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Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento de Prótese e Periodontia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SANTOS, M.B.F.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; Influence of Different Soft Liners on Stress Distribution in Peri-Implant Bone Tissue During Healing Period. A 3D Finite Element Analysis, 10/2013, Journal of Oral Implantology,Vol. 39, Fac. 5, pp.575-581, Lawrence, KS, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  ALBIERO, M. L.; CASATI, M.Z.; SALLUM, E.A.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; RUIZ, K. G. S.; Efeito do processo inflamatório sobre as propriedades regenerativas das células-tronco do ligamento periodontal, 09/2013, Perionews (São Paulo),Vol. 7, Fac. 6, pp.581-586, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  CAMPOS, M. L. G.; BARBOSA, V. S.; RUIZ, K. G. S.; SALLUM, E.A.; SALLUM, A. W.; Curcumina como promissor agente fotossensibilizador para uso em Periodontia., 05/2013, Periodontia (Fortaleza),Vol. 7, Fac. 4, pp.376-382, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2013 *
  QUEIROZ, L. A.; MOURA, L. A.; SALLUM, A. W.; SALLUM, E.A.; Terapia periodontal regenerativa com proteína da matriz do esmalte associada com B tricálcio fosfato em área estética., 05/2013, Periodontia (Fortaleza),Vol. 7, Fac. 4, pp.355-359, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2013 *
  VALE, H. F.; SAITO, M. T.; DESJARDINS, M. P.; RUIZ, K. G. S.; SALLUM, E.A.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; CASATI, M.Z.; Abordagem regenerativa combinada de proteínas derivadas da matriz do esmalte e substituto ósseo em defeito infraósseo de paciente com periodontite agressiva., 02/2013, Perionews (São Paulo),Vol. 7, Fac. 1, pp.66-75, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  MOREIRA, A. R. O.; SANTAMARIA, M. P .; CASATI, M.Z.; SALLUM, E.A.; Retalho posicionado coronariamente associado a matriz de colágeno no tratamento de recessão gengival., 02/2013, Perionews (São Paulo),Vol. 7, Fac. 1, pp.31-36, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  M.C.L., GABARDO; GONÇALVES, L. M.; DEONIZIO, M.D.A.; SILVA, W. J.; Effectiveness of different obturation techniques in surpassing the ledge formed in simulated curved canals, 01/2013, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Impresso),Vol. 12, Fac. 2, pp.138-142, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2013
  BACCHI, A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; FARINA, A. P.; SOUZA, M. A.; CECCHIN, D.; Efficacy of different solvents in dissolution of root canal sealers, 01/2013, Full Dentistry in Science,Vol. 15, Fac. 4, pp.497-499, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brasil, 2013
  MOREIRA, A. R. O.; TAIETE, Tiago; CASATI, M.Z.; SALLUM, E.A.; Emdogain no tratamento de defeito infraósseo em paciente com periodontite agressiva generalizada., 01/2013, Periodontia (Fortaleza),Vol. 7, Fac. 2, pp.193-198, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2013 *
  SANTOS, M.B.F.; LUTHI, L. F.; ZAMPIERI, M. H.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; BARBOSA, C.M.R.; Tratamento endodôntico na terceira idade, 01/2013, RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online),Vol. 61, pp.485-489, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2013
Circulação Internacional
  RÖSING, C.K.; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Self-plagiarism in scientific journals: an emerging discussion, 12/2013, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 27, Fac. 6, pp.451-452, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  GONÇALVES, T. M. S. V.; CAMPOS, C. H.; MORAES, Marcio de; RODRIGUES GARCIA, R.C.M.; Mastication improvement after partial implant-supported prosthesis use, 12/2013, Journal of Dental Research,Vol. 92, Fac. 12, pp.189-194, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
  PRATI, A J; CASATI, M.Z.; RIBEIRO, F.V.; CIRANO, Fabiano R; PASTORE, G; PIMENTEL, S.P.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; Release of bone markers in immediately loaded and nonloaded dental implants: a randomized clinical trial., 12/2013, Journal of Dental Research,Vol. 92, Fac. 12, pp.161-167, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  BERTOLINI, M. M.; CAVALCANTI, Y. W.; BORDIN, D.; SILVA, W. J.; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Candida albicans biofilms and MMA surface treatment influence the adhesion of soft denture liners to PMMA resin, 11/2013, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.61-66, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  SILVA NETO, J. P.; PIMENTEL, M. J.; NEVES, Flávio Domingues; CONSANI, R. L. X.; SANTOS, M.B.F.; Stress analysis of different configurations of 3 implants to support a fixed prosthesis in an edentulous jaw., 11/2013, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.67-73, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013 *
  MARTINS, L.; GOMES, T. R. L. S.; SAITO, M. T.; GIORGETTI, A.P.O.; CASATI, M.Z.; FOSTER, B.L.; SALLUM, E.A.; SOMERMAM, Marta J.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; Novel ALPL genetic alteration associated with an odontohypophosphatasia phenotype., 10/2013, Bone (New York, N.Y.),Vol. 56, Fac. 2, pp.390-397, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
  SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; Influence of post thickness and material on the fracture strength of teeth with reduced coronal structure, 10/2013, Journal of Conservative Dentistry,Vol. 16, pp.139-143, Maharastra, Índia, 2013 *
  PEREIRA, T.; FERNANDES, F. S. F.; SKUPIEN, J.; MESKO, M.; STRAIOTO, F. G.; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Can New Dentures Decrease Candida Levels?, 10/2013, The International Journal of Prosthodontics,Vol. 26, Fac. 5, pp.470-477, Carol Stream, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  BACCHI, A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; SANTOS, M.B.F.; Effect of framework material and vertical misfit on stress distribution in implant-supported partial prosthesis under load application: 3-D finite element analysis, 09/2013, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica (Trykt utg.),Vol. 71, Fac. 5, pp.1243-1249, Oslo, Noruega, 2013
  LIMA, L. L.; CÉSAR NETO, J.B.; CAYANA, E. G.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, E.A.; CASATI, M.Z.; Parathyroid hormone (1-34) compensates the negative effect of smoking around implants, 09/2013, Clinical Oral Implants Research,Vol. 24, Fac. 9, pp.1055-1059, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2013
  RIBEIRO, F.V.; CASARIN, RENATO CORRÊA VIANA; PALMA, M.A.G.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, E.A.; CASATI, M.Z.; Clinical and microbiological changes after minimally invasive therapeutic approaches in intrabony defects: a 12-month follow-up., 09/2013, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 17, Fac. 7, pp.1635-1644, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2013
  BACCHI, A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; SANTOS, M.B.F.; Stress distribution in fixed-partial prosthesis and peri-implant bone tissue by different framework materials and vertical misfit levels 3-D finite element analysis, 09/2013, Journal of Oral Science,Vol. 55, Fac. 3, pp.239-244, Tokyo, Japão, 2013
  CORRÊA, M. G.; CAMPOS, M. L. G.; MARQUES, M.R.; CASATI, M.Z.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, E.A.; Histometric analysis of the effect of enamel matrix derivative on the healing of periodontal defects in diabetic rats with diabetes., 09/2013, Journal of Periodontology (1970),Vol. 84, Fac. 9, pp.1309-1318, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  SANTAMARIA, M. P.; FEITOSA, D. S.; CASATI, M.Z.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, A. W.; SALLUM, E.A.; Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating Connective Tissue Graft Plus Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Restoration for the Treatment of Gingival Recession Associated With Non-Carious Cervical Lesion: 2-Year Follow-Up, 09/2013, Journal of Periodontology (1970),Vol. 84, Fac. 9, pp.1-8, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  BERGAMASCHI, C. C.; BERTO, L. A.; VENANCIO, P. C.; COGO, K.; LEITE, M. F. M. B.; MOTTA, Rogério Heládio L.; SANTAMARIA, M. P .; GROPPO, FRANCISCO CARLOS; Concentrations of metronidazole in human plasma and saliva after tablet or gel administration., 09/2013, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,Vol. 66, pp.1-1, London, Inglaterra, 2013 *
  SANTAMARIA, M. P.; SUAID, F. F.; CARVALHO, Marcelo Diniz; NOCITI JR., F.H.; CASATI, M.Z.; SALLUM, A. W.; SALLUM, E.A.; Healing Patterns After Subgingival Placement of a Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer Restoration: A Histometric Study in Dogs, 09/2013, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry,Vol. 33, Fac. 5, pp.679-137, Hanover Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  ESTRELA, Carlos Estrela; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Evaluation of scientific merit, 08/2013, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 27, Fac. 4, pp.297-298, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  CAVALCANTI, I. M. G.; SILVA, W. J.; LUCENA, S. C.; POUSA, C. C.; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Influence of substratum position and acquired pellicle on Candida albicans biofilm, 08/2013, Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso),Vol. 27, Fac. 4, pp.369-375, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013
  SPAZZIN, A. O.; COSTA, Ana Rosa; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; CONSANI, R. L. X.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SANTOS, M.B.F.; Effect of bar cross-section geometry on stress distribution in overdenture-retaining system simulating horizontal misfit and bone loss, 08/2013, Journal of Biomechanics,Vol. 46, Fac. 12, pp.2039-2044, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2013 *
  PIMENTEL, S.P.; KOLBE, M.F.M.; RIBEIRO, F.V.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, E.A.; CASATI, M.Z.; Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of class II furcation: a randomized controlled clinical trial., 08/2013, Journal of Clinical Periodontology,Vol. 40, Fac. 8, pp.781-788, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2013
  GUI, M. S.; PEDRONI, C. R.; AQUINO, L. M. M.; PIMENTEL, M. J.; ALVES, M.C.; ROSSINI, Sueli; REIMÃO, r.; BERZIN, Fausto; MARQUES, Adriana Aparecida; BARBOSA, C.M.R.; Facial Pain Associated With Fibromyalgia Can Be Marked by Abnormal Neuromuscular Control: A Cross-Sectional Study, 08/2013, Physical Therapy,Vol. 93, Fac. 8, pp.1092-1101, Alexandria, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
  BHERING, C. L. B.; TAKAHASHI, J. M. F. K.; LUTHI, L. F.; HENRIQUES, G.E.P.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; Influence of the casting technique and dynamic loading on screw detorque and misfit of single unit implant-supported prostheses, 07/2013, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica (Trykt utg.),Vol. 71, pp.404-409, Oslo, Noruega, 2013
  NORO-FILHO, G.A.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; CASATI, M.Z.; GIOVANI, E M; Anti-infective periodontal therapy promoting improvement in systemic markers of HIV infection., 07/2013, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses,Vol. 29, Fac. 7, pp.1040-1044, New Rochelle, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  RODRIGUES, S. A.; NUÑEZ-PANTOJA, J.M.C.; TAKAHASHI, J. M. F. K.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; MESQUITA, M.F.; Effect of chemical cleaning agents on the flexural strength of acrylic and hard denture line resins, 07/2013, General Dentistry,Vol. 61, Fac. 4, pp.1-4, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  SILVA, T.M.L.; GIORGETTI, A. P. O.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; PERUZZO, D. C.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; One stage, full-mouth, ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of severe chronic periodontitis in smokers: a preliminary, blind and randomized clinical trial., 07/2013, Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology,Vol. 15, Fac. 3, pp.83-90, Memphis, TN, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  CAETANO, C. R.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; BACCHI, A.; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; SANTOS, M.B.F.; Influence of different flask systems on tooth displacement and framework misfit in mandibular fixed implant-supported complete dentures, 07/2013, The International Journal of Prosthodontics,Vol. 57, Fac. 3, pp.213-218, Carol Stream, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  VITTI, Rafael Pino; CONSANI, R. L. X.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Dimension accuracy of stone casts made by silicone-based impression materials and three impression techniques, 06/2013, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 24, pp.498-502, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2013 *
  BACCHI, A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; FEITOSA, V. P.; ASSAD CAVALCANTE, Larissa Maria; Repair bond strength in aged methacrylate and silorane based composites, 06/2013, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,Vol. 15, pp.447-452, Carol Stream, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
  DODO, C. G.; SENNA, P. M.; CUSTODIO, W.; LEME, Adriana Franco Paes; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Proteome analysis of the plasma protein layer adsorbed to a rough titanium surface, 05/2013, Biofouling (New York. Print),Vol. 29, Fac. 5, pp.549-557, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2013
  PERES, M. F. S.; RIBEIRO, E. P.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; RUIZ, K. G. S.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, E.A.; CASATI, M.Z.; Hydroxyapatite/B-tricalcium phosphate and enamel matrix derivative for treatment of proximal class II furcation defects: a randomized clinical trial, 03/2013, Journal of Clinical Periodontology,Vol. 40, Fac. 3, pp.252-259, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2013
  GONÇALVES, T. M. S. V.; OLIVEIRA, J. A.; AYALA, A. S.; RODRIGUES GARCIA, R.C.M.; Surgical resection and prosthetic treatment of an extensive mandibular torus., 02/2013, General Dentistry,Vol. 61, Fac. 1, pp.65-68, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  FOSTER, B.L.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; NAGATOMO, K J; SOMERMAN, M.J.; Tooth root dentin mineralization defects in a mouse model of hypophosphatasia., 02/2013, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,Vol. 28, Fac. 2, pp.271-282, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  FOSTER, B.L.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SOMERMAN, M.J.; Deficiency in acellular cementum and periodontal attachment in bsp null mice., 02/2013, Journal of Dental Research,Vol. 92, Fac. 2, pp.166-172, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  CASARIN, R. C. V.; SILVA, T. M. L.; SALLUM, E.A.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; DUARTE, Paloma; CASATI, M.Z.; GONÇALVES, Reginaldo Bruno; Subgingival biodiversity in subjects with uncontrolled type-2 diabetes and chronic periodontitis., 02/2013, Journal of Periodontal Research,Vol. 48, Fac. 1, pp.30-36, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2013
  AYALA, A. S.; CAMPANHA, N.H.; RODRIGUES GARCIA, R.C.M.; Relationship between body fat and masticatory function., 02/2013, Journal of Prosthodontics (Print),Vol. 22, Fac. 2, pp.120-125, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
  MELOTO, C. B.; SILVA-CONCÍLIO, L. R.; RODRIGUES GARCIA, R.C.M.; CANALES, G. T.; BARBOSA, C.M.R.; Effect of surface treatments on the bond strength of different resin teeth to complete denture base material, 01/2013, Acta odontológica latinoamericana,Vol. 26, Fac. 1, pp.37-42, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013
  DODO, C. G.; SENNA, P. M.; CUSTODIO, W.; LEME, Adriana Franco Paes; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Proteome analysis of the plasma protein layer adsorbed to a rough titanium surface, 01/2013, Biofouling (New York. Print),Vol. 29, pp.1-9, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2013
  GUIRALDO, R. D.; CONSANI, Simonides; CONSANI, R. L. X.; BERGER, S. B.; CORRER, Américo Bortolazzo; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Comparison of silorane and methacrylate-based composites on the polymerization heat generated with different ligth curing inits and dentin thickness, 01/2013, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 24, Fac. 3, pp.258-262, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2013 *
  LUCENA, S. C.; CAVALCANTI, I. M. G.; DEL BEL CURY, A.A.; Efficacy of Denture Cleansers in Reducing Microbial Counts from Removable Partial Dentures: A Short-Term Clinical Evaluation, 01/2013, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 24, Fac. 4, pp.353-356, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2013
  CASTRO, G. C.; ARAÚJO, C.A.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; NÓBILO, M.A.A.; MESQUITA, M.F.; Stress distribuition in Co-Cr implant frameworks after Laser or TIG Welding, 01/2013, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 24, Fac. 2, pp.147-151, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2013
  SANTAMARIA, M. P.; CASATI, M.Z.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; SALLUM, A. W.; SALLUM, E.A.; MACHION-SHADDOX, Luciana; Connective tissue graft plus resin-modified glass ionomer restoration for the treatment of gingival recession associated with non-carious cervical lesions: microbiological and immunological results., 01/2013, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 17, Fac. 1, pp.67-77, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2013
  ROSAMILIA KANTOVITZ, Kamila; PASCON, F. M.; NOCITI JR., F.H.; TABCHOURY, CÍNTHIA PEREIRA MACHADO; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; Inhibition of enamel mineral loss by fissure sealant: an in situ study., 01/2013, Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 41, Fac. 1, pp.42-50, Inglaterra, Inglaterra, 2013 *
  AYALA, A. S.; GONÇALVES, T. M.; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; RODRIGUES GARCIA, R.C.M.; Influence of Length of Occlusal Support on Masticatory Function of Free-End Removable Partial Dentures: Short-Term Adaptation, 01/2013, Journal of Prosthodontics (Print),Vol. 22, pp.313-318, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
  CAMPOS, G. N.; PIMENTEL, S.P.; RIBEIRO, F.V.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; CIRANO, Fabiano R; SARACENI, C; CASATI, M.Z.; The adjunctive effect of photodynamic therapy for residual pockets in single-rooted teeth: a randomized controlled clinical trial., 01/2013, Lasers in Medical Science,Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.317-324, Surrey, Reino Unido, 2013
  SILVA, M. C. V. S.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; SARDI, Janaina de Cássia Orlandi; MACÊDO, A. P. F.; TAKAHASHI, J. M. F. K.; MESQUITA, M.F.; Microwave irradiation as an alternative method for disinfection of denture base acrylic resins, 01/2013, Minerva Stomatologica (Testo stampato),Vol. 62, pp.23-29, Turin, Itália, 2013
  NUNES, S.P.; CASATI, M.Z.; CIRANO, Fabiano R; RIBEIRO, F.V.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; DUARTE, Paloma; BERNARDI, M. M.; Perinatal periodontal disease reduces social behavior in male offspring., 01/2013, Neuroimmunomodulation (Basel),Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.29-38, Basel, Suiça, 2013
  CARVALHO, B. C. F.; CARVALHO, E.M.O.F.; CONSANI, R. L. X.; Flapless single-tooth immediate implant placement, 01/2013, The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants,Vol. 28, Fac. 3, pp.783-789, Illinois, Estados Unidos da América, 2013
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