Centro de Componentes Semicondutores
Produções / Capítulos de livros publicados
VAZ, A.R.; MOCHKALEV, S.; "Metal films and nanowires deposited by FIB and FEB for nanofabrication and nanocontacting", "Nanofabrication using focused ion and electron beams: principles and applications", 04/2012, ed. 1, Oxford University Press, pp. 15, pp.538-552, 2012
VAZ, A.R.; VERÍSSIMO, C; ROUXINAL, F.P.M.; GELAMO, R. V.; MOCHKALEV, S.; "Characterization and modification of nanostructured carbon materials using FIB and FEB", "Nanofabrication using focused ion and electron beams", 04/2012, ed. 1, Oxford University Press, pp. 13, pp.707-719, 2012
MELNGAILIS, John; MOCHKALEV, S.; UTKE, Ivo; "Focused beam processing - new beam technologies - new challenges in process development and nanofabrication", "Nanofabrication using focused ion and electron beams", 04/2012, ed. 1, Oxford University Press, pp. 27, pp.755-781, 2012