Centro de Engenharia Biomédica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
BECK, E.K.; SCHEEREN, E.; NOGUEIRA NETO, G. N.; NEVES, E.B.; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; NOHAMA, Percy; Relationship between peak and mean amplitudes of the stimulating output voltage for functional control of the knee by spinal cord patients and healthy volunteers, 06/2013, Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica (Impresso),Vol. 29, Fac. 2, pp.144-152, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2013 *
Circulação Internacional
ZAFALON JUNIOR, Nivaldo; OSHIYAMA, N. F.; BASSANI, José W. Magalhães; BASSANI, Rosana A.; Muscarinic stimulation and pinacidil produce similar facilitation of tachyarrhythmia induction in rat isolated atria, 12/2013, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology,Vol. 65, pp.120-126, London, Reino Unido, 2013 *
DE CARVALHO, Sônia Maria; BIANCARDI, R.; GABBAY, S.; CORREA, N; ROZENBLUM, S.; RAMOS, Celso Dario; BRUNETTO, Sergio Querino; OLIVEIRA, Sonia Maria Junqueira Vasconce; Comparison between spect and planar techniques for internal dosimetry of patients submited to a thyroid ablative therapy, 10/2013, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Cessou em 2001. Cont. ISSN 1619-7070 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Print)),Vol. 40, Fac., pp.126-126, Berlin, Alemanha, 2013 *
SEREN, M.E.G.; OLIVEIRA, Maria Lúcia de; ROCHA, FAC; BRUNETTO, Sergio Querino; CERQUEIRA, C. H. P. V.; SANTOS, AO; OLIVEIRA, R. P. M.; RAMOS, Celso Dario; SPECT/CT Images in the Calculation of Absorbed Dose Ratio Between Radiosynovectomy Procedures with 153Sm-HA and 90Y-HA, 10/2013, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Cessou em 2001. Cont. ISSN 1619-7070 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Print)),Vol. 40, Fac., pp.264-264, Berlin, Alemanha, 2013 *
BAZAN, Ovandir; ORTIZ, J.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, F. U.; VIEIRA, Reinaldo Wilson; ANTUNES, N.; TABACOW, F.B.D.; COSTA, Eduardo Tavares; PETRUCCI, O; Laser Doppler anemometry measurements of steady flow through two bi-leaflet prosthetic heart valves, 10/2013, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular,Vol. 28, Fac. 4, pp.462-469, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2013 *
BASSANI, José W. Magalhães; BASSANI, Rosana A.; Working out the heart: functional remodeling by endurance exercise training, 07/2013, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology,Vol. 60, pp.47-49, London, Reino Unido, 2013 *
GASPARINI, R. T.; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; Development of a MATLAB Environment Software for Simulation of Ultrasonic Field, 06/2013, Revista Ingeniería Biomédica,Vol. 07, Fac. 13, pp.57-67, Envigado, Colômbia, 2013 *
AMORIM ASSEF, Amauri; MAIA, Joaquim M.; KURT SCHNEIDER, Fábio; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; COSTA, Eduardo Tavares; A reconfigurable arbitrary waveform generator using PWM modulation for ultrasound research, 03/2013, Biomedical Engineering Online,Vol. 12, pp.1-21, London, Reino Unido, 2013 *
BECK, E.K.; SCHEEREN, E.; NOGUEIRA NETO, G. N.; NEVES, E.B.; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; NOHAMA, Percy; Analysis of functional electrical stimulation parameters by muscular contraction time and knee joint angular variation, 03/2013, Journal Biomedical Engineering Letters,Vol. 3, pp.1-7, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2013 *
NOGUEIRA NETO, G. N.; SCHEEREN, E.; BECK, E.K.; NOHAMA, Percy; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; The Influence of Window Length Analysis on the Time and Frequency Domain of Mechanomyographic and Electromyographic Signals of Submaximal Fatiguing Contractions, 02/2013, Open Journal of Biophysics (On-line),Vol. 03, pp.178-190, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
FARIA, M.; PAVIN, Elizabeth João; PARISI, M. C. R.; LORENA, Sônia Letícia Silva; BRUNETTO, Sergio Querino; RAMOS, Celso Dario; PAVAN, celia regina; MESQUITA, Maria Aparecida; Delayed Small Intestinal Transit in Patients with Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Investigation of the Relationships with Clinical Features, Gastric Emptying, Psychological Distress, and Nutritional Parameters, 01/2013, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics,Vol. 15, Fac. 1, pp.32-38, New Rochelle, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
FONSECA, A. V. S.; BASSANI, Rosana A.; OLIVEIRA, P. X.; BASSANI, José W. Magalhães; Greater cardiac cell excitation efficiency with rapidly switching multidirectional electrical stimulation, 01/2013, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (Print),Vol. 60(1), pp.28-34, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2013 *
NOGUEIRA NETO, G. N.; BECK, E.K.; SCHEEREN, E.; BUTTON, Vera Lucia da Silveira Nantes; Estimulação Elétrica Funcional Aplicada em Cadeia Aberta Um Estudo de Caso com Monitoração Mecanomiográfica, 01/2013, IFMBE Proceedings,Vol. 33, pp.627-630, Vienna, Austrália, 2013 *
SOUZA, R. N.; MÜHLEN, Sérgio Santos; Estudo Comparativo da eficacia dos Materiais Metálicos Utilizados parágrafo Blindagens de Salas de Ressonância Magnética no Brasil, 01/2013, IFMBE Proceedings,Vol. 33, pp.256-259, Vienna, Austrália, 2013 *
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