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Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Químicos
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SANTANA, J. C. C.; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; A bootstrapped neural network model applied to prediction of the biodegradation rate of reactive Black 5 dye., 08/2013, Acta Scientiarum. Technology (impresso),Vol. 35, pp.565-572, Maringa, PR, Brasil, 2013
  SANTANA, J. C. C.; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; MARCOS ROSA, J.; MENEZES BEZERRA, Renato; SILVA, B. B.; *Influência da estiragem mecânica nas propriedades físico-químicas de multifilamentos de poliamida 6*., 08/2013, Química Têxtil,Vol. 112, pp.36-42, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
Circulação Internacional
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; MAZZOLA, Priscila Gava; SILVEIRA, E; BRESOLIN, Í. T. L.; PEREIRA, I. R. A.; Isolation and purification of bromelain from waste peel of pineapple for therapeutic application., 11/2013, Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso),Vol. 56, pp.971-979, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2013
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; MONTE ALEGRE, R; BARROS, Marcelo; Production of ethyl valerate from Burkholderia cepacia lipase immobilized in alginate., 10/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1063-1068, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  FRANCESCONI, Artur Zaghini; VIOLA, D. H. L.; Application of the Prigogine-Flory-Patterson model to excess molar enthalpy of binary liquid mixtures of 1-nonanol or 1-decanol with acetonitrile at atmospheric pressure and 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15K., 10/2013, Journal of Molecular Liquids (Print),Vol. 190, pp.196-199, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2013
  ZEMP, Roger Josef; SILVA, F. V.; FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; SANTOS, R. R. C.; SANTOS, B. F.; Application of artificial neural networks in an experimental batch reactor of styrene polimerization for predictive model development., 09/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1399-1404, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; SANTANA, JCC; Applying of a neural network in effluent treatment simulation as an environmental solution for textile industry., 09/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.73-78, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  SILVA, F. V.; SANTANA, P.L.; JESUS, J.M.; Different approaches in concentration-temperature cascade control of a fixed bed reactor for the phthalic anhydride synthesis., 09/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1387-1392, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; MORAES JR., Deovaldo; J. C. C, SANTANA; OI, R. K.; Feasibility study for production of green banana flour in a spray dryer., 09/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1825-1830, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; CRUZ, Sandra Lúcia da; SILVA, F. V.; SANTOS, R. B.; Spectral analysis for detection of leaks in pipes carrying compressed air., 09/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1363-1368, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  SILVA, F. V.; FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; VIDAL, S. F. S.; An experimental liquid cooling system dynamic simulator for the evaluation of intelligent control techniques., 08/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1243-1248, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; SANTOS, R. B.; MARKUS, R.; Comparison between multilayer feedforward neural networks and a radial basis function network to detect and locate leaks in pipelines transporting gas., 08/2013, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 32, pp.1375-1380, Sorrento, Itália, 2013
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; COÊLHO, D. F.; Biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Yarrowia lipolytica and its use for detergent formulations., 08/2013, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Vol. 7, pp.767-773, Libertyville, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; J. C. C, SANTANA; M. ROSA, Jorge; ARAUJO, M. C.; Ecological costs applied in the bleaching of cotton: a study for an optimized process., 08/2013, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Vol. 7, pp.633-636, Libertyville, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  VIANNA, S. S. V.; Initial phase modelling in numerical explosion applied to process safety., 08/2013, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,Vol. a1, pp.1050-1050, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  ERNI SCHIMITZ, Jones; FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; SILVA, F. V.; FONSECA, R. R.; A fuzzy - split range control system applied to a fermentation process., 07/2013, Bioresource Technology,Vol. 142, pp.475-482, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2013
  LEITE, B. S.; ANDREUCCETTI, M. T.; D' ANGELO, José Vicente Hallak; TG and DSC analyses of eucalyptus black liquor as alternative methods to estimate solids content., 04/2013, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol. 1, pp.1539-11544, Dordrecht, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  SANTANA, J. C. C.; SOUZA, Roberto Rodrigues de; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; Evaluation of sensorial qualities of fruit wines by Kohonen neural network., 03/2013, Advanced Materials Research (Online),Vol. 601, pp.216-221, Millersville, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  COÊLHO, D. F.; A., Pessoa Júnior; SILVEIRA, E; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; Bromelain purification through unconventional aqueous two-phase system (PEG/ammonium sulphate), 03/2013, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Print),Vol. 36, pp.185-192, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2013
  SILVA, T. A. L.; CAMPOS TAKAKI, Galba Maria; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; Inorganic polyphosphate accumulation by Cunninghamella elegans (UCP 542) and its influence in the decolorization of textile azo dye Orange II., 03/2013, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Print),Vol. 15, pp.179-184, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2013
  MOINO, C. A. A.; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; External coefficient of heat transfer by convection in mixed vessels using vertical tube baffles., 03/2013, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 52, pp.2434-2438, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  SILVA, T. A. L.; PEREIRA, I. R. A.; GARRARD, Ian; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; Comparative study of the bromelain extracted from pineapple peel (Ananas comosus) and curaua leaves (Ananas erectifolius) varieties white and purple., 03/2013, International Review of Chemical Engineering (Testo Stampato),Vol. 5, pp.681-689, Sofia, Bulgária, 2013
  SUPPINO, R. S.; LANDERS, R.; COBO, Antonio José Gomez; Partial hydrogenation of benzene on Ru catalysts: Effects of additives in the reaction medium, 02/2013, Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print),Vol. 452, pp.9-16, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2013 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP