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Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  TANNOUS, Katia; Área superficial e porosidade da fibra alimentar do albedo de laranja., 08/2012, Revista Brasileira de Produtos Agroindustriais,Vol. 14, pp.261-273, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil, 2012
Circulação Internacional
  COSTA, A. C.; Enhancement of methane production from sunflower oil cakes by dilute acid pretreatment, 06/2012, Applied Energy,Vol. 1, pp.5106-5106, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Improving bioethanol production – comparison between extractive and low temperature fermentation., 08/2012, Applied Energy,Vol. 98, pp.548-555, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  CAMARINI, Gladis; PINHEIRO, S. M. M.; TANNOUS, Katia; Thermal Analysis of Recycled Gypsum from Construction and Demolition Waste, 12/2012, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 260, pp.977-980, Stafa-Zurich, Suiça, 2012 *
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Improvements in biobutanol fermentation and their impacts on distillation energy consumption and wastewater generation., 08/2012, BioEnergy Research,Vol. 5, pp.504-514, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; P. MARIANO, A.; L. JUNQUEIRA, Tassia; Butanol production in a first-generation Brazilian sugarcane biorefinery: technical aspects and economics of greenfield projects., 08/2012, Bioresource Technology,Vol. 1, pp.4980-4980, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Integrated versus stand-alone second generation ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse and trash., 08/2012, Bioresource Technology,Vol. 103, pp.152-161, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; LASPRILLA, AJR; MARTINEZ, GAR; JARDINI, AL; Poly-lactic acid synthesis for application in biomedical devices – A review., 08/2012, Biotechnology Advances,Vol. 30, pp.321-328, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  FINARDI ÁLVARES SCNAVIN, Helena; CERIANI, R.; MEIRELLES, Antonio Almeida; Cachaça distillation investigated on the basis of model systems, 06/2012, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 29, pp.429-440, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2012
  VIEIRA, M. G. A.; ALMEIDA NETO, A. F.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; NÓBREGA CARNEIRO, Candice; MELO FILHO, A. A.; Characterization and use of in natura and calcined rice husks for biosorption of heavy metals ions from aqueous effluents, 01/2012, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 29, pp.619-634, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2012
  BOHORQUEZ, J. F. C.; MELO, D. N. C.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Fluid Catalytic Cracking Optimization Using Factorial Design and Genetic Algorithm Techniques, 01/2012, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,Vol. n/a, pp.18-32, Ottawa, Canadá, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MANENTI, F.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; C. MEDINA, Lilian; Experimental campaign, modeling, and sensitivity analysis for the molecular distillation of petroleum residues 673.15 K+., 08/2012, Chemical Engineering Research & Design,Vol. 90, pp.243-258, Rugby, Reino Unido, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Biodiesel production by an integrated reactive separation system: a comparative study., 08/2012, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 26, pp.255-260, Sorrento, Itália, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; BOHORQUEZ, J. F. C.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Fluid catalytic cracking environmental impact: factorial design coupled with genetic algorithms to minimize carbon monoxide pollution., 08/2012, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 26, pp.243-248, Sorrento, Itália, 2012
  GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Supercritical water gasification of glucose and cellulose for hydrogen and syngas production., 08/2012, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 27, pp.361-366, Sorrento, Itália, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; L. JUNQUEIRA, Tassia; E. MANTELATTO, Paulo; FRANCO, H. C. J.; Environmental and economic assessment of sugarcane first generation biorefineries in Brazil., 08/2012, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Print),Vol. 14, pp.399-410, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2012
  ROSSI, C. C. R. S.; CARDOZO FILHO, L.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Parameter estimation and thermodynamic model fitting for components in mixtures for bio-diesel production, 01/2012, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Print),Vol. 14, pp.435-442, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2012
  JUNQUEIRA, T. L.; DIAS, M. O. S.; CAVALETT, O.; DAYAN FARIAS DE JESUS, Charles; CUNHA, Marcelo Pereira da; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; M. FRANCISCO LUIZ JOSÉ BONOMI, Antonio; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Economic and environmental assessment of integrated 1st and 2nd generation sugarcane bioethanol production evaluating different 2nd generation process alternatives, 01/2012, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering,Vol. 30, pp.177-181, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  DIAS, M. O. S.; JUNQUEIRA, T. L.; CAVALETT, O.; CUNHA, Marcelo Pereira da; DAYAN FARIAS DE JESUS, Charles; E. MANTELATTO, Paulo; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; M. FRANCISCO LUIZ JOSÉ BONOMI, Antonio; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Evaluation of different cogeneration systems in first and second generation ethanol production from sugarcane, 01/2012, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering,Vol. 1, pp.172-176, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  MARTINEZ, G. A. R.; LASPRILLA, A. J. R.; FIGUEROA, J. E. J.; MUNHOZ, A. L. J.; BARBOSA, M. I. R.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Modeling and simulation of Poly-lactic acid synthesis in batch process for biomedical applications, 01/2012, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering,Vol. 30, pp.977-981, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  FIGUEROA, J. E. J.; ARDILA, Y. C.; LUNELLI, B. H.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Sugarcane bagasse as raw material to Syngas production: 3D simulation of gasification process, 01/2012, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering,Vol. 30, pp.1118-1122, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  ARDILA, Y. C.; FIGUEROA, J. E. J.; LUNELLI, B. H.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Syngas production from sugar cane bagasse in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier using Aspen Plus : Modelling and Simulation, 01/2012, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering,Vol. 30, pp.1093-1097, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  DIAS, M. O. S.; JUNQUEIRA, T. L.; DAYAN FARIAS DE JESUS, Charles; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; M. FRANCISCO LUIZ JOSÉ BONOMI, Antonio; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Improving second generation ethanol production through optimization of first generation production process from sugarcane, 01/2012, Energy (Oxford),Vol. 43, pp.246-252, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012 *
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Improving second generation ethanol production through optimization of first generation production process from sugarcane., 08/2012, Energy (Oxford),Vol. 43, pp.246-252, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  AZNAR, Martín; MACHADO, A. B.; ARDILA, Y. C.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; "Experimental and calculated liquid-liquid equilibrium data for water+furfural+solvents", 07/2012, Fluid Phase Equilibria,Vol. 1, pp.97-105, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  CERIANI, R.; GANI, R.; LIU, Y. A.; Prediction of vapor pressure and heats of vaporization of edible oil/fat compounds by group contribution., 08/2012, Fluid Phase Equilibria,Vol. 1, pp.2139-2139, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; JUNQUEIRA, T. L.; Evaluation of process configurations for second generation integrated with first generation bioethanol production from sugarcane., 08/2012, Fuel Processing Technology,Vol. 1, pp.2945-2945, Reino Unido, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; ARIAS, E. L. M.; MARTINS, P.F.; MUNHOZ, A. L. J.; GUTIERREZ-RIVERA, Luis; Continuous synthesis and in-situ monitoring of biodiesel production in different microfluidic devices, 08/2012, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 51, pp.10755-10767, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  AZNAR, Martín; Density, refraction index and vapor-liquid equilibria of n-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium hexanoate plus (methyl acetate or ethyl acetate or propyl acetate) at several temperatures., 08/2012, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 1, pp.121-129, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; FUNAI, V. I.; Simulation and application of response surface methodology to a nylon-6 hydrolytic polymerization in a semibatch reactor., 08/2012, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1240-1240, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  AZNAR, Martín; "Liquid-liquid equilibrium in n-methyl-2-ethyl-2-hydroxyehtylamonium acetate, butanoate or hexanoate ionic liquids+dibenzothiophene+n-dodecane systems at 298.2 K and atmospheric pressure", 07/2012, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,Vol. 1, Fac. 57, pp.744-750, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MACHADO, A. B.; ARDILA, Y. C.; OLIVEIRA, L. H. M.; AZNAR, Martín; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Liquid Liquid Equilibria in Ternary and Quaternary Systems Present in Biodiesel Production from Soybean Oil at (298.2 and 333.2) K, 01/2012, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,Vol. 57, pp.1417-1422, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; FREGOLENTE, P. B. L.; Water content in biodiesel, diesel, and biodiesel–diesel blends., 08/2012, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,Vol. 57, pp.1817-1821, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  FREGOLENTE, P. B. L.; FREGOLENTE, L. V.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Water Content in Biodiesel, Diesel, and Biodiesel Diesel Blends, 01/2012, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,Vol. 57, pp.1817-1821, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  CERIANI, R.; CHIAVONE FILHO, O.; MEIRELLES, A. J. A.; Activity coefficient at infinite dilution measurements for organic solutes (polar and nonpolar) in fatty compounds: saturated fatty acids ., 08/2012, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,Vol. 55, pp.42-49, London, Reino Unido, 2012
  GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Thermophysical properties of biodiesel and related systems. Part I. Vapour-liquid equilibrium at low pressures of binary and ternary systems involving methanol, ethanol, glycerol, water and NaCl., 08/2012, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,Vol. 1, pp.2794-2794, London, Reino Unido, 2012
  FREITAS, A. C. D.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Oxidative reforming of methane fro hydrogen and synthesis gas production: thermodynamic equilibrium analysis, 01/2012, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry,Vol. 21, pp.571-580, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  CERIANI, R.; ARAUJO SAMPAIO, Klicia; SILVA, S. M.; LAMANA, S. M. S.; Thermal degradation kinetics of carotenoids in palm oil., 12/2012, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society,Vol. 11746, pp.1-8, Champaign, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  SAMPAIO, K. A.; AYALA, J.V.; SILVA, S. M.; CERIANI, R.; VERHÉ, R; MEIRELLES, Antonio Almeida; Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Carotenoids in Palm Oil, 01/2012, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society,Vol. 90, pp.191-198, Champaign, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Kinetic study on catalytic cracking of Brazilian high-boiling-point petroleum fractions., 08/2012, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol. 1, pp.1752-1752, Dordrecht, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  RAVAGNANI, Sergio Persio; CARDOSO, M.; Simulation of eucalyptus Kraft black liquor combustion in industrial recovery boilers., 08/2012, Latin American Applied Research,Vol. 42, pp.197-204, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 2012
  SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; ARAUJO, A. L.; GIMENES, M.L.; A kinetic and equilibrium study of zinc removal by brazilian bentonite clay., 08/2012, Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso),Vol. 1, pp.424-424, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2012
  VIEIRA, M. G. A.; BERTAGNOLLI, C.; Characterization of Brazilian bentonite organoclays as sorbents of petroleum-derived fuels., 08/2012, Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso),Vol. 15, pp.253-259, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2012
  VIEIRA, M. G. A.; ALMEIDA NETO, A. F.; Cu(II) adsorption on modified bentonitic clays: different isotherm behaviors in static and dynamic systems., 08/2012, Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso),Vol. 15, pp.114-124, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; TOVAR, Laura Plazas; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; BATISTELLA, Cesar; ARIZA, O. J. C.; C. MEDINA, Lilian; Overview and computational approach for studying the physicochemical characterization of high-boiling-point petroleum fractions (350°C+) ., 08/2012, Oil & Gas Science and Technology,Vol. 67, pp.451-477, Paris Cedex, França, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; CARMEN MEDINA DE OLIVEI, Lilian; Cracking of petroleum residues by reactive molecular distillation., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.363-369, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; SANTOS, P. S. D.; ARIAS, E. L. M.; Effect of operating conditions for methyl chavicol separation using a hybrid evaporation system., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.548-558, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; CARMEN MEDINA DE OLIVEI, Lilian; Extension of the TBP curve of petroleum using the correlation DESTMOL., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.791-798, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; LUNELLI, B. H.; Improvements on anhydrous ethanol production by extractive distillation using ionic liquid as solvent., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.1114-1124, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of algal lipids for the biodiesel production., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.1927-1933, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Water absorbing material to removal water from biodiesel and diesel., 08/2012, Procedia Engineering,Vol. 42, pp.2170-2175, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; P. MARIANO, A.; CHUKWUEMEKA EZEJI, Thaddeus; Energy requirements during butanol production and in situ recovery by cyclic vacuum., 08/2012, Renewable Energy,Vol. 47, pp.183-187, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MARTINS, P.F.; SANTOS, P. S. D.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Evaluation of methyl chavicol concentration by different evaporation processes using central composite experimental design., 08/2012, Separation and Purification Technology (Print),Vol. 1, pp.14-21, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; TOVAR, Laura Plazas; WINTER, A.; BATISTELLA, Cesar; C. MEDINA, Lilian; Short path evaporation for methyl chavicol enrichment from basil essential oil., 08/2012, Separation and Purification Technology (Print),Vol. 87, pp.71-78, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Reliability–based optimization using surface response methodology to split heavy petroleum fractions by centrifugal molecular distillation process., 08/2012, Separation Science and Technology (Print),Vol. 47, pp.1213-1233, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  TOVAR, L. P.; WINTER, A.; BATISTELLA, Cesar; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; OLIVEIRA, L. C. M.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Reliability Based Optimization Using Surface Response Methodology to Split Heavy Petroleum Fractions by Centrifugal Molecular Distillation Process, 01/2012, Separation Science and Technology (Print),Vol. 1, pp.22-33, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  FALLEIRO, R. M. M.; SILVA, L. Y. A.; MEIRELLES, Antonio Almeida; KRÄHENBÜHL, Maria Alvina; Vapor pressure data for fatty acids obtained using an adaptation of the DSC technique, 01/2012, Thermochimica Acta (Print),Vol. 547, pp.6-12, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  KRÄHENBÜHL, Maria Alvina; FALLEIRO, Rafael M. Matricarde; MEIRELLES, A. J. A.; SILVA, Luciana Y. Akisawa; Vapor pressure data for fatty acids obtained using an adaptation of the DSC technique ., 08/2012, Thermochimica Acta (Print),Vol. 1, pp.7-12, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; SANTANDER, C. M. G.; RUEDA, S. M. G.; L.CAMARGO, C; Measurements of normal boiling points of fatty acid ethyl esters and triacylglycerols by thermogravimetric analysis., 08/2012, Fuel (Guildford),Vol. 92, pp.158-161, London - Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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