Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
SANTANCHÈ, A. (Docente); IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA), (12/12/2011 a ), Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Component and Query Approach for Scientific Data Exploration Applications".
SANTANA, V. F. (Co-autor); IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, (05/11/2011 a 08/11/2011), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"A FRAMEWORK FOR WEB 2.0 SECURE WIDGETS".
PEREIRA, R. (Co-autor); IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, (05/11/2011 a 08/11/2011), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"The Value of Value Identification in Web Applications".
PENATTI, O. A. B. (Co-autor); 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), (15/11/2011 a 18/11/2011), Pucón, Chile, Oral:"Encoding spatial arrangement of visual words".
TEIXEIRA, R. F. S. (Co-autor); 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), (15/11/2011 a 18/11/2011), Pucón, Chile, Oral:"Unsupervised Fingerprint Segmentation Based on Multiscale Directional Information".
VARGAS, A. (Co-autor); International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), (22/11/2011 a 24/11/2011), Córdoba, Espanha, Oral:"Discovering and analyzing patterns of usage to detect usability problems in web applications".
VARGAS, A. (Co-autor); Symposium on Web Society (SWS), (26/10/2011 a 28/10/2011), Port Elizabeth, África do Sul, Oral:"Analyzing User Interaction Logs Detect Usability Problems in Web Applications".
LETIZIO, C. C. (Co-autor); Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC), (25/10/2011 a 28/10/2011), Porto de Galinhas, PE, Brasil, Oral:"Relationship between accessibility and update of an e-learning Web enviroment".
ALMEIDA JÚNIOR, J. G. (Co-autor); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Comparison of Video Sequences with Histograms of Motion Patterns".
ROCHA, A. R. (Docente); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Eye Specular Highlights Telltales for Digital Forencics: a Machine Learning Approach".
ROCHA, A. R. (Docente); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Face liveness detection under bad illumination conditions".
ROCHA, A. R. (Docente); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Image Categorization Through Optimum Path Forest and Visual Words".
TORRES, R. S. (Docente); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Exploiting Contextual Information for Rank Aggregation".
SABOIA, P. C. (Co-autor); 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (11/09/2011 a 14/09/2011), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Eye Specular Highlights Telltales for Digital Forensics: a Machine Learning Approach".
SANTOS, J. A. (Co-autor); 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), (29/08/2011 a 31/08/2011), Sevilha, Espanha, Oral:"Interactive Classification of Remote Sensing
Images by using Optimum-Path Forest and
Genetic Programming".
SPINA, T. V. (Co-autor); 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), (29/08/2011 a 31/08/2011), Sevilha, Espanha, Oral:"User-Steered Image Segmentation Using Live Markers".
TORRES, R. S. (Docente); Instituto Virtual FAPESP-Microsoft Research, (20/07/2011 a 21/07/2011), Redmond, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"E-Phenology: The Application of New Technologies to Monitor Plant Phenology and Track Climate Changes in the Tropics".
HORNUNG, H. H. (Co-autor); 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), (09/07/2011 a 14/07/2011), Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Towards a Conceptual Framework for Interaction Design for the Pragmatic Web".
HAYASHI, E. C. S. (Co-autor); International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), (04/07/2011 a 06/07/2011), Leeuwarden, Holanda, Oral:"A Semiotic-informed Evaluation of an Inclusive Social Network System".
YANO, T. (Co-autor); Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), (12/07/2011 a 16/07/2011), Dublin, Irlanda (Eire), Oral:"Obtaining variable test case length with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm".
ROCHA, A. R. (Autor); Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, (18/07/2011 a 20/07/2011), Redmond, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"First Steps Toward Image Phylogeny".
REIS, J. C. (Co-autor); International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), (08/06/2011 a 11/06/2011), Beijing, China, Oral:"Augmenting Accessibility in Social Networks: A Virtual Presenter".
PEREIRA, R. (Co-autor); International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), (08/06/2011 a 11/06/2011), Beijing, China, Oral:"VALUATION FRAMING FOR SOCIAL SOFTWARE - A Culturally Aware Artifact".
PEREIRA, R. (Co-autor); International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), (27/06/2011 a 29/06/2011), Londres, Reino Unido, Oral:"Interaction Design of Social Software: Clarifying requirements through a culturally aware artifact".
HAYASHI, E. C. S. (Co-autor); International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), (27/06/2011 a 29/06/2011), Londres, Reino Unido, Oral:"Towards a Framework for the Affective and Emotional Faces of Usability".
LEMOS, G.S. (Docente); IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), (27/06/2011 a 30/06/2011), Hong Kong, China, Oral:"Detecting Non-Robust Behavior: A Bioinformatics Approach".
FALCÃO, A. X. (Docente); IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (22/05/2011 a 27/05/2011), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Feature Selection Through Gravitational Search Algorithm".
ROCHA, A. R. (Docente); Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows Day, (05/05/2011 a 05/05/2011), Redmond, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Preliminary Steps on Image Phylogeny Research".
TORRES, R. S. (Docente); ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), (17/04/2011 a 20/04/2011), Trento, Itália, Oral:"Exploiting Contextual Spaces for Image Re-Ranking and Rank Aggregation".
MARTINS, E. (Docente); Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), (25/04/2011 a 29/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Validation of Exception Handling in the Development of Dependable Component-Based Software Systems".
PEDRONETTE, D. C. G. (Co-autor); ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), (17/04/2011 a 20/04/2011), Trento, Itália, Oral:"Exploiting Contextual Spaces for Image Re-Ranking and Rank Aggegation".
YANO, T. (Co-autor); International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of Critical Infrastructures (RACI), (25/04/2011 a 25/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"A Model-based Approach for Robustness Test Generation".
MANZONI, R. J. (Co-autor); Workshop on Exception Handling in Contemporary Software Systems (EHCoS), (25/04/2011 a 25/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"WSCA-DRIP: An Infrastructure to Web Service Composition Actions".
IIZUKA, B.A (Co-autor); Workshop on Exception Handling in Contemporary Software Systems (EHCoS), (25/04/2011 a 25/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Variability of Exception Handling on Software Product Line".
FADEL, A. C. (Autor); MARTINS, E. (Autor); MORAES, R. (Autor); Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), (25/04/2011 a 29/04/2011), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Automated validation of embedded optical network software". *
YANO, T. (Co-autor); International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST), (21/03/2011 a 21/03/2011), Berlim, Alemanha, Oral:"MOST: a multi-objective search-based testing from EFSM".
MARTINS, E. (Docente); International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST), (21/03/2011 a 21/03/2011), Berlim, Alemanha, Oral:"MOST: a multi-objective search-based testing from EFSM".
FALCÃO, A. X. (Docente); SPIE Medical Imaging, (12/02/2011 a 17/02/2011), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Comparison of fuzzy connectedness and graph cut segmentation algorithms".
FALCÃO, A. X. (Docente); SPIE Medical Imaging, (12/02/2011 a 17/02/2011), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Fuzzy Object Modeling".
AMIEL, Tel (Autor); ARANTES, F. L. (Autor); MIRANDA, L.C.M. (Autor); MARTINS, M. C. (Autor); BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. (Autor); World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), (27/06/2011 a ), Lisbon, Portugal, Oral:"A Participatory Approach to Scenario Co-Construction for the OLPC/XO in Brazil". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos