Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
BERNI, Mauro Donizeti (colaborador); BAJAY, Sérgio Valdir (Autor); 45º Congresso Internacional de Celulose e Papel da ABTCP, (09/10/2012 a 11/10/2012), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Eficiência energética e oportunidades para as biorefinarias na indústria brasileira de celulose e papel". *
NEBRA DE PEREZ, Silvia (Autor); 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering (CPOTE), (18/09/2012 a 20/09/2012), Gliwice, Polônia, Oral:"Exergetic analysis of the ethanol production by enzymatic hydrolysis process from sugarcane biomass". *
LACORTE, D. Y. (Autor); CORREIA, Paulo de Barros (Autor); 35th IAEE International Conference, (24/06/2012 a 27/06/2012), Perth, Austrália, Oral:"Portfolio optimization of new power plants with combinatorial auctions". *
LEAL, M. R. L. V. (colaborador); WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva (Autor); 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), (18/06/2012 a 22/06/2012), Milkão, Itália, Oral:"Important issues related to sugarcane straw availability, quality and use". *
WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva (Autor); 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), (18/06/2012 a 22/06/2012), Milkão, Itália, Oral:" A review of recent land use change driven by sugarcane expansion in Brazil". *
OLIVEIRA, C. O. F. (aluno); WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva (Autor); 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), (18/06/2012 a 22/06/2012), Milkão, Itália, Oral:"Biodiversity and sustainability of biofuel". *
BERNI, Mauro Donizeti (colaborador); BAJAY, Sérgio Valdir (Autor); 18th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, (15/05/2012 a 17/05/2012), La Coruña, Espanha, Oral:"Biofuels for urban transporte: Brazilian potential and implications for sustainable development". *
PORTO, N. A. (Autor); CORREIA, Paulo de Barros (Autor); 10th International Conference on Operations Research (ICOR), (06/03/2012 a 09/03/2012), Habana, Cuba, Oral:"Binomial lattice model: application on carbon credits market". *
SILVA, E. B. (Autor); CORREIA, Paulo de Barros (Autor); 10th International Conference on Operations Research (ICOR), (06/03/2012 a 09/03/2012), Habana, Cuba, Oral:"Portfolio model as a support decision to combinatorial auction". *
NEBRA DE PEREZ, Silvia (Autor); 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng), (10/09/2012 a 13/09/2012), Porto, Portugal, Poster:"Reduction of Water Consumption in an Integrated First and Second Generation Ethanol Plant". *
BASTOS, Adriano Chaves (Autor); FERRAZ, Antonio Carlos de O. (Autor); International Conference on Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012, (08/07/2012 a 12/07/2012), Valência, Espanha, Poster:"Effects of strain, strain direction and drying rates on castor beans decortication performance". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos