valéria; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; Analysis of virulence genes in Escherichia coli isolated from grated cheese, 01/2011, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (Impresso),Vol. 31, Fac. 1, pp.106-108, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2011
  CARVALHO, João Ernesto de; SOUSA, I. M. O.; ANTONIO, Marcia Aparecida; PIZÃO, Paulo Eduardo; KOHN, L. K.; AMARAL, Maria do Carmo E.; FOGLIOMA, foglioma; RODRIGUES, Rodney Alexandre F.; Antiproliferative activity, isolation and identification of active compound from Gaylussacia brasiliensis, 01/2011, Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso),Vol. 21, pp.622-626, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2011 *
  RICCETTO, Riccetto AGL; BELFIORE, E B; SILVA, L. H. A.; SPILKI, F. R.; ARNS, C. W.; NOLASCO DA SILVA, Marcos Tadeu; BARACAT, Emilio Carlos Elias; VÍRUS RESPIRATÓRIOS E VENTILAÇÃO MECÂNICA EM LACTENTES BRASILEIROS, 01/2011, Revista HCPA (UFRGS. Impresso),Vol. 31, pp.7-12, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2011 *
  RIBEIRO, D.; NIEMANN, F. S.; GATTI, Maria Silvia Viccari; LANNA, M. C. S.; TSUJI, T.; YANO, Tomomasa; Putative new heat-stable cytotoxic and enterotoxic factors in culture supernatant of Escherichia coli isolated from drinking water, 01/2011, The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases (Online),Vol. 17, pp.103-107, Botucatu, SP, Brasil, 2011
Circulação Internacional
  VERZA, N. C.; SILVA, T. R.; SOUSA, S M; ARRUDA, P; Transcription factor profiling identifies an aleurone-preferred NAC family member involved in maize seed development, 01/2011, Annals of Applied Biology,Vol. 158, Fac. 1, pp.115-129, Warwick, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  FERREIRA, N. C. V.; SILVA, T. R.; DE SOUSA, S. M.; ARRUDA, Paulo; Transcription factor profiling identifies an aleurone-preferred NAC family member involved in maize seed development., 01/2011, Annals of Applied Biology,Vol. 158, pp.115-129, Warwick, Reino Unido, 2011
  ZAPAROLI, G; BARSOTTINI, M. R. O.; OLIVEIRA, J. F.; DYSZY, F.; TEIXEIRA, P. J. P. L.; BARAU, J. G.; CABRERA, O. G.; COSTA-FILHO, A. J.; AMBROSIO, A. L. B.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; DIAS, Sandra M.G.; The Crystal Structure of Necrosis- and Ethylene-Inducing Protein 2 from the Causal Agent of Cacao's Witches' Broom Disease Reveals Key Elements for Its Activity, 11/2011, Biochemistry (Easton),Vol. 50, Fac. 45, pp.9901-9910, Easton, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  RE-JORGE, Leonardo; CORDEIRO-ESTRELA, P.; KLACZKO, Louis Bernard; MOREIRA, Gilson Rudinei Pires; FREITAS, A. V. L.; Host-plant dependent wing phenotypic variation in the neotropical butterfly Heliconius erato, 04/2011, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,Vol. 102, Fac. 4, pp.765-774, London, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  FRANCO-CAIRO, João Paulo L.; LEONARDO, F. C.; ALVAREZ, T. M.; RIBEIRO, D.A.; BUCHLI, Fernanda; LEONARDO, A.M. C.; CARAZZOLLE, M. F.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; LEME, Adriana Franco Paes; SQUINA, F.M.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Functional characterization and target discovery of Glycoside Hydrolases from Lower Termite Coptotermes gestroi Digestome, 01/2011, Biotechnology for Biofuels (on-line),Vol. 4, pp.1-35, London, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  RUSSELL, B.; SUWANARUSK, R.; BORLON, C.; COSTA, F. T. M.; CHU, C.S.; RIJKEN, M. J.; SRIPRAWAT, k.; WARTER, l.; KOH, E. G. L.; MALLERET, B.; COLIN, y.; BERTRAND, o.; ADAMS, j.h.; ALESSANDRO, U.; SNOUNOU, Georges; NOSTEN, F.; RENIA, Laurent; A reliable ex vivo invasion assay of human reticulocytes by Plasmodium vivax, 09/2011, Blood (Philadelphia, PA),Vol. 118, Fac. 13, pp.74-81, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  KULCHESKI, Franceli Rodrigues; DE OLIVEIRA, L. F. V.; MOLINA, L. G.; ALMERAO, M. P.; RODRIGUES, Fabiana A.; MARCOLINO, J.; BARBOSA, J. F.; STOLF-MOREIRA, R.; NEPOMUCENO, Alexandre Lima; MARCELINO-GUIMAR, F. C.; ABDELNOOR, Ricardo Vilela; NASCIMENTO, L. C.; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; MARGIS, Rogério; Identification of novel soybean microRNAs involved in abiotic and biotic stresses, 06/2011, BMC Genomics,Vol. 12, Fac., pp.1-18, London, Reino Unido, 2011
  CECILIO, C.A.; COSTA, E.H.; SIMIONI, P. U.; GABRIEL, D.L.; TAMASHIRO, Wirla M. Silva Cunha; Aging alters the production of iNOS, arginase and cytokines in murine macrophages, 07/2011, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso),Vol. 44, Fac. 7, pp.671-681, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brasil, 2011
  BROLAZO, E. M.; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; TIBA, MONIQUE RIBEIRO; VILLARROEL, M.; MARCONI, C.; SIMÕES, José Antonio; CORRELATION BETWEEN API 50 CH AND MULTIPLEX POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF VAGINAL LACTOBACILLI IN ISOLATES, 01/2011, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Impresso),Vol. 42, Fac. 1, pp.225-232, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2011
  LEONARDO, F. C.; CUNHA, A.. F.; DA SILVA, M. J.; CARAZZOLLE, M. F.; LEONARDO, A.M. C.; COSTA, Fernando Ferreira; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; Analysis of the workers head transcriptome of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi, 08/2011, Bulletin of Entomological Research,Vol. 101, Fac. 4, pp.383-391, Wallingford, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  ARRUDA, Paulo; Genetically modified sugarcane for bioenergy generation, 11/2011, Current Opinion in Biotechnology,Vol. InPress, pp.1-5, London, Reino Unido, 2011
  TOLEDO, Luiz F.; SAZIMA, I; HADDAD, Célio Fernando Baptista; Behavioural defences of anurans: an overview, 01/2011, Ethology Ecology & Evolution (Testo stampato),Vol. 23, Fac. 1, pp.1-25, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2011
  CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; RABELLO, F. R.; MARTINS, Natália Florêncio; SOUZA, A.A.; AMARAL, A. M.; FREITAS-ASTÚA, J.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; MACHADO, MA; MEHTA, ANGELA; Identification of defence-related genes expressed in coffee and citrus during infection by Xylella fastidiosa, 08/2011, European Journal of Plant Pathology,Vol. 130, Fac. 4, pp.529-540, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2011
  DELGADO, G. T. C.; TAMASHIRO, Wirla M. Silva Cunha; MAROSTICA JUNIOR, M. R.; MORENO, Y. M. F.; PASTORE, Glaucia Maria; The putative effects of prebiotics as immunomodulatory agents, 12/2011, Food Research International,Vol. 44, Fac. 10, pp.3167-3173, Barking, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  NATES, S. V.; GATTI, Maria Silvia Viccari; LUDERT, J. E.; The picobirnavirus: An integrated view on its biology, epidemiology and pathogenic potential, 06/2011, Future Virology (Print),Vol. 6, Fac. 2, pp.223-235, London, Reino Unido, 2011
  MARINHO, M. A. T.; JUNQUEIRA, A.C.M.; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; Evaluation of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) as a molecular marker for phylogenetic inference using sequence and secondary structure information in blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae), 12/2011, Genetica ('s-Gravenhage),Vol. 139, pp.1189-1207, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2011
  M. C. ROCHA, M. C. Rocha; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; BAGATIN, E.; TERVAERT, Jan W. C.; DAMOISEAUX, J. G. M .C; LIDO, A. V.; LONGHINI, ALF; TORELLO, C. O.; QUEIROZ, M. L. S.; Genetic polymorphisms and surface expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 on T cells of silica-exposed workers, 12/2011, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (Print),Vol. InPress, pp.1-5, Jena, Alemanha, 2011
  CHIMETTO, Luciane Alessandra; CLEENWERCK, I.; BROCCHI, M.; WILLEMS, A.; VOS, P. de; THOMPSON, F. L.; Marinobacterium coralli sp. nov., isolated from mucus of coral (Mussismilia hispida), 01/2011, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Print),Vol. 61, Fac., pp.60-64, Reading, Inglaterra, 2011
  CHIMETTO, Luciane Alessandra; CLEENWERCK, I.; ALVES, N; SILVA, B.S.; BROCCHI, M.; WILLEMS, A.; VOS, P. de; THOMPSON, F. L.; Vibrio communis sp. nov., isolated from the marine animals Mussismilia hispida, Phyllogorgia dilatata, Palythoa caribaeorum, Palythoa variabilis and Litopenaeus vannamei, 02/2011, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Print),Vol. 61, pp.362-368, Reading, Inglaterra, 2011
  FERREIRA, P. G.; LIMA, M. A. S. S.; NAVARRO, R. A. B.; CONCEIÇÃO, R. A.; LINHARES, E.; SAWAYA, A. C. H. F.; YANO, Tomomasa; SALGADO, I.; Stimulation of Acidic Reduction of Nitrite to Nitric Oxide by Soybean Phenolics: Possible Relevance to Gastrointestinal Host Defense, 05/2011, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Vol. 59, Fac. 10, pp.5609-5616, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  SILVA, T. R.; ARRUDA, Paulo; Differential expression of uncoupling mitochondrial protein and alternative oxidase in the plant response to stress, 02/2011, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes,Vol. 43, Fac. 1, pp.67-70, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2011 *
  NAKAZATO, G.; PAGANELLI, F. L.; LAGO, J.C.; AOKI, Francisco Hideo; MOBILON, C.; BROCCHI, M.; STEHLING, E.G.; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; Lactobacillus acidophilus decreases salmonella typhimurium invasion in vivo, 05/2011, Journal of Food Safety (Online),Vol. 31, Fac. 2, pp.284-289, Hoboken, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  MARTINS, Rodrigo Prado; SILVA, M. C.; DUTRA, Valéria; NAKAZATO, Luciano; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; Prevalence of enterotoxigenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in pigs slaughtered in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 11/2011, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries (Online),Vol. 5, Fac. 2, pp.123-126, Sassari, Itália, 2011
  FRESIA, P.; LYRA, M. L.; CORONADO, A.; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; Genetic Structure and Demographic History of New World Screwworm Across Its Current Geographic Range, 03/2011, Journal of Medical Entomology,Vol. 48, Fac. 2, pp.280-290, Lanhan, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  LONGHINI, ALF; SILVA, F. V. G.; BRANDÃO, C. O.; PAULA, R. F. O.; PRADELLA, F.; MORAES, A S; FARIAS, A. S.; OLIVEIRA, E. C.; CABANILLAS, JUAN GUZMAN QUISPE; ABREU, Cassiana Horta; DAMASCENO, A.; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; BALASHOV, Konstantin E.; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are increased in cerebrospinal fluid of untreated patients during multiple sclerosis relapse, 01/2011, Journal of Neuroinflammation,Vol. 8, pp.1-5, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2011 *
  BARGIERI, Daniel Y.; SOARES, IRENE S.; COSTA, F. T. M.; BRAGA, Catarina J.; FERREIRA, L. C. S.; RODRIGUES, M.M.; Malaria Vaccine Development: Are Bacterial Flagellin Fusion Proteins the Bridge between Mouse and Humans?, 10/2011, Journal of Parasitology Research (Online),Vol. OnLine, pp.1-10, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  SANTOS JR, M. C.; GONÇALVES, P. A.; TARANTO, A. G.; KOBLITZ, K. G. B.; GÓES-NETO, A.; PIROVANI, C. P.; CASCARDO, J. C. M.; DA CRUZ, S. H.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; DIAS, C. V.; DE ASSIS, S. A.; Purification, characterization and structural determination of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase produced by Moniliophthora perniciosa, 06/2011, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso),Vol. 22, Fac. 6, pp.1015-1023, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2011
  COSTA, Solange dos Santos; GOLIM, M. A.; ROSSI-BERGMANN, Bartira; COSTA, F. T. M.; GIORGIO, Selma; Use of In Vivo and In Vitro Systems to Select Leishmania amazonensis Expressing Green Fluorescent Protein, 12/2011, Korean Journal of Parasitology (Print),Vol. 49, Fac. 4, pp.357-364, Haengdang-dong, Coréia do Norte, 2011 *
  CARVALHO, B. O.; MATSUDA, J. S.; LUZ, S. L. B.; MARTINEZ-ESPINOSA, F. E.; LEITE, J. A.; FRANZIN, F. M.; ORLANDI, P. P.; GREGORACCI, Gustavo Bueno; LACERDA, M. V. G.; NOGUEIRA, P.A.; COSTA, F. T. M.; Gestational malaria associated to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum placental mixed-infection followed by foetal loss: a case report from an unstable transmission area in Brazil, 06/2011, Malaria Journal (Online),Vol. 10, pp.178-180, London, Reino Unido, 2011
  ANDRADE, S. C. S.; NORENBURG, J. L.; SOLFERINI, Vera Nisaka; Worms without borders: genetic diversity patterns in four Brazilian Ototyphlonemertes species (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea), 01/2011, Marine Biology (Berlin),Vol. 158, pp.2109-2124, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2011
  COSTA, F. T. M.; LOPES, S. C. P.; FERRER, M.; LEITE, J. A.; MARTIN-JAULAR, L.; BERNABEU, M.; NOGUEIRA, Paulo Afonso; MOURAO, M. P. G.; FERNANDEZ-BECERRA, C.; LACERDA, M. V. G.; DEL PORTILLO, H.; On cytoadhesion of Plasmodium vivax: raison d'etre?, 08/2011, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso),Vol. 106, Fac., pp.79-84, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, RJ, Brasil, 2011
  PACE, F.; PAIVA, J. B.; NAKAZATO, G.; LANCELLOTTI, M.; SIRCILI, Marcelo Palma; STEHLING, ELIANA GUEDES; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; SPERANDIO, Vanessa; Characterization of IcmF of the type VI secretion system in an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strain, 10/2011, Microbiology,Vol. 157, pp.2954-2962, Estados Unidos da América, 2011 *
  GEORGI, L.; HERAI, R. H.; VIDAL, R.; CARAZZOLLE, M. F.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; POLASHOCK, J.; VORSA, N.; Cranberry microsatellite marker development from assembled next-generation genomic sequence, 07/2011, Molecular Breeding,Vol. InPress, pp.1-11, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2011
  SILVA, L.F.; DIAS, C. V.; CIDADE, L. C.; MENDES, J. S.; PIROVANI, CP; ALVIM, F. C.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; ARAGÃO, Francisco J. L.; CASCARDO, J.C.M.; COSTA, Márcio Gilberto Cardoso; Expression of an Oxalate Decarboxylase Impairs the Necrotic Effect Induced by Nep1-like Protein (NLP) of Moniliophthora perniciosa in Transgenic Tobacco, 07/2011, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,Vol. 24, Fac. 7, pp.839-848, St. Paul, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  DAMASCENO, A.; SILVA, F. V. G.; MARTINEZ AR, Martinez AR; LONGUINI, A L; SILVA, L. D.; BRANDÃO, C. O.; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; DAMASCENO, Benito Pereira; Early onset of natalizumab-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, 01/2011, Multiple Sclerosis,Vol. 17, pp.1397-1398, Houndmills, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  GRECCO, A. C. P.; PAULA, R. F. O.; MIZUTANI, É.; SARTORELLI, J. C.; MILANI, Ana Maria M.; LONGHINI, ALF; C. OLIVEIRA, Elaine; PRADELLA, F; SILVA, V. D. R.; MORAES, A S; PETERLEVITZ, Alfredo Carlos; FARIAS, A. S.; CERAGIOLI, Helder J.; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; BARANAUSKAS, Vitor; Up-regulation of T lymphocyte and antibody production by inflammatory cytokines released by macrophage exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes, 01/2011, Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print),Vol. 22, Fac. 26, pp.65103-65110, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2011 *
  DOMINGUES, HELENA GALLICCHIO; SPILKI, F. R.; ARNS, C. W.; Detecção molecular e análise filogenética de vírus respiratório sincicial bovino (BRSV) em swabs e tecido pulmonar de bovinos adultos, 01/2011, Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (Impresso),Vol. 31, pp.961-966, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2011
  KNOEBL, T.; SAIDENBERG, A. B. S.; MORENO, A. M.; GOMES, T.A.T.; VIEIRA, M.A.M.; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; BLANCO, J.E.; FERREIRA, A. J. P.; Serogroups and virulence genes of Escherichia coli isolated from psittacine birds, 10/2011, Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (Impresso),Vol. 31, Fac. 10, pp.916-921, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2011
  MONDEGO, JMC; VIDAL, R. O.; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; TOKUDA, E. K.; PARIZZI, LP; COSTA, Gustavo; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; ANDRADE, A. C.; COLOMBO, C. A.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.; PEREIRA, Goncalo Amarante G.; An EST-based analysis identifies new genes and reveals distinctive gene expression features of Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, 02/2011, Plant Biology (Stuttgart),Vol. 11, Fac., pp.1-23, Stuttgart, Alemanha, 2011
  BEGCY, K.; MARIANO, E.D.; MATTIELLO, L.; NUNES, A. V.; MAZZAFERA, Paulo; MAIA, Ivan G.; MENOSSI, Marcelo; An Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein Confers Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stress in Transgenic Tobacco Plants, 08/2011, PLoS ONE,Vol. 6, Fac. 8, pp.1-10, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2011 *
  FELISBINO, M. B.; TAMASHIRO, Wirla M. Silva Cunha; MELLO, Maria Luiza Silveira; Chromatin Remodeling, Cell Proliferation and Cell Death in Valproic Acid-Treated HeLa Cells, 12/2011, PLoS ONE,Vol. 6, Fac. 12, pp.1-12, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2011 *
  FARIAS, A. S.; TALAISYS, R. L.; BLANCO, Y. C.; LOPES, S. C. P.; LONGHINI, ALF; PRADELLA, F; SANTOS, Leonilda M. Barbosa; COSTA, F. T. M.; Regulatory T Cell Induction during Plasmodium chabaudi Infection Modifies the Clinical Course of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, 10/2011, PLoS ONE,Vol. 6, pp.17849-17850, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  FRANCO DE CARVALHO, Rodrigo; SPILKI, F.R.; CUNHA, Elenice M da; STOCCO, R.C.; ARNS, C. W.; Molecular data of UL24 homolog gene (ORF37) from Brazilian isolates of equine herpesvirus type 1, 01/2011, Research in Veterinary Science.,Vol. 30, pp.334-339, SP, Brasil, 2011
  DITT, R. F.; GENTILE, A; TAVARES, R. G.; CAMARGO, S. R.; FERNANDEZ, JORGE HERNANDEZ; DA SILVA, M.J.; MENOSSI, Marcelo; Analysis of the stress-inducible transcription factor SsNAC23 in sugarcane plants, 07/2011, Scientia Agrícola (USP. Impresso),Vol. 68, Fac. 4, pp.454-461, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2011 *
  TIBA, MONIQUE RIBEIRO; MOURA, Cláudia de; CARAZZOLLE, M.F.; LEITE, Domingos da Silva; Identification of putative new Escherichia coli flagellar antigens from human origin using serology, PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing methods, 04/2011, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso),Vol. 15, pp.144-150, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2011
  G. MATURANA, V.; PACE, F.; PIRES, Carlos C.; DE CAMPOS, M. M.; NAKAZATO, G.; STHELING, E.G.; LOGUE, C. M.; NOLAN, L. K.; SILVEIRA, Wanderley Dias da; Subpathotypes of avian pathogenic escherichia coli (APEC) exist as defined by their syndromes and virulence traits, 06/2011, The Open Microbiology Journal,Vol. 5, Fac. Suppl, pp.55-64, Bussum, Holanda, 2011
  FERRER, M.; LOPES, S.; LEITE, J.; CARVALHO, B.; NEIRAS, W.; NOGUEIRA, P.; COSTA, F. T. M.; LACERDA, M. V. G.; DEL PORTILLO, H.A.; Adherence of Plasmodium vivax-infected reticulocytes to the human spleen, 10/2011, TM & IH. Tropical medicine and international health (Print),Vol. 16, Fac., pp.122-122, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2011
  ARRUDA, Paulo; Perspective of the Sugarcane Industry in Brazil, 10/2011, Tropical Plant Biology (Print),Vol. 4, Fac. 1, pp.3-8, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  CHEAVEGATTI-GIANOTTO, A.; DE ABREU, H. M. C.; ARRUDA, Paulo; BESPALHOK FILHO, J. C.; BURNQUIST, W. L.; CRESTE, S.; DI CIERO, L.; FERRO, J.A.; FIGUEIRA, A.V.O.; FILGUEIRAS, T. S.; GROSSI-DE-SÁ, M. d F.; GUZZO, E. C.; HOFFMANN, H. P.; DE ANDRADE LANDELL, M. G.; MACEDO, N.; MATSUOKA, S; REINACH, Fernando C; ROMANO, E.; SILVA, W.J. da; ; ULIAN, E.C.; Sugarcane (Saccharum X officinarum): A Reference Study for the Regulation of Genetically Modified Cultivars in Brazil, 02/2011, Tropical Plant Biology (Print),Vol. 4, Fac. 1, pp.62-89, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2011
  SILVA, N. M.; CARVALHO, R. A.; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A. M. L.; Acetylcholinesterase cDNA sequencing and identification of mutations associated with organophosphate resistance in Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae), 04/2011, Veterinary Parasitology (Print),Vol. 177, Fac. 1-2, pp.190-195, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2011 *
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