Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
ANDREANI, Roberto; SILVA, P. J. S.; CONSTANT RANK CONSTRAINT QUALIFICATIONS: A GEOMETRIC INTRODUCTION, 12/2014, Pesquisa Operacional (Impresso),Vol. 34, Fac. 3, pp.481-494, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2014
A. BELLER, Daniel; MACHON, THOMAS; M. SUSSMAN, DANIEL; OPAR, SIMON; P. GARETH, Alexander; D. RANDALL, Kamien; MOSNA, Ricardo Antonio; Geometry of the Cholesteric Phase, 09/2014, Physical Review X,Vol. 4, Fac. 3, pp.31050-31050, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
GHIDINI, C. T. L. S.; RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio; SILVA, Marilene; Solução Iterativa dos Sistemas Lineares do M´etodo de Pontos Interiores, 08/2014, TEMA. Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional,Vol. 15, Fac. 3, pp.275-291, Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, 2014 *
POLDI, K. C.; S. A. ARAUJO, S. A. Araujo; SMITH, J.; A GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL CUTTING STOCK PROBLEM WITH SETUPS, 05/2014, Pesquisa Operacional (Impresso),Vol. 34, Fac. 2, pp.165-187, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2014
SIMÕES, F. S. P.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; Algumas abordagens para o modelo epidemiológico SIS fuzzy:doença de Chagas Aguda, 01/2014, Biomatemática (UNICAMP),Vol. 24, pp.53-64, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2014
LAUREANO, E. E.; MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; Uma visão geral de algumas abordagens para processamento de dados, 01/2014, Biomatemática (UNICAMP),Vol. 24, pp.91-108, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2014
Circulação Internacional
MO YANG, Hyun; The basic reproduction number obtained from Jacobian and next generation matrices - A case study of dengue transmission modelling, 12/2014, Biosystems (Amsterdam. Print),Vol. 126, pp.52-75, Shannon, Reino Unido, 2014
COSTA, Jesse C.; DIETRICH WILHELM SCHLEICHER, Joerg; NOVAIS SCHLEICHER, MARIA AMELIA; Reduction of crosstalk in blended-shot migration, 12/2014, Geophysics,Vol. 80, Fac. 1, Tulsa, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
RODRIGUES, W.A.; VAZ, J.; CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, W. A.; VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; Elko Spinor Fields and Massive Magnetic Like Monopoles, 12/2014, International Journal of Theoretical Physics,Vol. 53, Fac. 12, pp.4381-4401, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
MARTINS, R. M.; MEREU, A. C. O.; Limit cycles in discontinuous classical Lienard equations, 12/2014, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,Vol. 20, pp.67-73, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2014
BARROS, T. T. L.; LOPES, RENATO DA ROCHA; TYGEL, Martin; Implementation aspects of eigendecomposition-based high-resolution velocity spectra, 11/2014, Geophysical Prospecting (Print),Vol. -, pp.1-4, The Hague, Holanda, 2014 *
BARROS, L.C.; LEITE, M.B.F.; BASSANEZI, RC; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; OLIVEIRA, R.Z.G. de; B. F. LEITE, Maria; Epidemiological Models of Directly Transmitted Diseases: An Approach via Fuzzy Sets Theory, 10/2014, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,Vol. 22, Fac. 05, pp.769-781, New Jersey, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; SILVA, R.C.M.; An inexact and nonmonotone proximal method for smooth unconstrained minimization, 10/2014, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 269, pp.86-100, Ammsterdam, Holanda, 2014
PERROUD, Herve; KRUMMENAUER, R.; TYGEL, Martin; LOPES, RENATO DA ROCHA; Parameter estimation from non-hyperbolic reflection traveltimes for large aperture common midpoint gathers, 10/2014, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics,Vol. 12, Fac. 2036, pp.679-686, Berlin, Alemanha, 2014 *
A. WAINER, SAMUEL; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, W. A.; A Clifford Bundle Approach to the Differential Geometry of Branes, 09/2014, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras,Vol. 24, Fac. 3, pp.817-847, México, México, 2014
DIMITROV BOZHKOV, Yuri; DIMAS, S.; Group classification of a generalization of the Heath equation, 09/2014, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Vol. 243, pp.121-131, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
VALLE, Marcos Eduardo; Complex-Valued Recurrent Correlation Neural Networks, 09/2014, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,Vol. 25, Fac. 9, pp.1600-1612, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
CARVAJAL, Xaveir; PANTHEE, Mahendra; On the well-posedness of higher order viscous Burgers' equations, 09/2014, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print),Vol. 417, Fac. 1, pp.1-22, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; MAINARD, F.; VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; Fractional models of anomalous relaxation based on the Kilbas and Saigo function, 09/2014, Meccanica (Milano. Print),Vol. 49, Fac. 9, pp.2049-2060, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
DE LEO, Stefano; ARAÚJO, M. P. B. M.; DE CARVALHO, S. A. de Carvalho; Maximal breaking of symmetry at critical angles and a closed-form expression for angular deviations of the Snell law, 09/2014, Physical Review. A,Vol. 90, Fac. 3, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
ARAUJO, M. P.; CARVALHO, S. A.; DE LEO, Stefano; Maximal breaking of symmetry at critical angles and a closed-form expression for angular deviations of the Snell law, 09/2014, Physical Review. A,Vol. 90, Fac. 3, pp.1-11, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
GONÇALVES, D. S.; GOMES RUGGIERO, Márcia Aparecida; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; GLOBAL CONVERGENCE OF DILUTED ITERATIONS IN MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD QUANTUM TOMOGRAPHY, 09/2014, Quantum Information & Computation,Vol. 14, Fac. 11-12, pp.966-980, Paramus, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
CENTRONE, L.; ACTION OF PONTRYAGIN DUAL OF SEMILATTICES ON GRADED ALGEBRAS, 08/2014, Communications in Algebra,Vol. 42, Fac. 8, pp.3491-3506, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
DE ASSIS MAGALHÃES GOMES NETO, Francisco; SENNE, T. A.; An algorithm for the topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures, 08/2014, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print),Vol. 99, Fac. 6, pp.391-409, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
DIMITROV BOZHKOV, Yuri; DIMAS, S.; Group classification of a generalized Black-Scholes-Merton equation, 07/2014, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,Vol. 19, Fac. 7, pp.2200-2211, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
W. KARAS, Elizabeth; SANTOS, Sandra A.; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; SVAITER, Benar Fux; Algebraic rules for quadratic regularization of Newton s method, 07/2014, Computational Optimization and Applications,pp.1-34, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
CHERRI, Adriana; ARENALES, M.N.; POLDI, K. C.; YANASSE, Horácio H.; VIANNA-MORGANTE, A. M.; The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers - A survey, 07/2014, European Journal of Operational Research,Vol. 236, Fac. 2, pp.395-402, Holanda, 2014
VALLE, Marcos Eduardo; A Robust Subspace Projection Autoassociative Memory Based on the M-Estimation Method, 07/2014, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,Vol. 25, Fac. 7, pp.1372-1377, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
PILA, M. F.; DIETRICH WILHELM SCHLEICHER, Joerg; NOVAIS SCHLEICHER, MARIA AMELIA; ALVES COIMBRA, Tiago; True-amplitude single-stack redatuming, 06/2014, Journal of Applied Geophysics,Vol. 105, pp.95-111, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
COMINETTI, Roberto; MASCARENHAS, W.F.; SILVA, P. J. S.; A Newton s method for the continuous quadratic knapsack problem, 06/2014, Mathematical Programming Computation,Vol. 6, Fac. 2, pp.151-169, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2014
NEVES, J. C. S.; VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto; Regular rotating black holes and the weak energy condition, 06/2014, Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics,Vol. 734, pp.44-48, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
FREIRE, I. L.; DIMITROV BOZHKOV, Yuri; IBRAGIMOV, Ibragimov; Group analysis of the Novikov equation, 04/2014, Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (Cessou em 1997. Cont. ISSN 1807-0302 Computational & Applied Mathematics),Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.193-202, Petropolis, RJ, Brasil, 2014
BARROS, L.C.; BASSANEZI, RC; JAFELICE, RM; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; CARLOS BASSANEZI, RODNEY; Study of the dynamics of HIV under treatment considering fuzzy delay, 04/2014, Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (Cessou em 1997. Cont. ISSN 1807-0302 Computational & Applied Mathematics),Vol. 33, Fac. 1, pp.45-61, Petropolis, RJ, Brasil, 2014
BIRGIN, Ernesto Goldberg Birgin; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; LEANDRO PRUDENTE, Leandro Prudente; Augmented Lagrangians with possible infeasibility and finite termination for global nonlinear programming, 02/2014, Journal of Global Optimization,Vol. 58, Fac. 2, pp.207-242, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
DE LEO, Stefano; GIARDINO, SERGIO; Dirac solutions for quaternionic potentials, 02/2014, Journal of Mathematical Physics,Vol. 55, Fac. 2, pp.22301-22302, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
SAMPAIO, J. C. S.; FREIRE, I. L.; Nonlinear Self-Adjoint Classification of a Burgers-KdV Family of Equations, 01/2014, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Vol. 1, pp.1-8, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
GHIDINI, C. T. L. S.; RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio; SORENSEN, D.C.; Computing a hybrid preconditioner approach to solve the linear systems arising from interior point methods for linear programming using the gradient conjugate method, 01/2014, Annals of Science,Vol. 3, pp.43-64, London, Reino Unido, 2014 *
PEIXOTO, Magda da Silva; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; CARLOS BASSANEZI, RODNEY; BASSANEZI, RC; A Model of Cellular Automata for the Fuzzy Control of Aphids, 01/2014, Applied Mathematics,Vol. 05, Fac. 08, pp.1133-1141, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
MO YANG, Hyun; Assessing the Influence of Quiescence Eggs on the Dynamics of Mosquito Aedes aegypti, 01/2014, Applied Mathematics,Vol. 05, Fac. 17, pp.2696-2711, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
BARBOSA, P. T. C.; VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto; Chaotic oscillations in singularly perturbed FitzHugh-Nagumo systems, 01/2014, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,Vol. 59, pp.28-34, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014
LIBERTI, Leo; MASSON, Benoit Masson; LEE, J.; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; MUCHERINO, Antonio; On the number of realizations of certain Henneberg graphs arising in protein conformation, 01/2014, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 165, pp.213-232, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
DELL, SERGIUS; GAJEWSKI, DIRK; TYGEL, Martin; Image-ray Tomography, 01/2014, Geophysical Prospecting (Print),Vol. n/a, pp.1-3, The Hague, Holanda, 2014
RODRIGUES, W.A.; VAZ, J.; CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, W. A.; VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; A generalized electromagnetic theory for the mass spectrum of neutrinos, 01/2014, Gravitation & Cosmology (Print),Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.10-14, Moscou, Rússia, 2014
MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; A Robust Subspace Projection Autoassociative Memory Based on the M-Estimation Method, 01/2014, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,Vol. 25, pp.1372-1377, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; Complex-Valued Recurrent Correlation Neural Networks, 01/2014, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,Vol. 25, pp.1600-1612, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
SEO, Jeongyeon; KIM, Jae-Kwan; RYU, Joonghyun; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; MUCHERINO, Antonio; KIM, Deok-Soo; BetaMDGP: protein structure determination algorithm based on the beta-complex, 01/2014, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Print),Vol. 8360, pp.130-155, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
ROSALES, Juan Carlos; MO YANG, Hyun; Modeling of Variability of Rainfall, Deforestation and Incedence of American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in Orán, Argentina, 1985-2007, 01/2014, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases (Print),Vol. 24, pp.1-11, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
KATO, Lilian Akemi; ROCHA DE OLIVEIRA, Samuel Rocha de; CARDOSO, Valdinei Cezar Cardoso; WHERE TO LEARN MATH? A STUDY OF ACCESS TO AN EDUCATIONAL CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE, 01/2014, International Journal of Science and Mathematical Education,Vol. 4, pp.45-62, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
JERUSA, P.R.LARA; PORTUGAL, Renato; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; A new hybrid classical-quantum algorithm for continuous global optimization problems, 01/2014, Journal of Global Optimization,Vol. 60, pp.317-331, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
BIRGIN, Ernesto Goldberg Birgin; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; LEANDRO PRUDENTE, Leandro Prudente; Augmented Lagrangians with possible infeasibility and finite termination for global nonlinear programming, 01/2014, Journal of Global Optimization,Vol. 58, pp.207-242, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
COSTA, Virginia Costa; MUCHERINO, Antonio; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; CASSIOLI, Andrea; CARVALHO, L.M.; MACULAN FILHO, N.; Discretization orders for protein side chains, 01/2014, Journal of Global Optimization,Vol. 60, pp.333-349, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
ARAUJO, M. P.; CARVALHO, S. A.; DE LEO, Stefano; The asymmetric Goos-Hanchen effect, 01/2014, Journal of Mathematical Physics,Vol. 16, Fac. 1, pp.1-7, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
BIRGIN, Ernesto Goldberg Birgin; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; RAYDAN, Marcos; Spectral projected gradient methods: Review and perspectives, 01/2014, Journal of Statistical Software,Vol. 60, pp.3-3, Alexandria, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
RAIMUNDO, Silvia Martorano; MO YANG, Hyun; Theoretical Assessment of the Relative Incidence of Sensitive and Resistant Tuberculosis Epidemic in Presence of Drug Treatment, 01/2014, Mathematical Biosciences,Vol. 11, pp.971-993, New York, N.Y., Estados Unidos da América, 2014
CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; MACHADO, J. A. T.; A Review of Definitions for Fractional Derivatives and Integral, 01/2014, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print),Vol. 2014, Fac. 2, pp.1-6, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
ABREU, E. C.; Numerical modelling of three-phase immiscible flow in heterogeneous porous media with gravitational effects, 01/2014, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Print),Vol. 97, pp.234-259, Amstedam, Holanda, 2014
ANDREANI, Roberto; TUNES DOS SANTOS, Lúcio; SVAITER, Benar Fux; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; On the behaviour of constrained optimization methods when Lagrange multipliers do not exist, 01/2014, Optimization Methods & Software (Print),Vol. 29, pp.646-657, London, Reino Unido, 2014
LIBERTI, Leo; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; MACULAN FILHO, N.; MUCHERINO, Antonio; Euclidean distance geometry and applications, 01/2014, SIAM Review (Print),Vol. 56, pp.3-69, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
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