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Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Teoria da Computação
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  ALMEIDA, S. M.; MELLO, C. P.; MORGANA, M. A.; On the Classification Problem for Split Graphs, 01/2012, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso),Vol. 18, pp.95-101, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2012
Circulação Internacional
  BAUDET, C.; DIAS, Z.; SAGOT, M.F.; Sampling Solution Traces for the Problem of Sorting Permutations by Signed Reversals, 06/2012, Algorithms for Molecular Biology,Vol. 7, pp.18-26, London, Inglaterra, 2012
  FAN, Y.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; ZHANG, Y.; A cube-covering problem, 01/2012, Ars Combinatoria,Vol. 106, pp.257-262, Winnipeg, Canadá, 2012
  DIAS, Z.; DIAS, U. M.; SETUBAL, J. C.; SIS: a program to generate draft genome sequence scaffolds for prokaryotes, 05/2012, BMC Bioinformatics,Vol. 13, pp.96-108, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  PAULOVICH, F. V.; TOLEDO, F.M.B. de; TELLES, G. P.; MINGHIM, R.; NONATO, L. G.; Semantic Wordification of Document Collections, 06/2012, Computer Graphics Forum (Print),Vol. 31, pp.1145-1153, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  HERNÁNDEZ, J. C. L.; KANSAL, A.; GOUVÊA, C. P. L.; ARANHA, D. F.; PRIYANTHA, B.; GORACZKO, M.; ZHAO, F.; Secure-TWS: Authenticating Node to Multi-user Communication in Shared Sensor Networks, 01/2012, Computer Journal (Print),Vol. 54x, pp.384-396, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2012
  FIGUEIREDO, G.B.; XAVIER, E. C.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; Optimal algorithms for the batch scheduling problem in OBS networks, 09/2012, Computer Networks (1999),Vol. 56, pp.3274-3286, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  SARACCHINI, R. F. V.; ATKINSON, G. A.; SMITH, M. L.; STOLFI, J.; LEITÃO, H.C.G.; A robust multi-scale integration method to obtain the depth from gradient maps, 08/2012, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Print),Vol. 116, pp.882-895, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MINETTO, R.; SPINA, T. V.; FALCÃO, A. X.; LEITE, N. J.; PAPA, J. P.; STOLFI, J.; IFTrace: Video segmentation of deformable objects using the Image Foresting Transform, 02/2012, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Print),Vol. 116, pp.274-291, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  LOPES, T. M. T.; MOURA, A.V.; CIRÉ, A.A.; SOUZA, C. C.; Planning The Operation of a Large Real-World Oil Pipeline, 01/2012, Computers & Chemical Engineering,Vol. 46, pp.17-28, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  CANO, R. G.; KUNIGAMI, G.; SOUZA, C. C.; REZENDE, P. J.; A hybrid GRASP heuristic to construct effective drawings of proportional symbol maps, 10/2012, Computers & Operations Research,Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  QUEIROZ, T. A.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; WAKABAYASHI, Y.; XAVIER, E. C.; Algorithms for 3D guillotine cutting problems: Unbounded knapsack, cutting stock and strip packing, 01/2012, Computers & Operations Research,Vol. 39, pp.200-212, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  HOSHINO, E.A.; SOUZA, C. C.; A branch-and-cut-and-price approach for the capacitated m-ring star problem, 12/2012, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 160, pp.2728-2741, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  PEDROTTI, V.; MELLO, C. P.; Minimal separators in extended P-4-laden graphs, 12/2012, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 160, Fac. 18, pp.2769-2777, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  SOUZA, C. C.; MANIC, G.; BAHIENSE, L.; RIBEIRO, B. P.; The maximum common edge subgraph problem: A polyhedral investigation, 12/2012, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 160, Fac. 18, pp.2523-2541, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  CAMPOS, C. N.; FIGUEIREDO, C. M. H.; MACHADO, R. C. S.; MELLO, C. P.; The total chromatic number of split-indifference graphs, 01/2012, Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 312, Fac. 17, pp.2690-2693, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  VALLE, A. M. D.; QUEIROZ, T. A.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; XAVIER, E. C.; Heuristics for two-dimensional knapsack and cutting stock problems with items of irregular shape, 01/2012, Expert Systems with Applications,Vol. 39, pp.12589-12598, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; MELLO, C. P.; MORGANA, M. A.; Recognizing well covered graphs of families with special $P_4$-components, 01/2012, Graphs and Combinatorics,Vol. 28, pp.1-14, Tokyo, Japão, 2012
  DELBEM, A. C. B.; LIMA, T. W.; TELLES, G. P.; Efficient forest data structure for evolutionary algorithms applied to network design, 12/2012, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,Vol. 16, pp.829-846, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; Image Phylogeny by Minimal Spanning Trees, 04/2012, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 7, Fac. 2, pp.774-788, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  XAVIER, E. C.; A note on a Maximum k-Subset Intersection problem, 06/2012, Information Processing Letters (Print),Vol. 112, Fac. 12, pp.471-472, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  BONIFÁCIO, A. L.; MOURA, A.V.; SIMÃO, A. S.; Model Partitions and Compact Test Case Suites, 01/2012, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol. 23, pp.147-172, California - Singapore, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  CARVALHO, M. H.; MURTY, U. S. R.; LUCCHESI, C. L.; A Generalization of Little's Teorem on Pfaffian Orientations, 11/2012, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B (Print),Vol. 102, Fac. 6, pp.1241-1266, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  CASTRO, D.A.; GOMES, Sonia Maria; STOLFI, J.; An adaptive multiresolution method on dyadic grids: Application to transport equations, 01/2012, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 236, pp.3636-3646, Ammsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  CASTRO, D. A.; GOMES, Sonia Maria; STOLFI, J.; An adaptive multiresolution method on dyadic grids: Application to transport equations, 09/2012, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 236, Fac. 15, pp.3636-3646, Ammsterdam, Holanda, 2012 *
  GOUVÊA, C. P. L.; HERNÁNDEZ, J. C. L.; OLIVEIRA, L. B.; Efficient software implementation of public-key cryptography on sensor networks using the MSP430X microcontroller, 05/2012, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,Vol. 2, pp.19-29, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2012
  CANAVEZ, F. C.; LUCHE, D. D.; STOTHARD, P.; LEITE, K. R. M.; CANAVEZ, J. M. S.; PLASTOW, G.; MEIDANIS, J.; SOUZA, M. A. L.; FEIJÃO, P. C.; MOORE, S. S.; LOPES, L. H. C.; Genome Sequence and Assembly of Bos indicusGenome Sequence and Assembly of Bos indicus, 02/2012, Journal of Heredity,Vol. 103X, pp.342-348, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  BITTENCOURT, L. F.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; VIGNATTI, A. L.; Distributed Load Balancing Algorithms for Heterogeneous Players in Asynchronous Networks, 12/2012, Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print),Vol. 18, pp.2771-2797, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  KUNIGAMI, G.; REZENDE, P. J.; SOUZA, C. C.; YUNES, T. H.; Generating optimal drawings of physically realizable symbol maps with integer programming, 05/2012, The Visual Computer,Vol. 28, pp.1-6, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2012
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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