Centro de Componentes Semicondutores
Produções / Resumos Publicados
Resumos publicados em anais de congressos
DINIZ, J. A.; DOI, Prof. Dr. Ioshiaki; MUNOZ, S. N. M.; Optical Properties of SiFe Nanoparticles grown by LPCVD, 09/2012, XI Encontro da SBP - XI Brazilian Materials Research Society Meeting,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, 2012. Resumo expandido *
DINIZ, J. A.; DOI, Prof. Dr. Ioshiaki; GODOY FILHO, J.; Characterization of Silicon Oxide obtained by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering, 09/2012, XI Encontro da SBP - XI Brazilian Materials Research Society Meeting,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, 2012. Resumo expandido *
KAUFMANN, P.; DINIZ, J. A.; ZAKIA, M. B. P.; BORTOLUCCI, E.C.; FLAKER, Alexandre; THz band-pass resonant metal mesh filters for a space solar photometry experiment, 04/2012, VII SEMINATEC 2012 - VII Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano Technology,Vol. 1, pp.85-86, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil, 2012
KAUFMANN, P.; DINIZ, J. A.; ZAKIA, M. B. P.; BORTOLUCCI, E.C.; A prototype photometer for terahertz solar flares observations, 04/2012, VII SEMINATEC 2012 - VII Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano Technology,Vol. 1, pp.81-82, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil, 2012
SILVA, C. C. C.; SOUZA, J. F.; DOI, I.; DINIZ, J. A.; KUBOTA, L.T.; Wafer-scale Fabrication and Characterization of Chemiresistors Based on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Networks, 11/2012, 2012 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,Vol. 1, pp.300-300, Boston, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus; DINIZ, J. A.; MOCHKALEV, S.; SOUZA, J. F.; Development of Microsensors and Applications under the
INCT NAMITEC Network, 10/2012, Ibersensor 2012 - Ibero-American Congress on Sensors,Vol. 1, pp.1-2, Porto Rico, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
DINIZ, J. A.; DOI, Prof. Dr. Ioshiaki; Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Germanium Nanoparticles embedded in SiO2 Matrix, 09/2012, E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Varsóvia, Polônia, 2012. Resumo expandido *
DINIZ, J. A.; DOI, Prof. Dr. Ioshiaki; MUNOZ, S. N. M.; Influence of the Time Exposure of the Germanic in the Growth of Ge Nanocrystals on Si Nuclei using the Technique of LPCVD, 09/2012, E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Strasbourg, França, 2012. Resumo expandido *
KAUFMANN, P.; THz emission from solar flares: origin and diagnostics, 06/2012, 2 International Conference on Terahertz and Microwave Radiation, Generation and Detection (TERA 2012),Vol. 1, pp.85-86, Moscou, Rússia, 2012
MOCHKALEV, S.; FLAKER, Alexandre; SILVEIRA, JV; CANESQUI, M. A.; SAVU, R; Microreactors and gas sensors based on locally heated carbon nanotubes decorated with Ti nanoparticles, 05/2012, 14 IMCS 2012 Inter. Meeting on Chemical Sensors,Vol. 1, pp.74-74, Nurnberg, Alemanha, 2012
MOCHKALEV, S.; ALVES,, O.L..; SILVEIRA, JV; SAVU, R; Microreactors based on decorated carbon nanotubes, 05/2012, E MRS Meeting,Vol. 1, pp.27-27, Strasbourg, França, 2012
SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus; MOCHKALEV, S.; Low-power consumption gas sensors based on decorated multi-wall carbon nanotubes, 03/2012, 8th International Caribian Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems - ICCDCS 2012,Vol. 1, pp.4-7, Playa del Carmen, México, 2012 *
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