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Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação
Departamento de Comunicações
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
  MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); 4th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LatinCom), (07/11/2012 a ), Cuenca, Equador, Oral:"Municipal Open Access MAN and Democratization of Broadband Access in Brazil".
  MIANI, R. S. (co-autor e apresentador); MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); 8th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS), (21/11/2012 a 23/11/2012), São Carlos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Evaluation of Quality in Encrypted VoIP Calls".
  SANMIGUEL, J. M. P. (co-autor e apresentador); MARTINI, Luiz Cesar (Autor); International Conference of Information Science and Computer Applications (ICISCA 2012), (19/11/2012 a 20/11/2012), Bali, Indonésia, Oral:"Mathematics Software Programming resources aimed at visually impaired users Matvox".
  CAMPOVERDE, P. H. M. (co-autor e apresentador); MARTINI, Luiz Cesar (Autor); International Conference of Information Science and Computer Applications (ICISCA 2012), (19/11/2012 a 20/11/2012), Bali, Indonésia, Oral:"Application of Mathematical Finance Program designed for visually impaired users".
  LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); 21th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), (11/11/2012 a 15/11/2012), Tsukuba Science City, Japão, Oral:"Multimodal Biometric Authentication Based on Iris Pattern and Pupil Light Reflex".
  PEDROSO MELONI, LUIS GERALDO (Autor); 12th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies - ISCIT2012, (02/10/2012 a 05/10/2012), Gold Coast, Austrália, Oral:"Hypercomplex OFDM Schemes for Cross-polarized Antennas ".
  GONZÁLEZ, D. C. G. (autor); LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2012, (03/09/2012 a 06/09/2012), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"Analysis of the multifractal nature of speech signals".
  MERJILDO, D. A. F. (autor); LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2012, (03/09/2012 a 06/09/2012), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"Enhancing the performance of AdaBoost algorithms by introducing a frequency counting factor for weight distribution updating".
  SAMPAIO, C. F. S. (autor); MARTINI, Luiz Cesar (Autor); SUDI 2012 Sustainability & Disability: Creating Jobs in a Green Economy, (03/09/2012 a 04/09/2012), Manaus, AM, Brasil, Oral:"Aperfeiçoamento do sistema WebAnywhere: Um leitor de tela para deficientes visuais específico para web".
  STENICO, J. W. G. (autor); LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); VIEIRA, Flávio H. T. (autor); XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática - CBA 2012, (02/09/2012 a 06/09/2012), Campina Grande, PB, Brasil, Oral:"Modelagem do comportamento de fila para fluxos de tráfego de rede considerando características multifractais".
  MIRANDA, M.A.M. (autor); SANTOS FILHO, J. C. S. (Docente); FRAIDENRAICH, G. (Docente); YACOUB, M. D. (Docente); MOREIRA NETO, João (autor); ZUNIGA, Yusef Rafael Caceres (autor); 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications - PIMRC 2012, (09/09/2012 a 12/09/2012), Sydney, Austrália, Oral:"On the Feasibility of Meteorological Radars using Static Antennas".
  GOES, A. A. (autor/apresentador); CARDIERI, Paulo (Docente); YACOUB, M. D. (Docente); 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications - PIMRC 2012, (09/09/2012 a 12/09/2012), Sydney, Austrália, Oral:"Characterization of the RFID Deterministic Path Loss in Manufacturing Enviroments".
  HUAMAN, Y. Z. (Autor); STENICO, J. W. G. (Autor); LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); XVI CLAIO - Congresso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación operativa / XLIV SBPO - Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operaciona, (24/09/2012 a 28/09/2012), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Um Novo Método de Classificação de Tráfego Através de Processos Multifractais".
  MIANI, R. S. (autor); MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); The Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE 2012, (19/08/2012 a 24/08/2012), Roma, Itália, Oral:"An empirical study of connections between measurements and information security".
  MERJILDO, D. A. F. (autor); LUAN LING, Lee (Autor); 13th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, (29/08/2012 a 31/08/2012), Natal, RN, Brasil, Oral:"A robust Adaboost-Based algorithm for low-resolution face detection".
  MIANI, R. S. (Autor); VIEIRA, L. K. (Autor); ZARPELÃO, B. B. (Autor); BREDA, G. D. (Autor); MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); The Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE 2012, (19/08/2012 a 24/08/2012), Roma, Itália, Oral:"An Architecture Based on Agent-manager Model for Automated Data Collection of Security Metrics".
  GIBELI, L. H. (Autor); BREDA, G. D. (Autor); ZARPELÃO, B. B. (Autor); MIANI, R. S. (Autor); MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN 2012), (19/08/2012 a 24/08/2012), Roma, Itália, Oral:"VoIP Systems Management using Internet Protocol Detail Records".
  BARBOSA, F. C. (autor); KLIEWER, Jorg (autor); COSTA, Max Henrique Machado (Autor); IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT 2012, (01/07/2012 a 06/07/2012), Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"An Algebraic Framework for Concatenated Linear Block Codes in Side Information Based Problems".
  TESTONI, V. (autor); FLORÊNCIO, D. (autor); COSTA, Max Henrique Machado (Autor); Visual Communications and Image Processing - VCIP-2012, (27/11/2012 a 30/11/2012), San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"THE HIERARCHICAL SIGNAL DEPENDENT TRANSFORM: CREATING ORTHONORMAL BASIS THAT MATCH LOCAL SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS".
  FREITAS, C. C. S. (autor); IANO, Yuzo (Docente); VIII Workshop de Visão Computacional - WVC 2012, (27/05/2012 a 30/05/2012), Goiânia, GO, Brasil, Oral:"Um estudo do desempenho do método de classificação de imagens via PCA quando submetida a ajustes de iluminação.".
  BARROS, T. T. L. (Autor); ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso (Autor); TYGEL, Martin (Autor); LOPES, RENATO DA ROCHA (Autor); 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, (04/06/2012 a 07/06/2012), Copenhagen, Dinamarca, Oral:"Implementation Aspects of Eigenstructure Based Velocity Spectra". *
  REIS, A. L. G. (Autor); SELVA, A. F. B. (Autor); LENZI, K. G. (Autor); BARBIN, Silvio Ernesto (Autor); PEDROSO MELONI, LUIS GERALDO (Autor); IEEE Wireless and Microware Technology Conference - WAMICON 2012, (15/04/2012 a 17/04/2012), Cocoa Beach, FL, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Software Defined Radio on Digital Communications: a New Teaching Tool".
  CAETANO, D. G. (autor); IANO, Yuzo (Autor); Collaborative Conference on 3D Research (CC3DR) 2012, (25/06/2012 a 29/06/2012), Seoul, Coréia do Sul, Oral:"A real time QoS monitoring system for broadcast Digital TV over 3D Maps".
  NARDELLI, P. H. J. (Autor); CARDIERI, Paulo (Autor); LATVA-AHO, Matti (Autor); 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), (01/04/2012 a 04/04/2012), Paris, França, Oral:"Spatial capacity of ad hoc wireless networks with Poisson distributed nodes".
  COSTA, Max Henrique Machado (Autor); NAIR, Chandra (co-autor); 2012 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, (05/02/2012 a 10/02/2012), San Diego, California, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"On the achievable rate sums for symmetric Gaussian interference channels".
  SELVA, A. F. B. (Autor); REIS, A. L. G. (Autor); LENZI, K. G. (Autor); PEDROSO MELONI, LUIS GERALDO (Autor); BARBIN, Silvio Ernesto (Autor); 2012 Wireless Innovation Forum European Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (SDR12-WInnComm-Europe), (27/06/2012 a 29/06/2012), Bruxelas, Bélgica, Oral:"Developing GNU Radio Signal Processing Blocks".
  NARDELLI, P. H. J. (Autor); KOUNTOURIS, Marios (Autor); CARDIERI, Paulo (Autor); LATVA-AHO, Matti (Autor); 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), (01/04/2012 a 04/04/2012), Paris, França, Oral:"Stable transmission capacity in Poisson wireless networks with delay guarantees".
  TEIXEIRA, M. A. C. (Autor); MIANI, R. S. (Autor); BREDA, G. D. (Autor); ZARPELÃO, B. B. (Autor); MENDES, Leonardo de Souza (Autor); 8th WEB Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), (18/04/2012 a 21/04/2012), Porto, Portugal, Poster:"New Approaches for XML Data Compression".
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP