Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
Departamento de Mecânica Computacional
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
RODRÍGUEZ, R. Q.; RODRIGUEZ, A. F. G.; SOLLERO, Paulo; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; Analysis of multiple inclusion potential problems by the adaptive cross approximation method, 12/2013, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (Print),Vol. 96, Fac. 4, pp.259-274, Forsyth, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
RODRIGUEZ, A. F. G.; RODRÍGUEZ, R. Q.; SOLLERO, Paulo; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L.; Multidomain Formulation of BEM Analysis Applied to Large-Scale Polycrystalline Materials, 12/2013, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (Print),Vol. 96, Fac. 2, pp.103-115, Forsyth, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
MENDES, A. S.; SIQUEIRA MEIRELLES, Pablo; Application of the Hardware-in-the-Loop Technique to an Elastomeric Torsional Vibration Damper, 12/2013, SAE International Journal of Engines,Vol. 6, Fac. 4, pp.2004-2014, Warrendale, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
SILVA, J. L.; MESQUITA NETO, Euclides de; RAJAPAKSE, R. K.N.D.; Coupled horizontal and rocking vibrations of a rigid circular plate on a transversely isotropic bi-material interface, 11/2013, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,Vol. 37, Fac. 11, pp.1367-1377, Kidlington, Reino Unido, 2013
FIORAVANTI, A. R.; GONCALVES, A. P. C.; DEAECTO, G. S.; GEROMEL, José Cláudio; Obtaining alternative LMI constraints with applications to discrete-time MJLS and switched systems, 10/2013, Journal of the Franklin Institute,Vol. 350, Fac. 8, pp.2212-2228, Exeter, Inglaterra, 2013 *
GEROMEL, José Cláudio; DAAFOUZ, Jamal Daafouz; DEAECTO, G. S.; Suboptimal switching control consistency analysis for switched linear systems, 07/2013, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Print),Vol. 58, Fac. 7, pp.1857-1861, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
GEROMEL, José Cláudio; GALBUSERA, Luca; BOLZERN, Paolo Bolzern; DEAECTO, G. S.; Extended small gain theorem for time-delay switched systems control and closed-loop robustness enhancement, 07/2013, International Journal of Control (Print),Vol. 86, Fac. 6, pp.1018-1025, London, Reino Unido, 2013 *
FIORAVANTI, A. R.; GEROMEL, José Cláudio; DEAECTO, G. S.; Authors' response to discussion on 'Suboptimal switching control consistency analysis for discrete-time switched linear systems, 05/2013, European Journal of Control,Vol. 19, Fac. 3, pp.221-221, Surrey, Inglaterra, 2013 *
FIORAVANTI, A. R.; GEROMEL, José Cláudio; DEAECTO, G. S.; Suboptimal switching control consistency analysis for discrete-time switched linear systems, 05/2013, European Journal of Control,Vol. 19, Fac. 3, pp.214-219, Surrey, Inglaterra, 2013 *
FIORAVANTI, A. R.; GONCALVES, A. P. C.; GEROMEL, José Cláudio; Discrete-time H-inf; output feedback for Markov jump systems with uncertain transition probabilities, 05/2013, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (Print),Vol. 23, Fac. 8, pp.894-902, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
GEROMEL, José Cláudio; DEAECTO, G. S.; Hoo state feedback switched control for discrete time-varying polytopic systems, 04/2013, International Journal of Control (Print),Vol. 86, Fac. 4, pp.591-598, London, Reino Unido, 2013 *
DAROS, C. H.; Liouville-Green approximation for Bleustein-Gulyaev waves in functionally graded materials, 03/2013, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,Vol. 38, Fac. 2, pp.129-137, Cedex, França, 2013
GEROMEL, José Cláudio; DAAFOUZ, Jamal Daafouz; DEAECTO, G. S.; Robust H2 switched filter design for discrete-time polytopic linear parameter-varying systems, 03/2013, Signal Processing (Print),Vol. 97, pp.91-99, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2013 *
DAROS, C. H.; Green's Function for SH-waves in Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Elastic Solid with Power Function Velocity Variation, 03/2013, Wave Motion,Vol. 50, Fac. 2, pp.101-110, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2013
SILVA, P. B.; GOLDSTEIN, A. L.; ARRUDA, José R. de França; Building spectral element dynamic matrices using finite element models of waveguide slices and elastodynamic equations, 01/2013, Shock and Vibration,Vol. 20, Fac. 3, pp.439-458, W.Sussex, Reino Unido, 2013
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos