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Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Estatística
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  VICINI, Lorena; HOTTA, Luiz Koodi; ACHCAR, Jorge Alberto; Non-homogeneous Poisson processes applied to count data: a Bayesian approach considering different distributions, 01/2012, Journal of Environmental Protection (Print),Vol. 3, pp.1336-1345, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  GNERI, Mário Antonio; BARBOSA, Emanuel Pimentel; Robustez Asintótica de la Estadística de Hotelling, 01/2012, Revista de Educación Matemática,Vol. 27, pp.28-36, Córdoba, Argentina, 2012
Circulação Internacional
  MOTTA, ANDERSON CARLOS O; HOTTA, Luiz Koodi; Influence in stochastic volatility models, 01/2012, Advances and Applications in Statistics,Vol. 27, pp.27-45, Allahabad, Índia, 2012
  POPOV, S.; Ballistic regime for random walks in random environment with unbounded jumps and Knudsen billiards, 03/2012, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilités et Statistiques,Vol. 48, pp.721-744, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  MENSHIKOV, Mikhail; POPOV, S.; RAMIREZ, Alejandro Ramirez; VACHKOVSKAIA, MARINA; On a general many-dimensional excited random walk, 01/2012, Annals of Probability,Vol. 40, pp.2106-2130, Hayward, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  ABANTO-VALLE, C. A.; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; GHOSH, Pulak; A Bayesian approach to term structure modeling using heavy-tailed distributions, 01/2012, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (Online),Vol. 28, pp.430-447, West Sussex, Reino Unido, 2012
  BANDYOPADHYAY, D.; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; CASTRO, Luis M.; DEY, Dipak K.; Skew-normal/independent linear mixed models for censored responses with applications to HIV viral loads, 01/2012, Biometrical Journal (1977),Vol. 54, pp.405-425, Weinhein, Alemanha, 2012
  ABANTO-VALLE, C. A.; SANTOS MIGON, Hélio; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; Stochastic volatility in mean models with heavy-tailed distributions, 01/2012, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics,Vol. 26, pp.402-422, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2012
  PRATES, Marcos Prates; DEY, Dipak K.; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; A Dengue Fever Study in the State of Rio de Janeiro with the Use of Generalized Skew-Normal/Independent Spatial Fields, 01/2012, Chilean Journal of Statistics,Vol. 3, pp.33-45, Santiago, Chile, 2012
  LOPES, V. A. G.; RIFO, L. L. R.; Full Bayesian Analysis for a Model of Tail Dependence, 01/2012, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods,Vol. 41, pp.4107-4123, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  DIAS, Ronaldo; GARCIA, Nancy Lopes; ZAMBOM, A. Z.; Monte Carlo algorithm for trajectory optimization based on Markovian readings, 01/2012, Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 51, pp.305-321, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  AZEVEDO, C. L. N.; ANDRADE, Dalton Francisdo; FOX, Jean-Paul; A Bayesian generalized multiple group IRT model with model-fit assessment tools, 01/2012, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Print),Vol. 56, pp.4399-4412, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  AVILA MATOS, Larissa; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; BALAKRISHNAN, N; VILCA LABRA, Filidor Edilfonso; Influence diagnostics in linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models with censored data, 01/2012, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Print),Vol. 57, pp.450-464, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  CABRAL, Celso Romulo Barbosa Cabral; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; PRATES, M. O.; Multivariate mixture modeling using skew-normal independent distributions, 01/2012, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Print),Vol. 56, pp.126-142, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  JIRI CERNY, Jiri Cerny; POPOV, S.; On the internal distance in the interlacement set, 01/2012, Electronic Journal of Probability,Vol. 17, pp.1-25, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  POPOV, S.; GALLESCO, C. F.; Random walks with unbounded jumps among random conductances I: Uniform quenched CLT, 01/2012, Electronic Journal of Probability,Vol. 17, pp.1826-1826, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; CABRAL, Celso; ABANTO-VALLE, C. A.; A non-iterative sampling Bayesian method for linear mixed models with normal independent distributions, 01/2012, Journal of Applied Statistics,Vol. 39, pp.531-549, Abingdon, Inglaterra, 2012
  ROMANI FERNANDES SVAR, Flaviane; ABAURRE, M.L.M.; LOPES, V. A. G.; BIANCHI, Marta Cristina; Secondary stress, intensity and fundamental frequency in Brazilian Portuguese, 01/2012, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics,Vol. 11, pp.51-68, Lisboa, Portugal, 2012
  HERENCIA, M. E. Z.; HOTTA, Luiz Koodi; Influential observations in GARCH models, 01/2012, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (Print),Vol. 82, pp.1571-1589, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2012
  HERENCIA, M. E. Z.; SANTOS, Santos, Bruno; HOTTA, Luiz Koodi; A note on influence diagnostics in AR(1) time series models, 01/2012, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Print),Vol. 142, pp.2999-3007, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  CABRAL, Celso; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; MADRUGA, Maria Regina; Bayesian analysis of skew-normal independent linear mixed models with heterogeneity in the random-effects population, 01/2012, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Print),Vol. 142, pp.181-200, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  VILCA LABRA, Filidor Edilfonso; GARAY, A. W. M.; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; MARCOS ORTEGA, Edwin Moises; Estimation and diagnostics for heteroscedastic nonlinear regression models based on scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions, 01/2012, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Print),Vol. 142, pp.2149-2165, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  VALK, M.; PINHEIRO, Aluísio de Souza; Time-series clustering via quasi U-statistics, 07/2012, Journal of Time Series Analysis (Print),Vol. 33, Fac. 4, pp.608-619, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2012
  ZELLER, C. B.; LACHOS DAVILA, VICTOR HUGO; CARVALHO, R.R.; On diagnostics in multivariate measurement error models under asymmetric heavy-tailed distributions, 01/2012, Statistical Papers (1988),Vol. 53, pp.665-683, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2012
  RIFO, L. L. R.; SANTOS, James Santos; A note on conflict of information and subexponential densities, 01/2012, Statistics & Probability Letters,Vol. 82, pp.840-842, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2012
  GALVES, Antonio; GALVES, Charlotte Marie C.; GARCIA, Nancy Lopes; LEONARDI, Florencia Graciela; GARCIA, J. E.; Context tree selection and linguistic rhythm retrieval from written texts, 01/2012, The Annals of Applied Statistics,Vol. 6, pp.186-209, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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