Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Sistemas de Computação
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Docente); 9th International Workshop on Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science (MGC), (12/12/2011 a 12/12/2011), Lisboa, Portugal, Oral:"Power-Aware Virtual Machine Scheduling on Clouds Using Active Cooling Control and DVFS".
RIGO, S. (Docente); Workshop on Hardware-support for parallel program correctness (HPPC), (04/12/2011 a 04/12/2011), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, Oral:"Platfom Data-Flow Analysis".
AFONSO, V. M. (Co-autor); IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, (05/11/2011 a 08/11/2011), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"A hybrid system for analysis and detection of web-based client-side malicious code".
DIAS, M. P. (Co-autor); IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LatinCom), (24/10/2011 a 26/10/2011), Belém, PA, Brasil, Oral:"Performance Evaluation of a Scheduler for the ONU-BS of Integrated EPON-WiMAX Networks".
GOMES, R. L. (Co-autor); IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LatinCom), (24/10/2011 a 26/10/2011), Belém, PA, Brasil, Oral:"An Automatic SLA Negotiation Protocol for a Future Internet".
ANDRADE, T. P. C. (Co-autor); IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LatinCom), (24/10/2011 a 26/10/2011), Belém, PA, Brasil, Oral:"HMARS: A MAC Protocol for Integration of Radio-over-Fiber and Wireless Sensor".
MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Docente); Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS), (10/10/2011 a 11/10/2011), Quito, Equador, Oral:"An Architecture for Adaptation of Virtual Networks on Clouds".
ARAÚJO, G. C. S. (Docente); International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), (26/10/2011 a 29/10/2011), Vitória, ES, Brasil, Oral:"Loop Parallelization Techniques for VLIW and Multicore Architectures".
SENNA, C.R. (Co-autor); International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), (04/07/2011 a 08/07/2011), Istambul, Turquia, Oral:"An Environment for Evaluation and Testing of Service Workflow Schedulers in Clouds".
VIANA, G.B. (Co-autor); International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), (08/06/2011 a 11/06/2011), Beijing, China, Oral:"ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative".
BERGAMASCHI, R. A. (Autor); PIGA, L. P. R. (Autor); AZEVEDO, R. J. (Docente); ARAÚJO, G. C. S. (Docente); 7th Workshop on Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation (MoBS), (05/06/2011 a 05/06/2011), San Jose, California, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Power and Performance of Data Centers ".
VIANA, G.B. (Co-autor); International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), (27/06/2011 a 29/06/2011), Londres, Reino Unido, Oral:"An evaluation of brazilian transparency portal and how to improve it".
MANZATO, D.A.G. (Co-autor); IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), (05/06/2011 a 09/06/2011), Kyoto, Japão, Oral:"A Comparison of Channel Switching Schemes for IPTV Systems".
BORIN, E. (Docente); 4th Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation (AMAS-BT), (04/06/2011 a 04/06/2011), San Jose, California, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Live Range Hole Allocation in Dynamic Binary Translation".
RIGO, S. (Docente); Workshop on Infrastructures for Software/Hardware co-design (WISH), (02/04/2011 a 02/04/2011), Chamonix, França, Oral:"Software Co-Verification Based on Program Traces from Different Processors".
BORIN, E. (Docente); IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), (02/04/2011 a 06/04/2011), Chamonix, França, Oral:"LAR-CC: Large Atomic Regions with Conditional Commits".
NAKAI, A.M. (Co-autor); Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), (25/04/2011 a 29/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Load Balancing for Internet Distributed Services using Limited Redirection Rates".